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      • Ho-166 부착풍선도자를 이용한 방사선 조사의 돼지 관상동맥 스텐트 재협착 예방 효과

        김원 ( Kim Won ),정명호 ( Jeong Myeong Ho ),박옥영 ( Park Og Yeong ),정우곤 ( Jeong U Gon ),박우석 ( Park U Seog ),김주한 ( Kim Ju Han ),안영근 ( An Yeong Geun ),조정관 ( Jo Jeong Gwan ),박종춘 ( Park Jong Chun ),강정채 ( Kang Je 한국지질동맥경화학회 ( 구 한국지질학회 ) 2002 韓國脂質學會誌 Vol.12 No.1

        배경 : 국내에서 개발된 방사선 동위원소 Holmium-166 (166Ho)은 주로 베타선을 방출하며, 166Ho을 부착한 풍선도자를 이용하여 돼지 관상동맥 재협착 모형에서 풍선확장술 후 신생내막 증식을 전신적 부작용 없이 안전하고 효과적으로 억제하였음을 보고한 바 있다. 본 연구에서는 돼지 관상동맥 스텐트 재협착 모형에서 스텐트 시술 후 신생내막 증식에 의한 재협착 병변을 166Ho 부착 풍선도자를 이용하여 치료하여 그 효과를 관찰하고자 하였다. 방법

      • KCI등재

        최근 국내외에서 육성된 무궁화 127 품종 중 조경적 활용가치가 높은 유망품종 선발

        김광호 ( Kim Kwang-ho ),이춘석 ( Lee Chun-suk ),강호철 ( Kang Ho-chul ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2016 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        본 연구는 조경수용 무궁화 우수품종 보급을 위한 유전자원 수집과 특성을 평가하기 위해 최근 국내외에서 육성된 127품종의 1년생 접목묘를 이용하여 2014년부터 2015년까지 2년 동안 생육 및 형태적 특성조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 품종 중 화색 및 꽃이특이한 품종을 조사하여 무궁화를 조경수로 활용도를 높이는데 기여하고자 하였으며 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 품종들의 화색별 분류로는 크게 분홍색 단심(pink color with red eye spot), 흰색 단심(white color withred eye spot), 붉은 자주색 단심(purplish red color with red eye spot), 분홍보라색 단심(violet pink color with red eye spot), 심홍색단심(crimson color with red eye spot), 흰색 바탕에 붉은색 무늬의 이중색(asadal), 흰색(white color), 푸른색(blue color) 등 총 8종류로 분류되었다. 화색이 붉은 자주색으로서 적색이 강한 꽃으로 국내에서 육성된 품종으로 ‘광명’, ‘난파’, ‘노스페이스’, ‘불새’, ‘비단’,‘송암’, ‘영창’, ‘적퍼소’, ‘키호’, ‘탐라’, ‘화수레드’, ‘환희’ 등이 있었으며, 국외에서 육성되어 국내에 도입된 품종으로는 ‘Aphrodite’,‘Dr. Uemoto’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Pink Cup’, ‘PS 80-1’, ‘Purpureus Variegatus’, ‘Red Giant’, ‘Woodbridge’ 등이 있었다. 화색이 분홍보라색으로서 특이한 품종으로는 ‘꼬마’, ‘도투락’, ‘명미’, ‘병화’, ‘산처녀’, ‘태화’, ‘Hikari-hanagasa’, ‘Little Kim Violet’ 등이 있었다. 화색이 심홍색으로 기존의 꽃에서는 볼 수 없는 특이한 품종으로 ‘종무’와 ‘Ruffled Satin’ 등이 있었다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 품종중 조경수용 소재로 보급할 수 있는 품종중 기존 품종에 비해 꽃의 크기가 큰 품종으로 무궁화 종간교잡종인 Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, ‘Daeil’,‘Jina’ 등이 있었다. 반면 꽃이 작고 조경적 가치가 높은 품종으로 ‘꼬마’, ‘미백’, ‘안동’, ‘릴킴’, ‘은하수’ 등이 있었다. 백단심계 무궁화‘꼬마’ 품종은 수고가 작은 왜성형으로 꽃의 크기가 5.2cm로 작은 소형화 품종으로 나타났다. 기존 품종에 비해 단심의 길이가 긴품종으로 ‘훈장’과 ‘하이리레드’가 있었다. 홍단심계 무궁화 ‘훈장’은 꽃의 크기는 12.0cm로 중간크기이나 단심길이는 4.8cm로 지금까지육성된 품종중 가장 긴 품종이었다. 또한 홍단심계 무궁화 ‘하이리레드’의 단심길이 역시 4.2cm로 꽃잎 길이에 비해 단심의 길이가 길어 조경적 가치가 높은 것으로 판단되었다. This study was carried out to characterize 127 recently developed cultivars of Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus spp.) in Korea and foreign Countries for landscape uses. The examined factors were growth characteristics such as tree height of a 1-year grafted plant(cm), plant type, growth habit, leaf characteristics such as shape and size, flower characteristics such as color, shape, size, and red eye during 2014 and 2015 for landscape uses. The results are obtained as follows; In the results of flower color of the 127 recently developed cultivars, pink color with red eye spot, white color with red eye spot, purplish red color with red eye spot, violet purple color with red eye spot, crimson color with red eye spot, asadal, blue color with red eye spot, and white color were distributed. In the flower characteristics, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’ had the largest flower size of 16.0cm out of the 127 cultivars. H. syriacus ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Ggoma’ were cultivars with smaller flowers than other cultivars. H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ had largest red eye, of 5.2cm of length compared to the other cultivars. The cultivars with unique flower color for landscape uses are H. syriacus ‘Kwangmyung’, ‘Nanpa’, ‘North face’, ‘Bulsae’, ‘Bidan’, ‘Songam’, ‘Youngchang’, ‘Jukpeoso’, ‘Kiho’, ‘Tamla’, ‘Hwasoored’ and ‘Hwanhee’. These flowers had a purplish red color and were developed in Korea. H. syriacus ‘Aphrodite’, ‘Dr. Uemoto’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Pink Cup’, ‘PS 80-1’, ‘Purpureus Variegatus’, ‘Red Giant’, ‘Woodbridge’ also had unique flowers with a purplish red color and were introduced from foreign countries. In addition, cultivars with violet pink flowers were H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Doturak’, ‘Myungmi’, ‘Byunghwa’, ‘Sancheonyu’, ‘Taehwa’, ‘Hikari-hanagasa’, and ‘Little Kim Violet’. ‘Jongmoo’ and ‘Ruffled Satin’ had flowers with crimson color. Therefore, the new cultivars with unique flower colors were a promising cultivars to a woody landscape plant. Cultivars with large flower sizes were Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daemang’, and Hibiscus hybrid ‘Jina’. H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Mibeak’, ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Eunhasu’ had small flower sizes. Cultivars with long red eye were H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ and H. syriacus ‘Hi Lea Red’. Therefore, the new cultivars, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daemang’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Jina’ with large flower sizes, H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Mibeak’, ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Eunhasu’ with small flower sizes, H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ and H. syriacus ‘Hi Lea Red’ with long red eye, were promising cultivars to a woody landscape plant.

      • KCI등재

        나라꽃 무궁화 품종중 가로수용, 분화용 및지피용으로 조경적 활용도가 높은 품종 선정

        강호철 ( Ho Chul Kang ),김동엽 ( Dong Yeob Kim ),하유미 ( Yoo Mi Ha ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2016 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        본 연구는 조경수용 무궁화 우수품종 보급을 위한 유전자원 수집과 특성을 평가하기 위해 최근 국내외에서 육성된 127품종의 1년생접목묘를 이용하여 2014년부터 2015년까지 2년 동안 생육 및 형태적 특성조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 품종 중 키가 큰 가로수 및 독립수용품종, 왜성형 분화 및 지피용 품종 등을 선정하여 무궁화를 조경수로 활용도를 높이는데 기여하고자 하였으며 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 나라꽃 무궁화 품종들의 생육특성을 조사하기 위해 먼저 접목 1년생 수고를 조사한 결과 20~120cm까지다양하게 나타났다. 무궁화 ``주몽``과 ``홍가로수``, 종간교잡종 Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun``, ``Daeil``, ``Lohengrin``, ``Jina``, ``Yeonam`` 등이 키가 100cm 이상으로 가장 큰 품종으로 조사되었다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 무궁화 127품종 중 조경적 활용가치가 높은 교목성 가로수로이용할 수 있는 품종은 무궁화 ``주몽``과 ``홍가로수``, 종간교잡종 Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Daeil``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Lohengrin``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Jina``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Yeonam`` 등이 있었다. 분화 및 분재용으로 이용할 수 있는 왜성형 품종으로는 ``Red Heart``, ``백령도``, 종간교잡종 ``진선``, ``꼬마``, ``여천``, ``야음`` 등이 있었으며, 키가 30cm 미만의 아주 작은 품종으로는 ``안동``, ``청조``, ``Lil Kim`` 등이 포함되었다. 수고가 작은 왜성형으로 가지의 생장이 아래로 향하는 ``탐라``, ``Melrose``, ``비단``, ``하이리``, ``별이``, ``병화``, ``미백``, ``한양``, ``청암``, ``Lil Kim Violet``, ``종무``, ``은하수``, 종간교잡종 Hibiscus hybrid ``Saehanseo``와 Hibiscus hybrid ``Yousoon``은 화단 및 지피용소재로 이용가치가 높았다. This study was carried out to characterize 127 recently developed cultivars of Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus spp.) in Korea and foreign Countries for landscape uses. The examined factors were growth characteristics such as tree height of a 1-year grafted plant(cm), plant type, growth habit, leaf characteristics such as shape and size, flower characteristics such as color, shape, size, and red eye during 2014 and 2015 for landscape uses. The results are obtained as follows; Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun``, ``Daeil``, ``Lohengrin``, ``Yeonam``, ``Joomong``, ``Jina``, and H. syriacus ``Honggarosu`` had vigorous shoot growth and tall tree size of 100cm. New Hibiscus cultivars, Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun`` and ``Daeil``, having vigorous growth, uniform plant habit, upright, and compact branches were developed through interspecific crosses between H. syriacus ``Samchully`` (♀) and H. sinosyriacus ``Seobong`` (♂). This newly developed cultivar ``Daewangchun``, ``Daeil``, ``Lohengrin``, ``Yeonam``, ``Joomong``, ``Jina``, and H. syriacus ``Honggarosu`` having tall vigorous growth d unique flower with long red eye can be used as street tree or specimen plant in landscape. Otherwise, H. syriacus ``Tamla``, ``Melrose``, ``Bidan``, ``Hi Lea``, ``Byeollee``, ``Byunghwa``, ``Mibak``, ``Hanyang``, ``Chungam``, ``Lil Kim Violet``, ``Jongmoo``, ``Eunhasu``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Saehanseo``, and Hibiscus hybrid ``Yousoon`` were selected as small tree of 30~39cm. They had dwarf form in tree seemed to be suitable for pot or flower bed planting on both indoor and outdoor conditions. H. syriacus ``Antong``, ``Chungjo``, and ``Lil Kim`` were less than 30 cm of tree size. H. syriacus ``Antong``, ``Chungjo``, and ``Lil Kim``, characterized by its compact, upright and outwardly spreading plant habit; freely branching habit; dark green-colored leaves; good garden performance. Therefore, the new cultivars with tall and small tree size were a promising cultivar as a ground covers or pot planting as woody landscape plant.

      • Induction of heme oxygenase-1 protects against podocyte apoptosis under diabetic conditions

        Lee, Sang Choel,Han, Seung Hyeok,Li, Jin Ji,Lee, Sun Ha,Jung, Dong-Sub,Kwak, Seung-Jae,Kim, Seung Hye,Kim, Dong Ki,Yoo, Tae-Hyun,Kim, Jin Hyun,Chang, Se-Ho,Han, Dae Suk,Kang, Shin-Wook International Society of Nephrology 2009 Kidney international Vol.76 No.8

        Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is an anti-oxidant enzyme normally upregulated in response to oxidant injury. Here we determined the role of HO-1 in podocyte apoptosis in glomeruli of streptozotocin-treated rats and in immortalized mouse podocytes cultured in media containing normal or high glucose. HO-1 expression, its activity, the ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 protein, and active caspase-3 fragments were all significantly higher in isolated glomeruli of diabetic rats and in high glucose–treated podocytes. These increases were inhibited by zinc protoporphyrin treatment of the rats or by HO-1 siRNA treatment of the podocytes in culture. The number of apoptotic cells was also significantly increased in the glomeruli of diabetic rats and in high glucose–treated podocytes. Inhibition of HO-1 accentuated the increase in apoptotic cells both in vivo and in vitro. Our findings suggest that HO-1 expression protects against podocyte apoptosis under diabetic conditions.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Ethanol Extract of Ganoderma lucidum Augments Cellular Anti-oxidant Defense through Activation of Nrf2/HO-1

        Lee, Yoo-hwan,Kim, Jung-hee,Song, Choon-ho,Jang, Kyung-jeon,kim, Cheol-hong,Kang, Ji-Sook,Choi, Yung-hyun,Yoon, Hyun-Min KOREAN PHARMACOPUNCTURE INSTITUTE 2016 Journal of pharmacopuncture Vol.19 No.1

        Objectives: The mushroom Ganoderma lucidum has been widely used as a traditional herbal medicine for many years. Although several studies have focused on the anti-oxidative activity of this mushroom, the molecular mechanisms underlying its activity have not yet been clearly established. The present study investigated the cytoprotective effect of ethanol extract of Ganoderma lucidum (EGL) against oxidative stress (hydrogen peroxide, $H_2O_2$) and elucidated the underlying mechanisms in a C2C12 myoblast cell line. Methods: Oxidative stress markers were determined by using the comet assay to measure reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage. Cell viability and Western blotting analyses were employed to evaluate the cellular response to EGL and $H_2O_2$ in C2C12 cells. Transfection with nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2)-specific small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA) was conducted to understand the relationship between Nrf2 expression and $H_2O_2$-induced growth inhibition. Results: The results showed that EGL effectively inhibited $H_2O_2$-induced growth and the generation of ROS. EGL markedly suppressed $H_2O_2$-induced comet-like DNA formation and phosphorylation of histone H2AX at serine 139 ($p-{\gamma}H2AX$), a widely used marker of DNA damage, suggesting that EGL prevented $H_2O_2$-induced DNA damage. Furthermore, the EGL treatment effectively induced the expression of Nrf2, as well as heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), with parallel phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of Nrf2 in the C2C12 myoblasts. However, zinc protoporphyrin IX, a HO-1 inhibitor, significantly abolished the protective effects of EGL against $H_2O_2$-induced accumulation of ROS and reduced cell growth. Notably, transient transfection with Nrf2-specific siRNA attenuated the cytoprotective effects and HO-1 induction by EGL, indicating that EGL induced the expression of HO-1 in an Nrf2-dependent manner. Conclusion: Collectively, these results demonstrate that EGL augments the cellular anti-oxidant defense capacity through activation of Nrf2/HO-1, thereby protecting C2C12 myoblasts from $H_2O_2$-induced oxidative cytotoxicity.

      • Sauchinone Suppresses Pro-inflammatory Mediators by Inducing Heme Oxygenase-1 in RAW264.7 Macrophages

        Li, Bin,Lee, Dong-Sung,Choi, Hyun-Gyu,Kim, Kyoung-Su,Kang, Dae-Gil,Lee, Ho-Sub,Jeong, Gil-Saeng,Kim, Youn-Chul Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 2011 BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN Vol.34 No.10

        <P>Sauchinone, a biologically active lignan isolated from the roots of <I>Saururus chinensis</I> (L<SMALL>OUR</SMALL>.) B<SMALL>AILL</SMALL>. (Saururaceae), is reported to exert a variety of biological activities, such as hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory actions and inhibitory effects on bone resorption. In this study, we investigated the effect of sauchinone in suppressing cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, leading to a reduction in COX-2-derived prostaglandin E<SUB>2</SUB> (PGE<SUB>2</SUB>) and iNOS-derived nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages. Present study also demonstrates the effects of sauchinone in inducing heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression and an increase in heme oxygenase (HO) activity in RAW264.7 macrophages. The effects of sauchinone on LPS-induced PGE<SUB>2</SUB>, NO, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interlukine-1β (IL-1β) production were partially reversed by the HO-1 inhibitor Tin protoporphyrin was also seen in this study. In addition, we found that treatment with extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) inhibitor (PD98059) reduced sauchinone-induced HO-1 expression. Sauchinone also increased ERK phosphorylation. These results suggest that sauchinone inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators through expression of anti-inflammatory HO-1 <I>via</I> ERK pathway.</P>

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCIEKCI등재

        Disruption of rsmA Gene of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum LY34 and Effect on Pathogenicity

        Kim, Min Keun,Kang, Tae Ho,Kim, Sung Kyum,Jeong, Yu Seok,Yun, Han Dae,Kim, Hoon The Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistr 2012 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.55 No.6

        The rsmA gene was cloned from soft-rot bacterium Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum LY34 (Pcc LY34), and its role in pathogenicity was investigated by marker exchange mutagenesis. From a cosmid library of Pcc LY34 genomic DNA, a positive clone carrying the rsmA gene was selected, and the gene was cloned by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. The gene is 186 bp in size and encodes a protein of 62 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 6,839 Da. The calculated pI of the RsmA is 8.16. The phylogenetic tree showed that the RsmA of Pcc LY34 appeared genetically identical to the CsrA of Pectobacterium atrosepticum SCRI1043 (100% identity) and similar to the CsrA of Yersinia pestis KIM10+(98.3%). The gene was disrupted by the $Km^r$ gene, and the cells became mutated (i.e., $RsmA^-$ mutant). The pathogenicity test revealed that the disease rating of the $RsmA^-$ mutant only differed slightly from that of the wild type on a slice of potato tuber and a Chinese cabbage stalk. These results suggest that RsmA is not an essential factor for the pathogenicity of Pcc LY34 and that the rsmA gene of Pcc LY34 is not completely derepressed in the $RsmA^-$ mutant for virulence-related genes, contrary to the results of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora $RsmA^-$ mutant, which proved hypervirulent for celery petioles. These results showed that the microenvironmental conditions of the host and/or strain of pathogen are important for the coordination of virulence gene expression.

      • KCI등재후보

        8년간(1992~1999) 산업안전보건연구원에 의뢰된 직업병 심의 사례 분석

        강성규,김규상,김양호,최정근,안연순,진영우,최병순,양정선,김은아,채창호,최용휴,김대성,박정선,정호근 대한산업의학회 2000 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Objectives : Pneumoconisis and noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) have been reported as main occupational diseases by the Special Health Examination. The Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance has reported various work-related diseases, however, these two diseases occupied almost a half of compensated cases. Therefore, it was not well known about the status of occupational diseases other than pneumoconiosis, NIHL, and cardio-cerebrovascular accident (CVA). This study was conducted to analyze claimed cases as an occupational disease, that was requested to the Korea Industrial Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA). Methods : The local office of the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation (KLWC) has asked the KOSHA for confirmation of claimed cases as an occupational disease. We analyzed 379 cases requested from KLWC, the Ministry of Labor, employers, unions and occupational health agencies from 1992 to 1999. Results : Male was 80.7 % of the requested cases. Their mean age was 42 years old and 75.5 % of them were more than 35 years old. The requested cases were increased rapidly from 25 cases in 1992 to 108 cases in 1999 and the accept rate was 50.7 %. The majority of requested cases were respiratory diseases(22.4%), cancers(18.5%), Neuropsychiatric problems(14.5%), and musculoskeletal problems(13.5%). The accept rate was high in reproductive, respiratory, musculoskeletal and digestive disorders and low in neuropsychiatric, renal and otologic problems and occupational cancers. 73.6% of them were caused by chemical agents, especially 28.5 % were by organic solvents. 67% of them were clinically confirmed at university hospitals. A half of the cases were from KyongIn area, even the request came from the whole country. Conclusions : A claim was common in workers whose age was over 35 years old and exposure history was over 10 years. The respiratory diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders were still main problems in occupational health and occupational cancers was increasing even though its accept rate was not high yet.

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