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      • KCI등재

        전염소 투입 및 정수지 구조가 정수장 총소독능에서 갖는 중요성 평가

        윤제용(Je Yong Yoon),변석종(Seok Jong Byun),최유식(Yu Sik Choi) 한국물환경학회 2001 한국물환경학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Disinfection is one of the most important processes in water treatment plants since it protects consumers from waterborne diseases. In Korea, chlorine which is most frequently used as a disinfectant is generally applied in two ways: prechlorination and postchlorination. Postchlorination is to supply chlorine to the influent of a clearwell. While, prechlorination is to add chlorine to rapid mixing chamber or water intake in plants. Major disinfection reaction occurs in the step of post chlorination. Therefore, frequently, prechlorination is not counted on in evaluating disinfection credit. This study was conducted to evaluate the importance of prechlorination and the existence of baffling wall in clearwell with the United States disinfection requirement(Surface Water Treatment Rule). Eight water plants were considered. Yoon`s classification(1997) was selected in classifying the prechlorination practice in water treatment plant. It was found that most of the prechlorination practices performed in water plants(three out of four types) were not important in gaining any significant disinfection credit. One prechlorination practice conducted to remove ammonia in raw water became significant in meeting the disinfection requirement. Despite the existence of baffling walls of clearwell, T_(10)/T varied considerably in the range of 0.3-0.6, indicating that the existence of baffling wall itself does not guarantee the goodness of plug flow characteristics. For some plants, T_(10)/T were lower than that of US-EPA conservative recommendation which is considered when tracer test could not be performed.

      • KCI등재

        PSM을 적용한 반도체 산업에서의 재해예방 사례연구

        윤용구,홍성만,손제성,박범 대한설비관리학회 2003 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        It is a semiconductor product industry womed out enormous of loss that happened to accident for during in production exist to leakage, fire, explosion, using to variable chemical material of application, treatment, storage. This is presented to that improvement example for study, research, investigation of PSM in semiconductor industry and so processed to follow as theory consideration for PSM in semiconductor industry. This study did the object of research that S company is point to appointment and so give a account of S company PSM contents, searching to conclusion of PSM and consideration of problem and injury prevention for PSM expansion. From now on, PSM of semiconductor-injury is bring up improvement of problem, large-scale -company of semiconductor.

      • KCI등재후보

        주민참여형 농어촌 테마공원 개발계획 연구 : 청풍지구 농어촌 테마공원을 중심으로

        박용순,윤영근,제상호,손경석 경기대학교 부설 관광종합연구소 2014 여가관광연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Rural theme park is an on-going business that has been practiced by Ministry for Food, Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries since 2007. The business aimed to facilitate urban and rural interchange and local economy activation. Rural theme park themed communities by using unique natural and cultural properties owned by the locals. the project adopts bottom-up development that reflects opinions of residents in the tourism planning process. However, it seems to be true that residents have been excluded from tourism planning process even if they were the host of the project for the reasons of lack of knowledge on community-based rural tourism development and lack of experience on bottom-up development. The case of Chung Poong Area in Je Cheon rural theme park used in this study has prioritize residents' involvement in planning procedure. This project emphasized the importance of residents' participation and their role in the entire process of tourism development that ranges from project site decision to the major business decision. Thus, this study suggests a direction that can be used for the future rural theme park projects and community-based project related to planning and design in rural area. 농어촌 테마공원(Rura1 Theme Park) 사업은 2007년부터 농림수산식품부에서 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 농촌관광 수요를 충족하고 농촌지역의 활성화를 위해 진행하고 있는 사업으로 도농교류 및 지역경제 활성화를 목적으로 하고 있다. 농어촌 테마공원은 농촌지역이 가지고 있는 고유한 자연적,문화적 자원 등을 주제로 지역특색에 맞게끔 다양한 형태의 테마공원을 조성하는 것으로 지역주민의 의견을 적극적으로 수렴하는 상향식 사업으로 진행해 나아가고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 사업의 실질적인 주체인 지역주민의 경우 주민참여형 농환지역개발사업에 대한 이해부족과 상향식 사업에 대한 경험부족 등으로 계획수립 과정에서 소외되고 있는 것 또한 현실이다. 본 연구는 제천지구 농어촌 테마공원 기본계획을 수립하는 과정에서 지역주민의 참여를 우선적으로 고려하였으며,대상지 선정에서부터 주요사업 도출과정에 이르기까지 계획수립의 전과정에서 걸쳐서 지역주민의 참여와 역할에 대해서 언급하고 있다. 따라서 향후 농어촌테마공원뿐만 아니라 농어촌지역계획 수립과 관련한 주민참여형 사업에 기초자료로 활용될 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다.

      • 물질사용장애 환자의 색다른 것을 추구하는 기질

        김미영,박제민,윤경일,유택규,권도훈,김성곤,김명정,장기용 대한생물치료정신의학회 2001 생물치료정신의학 Vol.7 No.1

        In this study, the relationship between substance use and high-novelty seeking was tested using Cloninger et al's 240-items Temperament and Character Inventory(TCI) in 34 substance users(32 methamphetamine and 2 cocaine dependence disorders), 80 normal controls and 48 schizophrenics Demographic characteristics and substance use-related past history were taken by semi-structured interview. Subjects were aged 18-45 and general psychopathology was screened by Symptom Checklist 90 revised. The results were as follows. 1) Among temperament subdivisions in the TCI, novelty seeking(NS) was significantly higher in the substance users(22.1±4.9) than the normal controls(18.0±5.0) and the schizophrenics(15.6±3.3). There were no significant differences in other temperament subdivisions such as harm avoidance, reward dependence and persistence, neither character subdivisions such as self-directiveness, cooperativeness and self- transcendence. 2) A significant inverse correlation was found between NS and age both in the substance users(r=0.274) and the normal controls(r=0.468). This study suggested that the biogenetic temperament characteristics in substance use disorder were related with their high novelty seeking, not low harm avoidance.

      • KCI등재

        서울시민의 수돗물 불소화에 대한 인식

        장재연,조수남,윤제용 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Public perception concerning water fluoridation and influencing factors were assessed. A mailing survey was conducted in 1999 with a representative sample of the general Seoul citizen (response rate=40.1%), who consisted of 1108 adults aged between 20 and 78. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test and structural equation modeling. 48.3% favored and 11.4% opposed water fluoridation while 40.5% were not certain. The contact on information about water fluoridation was the most significantly influencing factor on the perception concerning water fluoridation while experience of marriage, income and the perception of tap water were also significant. 52.8% expect governmental health authorities to take the decisions about water fluoridation.

      • KCI등재후보

        서울시 정수장의 필요 소독능 관리 현황

        염철민,조순행,윤제용 대한상하수도학회 2002 상하수도학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        This study was designed to evaluate the disinfection performance in water treatment plants (WTPs, n=16) in Seoul. Disinfection requirement based on the SWTR (Surface Water Treatment Rule) of the U.S. (0.5-log and 1.5-log Giardia removal) was applied in estimating the disinfection performance of WTPs in Seoul. The water treatment process or unit steps used for this evaluation includes inlet pipe line, flocculation basin, sedimentation basin, clearwell, and storage tank. The major results are as follows. First, it was found that all WTPs in Seoul meet a virus removal criteria (4-log removal). Second, the baffling factors (T_10/T) in treatment processes used for this evaluation which was selected by Seoul Water Works were found 1.0 for inlet pipe line, 0.2 for flocculation basin, 0.7 for sedimentation basin, and 0.5 for clearwell, respectively. Since the selection of right baffle factors (T_10/T) is critically important, further rationalization is required in this process. Residual chlorine concentration in clearwell varied from 0.4 to 1.0mg/L. Third, for the disinfection criteria of 3-log Giardia inactivation, almost all of disinfection data which were provided by Seoul Water Works can meet the CT requirement even at worst water quality condition. However, if disinfection criteria is strengthened to 4-log Giardia inactivation, then only 38% of disinfection data can meet the CT requirement. Rational disinfection criteria need to be developed, based on the occurrence of Giardia or other indicating microorganisms occuring in source water. Fourth, significant improvement of disinfection performance in 2001 at all WTPs in Seoul was made as compared to that of 1999 year.

      • KCI등재

        중증 만성정신질환자 수의 추산 : Through Two Community Surveys 두 지역사회 조사를 중심으로

        홍진표,김윤,배재남,정유진,강영호,양병국,김용익,김병후,이철,조맹제 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.2

        국내 중증 만성정신질환자 수를 추정하기 위하여 일 농촌 및 대도시 지역의 지역의료보험 및 의료보호 대상자 중 1993년 1년간 의료기관에서 정신증 상병(ICD-9 code 상 290-299) 및 알콜 남용/중독, 성격장애 및 정신박약 진단하에 치료를 받은 적이 있는 사람에 대해 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구자들이 개발한 진단도구를 이용하여 진단을 평가하고, Strauss-Carpenter scale 등을 이용하여 기능 장애를 평가하고 유병기간 등을 조사하였다. 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 진단평가상 정신분열병군(61.1%)이 가장 많았으며, 정동장애군(23.7%), 알콜장애군(11.2%), 기질성 정신장애군(4.0%)의 순서이었다. 2) 직업활동정도는 진단군별로 차이가 많았다. 지난 1년간 직업활동이 6개월 미만이거나 전혀 없는 환자 비율이 정신분열병군은 67.2%, 알콜장애군 52.0%, 정동장애20.8%의 순으로 정신분열병군이 가장 불량하였다. 3) 사회활동도 진단군별로 차이가 많아서 지난 1년간 의도적, 사회활동이 없는 비율이 정신분열병군이 가장 높았고(72.3%), 알콜장애군(32.0%), 정동장애군(20.7%)의 순이었다. 4) 국내 의료보험 및 사회복지시설 이용 자료 등을 토대로 본 조사 결과를 적용한 결과 국내중증 만성 정신질환자의 수는 약 8만 7천명으로 추산되었다. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to estimate the number of serious and persistent mentally ill patients in Korea. Methods : Study populations were recruited from medical insurance data of two district areas ; one rural and the other urban areas. Subject were all mentally ill who had ever visited any hospital in 1993 and were diagnosed as having psychosis, personality disorder and drug abuse. We conducted a home visiting survey applying semi-structured diagnostic interview, assessing the level of social adjustment with Strauss-Carpenter Scale, and past psychiatric history by the trained researchers, in October and November,1994. Results : According to diagnostic assessment schizophrenic patients constituted the major portion(61.1%) of study subjects. The distribution of occupational functions and social contacts was variable according to diagnosis. Most schizophrenic patients were unemployed or worked less than 6 months in the previous year(67.2%), and showed poor social contact(72.3%). But affective disorder patients were relatively independent in job maintenance and social relationship. Alcoholic patients lay between those of schizophrenic and affective disorder groups. It was estimated that about 87,000 adult Koreans were suffering from chronic mental disorders which seriously interfere with their daily life. Conclusions : Serious and persistent mentally ill patients were common in Korea. Community support program should be provided for them.

      • KCI등재

        착화제와 유기산이 Wistar rat체내의 Sr 분포에 미치는 영향

        이기호,이제호,박상윤,이승훈,유용운,윤택구 대한방사선 방어학회 1990 방사선방어학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Wistar rat에 85SrCl2를 꼬리 정맥에 주사하여 체내 기관과 혈액 내 분포, 잔존율을 조사하였고 착화제와 유기산을 투여하여 혈장 단백질에 결합하는 Sr양의 변화를 측정하였다. 혈액내에서 Sr은 혈장에 60%, 세포에 40%부착되어 이동하였다. 혈장에 존재하는 Sr중 약 50%정도는 혈장 단백질과 결합한 상태였고, 세표에는 세포 표면에 가볍게 부착되어 있었다. Erythrocyte나 granulocyte보다 lymphocyte에 많은 양의 Sr이 부착되어 있었다. 투여후 초기 1시간 이내에 혈액 내에서 급격히 감소하여 뼈에 침착되었다. 이때 각 기관에서도 Sr의 잔존율은 24시간 이내에 크게 감소하였고, 뼈로 침착된 Sr은 24시간 이후에 서서히 감소하였다. 착화제 EDTA, EGTA 및 DTPA를 투여한 경우, 혈장 단백질에 결합하는 Sr의 양은 대조군의 57%에서 27-33%로 감소하였으며 citrate 및 oxalate의 투여시는 이값이 19%와 40%로 각각 감소하였다. 85SrCl2 was injected to the tail vein of Wistar rats and investigated its distribution and clearance in the tissues and blood. We also measured the changes in Sr binding to the blood plasma protein by administrating chelating agents and organic acids. For the blood, 60% of the Sr occurred in the plasma and 40% on the cell membrane. Fifty percent of Sr in the blood plasma was bound to plasma protein. Sr on the cell membrane seemed to be bound loosely. The binding in the lymphocyte was higher than in the erythrocyte and granulocyte. Within one hour Sr was quickly disappeared from the blood stream, to be accumulated in the bone. Twenty four hours after the injection, Sr decreased rapidly in the organs of soft tissue, but slowly in the bone. The binding of Sr to plasma protien decreased from 57% of the control to 27-33% in the group treated with chelating agents. EDTA. EGTA and DTPA and to 19% and 40% in the groups treated with organic acids, citrate and oxalate, respectively.

      • 만성 C형 간염 환자에서 페그인터페론 알파2a와 리바비린 병합 치료중 발생한 벨마비 1예

        김일환,장제혁,유충헌,최규남,고정해,김윤정,서광원,김지현,박성재,박은택,이연재,이상혁,설상영 인제대학교 2008 仁濟醫學 Vol.29 No.-

        페그인터페론과 리바비린 병합요법은 만성 C형 간염의 일차 치료법이다. 저자들은 만성 C형 간염 환자에서 페그인터페론 과 리바비린 병합 요법 중에 발생한 벨마비 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. 환자는 5년 전부터 만성 C형 간염을 앓아온 48세 남자이며, PEG-IFN α-2a 135μgm 피하주사 주1회와 하루 1200㎎의 리바비린을 투여하였다. 치료시작 후 9개월째 환자는 오른쪽 안면의 근력약화를 호소하였으며 벨마비로 진단되었다. 페그인터페론과 리바비린 병합요법을 지속하면서 관찰하였다. 환자의 벨마비는 페그인터페론 치료를 중단하지 않았음에도 3개월후 증상이 회복되고 이후 벨마비 재발 없이 현재 경과관찰 중이다. 만성 C형 간염에서 페그인터페론과 리바비린 병합 요법시 벨마비의 발생 가능성을 염두에 두어야 하겠다. A Case of Bell's Palsy Associated with Combination Therapy of Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a (PEG-IFN) and Ribavirin for Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection Pegylated interferon alfa(PEG-IFN α) and ribavirin therapy is the first line treatment for chronic hepatitis C. Mild complications of the therapy are common, but more serious complications are rare. We report here a case of Bell's palsy that occurred in a patient with chronic hepatitis C virus infection during combination therapy of PEG-IFN α-2a and ribavirin. The patient was 49-year-old man with chronic hepatitis C (genotype 1b) for 8 years. He had compensated liver cirrhosis with splenomegaly. Therapy with PEG-IFN α- 2a 135mcg/week and ribavirin 1200mg/day was initiated. After 9 months of the therapy, the patient showed a loss of muscular tone on the right side of his face. A diagnosis of Bell's palsy was made. The Bell's palsy resolved over 3 months despite continuation of the combination therapy.

      • KCI등재

        정신장애인 치료에 중요 역할 담당자의 정신질환에 대한 태도조사

        김병후,정선욱,강연화,김윤,김창엽,홍진표,한오수,조맹제,김용익 大韓神經精神醫學會 1996 신경정신의학 Vol.35 No.5

        Objectives : Attitudes of families of mentally ill, health personnels and community leaders to the mentally ill after the development and utilization of the community mental health program and reintegration of the chronically ill patients into society. This study was designed to compare the attitudes toward the mentally ill patient of the persons who have important role in treating the mentally ill and to find the variables influencing the attitudes. Methods : We measured attitudes toward mental illness in psychotic patients' families(N=139), community leaders(N=180) and health personnels(N=324) including mental health personnels before the implementation of community mental health services in Yonchon county and Seodaemun district area. The instrument used to measure attitudes was Opinion about Mental Illness(O. M. I.) scale. Results : 1) Health personnel showed lower Authoritarianism(Factor A) and higher Benevolence(Factor B) scores on the average than community leaders and psychotic patients families. 2) Current residence affect the attitudes in psychotic patients' families, not in community leaders and health personnels. Families in urban area showed lower Authoritarianism(Factor A) and Social Restrictiveness(Factor D) and higher Benevolence(Factor B) scores than in the rural areas. 3) Many patient variables were correlated to the attitudes of families. Duration of illness, number of recurrence, number of admission, age of patient and family burden were positively correlated mainly to Social Restrictiveness(Factor D). 4) Sex and religion of respondents showed no or weak relationship with the factor scores. Conclusions : Education for community leaders and families is required to achieve successful community mental health services. Community support program should be developed for chronic, recurrent and burdensome psychiatric patients in the first place.

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