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      • 재발성 류마티즘 환자에서 발작의 유발인자

        주유철,이동민,양종태,신병철,임태영,서정균,정기영,최동헌,김원,조영신,고희관 조선대학교 2001 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.26 No.2

        Background and Objectives : Palindromic rheumatism (PR) is known to be triggered without any obviously inciting events in most patients, although, in a few cases, attacks have been noted to relate to another events such as weather change, childbirth, ingestion of certain foods, or over-exercise. The aim of this study was to characterize the triggering factors on palindromic attacks. Materials and Methods : We evaluated sixty-four patients with PR for the presence of triggering factors and the relationship between attacks and triggering factors by interview of patients. We considered that there was an probable association between episodes and PR, if episodes within 24 hours prior to PR had triggered at least 50% of all attacks and a definite association between episodes and PR, if episodes within 24 hours prior to PR had triggered 100% of all attacks. Results : In 15 patients (35.9%), there was a possible association between episodes of PR and initiating events. In 8 patients (12.5%), there was a definite association between episodes of PR and initiating events. The triggering factors were physical over-activity including exercise (19/64: 29.7%), foods, such as rawfish, crab, and chicken, including alcohol (19/96: 19.8%). However, there were no difference between the groups with and without the triggering factor in sex ratio, duration and onset of PR, the positive rate of rheumatoid factor and involved sites. Conclusion : Our observations showed that PR was triggered by physical over-activity more than in previous reports and hypersensitivity to foods was a causative factor in some patients with PR. However, patients with triggering factors had a similiar clinical profile to patients without triggering factors.

      • 급성 심근경색 초기에 도플러 심초음파를 이용한 좌심실 이완기 기능의 평가

        신원용,김주성,김철현,이광희,최태명,현민수,김성구,권영주 순천향의학연구소;Soonchunhyang Medical Research Institute 2000 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.6 No.1

        Background : Congestive heart failure after acute myocardial infarction relate to left ventricular systolic sysfunction. Also, left ventricular diastolic function contribute to heart failure. The aims of this study were, firstly to characterize left ventricular diastolic function by transmitral flow velocity, and secondly to study the significance of Doppler measurements in relation to the development of heart failure in the early phase of myocardial infarction. Method : Pulsed Doppler echocardiography of transmitral flow was assessed in 34 patients with acute myocardial infarction. According to the Doppler transmitral flwo velocity profile, the study patients were assigned to the three groups: normal filling pattern (DT > 140ms, IVRT < 100ms), relaxation abnormality (DT > 140ms, IVRT ≥ 100ms), pseudonormal or restrictive pattern (DT ≤ 140ms). Also, on the basis of the presence of heart failure during first week of hospitalization, the patients were divided into two groups: patients with no sign of heart failure (Killip class Ⅰ) and heart failure (Killip class Ⅱ-Ⅳ). Results : Of the 34 patients studied, 10(29%) were normal filling pattern, 17(50%) abnormal relaxation and 7(21%) were restrictive patterns. The left ventricular ejection fraction(EF, 40 ±6%) of restrictive pattern was significantly lower than that of normal filling pattern of abnormal relaxation(p < 0.01). And, the IVRT, DT, E/A and left ventricular EF were reduced in patients with heart failure(14 patients) compared to no sign of heart failure(20 patients)(p<0.05). Of the patients with heart failure, IVRT and left ventricular EF were reduced in patients with DT≤140 ms compared to DT> 140ms(p=0.001). Conclusion : Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction is present early after onset of symptoms of acute myocardial infarction. Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function complements measurements of systolic function in the evaluation of cardiac function. DT, IVRT, E/A and left ventricular EF are useful predictors for development of congestive heart failure following acute myocardial infarction.

      • 운동부하양식에 따른 심폐 능력의 비교분석

        전태원,우재홍,신창호,이기봉,이광희,박익렬,박성태,강현주 서울대학교 체육연구소 2000 서울大學校 體育硏究所論集 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study this study was to comparative analysis the V02max and HR through arm ergometer exercise, bicycle ergometer exercise, and treadmill exercise and to propose correct data of aerobic ability according to GXT. Subjects for study were 8 healthy male students. The process of the test were performed maximal GXT on arm ergometer exercise, bicycle ergometer exercise, and treadmill exercise and measured V02max, max heart rate and recovery time of 3 VO2 and heart rate respectively. The conclusions were supported by the findings of this study: 1.There were significant differences between test style and V02/kg/min(p<.05). 2.There were significant differences between test style and test stage at heart rate(p<.05) There were no effect of reciprocal action. Therefore, V02/kg/min should be on individual exercise prescription guiedlines for health promotion should be provided proper GXT which are arm ergometer exercise, bicycle ergometer exercise, and treadmill exercise.

      • 디지탈 영상처리를 위한 데이타 취득 시스템에 관한 연구

        박규태,진용옥,김장복,박명구,신태민,김한주 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1983 논문집 Vol.15 No.2

        A computer vision system for recognition and processing any visible objects is designed. Analog video images are digitized and stored in the internal memory of a microcomputer system and these digitized data are output through a bit-image printer. The kirsch edge operator is used for the processing. In order to compare the result of Kirsch edge enhancement, two images "a Man" and "a figure" are tested. Because of the limitations of the speed of A/D converter and the capacity of internal memory, the operation of the system is a still-picture mode. Upper 4 bit date of the memory are used for printing out the image, so as to the gray levels are sixteen. The output size of the bit-image printer is 120x120, and 2 horizontal lines are printed simultaneously per 1 carriage return because the printer has a 8 pin head. The system is designed to have compatibility with any microcomputer system which has a S-100 bus structure.

      • ?茶의 吸濕特性

        李周伯,鄭信敎,孫泰華,崔鍾旭 慶北大農學誌編輯委員 1986 慶北大農學誌 Vol.4 No.-

        市販 ?茶를 20℃에서 相對濕度를 달리하여 저장하면서 吸濕特性을 조사하였다. ?茶의 吸濕速度는 貯藏相對濕度가 높을수록 컸으며 貯藏時間이 경과함에 따라 점차 감소하였다. ?茶의 等溫吸濕曲?은 전형적인 Sigmoid 형태를 나타내었으며 相對濕度가 일정할 때 저장시간과 흡습속도와의 관계에서 다음과 같은 式을 구할 수 있었다. ln(dw/dt)=nln(t) + ln c B.E.T. 式에 의해 구한 ?茶의 單分子層水分含量은 7.01~7.87%로 나타났다. 貯藏時間과 吸濕速度關係式에서 구한 계산치 수분함량과 실측치수분함량을 비교한 결과 거의 유사한 경향이었다. The sorption characteristics of green tea were investigated at 20℃ with various relative humidities. Particle size showed little effect on the sorption behavior of green tea. At low relative humidities below 57%, the sorption equilibrium were easily attained, but a high relative humidities above 75%, the sorption equilibrium were not reached after 10 days. From the estimation of sorption rate at arbitrary humidities an empirical equation was obtained; Ln(dw/dt)=nLn(t) + Ln c The monolayer moisture contents of green tea obtained by B.E.T. equation were found to be 7.87%(powder) and 7.01%(whole), respectively.

      • KCI등재

        법랑모세포 분화와 법랑질 형성과정에서 OD314, Apin protein의 발현 및 기능

        박종태,최용석,김흥중,정문진,오현주,신인철,박주철,손호현 대한치과보존학회 2006 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.31 No.6

        본 연구에서는 법랑모세포 분화와 법랑질 형성에 연관이 있는 OD314 일명 Apin protein의 기능을 밝힐 목적으로, in-situ hybridization에 의한 OD314 mRNA 발현과 법랑모세포 세포주에서 OD314 enamel matrix protein의 발현, 그리고 OD314 유전자를 과발현/억제시킬 수 있는 construct를 제작한 후 법랑질 형성 중에 OD314의 기능을 알아보고자 RT-PCR를 시행하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. OD314 mRNA는 발생중인 상아모세포보다 법랑모세포에서 강하게 발현되었다. 2. Tuftelin은 석회화 결정이 형성되는 14일까지 발현이 지속되고, 그 이후부터 점차 감소하였다. Amelogenin과enamelin은 7일부터 그 발현이 점점 감소하였다. 3. U6-OD314 siRNA construct를 이용하여 transfection한 법랑모세포 세포주는 OD314와 tuftelin,MMP2 mRNA 발현이 감소하였으며, CM-OD314를 transfection하여 OD314의 과발현을 유도한 경우에는 OD314와 MMP20 mRNA의 발현이 뚜렷이 증대되었다. 이 결과는 OD314가 법랑모세포의 분화와 법랑질의 형성 그리고 석회화 과정에 중요한 역할을 하는 새로운 인자임을 시사한다. This study was aimed to elucidate the biological function of OD314 (Apin protein), which is related to ameloblast differentiation and amelogenesis. Apin protein, calcifying epithelial odontogenic (pindborg) tumors (CEOTs)-associated amyloid, were isolated from CEOTs, and has similar nucleotide sequences to OD314. We examined expression of the OD314 mRNA using in-situ hybridization during tooth development in mice. Expression of OD314 and several enamel matrix proteins were examined in the cultured ameloblast cell line up to 28 days by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification. After inactivation and over-expression of the OD314 gene in ameloblast cell lines using U6 vector-driven RNA interference and CMV-OD314 construct, RT-PCR were performed to evaluate the effect of the OD314 during amelogenesis. The results were as follows: 1. In in-situ hybridization, OD314 mRNAs were more strongly expressed in ameloblast than odontoblast. 2. When ameloblast cells were cultured in the differentiation and mineralization medium for 28 days, the tuftelin mRNA expression was maintained from the beginning to day 14, and then gradually decreased to day 28. The expressions of amelogenin and enamelin were gradually decreased according to the ameloblast differentiation. 3. Inactivation of OD314 by U6-OD314 siRNA construct down-regulated the expression of OD314, MMP-20, and tuftelin, whereas over-expression of OD314 by CMV-OD314 construct up-regulated the expression of OD314 and MMP-20 without change in tuftelin. These results suggest that OD314 is considered as an ameloblast-enriched gene and may play the important roles in ameloblast differentiation and mineralization.

      • 예비 및 현직 초등교사의 경력과 성별에 따른 STS 상호작용에 대한 인식조사

        조태호,백남권,박강은,신명주 진주교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2000 科學敎育硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to consider pre-service and in-service elementary school teachers' perceptions about STS (Science-Technology-Society) STS interactions by gender and career. To consider their perceptions and develop the proper teaming methods/materials to it, the next matters were established ; 1. What difference is there between their perceptions about the nature of science and technology and those about STS interactions by genders? 2. What difference is there between their perceptions about the nature of science and technology and those about STS interactions by careers? 222 of the seniors in Jinju National University of Education, namely pre-service elementary school teachers, and 185 of the active teachers in Kyung- Nam Province were selected as the objects for researching these matters. The results were analyzed with a percentage as an examining tool of TBA-STS (Teachers' Beliefs about Science-Technology-Society). The results were as follows ; First, the difference of opinions by genders was not clear in contents. In some of the questions which asked the interactions among science, technology, and society, actual and simple views were a little bit different. Second, in active teachers' recognition of STS interactions by careers, there was a meaningful difference. In other words, most teachers thought of the influence of science on technology as 'technology is an application of science', but the teachers wish 6 to 15 years careers told mostly consider the influence of technology on society as actual opinions. It showed that the teachers with more than 25 years careers had simple thoughts that technology makes our lives more convenient. Moreover, on the STS interactions, those with more than 25 years careers recognized with simplicity that one thing has influence on only another thing. From these above results, the following suggestions are made for the succeeding studies. First, the basic principles of STS should be introduced in the curriculums for pre -service teachers, and also the instruction of it to in-service teachers should be intensified in order that they can have firm views of it. Second, studies should be made to investigate what factors have influence on teachers' recognition of STS. I hope that the succeeding studies on it will be made actively and they will be helpful to settle the education of STS in elementary science education.

      • 디스크 브레이크 피스톤 소재를 고려한 브레이크 오일 온도의 수치적 예측

        김수태,김진한,김주신 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2004 공업기술연구 Vol.4 No.-

        Recently, many studies have been performed and good results have been reported in literature on the prediction of brake disk temperature. However, a study on the brake fluid temperature is rarely found despite of its importance. In this study, the brake fluid temperature is predicted according to a material property of brake piston. For the analysis, a typical disk-pad brake system is modeled including the brake disk, pad, caliper, piston and brake fluid. The vehicle deceleration, the weight distribution by deceleration, the disc-pad heat division and the cooling of brake components are considered in the analysis of heat transfer. Unsteady-state temperature distributions are analyzed by using the finite element method.

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