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      • 대학생의 노인복지에 대한 인식도

        차병준,김무룡,김기열,차경미,김귀희,김현실,서인선,임상규,이순자,위광복,남철현 慶山大學校 保健福祉硏究所 1999 保健福祉硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to grasp the change of consciousness of young people in order to seek new approach of policy for aged era. 1,200 students attending collages and universities in three small or medium sized cities were inquired for 2 months, from October 1 to November 30, 1996. The result is as follows. 1. The characteristic of the respondents of this survey is that they include 72.1% of women, 40.4% of people aged between 20 to 21, and 49.1% of people who do not have any religion. Those who are from big cities and those who are form farming villages or fishing village occupy equally 40.2%, those who reside in that cities for a long period 49.0%, and those who live with their family 60.9%. 2. The family feature of the subject is that 31.5% of them are those whose father is the age of 55 and more than 55, 10% of them are those whose mothers age is so, 33.1% of them have 5 family members, 29.5% of them have the family income of 1,000,000 to 1,490,000 won, 83.9% of them are from middle class, 47.7% of them are the people whose grand parents have passed away, 70.4% of them live apart from their grand parents, and 60.9% of them are second child. 3. 64.0% of males, 70% of respondents who are aged over 24, 58.1% of respondents who are from rural communities, 62.4% of respondents who live in rural area, and 58.3% of respondents who live alone, prefer to live with grand parents, marked higher rate than other groups. The groups whose father and mother are the age of more than 55 marked higher rate of 55.9% and 58% each than any other groups(p<0.05). The groups whose family member is less than three, whose grand parents both have passed away in middle class, who live with their grand parents, and who are second children, give more positive answers than any other groups. 4. Those who are older, who are buddhists, who are from rural area or live in rural area, whose family is small, whose family income is small, who are from lower class and whose grand parents are still alive, shows preference to support their parents after marriage. 5. Females(89.4%), those who are from small or medium sized cities(89%), who live with their family(85.6%), whose father is the age of 55 and more than 55, whose mother is the age of 54 and less than 54, whose family member is 6, who are from middle class, whose grandparents are still alive and who are the eldest child in their family, give more response that they prefer to live apart from their children in their old age than any other groups. 6. What elderly people need most right now is past time(42.3%), and the respondents whose age is 20 to 21, who are buddhists, who are from middle sized cities and live alone, whose parents are the age of more than 55, who have small family income, who live with their grand parents and who are second children show higher level than any other groups. 7. 76.8% of respondents answer that they do not need their parent's fortune, marked still higher rate than the opposite answer. Those who are older, who are buddhists, who are from big cities, who reside in rural area, who live alone and have smaller family, who are in bad family economic conditions and who live with grand parents present higher rate of positive response. 8. 59.3% of respondents reply that they think about death from time to time, and those who are female, who are in the age of 20 to 21, who are christian, who live with their family, whose siblings or other family members offer their education expenses show higher rate than any other groups. 9. 92.3% of respondents answer that the budget for welfare facility for elderly people is very small. The younger the respondents are and the worse economic condition they have among those who live in big cities, the more answered that. 10. 50% of respondents think social security should provide for their old age, and 42.8% of them believe they themselves provide against it. The respondence that social security ought provide for it appeared more among those whose age are over 24, who are female, who reside in rural area, who are christian, who are in bad economic condition, and who ever used medical institutions in recent one month, marked higher level than other groups. 11. The adequate time of retirement is 59.97±5.60 for public officers, the highest and 59.28±6.35 for teachers, the next. 12. 35.2% of respondents reply that the adequate budget for the old age after their retirement at the age of 60 is 220 million won, showed the highest level of respondence. 13. The factors which affect on the old people in the charged welfare facilities are sex(p<0.01), the type of housing(p<0.05) and whole family income(p<0.05). 14. The factors which affect on remarriage are sex(p<0.05) and religion(p<0.05). For varying old population and expanded welfare service for them, government and relevant authority should give more attention to secure the budget, establish effective plans to expand various program and the facilities for elderly people in order that elderly people spend the rest of life time more happily and more fruitfully. To do that, each college and university should open Health courses, and educate and inform about health and welfare.

      • Benz(a)anthracene이 마우스태자 간조직 세포의 소핵출현에 미치는 경태반효과

        成耆天,張聖薰,車喆煥 고려대학교 의과대학 1989 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.26 No.1

        In order to adduce the cytogenic effect of Benz(a)anthracene(B(a)A) in pregnant mice through placental barrier to fetus, 125㎎/㎏, 250㎎/㎏, 500㎎/㎏, of B(a)A were administrated to groups of mice 16th pregnancy day About 20 hrs later, freauency of micronuclei in polychromatophilic normoblasts of liver tissues extracted from fetus was measured At the same time, 200 ㎎/㎏ and 400 ㎎/㎏ of Benzo(a) pyrene(B(a)P) were administered with same procedure to compare the frequencies between in cases of B(a)A and B(a)P administration. Especially incase of B(a)A administration, frequencies of their appearances in bone marrows of mother mice and livers of fetuses were compared. On the other hand, pathological changes of fetus liver caused by B(a)A and B(a)P in mothers were observed through microscopic examination in order to reconfirm and compare their transplacental effects. As the results, cytogenic toxicity for feture caused of B(a)A was confirmed. It means that some amount of B(a)A which was administered to pregnant mice could be transmitted to fetus through placental barriers Mutagenicity caused of B(a)A was higher in fetus than mother mouse. The cytogenic toxicity caused of B(a)A both for mother mouse and fetus was lower than that of B(a)p.

      • 신경 회로망을 이용한 Wafer final polishing의 가공 결과 예측

        황성철,차지완,이은상 한국공작기계학회 2008 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        Polishing is one of the important processing having influence on the surface roughness in manufacturing of Si-wafers. The surface roughness in wafer polishing is mainly affected by the many process parameters. A feed forward neural network model is developed exploiting experimental measurements from the surface in wafer final polishing. The input variables of Neural Network model are process parameters. The output variables are measured surface roughness. The neural network model is trained and performed by MATLAB. The model can be used for the analysis and prediction of the complex relationship. From this, it is clearly seen that a good agreement is observed between the predicted values and experimental measurement values.

      • 鹽分最小感應値와 血壓의 聯關性에 關한 疫學的 硏究

        趙聲鍾,宋東彬,車喆煥 고려대학교 의과대학 1985 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.22 No.3

        High blood pressure has become a common finding in Korean population and a major public health problem leading to an increased mortality and morbidity in recent years. With this accumulating evidence has come increasing incentive to find safe and simple methods for preventing and controlling hypertension. Reduction of dietary salt has been advocated by some for such method. The effect of dietary salt intake to hypertension however is still not clear and it is a matter of controversy particulary on whether the method of reducing dietary salt would be effective in controlling the hypertension of the general population. The purpose of this study was to investigate this controversial matter by assessing the degree of association between dietary salt intake and blood pressure using the method of detecting salt recognition threshold in general population. A total of 680 rural and urban inhabitants were studied from June 1984 to January 1985. The result of study is as followings; 1. The relationship between salt recognition, threshold and optimal gustation of salt was observed to be high in pilot study with a correlation coefficient of 0.729 (p<0.001). 2. In hypertensive group, mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures (BP) were significantly higher in those having high salt recognition threshold (SRT) than those of low SRT. The same evidence could be observed neither in normotensive nor in total population groups. That is, in hypertensive group, the mean systolic BP for those of high SRT was higher than those of low SRT by 8.8 mmHg in male and 8.8mmHg in female, and the mean diastolic BP for those of high SRT was also higher than those of low SRT by 4.3 mmHg in male and 8.5mmHg in female respectively. 3. There was no significant difference in the prevalence rate of hypertension among those of high SRT compared with those of low SRT. 4. In multiple regression analysis using age, body mass index (weight/hight²), socioeconomic status, amount of alcohol consumption, amount of cigarettee smoking, family history of hypertensi no and salt recognition threshold as independent variables, the multiple correlation coefficients turned out to be from 0.36 to 0.47 indicating that these variables explain 13 to 22 percent of the variances of systolic and diastolic pressures. The variables showing relatively higher beta coefficients were age, body mass index and alcohol consumption in male, where as the body mass index, age and family history were the corresponding variables in female. The relationship of salt recognition threshold to blood pressure was turned out to be very low. These findings indicate that dietary salt intake would have a significant effect on blood pressure in hypertensive group (may include the salt sensitive individuals), while no relationship could be observed in normotensive group.

      • KCI등재

        정신병환자에서 집단정신치료와 싸이코드라마의 치료요인 비교

        윤성철,이후경,정인과,이규항,함 웅,차정화 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.3

        목 적 : 본 연구에서는 정신병환자를 대상으로 실시한 집단정신치료와 싸이코드라마에 작용하는 치료요인을 조사하여, 그 치료적 특성들을 비교하기 위한 목적으로 이루어졌다. 방 법 : 1996년 9월부터 1997년 5월까지 낮병원에 참여한 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 대상자는 총 35명의 정신병환자로 남자 22명, 여자 13명이었다. 동일한 낮병원 환자들에게 집단정신치료와 싸이코 드라마를 각각 시행한 후, 13가지 치료요인 척도를 사용하여 집단정신치료의 구성원, 싸이코드라마의 주인공, 싸이코드라마의 관객에 작용하는 치료요인의 순위를 각각 조사하였다. 이 세 집단을 모두 상위기능 집단과 하위기능집단으로 나누어 치료요인을 비교하였다. 상위와 하위기능집단은 낮 병동에서의 생활, 치료 프로그램에 참여하였을 때의 태도, 치료자와 면담하였을 때의 모습을 기준으로 하여 낮병원 치료팀 모임에서 치료자들의 합의에 의해 결정하였다. 각각의 치료 요인은 평균점수를 산출하여 치료 요인의 순위를 매겼으며, 이 순위에 의해 집단정신치료, 싸이코드라마의 주인공, 싸이코드라마의 관객에 작용하는 치료요인의 특징을 비교하였다. 결 과 : 본 연구에서 나타난 치료요인에 대한 특정적인 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 싸이코드라마에서 주인공은 기능수준에 관계없이 모두 “카타르시스”와 “일차 가족 집단의 교정적 감정 경험”을 매우 중시하였다. 2) 싸이코드라마에서 주인공은 상위기능집단의 경우 “치료자의 조언”을 하위기능집단의 경우 “구성원의 조언”을 중시하였다. 3) 싸이코드라마에서 관객은 기능수준에 관계없이 모두 “치료자와의 동일시” 와 “구성원과의 동일시”를 매우 중시하였으며, 또한 보편성을 중시하였다. 4) 상위기능집단의 경우 집단정신치료 싸이코드라마의 관객 및 주인공에서 “대인관계학습”을 중시하였으며, 특히 집단정신치료에서 “대인관계학습”을 매우 중시하였다. 5) 하위기능집단에서 싸이코드라마의 주인공과 집단정신치료에서 모두 “사회화 기술의 발달”을 중시하였다. 결 론 : 본 연구의 결과를 종합하여 다음과 같이 제안할 수 있다. 먼저 집단정신치료나 싸이코드라마를 환자에게 시행할 때 치료자가 치료요인을 고려하여 치료를 진행하는 것이 효과적일 것으로 생각된다. 다음으로 집단정신치료와 싸이코드라마는 모두 동일하게 중요한 치료법으로 실제 임상에서 널리 이용하는 바람직한 것으로 생각된다. 마지막으로 집단정신치료와 싸이코드라마의 기법을 서로 혼합하여 사용한다면 매우 효과적인 치료법이 될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Objective : This study was performed to investigate the therapeutic factors of group psychotherapy and psychodrama which were applied to psychotic patients, and to compare the therapeutic characteristics of two therapies. Methods : The subjects of this study were patients of a day hospital from September 1996 to May 1997. The subjects were composed of 35 psychotic patients(22 males, 13 females). Both of group psychotherapy and psychodrama were done to the patients of the day hospital. After these therapeutic factors were checked by the members of group psychotherapy, the protagonists of psychodrama, and the audience of psychodrama using 13 therapeutic factors scale. All three groups divided into higher functioning group and lower functioning group by mutual consent of the therapists in the treatment team meeting according to the patient's life of the day hospital, the attitude in programs, and the state during the interview with the therapist. And then therapeutic factors of higher and lower functioning group were compared. By the mean score of each therapeutic factor the rank of therapeutic factors was decided. By these ranks we compared the important therapeutic factors on the members of group psychotherapy, the protagonists, and the audience. Results : The results were as follows : 1) The protagonists of psychodrama set a very high value on “catharsis” and “the corrective recapitulation of the primary family group”, regardless of their functional level. 2) The protagonists with a higher function set a higher value on “guidance of therapists”, while those who had a lower function set a higher value on “guidance of members”. 3) The audience of psychodrama set a very high value on “identification with therapists”, “identification with members”, and set a high value on “universality”. 4) The higher functioning group of the group psychotherapy, the audience, and the protagonists set a high value on “interpersonal learning”, especially the patients of group psychotherapy set a very high value on “interpersonal learning”. 5) The lower functioning group of the protagonists and the group psychotherapy set a high value on “development of socializing techniques”. Conclusion : From the results of this study, we can draw some suggestions. First, if therapists take the above-mentioned therapeutic factors into consideration during the sessions of group psychotherapy or psychodrama, they can obtain more effective therapeutic outcome. Second, it is desirable that both group psychotherapy and psychodrama should be used more extensively as important methods of treatment in clinical settings. Third, the combination group psychotherapy and psychodrama would be more effective than the separate application of each therapy.

      • KCI등재

        어린이에서 함치성 낭과 연관된 매복 소구치와 대구치의 치료

        신차욱,김영재,김정욱,장기택,이상훈,김종철,한세현 大韓小兒齒科學會 2008 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.35 No.4

        치아 매복은 어린이 환자 진료시에 자주 관찰되는 맹출 장애이다. 어린 환자에서 매복된 치아가 존재하는 경우,함치성 낭과 연관이 있을 가능성이 높다. 함치성 낭은 제3대구치를 제외하고는 상악 견치,하악 소구치 부위에서 가장 호발하며,점진적인 증식으로 악골이 팽윤되어 안모를 변화시키며,주위 악골의 파괴와 치근의 흡수를 야기하거나 침범된 치아의 변위를 유발할 수 있으므로,조기 진단과 적절한 치료가 무엇보다도 중요하다. 함치성 낭과 연관된 치아가 과잉치나 지치라면,치아의 발거를 포함한 완전한 낭종 적출술이 적절한 치료라 할 수 있지만,그렇지 않은 경우에는 환자의 심리적,정선적 외상을 예방하기 위해 원인 치아의 보존이 고려되어야 할 것이다. 이뿐만 아니라,치아의 변위 정도,골 파괴 정도,치근의 성숙도,주위 치아와의 관계,환자의 교합과 구강 악안면 영역의 성장 양상 등도 같이 고려되어야 할 것으로 생각된다. 본 증례에서는 위와 같은 사항들을 고려하여,함치성 낭과 연관된 매복 소구치와 대구치블 낭종 적출술 후 공간 유지,외과적 수술과 교정적 견인,외과작 발거 후 교정적 배열 등의 방법을 통해 양호한 치료 결과를 얻었기에 보고하는 바이다. Tooth impaction is a frequently observed eruption anomaly in pediatric dental practice. Young patients with impacted or unerupted teeth have more prediction for dentigerous cyst formation. Dentigerous cyst presents radiographic features. unilocular or multilocular radioluscency. Cysts occur most frequently in the premolar region except third molar. Dentigerous cysts can grow to a considerable size, and large cysts may be associated with a painless expansion of the bone in the involved area. Extensive lesions may result in facial asymmetry, osseous destruction, root resorption of proximal teeth and displacement of associated tooth. The nature of the causative tooth influences the type of surgical treatrnent required for the dentigerous cyst. If the cyst is associated with a supernumerary or wisdom tooth. complete enucleation of the cyst along with extraction of tooth may be the first treatment choice. Otherwise. preservation of the associated teeth should be considered to prevent a young patient from psychological and mental trauma because of the loss of tooth. We should consider the degree of tooth displacement. osseous destruction and growth pattern of oromaxillofacial area when planning treatment. Thus a proper and logical treatment planning can help a proper growth and development of oromaxillofacial area and can save the patient from a psychological and mental trauma. This report describes 4 cases of the management of impacted premolars and molars associated with dentigerous cysts in children.

      • 초등학생의 1000m 달리기-걷기 평가방법에 관한 연구

        박철호,박은경,고봉민,우상헌,안민호,차유림 東亞大學校附設스포츠科學硏究所 2002 스포츠科學硏究論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        This research aims to develop a new evuluation method of endurance for elementary school students. The norm of the event of 1,000m running-walking was examined and reviewed. As a result, a new highly-valid norm for the present 1,000m running-walking was made. Among the 5th and 6th graders, 2,144 pupils were chosen. The subjects were given 1,000m running-walking and step test. The new norm led to the following results: 1. The frequency distribution of PEI according to Cajori's 5-stage evaluation method turned out to be normal for both 5th and 6th graders. In conclusion, this new norm of 1,000m running-walking is believed to provide more valid and credible scores for elementary school students. The 1,000m running-walking records and the PEI will be used as the basic data for foretelling one's endurance.

      • MIS型 Microstrip에서의 크로스토크와 遲延에 관한 解析

        남태철,차상학 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 1989 연구보고 Vol.17 No.2

        As the density and speed of integrated circuits are continuing to increase, it becomes important that microstrip interconnections can limit overall performance of an integrated system. In this paper, we analyzed crosstalk and propagation delay due to semiconductor thickness and resistivity in microstrip interconnection of MIS type, and investigated crosstalk and delay values in optimized interconnection conditions. In MIS structure interconnection, as the semiconductor thickness and resistivity were decreasing, crosstalk and propagation delay were reduced. Therefore, when the shielding plate is inserted between semiconductor and insulator, crosstalk and propagation delay give the same values as those of zero thickness of semiconductor. Inserting shielding ground plate, the interconnection whose geometric values are 10㎛ strip width, 10㎛ space and 10㎝length, has 7.6% crosstalk and 0.76 nsec propagation delay at 100㎒ frequency.

      • 마늘이 白鼠의 카드뮴中毒에 미치는 影響 : Alkaline phosphatase 活性度, 臟器內 카드뮴濃度, 臟器의 病理組織學的 變化를 中心으로

        金成基,裵恩相,車喆煥 고려대학교 의과대학 1984 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.21 No.1

        Garlic contains some allylsulfide(e.g., diallyldisulfide, propylallyldisulfide, and diallyltrisulfide), 12 kinds of aminoacids(e.g., cystine, and cysteine), thiolactic acid, glutathione, witamin C, vitamin B and etc. It also contains allicin, responsible for the unique smell, which is formed by alliinase from diallyldisulfide. Owing to its contents, that is, allyldisulfide and SH compounds. Garlic has been expected to be involved in the detoxication of heavy metal poisonings by forming thiochelate compounds when reaction with heavy metals in living bodies. To examine this hypothesis more closely, rats were selected as experimental animals and divided into six groups: one which was given only 100 ppm cadmium; one with 3.35% garlic only; three groups given 1.7%, 3.35% and 6.7% garlic(which were represented 50, 100 and 200 ppm by allicin, respectively) in addition to 100 ppm cadmium, and a control. Cadmium dissolved in water was used, and the garlic was mixed with feed. After rearing the selected rats for 11 weeks, weight changes, alkaline phosphatase activities in the blood, and cadmium content in both the liver and the kidney were measured. Additionally, pathological changes in the liver, kidney and chondrocytes of the articular cartilage of the femur which are target organs of cadmium poisoning, were observed. The results were as follows: 1. For weight changes, the control group had gained 61% of its original weight by the first day of examination, while the group given only cadmium gained 47%. On the other hand, the one with 6.70% garlic showed an nearly the same rate increase in weight as the control group. 2. Change in alkaline phosphatase activities was observed in the group with only 3.35% of garlic as being 109.25%(p<0.05) change on the basis of the control group being 100%. This indicates that garlic strengthens activities of alkaline phosphatase. But in the case of the group with cadmium and 3.35% of garlic, the change was lower than in the control group by 4%(96.31%), while higher than in the group with only cadmium by 7.6%. In the group with cadmium and 6.70% of garlic, the change was higher than the one with only cadmium by 20.3%, and higher than the control group(81.33±9.83u/1) by over 75%(87.56±14.22u/1). 3. Cadmium contents accumulated in the liver and kidney were measured. As for the cadmium content in the liver, the control group contained 0.09±0.05㎍/g and the group with only cadmium and 3.35% of garlic showed a decrease in content, 29.02±5.16, and the one with cadmium and 6.70% garlic showed a further decrease, 25.28±4.05㎍/g. Like the phenomena in liver, the cadmium content in the kindneys of the group with cadmium and 3.35% garlic showed a significant decrease; the group with only cadmium contained 33.93±2.65㎍/g of cadmium, while the one with cadmium and 6.70% of garlic contained 29.19±5.16㎍/g. 4. Histopathological changes were observed in the liver, kidney and chondrocytes of the articular cartilage. The group with only garlic showed no change like the control group. But the one with only cadmium clearly showed a big swelling in glomeruli, a cludy swelling in renal tubules, necrosis of hepatic cells at peripheral zone of hepatic lobule as well as numeral decrease and atrophy of chondrocytes of the articular cartrilage. Compared with the one with only cadmium, the group with cadmium and garlic 6.70% showed no histopathological changes. But the group with cadmium and 3.35% garlic showed a little convalescent change in liver, kidney and chondrocytes of articular cartilage. Though the group with cadmium and 6.70% of garlic showed a cloudy swelling in renal tubles, the renal corpuscles, hepatic cell cords, sinusoids of liver and chondrocytes in lacunae of articular cartilages maintained their normal architectures.

      • 불안과 운동수행에 대한 고찰

        김승철,차성복 江原大學校附設 體育科學硏究所 1992 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.17

        Anxiety, happening under the sports competition conditions, was based on factors of competition included several sports. Anxiety which athlete was faced with sports competition was classified by a large two dimension. One is trait anxiety possessing a cogenital athlete himself, the other is state anxiety resulting in situation. Its anxiety involved interactive mean, and this was culminated in competition anxiety. The cause of anxiety has generally originated from oppression and expectation against in win, beyond that was physical anxiety, environmental factors etc. symptoms of competition anxiety can measure psychological, psycological, and behavioral viewpoints. Physiological reaction generally included rising of blood pressure, increase of heart rate, vairation of brain waves, and hypertension of muscle ets. A relationship between anxiety and performance regarded anxiety of optimal level as an ideal, but a relationship between anxiety and performance was thought different according to conditions of sports event or learners with regard to level. Especially under the untrained athlete or recurited small muscle group conditions, anxiety of low level demand. Several of methods on anxiety-dissolution were suggested by investigators, but some difficulty concretely existed in applying field, because leaders who understood definitely about the conditions or situation each other athlete followed of problems. In addition to when anxiety is being applied program, higher skills is required. Accordingly immediate subject demanded that symptom and cause of anxiety should be examined research on method and anxiety with optimal level should be induced programing development of having practicality.

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