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        Fast Eating Speed Increases the Risk of Endoscopic Erosive Gastritis in Korean Adults

        Min-Kyung Kim,Byung Joon Ko,E-Yeon Kim,Byoung-Duck Han,조경환 대한가정의학회 2015 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.36 No.6

        Background: Fast eating or overeating can induce gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis. However, the association between gastritis and speed of eating is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine whether eating speed is associated with increased risk of endoscopic erosive gastritis (EEG). Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional study involving 10,893 adults who underwent a general health checkup between 2007 and 2009. Two groups, EEG patients and EEG-free patients, were compared by using the t-test and the chi-square test. Multiple logistic regression analyses were performed to investigate the association between eating speed and EEG. Results: The group with EEG had a higher proportion of males, average age, body mass index, and percentages of current smokers and risky drinkers than those without EEG. After adjusting for anthropometric, social, and endoscopic parameters, the group with the highest eating speed (<5 min/meal) had 1.7 times higher risk for EEG than the group with the lowest eating speed (≥15 min/meal) (odds ratio, 1.71; 95% confidence interval, 1.20–2.45). Conclusion: High eating speed is an independent risk factor for EEG. Our results indicate the need for further studies to clarify the role of eating speed in gastritis.

      • 본태성 고혈압 환자의 적혈구 Na+-Li+ Countertransport 와 적혈구막 지방산 구성에 대한 연구

        이영우,고경수,고재준,박경수,김원배,한은경,김성연,조보연,이홍규,고창순,민현기 한국지질학회 1991 韓國脂質學會誌 Vol.1 No.1

        Since the changes of Na^+-Li^+ countertransport (SLC) Vmax in essential hypertension have been reported. it has been known that hyperlipidemia could affect SLC independently of blood pressure. To reveal the relation between SLC Vmax and RBC membrane fatty acid conposition in the hypertensive patients, we divided patients into two groups according to their levels of SLC Vmax of erythrocytes(elevated SLC Vmax: n=4, normal SLC Vamx: n=6). The results were as follows: 1) There was no difference in body mate index, waist-hip ratio, blood pressure, serum cholesterol level between two groups. Triglyceride were higher in elevated group (278.0±180.0 ㎎/㎗) than normal group (124.3±60.7 ㎎/㎗) but there was no statistical significance. HDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower in elevated group (32.0±3.6 vs. 44.8±8.9 ㎎/㎗) and free fatty acid concentrations, intracellular (RBC) Na^+ concentrations were similar between two groups. 2) The results of oral glucose tolerance test showed no differences in the glucose and insulin area, however the incremental insulin areas of elevated group (108.8±31.3, μU. min/㎖×10²) were significantly higher compared with those of normal group (56.3±20.7 μU. min/㎖×10²). 3) In the elevated group, palmitic acid proportions of erythrocytes (22.1±0.7%) were higher than those of normal group (20.1±0.7%) and SLC Vmax showed significant correlation (r=0.81, p$lt;0.01) with palmitic acid proportion. These results suggest that the abnormal lipid metabolism may change the RBC Na^+ transport system through the alterations of RBC membrane fatty acid composition.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        북한의 IT 딜레마와 이중전략 : 인터넷 정책과 소프트웨어 산업정책을 중심으로

        고경민,이희진,장승권 한국정보사회진흥원 2007 정보화정책 Vol.14 No.4

        북한은‘단번도약’의 핵심수단으로 IT산업을 강조하나 IT산업은 북한 경제에 큰 기여를 하지 못했다. 이 글은 인터넷과 소프트웨어 산업정책을 대상으로 북한이 처한‘IT 딜레마’를 기술하고 북한 IT‘ 이중전략’의 성격과 한계를 검토한다. 인터넷에서의 이중전략은 인터넷과 인트라넷의 분리 구축으로 나타난다. 이는 인터넷의 정치적 영향과 경제적 효과 사이에서의 전략 선택의 어려움에 기인한다. 소프트웨어 산업정책의 이중전략은‘우리식’개발 전략과 세계 표준에 기초한 개발전략의 형태로 나타난다. 이는 내수에서‘주체 과학’과 자력갱생을 원칙으로 한 개발 방식과 소프트웨어 수출 및 기술혁신을 위한 대외기술협력 사이에서 전략 선택의 어려움 때문이다. 북한의 IT 이중전략은 정보기술의 정치적 및 경제적 영향에 대한 고민의 결과이며, 이는 곧‘독재자의 딜레마’를 반영한다. 북한의‘이중전략’은 IT 발전의 과도기적 단계를 보여주며, 동시에 북한 개혁∙개방의 한계를 보여준다. 국내와 대외, 활용과 통제, 육성과 제한과 같은 이중성에 기초한 규제정책으로부터 세계적 표준에 입각한 활용과 육성 같은 적극적인 촉진정책으로 전환할 때, 북한의 IT는 도약발전의 수단이 될 수 있을 것이다. This paper examines North Korea’s dual strategies in Internet opening and software industry development. While North Korea stresses IT for its economic development, it is found that IT has made only a little contribution. The paper argues that the low performance of IT is attributed to the Dictator’s Dilemma regarding IT that North Kora faces. Due to the concerns for political impacts of the Internet, the Intranet system for domestic use has been developed separately from the Internet. While export and international collaboration are pursued for software industry,‘ our own’technology and development are also over-emphasised internally. These all originate from the Dictator’s Dilemma facing North Korea. For IT to contribute to economic development, it is required for North Korea to shift from the dualism dividing domestic-international, promotion-control and promotion-restriction to proactive promotion based on international standards.

      • 놀래기류에 기생하는 기생성 요각류, Caligus chanos에 관한 연구

        고유봉,문성하,강경표,고경민 제주대학교 해양연구소 1997 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.21 No.-

        The parasitic copepod. Caligus chanos parasitized on labridae fish around MunSum. Cheju Island, have been basically studied form Sep.. 1996 to Aug.. 1997. Parasitic pattern and water temperatures have a close relationship. which is high in June and low form Feb. to Apr.. Fishes of main hosts were Pseudolabrus japonicus and Pteragogus Ragellifer. Parasitic copepods prefer the body and tail of the host to the head, and prefer adult host to juveniles or older one.

      • 벌크 GaAs 반도체의 광 스위칭 특성

        고성택,강민제,조경호 濟州大學校工科大學産業技術硏究所 1996 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.7 No.2

        A model for a gallium arsenide(GaAs:Si:Cu) photoconductive switch has been developed and solved to determine the performance of the device in bistable switch applications. Simulation studies are performed on a GaAs switch system composed of different density of deep levels to investigate the influence of deep traps in a photoconductive switch system. The computer results show that the initial electron occupation at the deep accepters controls the on-state conductivity of the switch. The required photon flux to turn off the switch is obtained from the computer simulation.

      • KCI등재

        역대 서울특별시 지방의원의 사회적 배경과 충원 유형

        고경민,장성훈 서울시립대학교 부설 서울학연구소 2006 서울학연구 Vol.- No.26

        Political recruitment is one of the major components of local political process. It has to be organized in such a way that enhances representation, democracy, efficiency, and effectiveness of a local political system. This study is focused on representation among them. This study is analyzing a trend of patterns of political recruitment of local council members of Seoul city through social backgrounds variables such as political party, age, occupation, education. The analysis of social backgrounds of local councils members becomes a basis to evaluate how much local councils has representation and democracy, and can offer standard of political recruitment of local politicians for democratization and activation of local politics. According to the analysis results, Seoul metropolitan Council members preferred most was the people who had social backgrounds such as education of university graduation or above, age between 40s~50s, recommendation of political party and special politician. Similarly, Seoul district council members preferred most was the people who had social backgrounds such as education of high school graduation or above, age between 40s~50s, and special politician. If the highly educated person who had administrative ability and specialty becomes a local politician, accomplishing efficiency of local politics can be positive. But it has possibility to infringe core values such as social representation or democracy of local council. Because local politicians represent public opinion and interests of local residents, they must not be extremely different with social backgrounds of local residents. However, their social backgrounds can be different with it of local residents in order to have the ability to carry out role of the excellent representative. It is a dilemma of local council configuration to harmonize efficiency with representation. None the less, as for the local council configuration where reflecting various classes and their interests in local communities, development of institution and change of consciousness of local residents must consist at the same time.

      • 제2형 당뇨병 환자에서 우연히 발견된 기종성 방광염 1례

        박보민,김윤정,이영태,노정현,권수경,김동준,고경수,이병두,임경호,이순희,박정현 白中央醫療院 2005 仁濟醫學 Vol.26 No.1

        Emphysematous cystitis is an uncommon disease in which bacterias produce gas within the bladder wall and surrounding tissue. Patients with diabetes, neurogenic bladder and chronic urinary tract infection are predisposed to the disease. It is usually caused by E.coli and Klebsiella. Severity of illness ranges from an asymtomatic condition to life threatening cystitis. Succesful management depends on early diagnosis with correction of underlying causes, administration of appropriate antibiotics, establishment of adequate bladder drainage and surgical excision of involved tissue when required. We report a case of 52-year-old woman who did not compain of symtoms of cystitis but epigastric pain, nausea, and vomitting. Emphysematous cystitis was revealed on the abdominal X-ray series incidentally. CT scans of the pelvis showed mottled gas bubble within the bladder. After treatment, the symtoms subsided and plain abdominal film showed no evidence of gas shadow in the pelvic cavity.

      • KCI등재

        기분장애 환자의 스트레스와 정서반응 : 우울, 불안, 분노 반응

        박민철,오상우,류미경,피상순,고정인 대한생물치료정신의학회 1999 생물치료정신의학 Vol.5 No.2

        Objectives : This study was investigated to demonstrate the relationship between stress and emotional responses of depression, anxiety, and anger in patients with mood disorder.Methods : Fifty patients with major depressive disorder diagnosed by DSM-IV were compared to those with bipolar manic disorder. All subjects were evaluated for perceived stress, Beck depression inventory, dysfunctional attitude, state-trait anxiety, state-trait anger and anger expression. The data were analyzed by t-test, correlation, and multiple regression analysis.Results : The results were as follows.1. Depressive group had significantly higher score of perceived stressful life events, depression, state anxiety and trait anxiety than manic group.2. Perceived stress in depressive group was positively correlated with depression, anxiety, state and trait anger, anger expression and sex, however that in manic group was positively correlated with state anger and anger expression.3. In depressive group, trait anxiety, trait anger, age, and dysfunctional attitude predicted 70.6% of variance on depression, perceived stress predicted only 1.2%. Trait anxiety predicted 67.6% for state anxiety, and trait anger and trait anxiety predicted 41.5% for state anger, trait anger and sex predicted 34.0% for anger expression.4. In manic group, education and trait anger predicted 28.7% of variance of depression, and trait anger predicted 38.3% for state anxiety. Trait anger and education predicted 29.4% for state anger, and state anger and sex, state anxiety predicted 36.3% for anger expression.Conclusion : The results suggest that emotional responses to perceived stress in depressive group are related to depression, anxiety, and anger but those in manic group are related to anger.

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