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백석 시와의 연관성을 통해 본 오장환의 초기시 : 인간을 위한 문학의 옹호와 선택적 부정의 양상
장만호(Jang Man-Ho) 한국시학회 2009 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.25
This paper aims at finding a relationship between Oh Jang-hwan's poetry and Baek Seok's poetry, clarifying Oh Jang-hwan poetry's thematic consciousness, and characterizing the inner logic of Oh Jang-hwan's early poetry. This kind of work helps finding out the logical reasons for the complex aspects of Oh Jang-hwan's early poetry. A desirable poem for Oh Jang-hwan is the one that reveals a poet's emotion, opinions, and visions. The 'sentimentalism' for him is the emotion that a true person has to feel when he confronts with the real life and the natural effect of the contents over the forms. On the one hand, Oh Jang-hwan's criticism for Baek, Seok is caused by this kind of reason. On the other hand, Oh tries to find Baek Seok poetry's good points, the characteristics of returning family and hometown and refinding a value of the present reality and the future directionality. The thematic tendency of Oh Jang-hwan's early poetry is perceiving the past with the present perspective and narrating the past with the vision for future. This kind of tendency is embodied in <Jongga [the head family]>. However, Oh Jang-hwan does not reveal his commentary and critical attitude in the poems depicting the low class whom he empathizes or feels sympathy. This kind of tendency proves that Oh Jang-hwan's critical voice is not his own voice but an intentional one resulted by his poetic theory. The reason why he shows a critical attitude in his many poems in spite of this tendency is that he thinks criticizing the old customs, the false consciousness and the deceptive attitude of the Yangban [the upper class], human alineation of the capitalistic society, and the small businessmen is more important than sympathizing with the lower class. This kind of attitude tells that Oh Jang-hwan does not deny all aspects of the contemporary reality and tradition but negate them selectively differentiating between the objects of negation and the objects of empathy. The reason why the critical poems are more visible than the empathizing poems is that the object of denial is the structure of reality itself.
장만호(Jang Man-ho) 한국비평문학회 2009 批評文學 Vol.- No.32
Oh, Jang-Hwan is the poet who demonstrated the contemporary social reality and its contradictions obviously through his literary practice living through the Japanese colonial period, the emancipation and the division. Oh, Jang-Hwan’s perspective covers such a broad range as the denial of old customs, a firm belief in progress, the criticism on the capitalistic modern urban civilization, a decadent experience of sailing, an ambivalent emotion on his hometown, which is regarded as an exceptionally broad spectrum comparing his contemporary poets. This paper aims at grasping an inner logic that can explain Oh, Jang-Hwan poetry’s heterogeneous and contradictory characteristics, which are produced by its complex and various aspects. The inner logic is the doubleness of Oh, Jang-Hwan’s consciousness of denial, in other words, an irony emergedby negating both reality and self and the attitude of romantic disillusionment. First of all, this paper analyzes that Oh, Jang-Hwan’s consciousness of denial is expressed with the double aspects. Oh, Jang-Hwan is the poet who revealed a strong interest on the social reality. While he wrote poems that sympathize the lives of the low-class, he also created the poems that criticize the social reality. They negate tradition and old customs and criticize their fakeness. When this consciousness of the denial is toward his interiority, Oh, Jang-Hwan’s poems reveal the artificial pose and the decadent aspects. This paper regards the double negation and the contradictory attitude as the conspicuous characteristics of Oh, Jang-Hwan’s early poetry and named it as ‘the Irony of Denial.’ Second, this paper analyzes the characteristics of Oh, Jang-Hwan’s early poetry as the transformation from the romantic disillusionment to lyricism. This paper named this character as the ‘Romantic Disillusionment’ in that the emotions of self disillusionment are expressed with the romantic spaces. The frequent expressions in this early period such as ‘tears,’ ‘regret’, ‘sorrow’, and ‘death’ are the results of the lyric attitude that poetic subject inevitably had to arrive after getting through the disillusionment.
식민과 해방; 두 탑 사이의 거리 -발굴 작품을 중심으로 본 오장환의 해방기 시-
장만호 ( Man Ho Jang ) 민족어문학회 2011 어문논집 Vol.- No.64
This paper examines the relationship between Oh, Jang-hwan`s career as a poet and political practices from the liberation to detection to North Korea through his poems of the liberation period in ``Byeong-deun Seoul``(Diseased Seoul) published after the liberation and poems written after his detection to North Korea, newly unearthed by the author. Especially, his poem ``T`ap``(Pagoda) and translated poem ``Mister Twister`` newly unearthed and Han, Hyo`s criticism related to Oh, Jang-hwan are expected to offer new perspectives on the understanding of Oh`s poems. It seems that Oh, Jang-hwan had been thoroughly and consistently reflecting on his whereabouts in the colonial period not as a one-off thing and in this respect, we needs to shed new light on Oh`s self-reflection. His poems in the liberation period much more clearly showed self-reflection and hesitation of a poet who had passed the history of colonized nation than any other poets in that period and displayed ``individual sincerity`` based on this. After detection to North Korea, Oh wrote ``Pagoda``, which showed the cross-referential characteristics with poem ``Song of Zenith`` written in the colonial period. He expressed his hope and promise for a new world in poem ``Pagoda``, however, it was criticized as feudal and conventional in North Korea. To Oh, Jang-hwan, the distance between two ``Pagodas``, objects of poems, was the distance of his hope and promise for a new world, free from the suppression due to the colonization, but it also showed the distance between South and North Korean, or politics and poetry in the liberation period from the perspective of poetic history back then.
敬堂 張興孝와 17세기 경북 북부지역 성리학에 관한 연구
장윤수(Jang Yun-su) 대한철학회 2006 哲學硏究 Vol.99 No.-
이 연구는 외적으로 敬堂 張興孝(1564~1633)의 삶과 사상을 중심으로 하여 17세기 경북 북부 지역 성리학의 특징을 해명하는 것이 주된 목표이다. 그리고 내적으로는 영남학파 특히 퇴계학파가 지닌 이론적 특징과 실천적 관심을 장흥효와 경북 북부지역의 성리학자들을 통해 확인해 보려는 것이다. 장흥효는 17세기 경북 북부지역 성리학계의 최대 학자이다. 그는 여러 면에서 퇴계학파의 중심에 있으며, 또한 그 자신이 직·간접적으로 퇴계학파의 형성에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 그의 학문 관심은 이론 논변에만 머물지 않고 근본적으로 실천수양의 방면을 지향하였다. 그러나 종래 학계에서 장흥효에 관한 연구는 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 이 글에서는 퇴계학파의 이론적 標識를 염두에 두고 경당의 기본 성리이론과 실천적 삶의 특징을 그려보고자 한다. 경당의 성리이론에서 가장 주목되는 것은 體用論이다. 그는 體用의 구조로써 성리이론의 전모를 체계적으로 설명해 내고자 하였다. 그리고 경당은 인간과 만물을 理氣妙合의 존재로 보나, 퇴계와 마찬가지로 오직 인간만이 유일한 윤리적 존재일 수 있는 근거를 理에서 찾는다. 경당의 이러한 이론은 퇴계학파의 기본 이론을 이루는 標識 중 하나이다. 한편 경당은 성리학적 이론을 삶 속에 구체화하고 실현하기 위해서는 반드시 持敬의 삶을 살아가야 한다는 점을 강조하였다. 이러한 持敬論은 퇴계의 입장을 기본적으로 계승한 것이기는 하나, 경당에 이르러 더욱 구체적 삶의 모습으로 體現되며 이후 퇴계학파의 학자들에게서 공통적으로 찾아볼 수 있는 하나의 특징이 되었다. 이러한 점에서 경당은 퇴계학을 思辨的 이론뿐만 아니라 실천의 영역에서도 균형 있게 발전시켰다고 평가할 수 있다. 우리는 이 연구를 통해 종래 거의 주목받지 못했던 17세기 경북 북부지역의 성리학적 전통에 대한 새로운 이해의 계기가 마련되기를 기대하며, 특히 퇴계학파의 형성에 관한 이론적 토대가 보다 선명하게 그려질 수 있기 바란다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Neo-Confucianism in northern Kyeong-Buk Province in the 17th century in terms of Jang-Heung-Hyo"s (1564∼1633) life as a scholar and his thoughts. This study also compares Jang-Heung-Hyo and other scholars with Toe-Gye School in terms of theoretical characteristics and practical concerns of Neo-Confucianism. Jang-Heung-Hyo was one of the most famous scholars of Neo-Confucianism in northern Kyeong-Buk Province through the 17th century. His concerns had not been limited to theoretical arguments. He also emphasized practical and moral cultivation of the human mind. His main concerns were Yi-Hak(理學), Gyeong-Ron(敬論) and Sim-Hak(心學). These concerns had led him to pursue a society in which those fields are realized through cultivation and practice. He could become a key person of Neo-Confucianism in the 17th century by educating young students in northern areas of Kyeong-Buk Province. The Neo-Confucian traditions in northern Kyeong-buk Province has not been shed a proper light. Hopefully, this study can lead to a better understanding of the Neo-Confucian traditions in north areas of Kyeong-buk and the spread of Toe-Gye School.
장남경(Jang Namkyung),남유선(Nam Yousun) 한국디자인학회 2007 디자인학연구 Vol.20 No.6
The purpose of this design research was to broaden expression area of clothing design that focused on Korean culture. Wookjin Jang's painting works which show Korean identity through creating Korean beauty were applied to clothing design. Design ideas were originated from 3 Jang's works which are applicable to clothing design as well as present native province, the child's mind, and Korean emotional animal. Original motives were applied, but partially reorganized according to the item and silhouette. Nuno felt and needle punching were used as materials and techniques because they are excellent in expressing painting. Original colors shown on Jang's works were used as a main color way. Wool felts were mixed to portray overlapped colors. The Items were simple and basic coat, two-piece dress and one-piece dress in order to emphasis on motive and material. From this research it was confirmed that Korean paintings are outstanding design elements for clothing design. The warm texture as well as color mix of felt were appropriate for expressing Korean emotion, warm heart.
Floristic study of Jang-do (Isl.) in Korea
Son, Hyun-Deok,Gwon, Soon-Gyo,Jang, Jeong-Won,Sun, Eun-Mi,Kim, Byeol-Ah,Im, Hyoung-Tak The National Institute of Biological Resources 2013 Journal of species research Vol.2 No.2
We investigated the flora of Jang-do (Isl.), an island of the Heuksan archipelago, located in Heuksan-myeon, Shinan-gun, Jeollanam-do and discussed the remarkable plants found there. Thirteen-field trips (total 27 days) were completed from May of 2004 to May of 2013. As a result, we identified the distribution of 423 taxa in Jang-do (Isl.), comprising 104 families, 285 genera, 335 species, 78 varieties and 10 forms. There are a total of 95 taxa of floristic regional indicator plants. The floristic regional indicators are as follows; four taxa of level V such as Impatiens furcillata, four taxa of level IV such as Hosta yingeri, 14 taxa of level III such as Ophioglossum vulgatum, 5 taxa of level II, and 58 taxa of level I. In addition 10 red data plants, 2 vulnerable species (VU) including Calanthe striata for. sieboldii, and 4 least concern species (LC) like Ardisia crenata, 2 not evaluated species (NE) such as Hosta yingeri, were found in the investigated area. An unrecorded species, Fragaria (Rosaceae), was found in a forest of Jang-do (Isl.) for the first time in Korea.
敬堂日記를 통해서 본 張興孝 學團의 地形圖와 性理學的 思惟
장윤수(Jang Yun-su) 대한철학회 2008 哲學硏究 Vol.107 No.-
이 연구는 敬堂 張興孝(1564~1633)의 日記(敬堂日記)를 통해 장홍효 자신의 삶과 사상을 해명하고, 그리고 장홍효 學團이 중심이 된 17세기 경북 북부지역 성리학계의 地形圖를 그려내고 그 성리학적 문제의식과 이론적 특징을 재구성해보는 것이 주된 목표이다.’장홍효는 17세기 경북 북부지역 성리학계의 최대 학자이다. 그는 여러 면에서 퇴계학파의 중심에 있으며, 또한 그 자신이 직·간접적으로 퇴계학파의 형성에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 그의 학문 관심은 이론 논변에만 머물지 않고 근본적으로 실천수양의 방면을 지향하였다.’退溪學脈의 중심에 있는 장홍효는 退溪의 경우처럼 칠십 평생을 持敬의 삶으로 일관했다. 그리고 자신의 삶을 돌아보고 추스르는 일환으로 日記를 썼는데, 成人이 된 이후 거의 평생을 써갔다. 그의 日記는 무엇보다 자신의 수양과정을 기록해나간 工夫錄이라는 점이 특색이며, 門下生들과의 학업과정도 충실하게 기록해두고 있어서 17세기 경북 북부지역 성리학계의 동향을 파악하는 데 대단히 귀중한 자료이다.’종래 학계에서 장홍효에 관한 연구는 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 필자는 이 연구를 통해 종래 거의 주목받지 못했던 장홍효의 성리사상 뿐만 아니라, 17세기 경북 북부 지역의 성리학적 전통에 대한 이해를 도모해 보고자 하였다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Gyeong-Dang-Diary and Neo-Confucian in the District of Kyeong-Buk North in the 17th Century. Jang-Heung-Hyo(1564~1633) was one of the most famous scholars of Neo-Confucianism in northern Kyeong-Buk Province through the 17th century. His concerns had not been limited to theoretical arguments. He also emphasized practical and moral cultivation of the human mind. These concerns had led him to pursue a society in which those fields are realized through cultivation and practice. He could become a key person of Neo-Confucianism in the 17th century by educating young students in northern areas of Kyeong-Buk Province. Jang-Heung-Hyo kept a diary to reflect on own life. After he became a adult, he wrote a diary almost all life. He accounted for class process faithfully with disciples in a diary. First of all, his diary is study journal that account for own moral culture process. Therefore, His diary is a very important literature to understand the Neo-Confucian in the District of Kyeong-Buk North in the 17th Century. Hopefully, this study can lead to a better understanding of the Neo-Confucian traditions in north areas of Kyeong-Buk and the spread of Toe-Gye School.
한국문학과 서울의 토포필리아 1930년대 한국 현대시에 나타난 경성 제시 방식 연구 -김기림, 이상, 오장환 시를 중심으로-
장동석 ( Dong Seok Jang ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2013 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.41
In the 1930s, one of the significant feature in Korean modern poetry is presentation of Kyung-sung that a city has surfaced about the capitalism. In accordance with the capitalism in the city of Kyung-sung, it has been frequently mentioned by the poems of Kim Ki-rim, Lee Sang and Oh Jang-hwan. This study tries to identify the methods of presentation of the city of Kyung-sung and the interactive relationship between these methods and the contents. Kim Ki-rim presents Kyung-sung through the juxtaposition with the poetic objects, which are fragmentary. The poetic subject, as a observer at a distance of the object, is de-perspective. Therefore, these objects in Kim ki-rim`s poetry have their own individuality by this method of presentation and Kyung-sung is presented by these objects. By this process, Kim`s poetic subject exists as a poetic object in the poetic space. Consequently, the poetic subject and the poetic object have an equal relationship. However, Kyung-sung in Lee Sang`s poetry is mediation of the self-consciousness of poetic subject. Lee presents Kyung-sung by the repeated variation of a specific verse. In his poems, the poetic objects are unintentional, whereas the poetic speaker`s voice is maximized. At that point, these poetic objects are subordinate to the self-consciousness of poetic subject. The self-consciousness of poetic subject in Lee Sang`s poetry is mediated by his body, and that body is represented the capitalistic attribute in Kyung-sung. This presentation is completely distinguished from the previous poetry`s presentation that concentrates on the facts of reality. Besides, the self-consciousness of poetic subject has its hidden interiority, Because it is presented through the momentary manifestation. Accordingly, the body and the properties of Kyung-sung that are mixed with the self-consciousness of poetic subject also have their hidden interiority. Oh Jang-hwan demonstrates an attribute of Kyung-sung as in determined way in his poems. In Oh`s poetry, Kyung-sung is presented by the capitalistic attribute that is identified with the subjectivity of poetic subject. His poetry reifies the Kyung-sung`s negative elements through the dichotomous statement structure. In addition, Oh Jang-hwan`s poems concentrate on these negative elements. This statement structure can more effectively demonstrate that these negative elements of Kyung-sung correspond with the reality, unlike previous KAPF`s statement structure.
Jang,Kyeongmin(Kyeongmin Jang),Kim,Sung Hwan(Sung Hwan Kim) 한국농촌간호학회 2024 한국농촌간호학회지 Vol.19 No.2
Purpose: This study examines the relationship between omega-3 fatty acid intake and blood lipid levels among rural older adults in Korea. Methods: Using data from the 2022 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, we conducted a cross-sectional analysis of 269 older adults aged 65 and above from rural areas. We analyzed variables such as omega-3 fatty acid intake, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and lifestyle factors. Results: Omega-3 fatty acid intake significantly reduces triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levelsbut does not affect HDL cholesterol. The low omega-3 intake observed among these rural older adults may contribute to poorer cardiovascular health, highlighting the need for dietary interventions. Conclusion: To enhance cardiovascular health in rural areas, customized nutritional interventions and public health policies are essential. Community programs promoting omega-3 intake can help bridge the health gap between rural and urban older adults and support healthy aging in rural populations.
Jang Woo-chang(張祐彰) 대한한의학원전학회 2009 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.22 No.2
Jangseoksun(張錫純), a noted doctor of China in the early 20th century, has influenced the establishment of Contemporary Chinese Medicine greatly. <Uihakchungjungchamseorok(醫學衷中參書錄)>, which is an accumulation of Jang's lectures and publications, contains the essence of his medical spirit to fuse his theory and experience of Traditional Medicine and the newly imported Western Medicine knowledge of his time. <Sanghanrongang-ui(傷寒論講義)> is especially important, presenting the core of Jang's academic theory. In this book he gives full play of his unique experience of treating the Eum(陰, Yin) Deficiency Syndrome which is presented as excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower[上盛下虛]. He also shows the importance of merging theory and practice, the pliability to collaborate the Sanghan(傷寒, Damage from Cold) theory and Onbyeong(溫病, Epidemic Febrile Disease) theory and the study of the blended affect of external and internal pathogens.