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        온열요법과 기치유요법이 어깨근통증 압통역치에 미치는 영향

        이석복 ( Lee Seok Bok ),이민선 ( Lee Min Sun ),이형환 ( Hyung H Lee1 ) 한국자연치유학회 2014 Journal of Naturopathy Vol.3 No.1

        In this study, we wanted to understand the influence of thermotherapy, Qi-therapy, and their combination therapy on the oppressive muscular pains in shoulders. For the clinical study, 102 subjects were divided into 3 groups of thermotherapy, Qi-therapy, and the combination therapy to see the differences in the therapeutic effects. The treatments were taken 5 times for 2 weeks in 3-day intervals and pre- and post-treatment assessments were undertaken for the visual pain assessment (VAS, visual analogue scale) and experimental pressure threshold in 8 points in the relevant muscles (PPT). VAS score was decreased by 39% after thermotherapy, 66.5% after Qi-therapy, and 72.3% after combination therapy, all with significance (p<.05). The experimental pressure thresholds of shoulder muscles, the upper trapezius muscles, the lower trapezius muscles, the anterior trapezius muscles. the supraspinous muscles, the greater pectoral muscles, and the sternocleidomastoid muscles were increased by 4.3~11.3% after thermotherapy, 5.9~19.9% after Qi-therapy, and 9.3~25.4% after combination therapy. The experimental pressure thresholds in the 8 points in the relevant muscles did not show a significant difference between the Qi-therapy and combination therapy in the upper and lower trapezius muscles, however, did show a significant difference to the thermotherapy. In the shoulder muscles, anterior and posterior trapezius muscles, supraspinous muscles, supraspinous muscles, greater pectoral muscles, and sternocleidomastoid muscles, there were significant superiorities in Qi-therapy over thermo therapy, and in the combination therapy over Qi-therapy. In conclusion, it could be understood that both thermotherapy and Qi-therapy have been effective in the improvement of pains, and especially combination therapy showed better effectiveness. It is expected to apply these natural therapies to the pain treatment of human body to contribute to the improvement of health and welfare.

      • KCI등재

        전산화단층사진을 이용한 하악골 비대칭 환자의 저작근 평가

        최순철,이선복,이진구,이원진,허민석,이삼선 大韓口腔顎顔面 放射線學會 2004 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.34 No.1

        Purpose : To compare the size of the masseter and lateral pterygoid muscle between the affected and the unaffected side of the patients who have the chief complaints of the mandibular asymmetry. Materials and Methods : Twenty two patients (male: 4, female: 18, average age: 21.3 year-old) were radiographed using posterior-anterior (P-A) cephalography and computed tomography (CT). On P-A cephalography, the degree of deviation was determined by the distance from the mentum to the vertical reference line through the crista galli and the anterior nasal spine. On the scanned tracing papers of the maximum cross-sectional area of the masseter and lateral pterygoid muscle using axial CT images, the pixel number was measured. The ratio of the affected : unaffected sides were obtained. For the masseter and lateral pterygoid muscle, the relationship between the muscular volume and degree of skeletal hypoplasia was studied. Results : The half cases showed no skeletal asymmetry. The lateral pterygoid muscle of the affected side was larger significantly than unaffected side (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between two sides in the cases of skeletal asymmetry. There was only significant difference in the cases without skeletal asymmetry (p<0.05). Conclusions : To some extent, the slight mandibular hypoplasia could affect the growth of some masticatory muscles.

      • 간호 업무 인수 인계의 의례적 의미

        이홍자,백선복 대불대학교 2001 論文集 Vol.7 No.1

        This paper report implicit meanings of nursing ritual that take places during change-of-shift report at an university hospital in Seoul. Employing participation observation and analysis of recording of reports, the authors confirm that besides its routine nature the occupational ritual includes symbolic actions that facilitate the transmission of the beliefs, rules of conduct and customs. It is also found that the nursing ritual fulfills an important although highly visible functioning in the nursing unit of the hospital, helping nurses to carry out caring activities for patients. The unique features of change-of-shift report investigated show the status problems that nursing profession has encountered in the hospital by implying its significance to every day social interaction.

      • 만성활동성간염과 간경변에서의 고-Alpha Fetoprotein 혈증의 의의(Ⅰ)

        이현영,이종선,정현용,이복희 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1990 충남의대잡지 Vol.17 No.2

        Ten patients with chronic liver disease, whose serum levels of AFP were markedly increased, were detected from Jan. 1985 to Sep. 1990. The clinical and laboratory findings were examined and the results were as follows. 1. The objective patients were 4 males and 6 females, and their mean age was 40.2 years old. Five cases were chronic active hepatitis-B, and the other 5 cases were liver cirrhosis. 2. At the time of first examination, the mean level of serum AFP was 499ng/ml and this initial level of AFP declined to 10.4ng/ml after 5.1 monthes. 3. Initially the mean levels of serum AST, ALT and ALP were 271.7, 299.1 and 177.1 IU/L, and after 5.1 monthes these levels were changed to 61.0, 53.6 and 72.1 IU/L.

      • 농촌 지역 주민의 주관적 건강상태와 건강행위에 대한 연구

        이홍자,백선복 대불대학교 2002 論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        This study was to investigate perceived health and health behavior of residents in a rural community, with a purpose of finding a relationship between the two notions. The 676 subjects were selected from residents who were over 20 years old living in a rural county(Kun) in Chonam Province by convenient sampling. The data was collected from face to face interviews using a modified instrument developed by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. The rating scale was composed of a total of 15 items: 8 sociodemographic, 3 health behavior, 3 perceived health, and 1 stress items. The data was analyzed by percentage, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation by employing SPSS/PC program(V.8.0). The results were as follows: 1) There was statistically significant difference in perceived health of the subjects by age and marriage status, but no difference was found by sex and family types. 2) The rating score of perceived health of the higher age group (70 years old and over) was significantly lower than that of the younger subjects, suggesting that the more the rural residents age, the less they are confident in their health. 3) While most subjects were reported to not smoke, they were likely to drink. It was also found that about 60 percent of the subjects were not practicing physical exercise. Significant difference was found in smoking by age. 4) There was statistically significant difference in health promoting behavior by sex. The female subjects were more likely to practice health promoting activities than the male subjects. It was also found that there was significant difference in health behavior by marriage status. The divorced subjects reported lower rating scores for the health behavior than those of unmarried and bereaved groups. In conclusion, the results of this study suggested that a comprehensive and practical health promoting program be developed for the rural community residents.

      • 경연 대회를 통한 초ㆍ중고생의 창의력 신장 효과에 관한 연구

        이희복,육근철,류해일,김현섭,김희수,박달원,유병환,김선효,김여상,서광수,변두원,서명석,배성효,박종석,심규철,이성희 공주대학교 과학교육연구소 2001 과학교육연구 Vol.32 No.1

        미래 사회를 대비하기 위한 개인의 개성을 존중과 창의적인 능력을 지닌 인간을 양성을 목적으로 충청남도 지역의 초 ㆍ 중고등학생들을 대상으로 한 창의력 경연대회가 공주대학교 과학교육연구소에서 개최되었다. 충청남도 초 ㆍ중 ㆍ 고등학생들을 대상으로 실시한 창의력 경연대회는 창조적 아이디어를 내어 스스로 문제를 해결해 나갈 수 있는 교육 프로그램을 제공하는 좋은 기회였음이 확인되었으나, 일부의 팀에서만 참신하고 재미있는 아이디어들이 제안되었다. 여학생의 참가자 수가 상당히 증가하였으며, 대체적으로 입상권의 학생들의 상당 부분이 여학생이라는 것이 특이할만하다. 학년이 올라감에 따라서 창의적인 아이디어를 내는 양이나 질에 있어서 뒤떨어지는 것으로 분석되었으며, 토론 학습의 적응력이 미흡하고 발표력 및 청취력에 있어서도 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 중 ㆍ고등학교의 학교교육에서도 학생들에게 프로젝트형 탐구학습 프로그램의 적용은 물론 토론식 수습을 통한 학생들의 사고의 전환의 기회를 제공해야 할 것으로 사료된다. The creativity competition was held to foster the creativity of elementary and secondary school students in the Institute of Science Education, Kongju national University. It was found that the creativity competition effected on the improvement of inventing creative ideas and problem solving activities. But, only some competitors participated in semifinal and final contests, presented original and interesting ideas. More female students participated in competition than last year. More female participants were awarded a prize than males. Totally, participants were defective in discussion and communication, and presentation and listening ideas. Increasing grades correlated inversely with creativity and originality. There is need of inquiry project teaming programs and presenting opportunities of conversion of thinking by discussing instructions in school

      • KCI등재
      • 중국 포양호 주변의 농경지 현황 및 수질 오염 부하량

        이종식,정구복,윤순강,정광용,于傳驥,劉文祥 한국국제농업개발학회 2002 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.14 No.4

        중국 최대의 담수호로 장강을 통해 서해로 유입되는 포양호의 특성, 주변의 농경지 토양환경, 시기별 포양호 수질변화 및 유입되는 각 수계별 수질오염 부하량 등을 검토하였다. 1. 포양호는 주변 지역의 벼 재배와 홍수 조절에 중요한 역할을 하며 최근 간척과 침척토의 침적 등에 의하여 면적이 매년 축소되고 있다. 2. 아열대 기후에 속하여 연평균 강우량이 1,570㎜ 수준으로 비교적 많으나 연 중 분포가 평준하지 않고 월별 차이가 커서 시기별로 호수의 수표면적 및 저수량의 변화가 대단히 크다. 3. 주변 지역의 농경지는 큰 오염원이 없어 비교적 오염되지 않은 토양이며, 오염도가 심한 농경지는 호수 유역의 전체 농경지 면적중 0.22%로 광산 인근 토양이 구리와 황으로 오염되어 있다. 4. 포양호에 직접 유입되는 COD부하량은 시기별로 홍수기가 371.9톤/일로 갈 수기 273.9톤/일에 비해 많았다. 요인별로는 산업체에서 기인되는 양이 가장 많았으며, 유입되는 수계별로는 감강으로부터 유입되는 오염 부하량이 가장 많았다. Water in Poyang lake, which is one of the biggest lake in China, flows into Yellow Sea through the Changjiang River. In this paper, water quality characteristics and loading amount of contaminants of Poyang Lake area were investigated. Poyang lake has a important role to rice cultivation and flood control in the basin of the lake. However, the area of the lake has been reduced gradually by land reclamation and sedimentation. This area belongs to the subtropical zone and the average rainfall is near 1,570㎜, which is relatively higher than other region in China. The surface area and the volume of storage water of the lake is very changeable following to the big different monthly rainfall. Agricultural field near the lake is not contaminated comparatively because there is little source of contamination near the Poyang lake. About 0.22% of the total agricultural field near the lake were heavily contaminated by copper and sulfur originated from metal mines. Inflow loading amount of COD(chemical oxygen demand). Compared to other sources of contamination such as municipality, livestock, and nature, industrial source of COD to Poyang lake were the greatest. Ganjiang stream was the highest for the loading amount of COD to Poyang lake among 5 streams.

      • KCI등재

        등교 거부 청소년의 환경 및 심리 상태

        이소희,노경선,김창기,고복자 대한신경정신의학회 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.6

        연구목적 : 본 연구는 다양한 원인에 의해서 일어난다고 알려져 있는 등교거부 청소년의 가족, 학교 생활 및 심리 상태를 평가하여 정상 대조군의 각 변이들과 비교하고자 하였다 방 법 : 1998년 5월부터 1999년 1월까지 본원을 방문한 등교거부 청소년 24명과 정상대조군을 대상으로 Parent Bonding Instrument, Index of Marital Satisfaction, Family Environment Scale을 사용하여 가족 기능을 평가하였고, 저자들이 고안한 척도를 사용하여 학업, 또래 교사와의 관계에서의 스트레스를 평가하였으며, Fear of Survey Schedule for Children-Revised(the Fear of Failure and Criticism Factor), Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression를 사용하여 두려움과 우울의 정도를 측정하였다. 결 과 : 등교거부자들을 비거부자보다 더 가족이 독립성과 성취을 추구한다고 느끼는 것으로 나타났고, 학교 관련 스트레스의 정도는 두 군간에 유의한 차이가 없었고, 우울 정도가 유의하게 더 높았다. 또 등교거부자는 학교에 가는 것과 방과 후 학교에 남는 것을 비거부자보다 유의하게 더 두려워 하고, 비거부자는 등교거부자보다 성적이 낮은 것과 시험에 실패하는 것을 유의하게 더 두려워 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 결 론 : 저자들은 본 연구 결과를 통하여 등교거부자들이 어릴 때부터 과잉보호를 받거나 엄격한 부모에게서 성취 강요와 과잉 기대를 받아서 자존감과 유능감이 저하되어 결국 부모가 독립성과 성취를 요구하는 것으로 간주하게 되는 기전을 제시하고, 국내의 일반 청소년이 등교거부자 못지 않게 학교 스트레스가 많을 가능성과 등교거부자는 학교회피 기간이 길어지면서 학업성취 등을 포기함에 따라 오히려 스트레스가 높지 않을 가능성을 제시하였다. Objectives : School refusal can result from various causes ; temperament, familial influences, And school experiences have been identified. This study was to compare family, school and psychological functioning in school-refusing adolescents and non-refusing ones. Methods : Twenty-four school refusing outpatients aged 13-17 years were evaluated from May, 1998 to January, 1999. They completed self-report questionnaires, including parent Bonding Instrument, Family Environment Scale, Index of Marital Satisfaction, Scales for School-related Distress, Center-for Epidemiological Studies-Depression, The Failure and Criticism Factor of Fear Survey Schedule from Children-revised. Their scores were compared with nonrefusers. Results : The results were as follows : 1) School refusers perceived their family as more independence and achievement-oriented than nonrefusers. 2) School refusers did not differ significantly from nonrefusers in school-related distress. 3) School refusers had more depression than nonrefusers. 4) School refusers claimed more fear of having to go to school, and having to stay after school than nonrefusers. On the other hand, nonrefusers expressed greater apprehension about situations such as Being called on by the teacher, Getting poor grades, Failing a test, and Taking a test. Conclusion : The results suggested two postulated mechanisms of school refusals(overprotection and demanding of independence of parents)and possible causes of each result were discussed.

      • 한인진 추출물의 간장보호 작용에 관한 연구

        이순복,조태순,윤기욱,이종찬,이선미,심성보 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1998 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        The dose-response effect of polysaccharide extracts(PS-1) from Artemisia iwayomogi was investigated under various hepatic disease models. Silymarin, DDB and UDCA were used as reference compounds. We found that the maximal effective dose of PS-1 was 100 ㎎/㎏ b.wt. in CCl_4-induced hepatotoxicity, D-galactosamine-induced hepatitis, in ANIT-induced cholestasis and 300 ㎎/㎏ b.wt. in CCl_4-induced chronic liver disease, 30 ㎎/㎏ b.wt. in chronic bile duct ligation and chronic ethanol fatty liver. These findings suggest that PS-1 fraction protects the hepatocyte against various hepatic injuries, and this fracton might be of therapeutic value.

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