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      • KCI등재

        동북아 안보와 미·일의 전략

        김경민 한국전략문제연구소 1995 전략연구 Vol.2 No.2

        Since the end of the cold war the security situation in Northeast Asia has become more complicated. Although the U.S. still wants to maintain a military presence in Northeast Asia, China does not want such involvement and is consistently calling for the U.S. to withdraw from the region. With the fall of the U.S.S.R. and the bipolar system with it, the U.S. presence has become less meaningful as well as less justifiable domestically, with many in the U. S. calling for a military draw down and pull out from places far from home such as Northeast Asia, Even though North Korea gave up its nuclear weapons project it still produces long-range missiles. Japan has become increasingly concerned about its national security interests after the cold war with the Japanese archipelago being within the range of North Korean missiles and as China has been rising fast while investing lots of money for its military build-up and its pursuit of hegemonic power in the region. With the end of the bipolar system and China's developing its military potential. the situation in Northeast Asia has become very complicated and unstable. Take for example the spratley Islands, where there is potential for mining petroleum, there is a great possibility of aconflict erupting between China and Japan. In light of this very volatile situation, it is essential that some kind of organizstion for regional security in Northeast Asia Asia be established. But because of conflicting national interests in the area we need first to establish confidence-building measures to prevent conflict and preserve peace and stability in the area. Without such arrangements and an organization devoted to regional security, peace and security in the region cannot be guaranteed.

      • KCI등재

        일·중관계와 동북아 안보 : 예상되는 지역분쟁을 중심으로

        김경민 한국전략문제연구소 1997 전략연구 Vol.4 No.1

        The social, economic and political transition now underway in Asia is positive but uncertain. Unlike Europe, communist regimes remain in power in East Asia-China, North Korea, Vietnam-although leadership and generational changes are underway in these states. In Asia, threats of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, emerging nationalism amidst longstanding ethnic and national rivalries, and unresolved territorial disputes combine to create a political landscape of potential instability and conflict. Among them, one significant example is the territorial dispute of Spartly Islands. In 1988, there were small naval clashes between China and Vietnam, and these nations continue to be the most likely to engage in armed conflict over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. In February 1992, China reaffirmed its claim to the Spratly Islands and, unfortunately, its readiness to use force to back up its claim. Japan is also seriously concerned about this area because the Japanese economy heavily depends on using the sealane to import natural resources from abroad. In this sense, the area around the Spratly Islands will continue to be a source for regional instability among China, Japan and neibouring countries. Furthermore the unresolved territorial dispute between China and Japan around the Senkaku Islands will also worsening the instability in Asia.

      • KCI등재

        ‘매를 든 어머니’로 상징되는 戰後 成長小說의 暴力性 -마당 깊은 집, 장난감 도시, 고기잡이는 갈대를 꺾지 않는다를 대상으로-

        김경민 한국어문교육연구회 2019 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.47 No.1

        This paper aim to analyze the violence of the post-war society in three novels, <A House with a Deep Garden>, <The Toy City> and <A Fisherman Do not Snap the Reed>, that describe the post-war era. These novels are all notable works as they depict the background of the post-war society and the author's personal experiences. These are all bildungsromans that young children are main characters. Thus, in these novels, it is very common that caned children. Interestingly enough, in the three novels, all mothers who cane are widows caused from war. In addition, their caning is more frequent and harsh than other parents’ canes which are the purpose of education and discipline. Until now, most studies have paid attention to children’s growth in these novels. Therefore, the caning mothers’ feelings have been ignored. Unlike other studies, this study pay attention to caning mother, especially widows. In the time which traditional moral and beliefs were destroyed, the obsession and demand for social norm grew strong. The strong sanctions and crackdown were imposed on the abnormal, especially among the minority such as widows. These repressive mechanisms were also internalized to those who are subject to monitoring and controlling. As a result, they showed symptoms of self-control and self-censorship, further a nervous disease. That is what we commonly call the obsessional neurosis. The social environments that excessively force and suppress widows were the cause of the obsessional neurosis, and this violence transformed as cane, one of the aggressions, was enacted to their children. The widows caned their children to grow right more harshly because the mothers wanted that their children were different from the bad prejudice on widows and widows’ children. Consequentially, the widows’ caning is one of the social pathology of the post-war era, not the personal deviation. 김경민, 2019, ‘매를 든 어머니’로 상징되는 전후 성장소설의 폭력성, 어문연구, 181 : 203~229 마당 깊은 집 과 장난감 도시 , 고기잡이는 갈대를 꺾지 않는다 는 모두 전후 사회의 시대상을 그린 소설로 어린 아이들이 주인공으로 등장하는 성장이야기인 만큼 매 맞는 아이의 모습이 세 작품에 모두 등장하는데, 이때 아이들에게 매를 드는 사람은 모두 “전쟁으로 과수댁이 된 어머니”이며, 이들이 가하는 매질은 유난히 더 빈번하고 가혹하게 그려진다. 전후, 정상의 범주에서 벗어난 것들에 대해서는 강도 높은 제재와 단속이 이루어졌고 그중에서도 홀로 된 여성들에게는 더욱 심한 억압이 이루어졌다. 또한 이러한 억압기제는 감시와 통제의 대상인 이들에게까지 내면화되어 자기 통제와 자기검열의 형태로 고착화되고 결국 신경증의 형태로까지 이어진다. 지나친 강요와 책임감을 부여하는 사회 분위기는 홀로 된 여성들에게 강박으로 작용했고, 이러한 폭력성은 매질이라는 공격성의 형태로 더 약한 대상인 자식들에게 가해진 것이다. 이처럼 전후 소설에 재현된 매 맞는 아이, 그리고 매를 드는 어머니라는 상징은 전후 사회의 폭력성을 증언하는 중요한 이미지라 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        National Context as an Important Variable for the Development of IT-based Strategic Capability

        김경민 한국데이터전략학회 2013 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.20 No.3

        This study was initiated to inquire as to why Wal-Mart failed in the Korean market. For multi- national corporations, environmental differences such as cultural and social differences among countries require business strategies to vary country by country. In Korea, Confucian Ethics are penetrated in every aspect of people’s lives. An important aspect of Confucian Ethics is the role and responsibility of women in society. Considering this, businesses need to understand Korean women’s preferences as consumers and develop business strategies accordingly. This study emphasizes that IS strategy is one component of the business strategy and, as such, must be rooted in business issues. Understanding that IS strategy should fit to national contexts, this study investigates the underlying process in which IT-based strategic capability is developed according to national context to gain competitive advantages.

      • KCI등재

        Globalizing Information Systems Alignment : Strategic Thrust and Local Responsiveness

        김경민,조남재 한국데이터전략학회 2015 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.22 No.1

        Environmental differences across countries such as socio-cultural, political, economic, and technological differences require business strategies of multinational corporations to vary business practices across regions. Despite the keen awareness of the necessity for strategic adaptation to local context, IS management and strategy tend to remain similar across countries. One of the reasons is to maintain the stability and compatibility of information technology infrastructure. After a careful observation of retail business practice, this study finds IS strategy should also be highly responsive to the local context. This study shows how information resources including systems architecture, processes, human resources, and national context are interlinked together. Despite global excellence in general systems management, failure in such alignment can be a serious problem in extending competitive advantages across regions. This study aims to reveal issues to be taken care of in order to accomplish global technological alignment. Results of this study provide senior management with guidelines and a framework for aligning IT with regional strategic thrust that can improve local responsiveness of multinational companies.

      • KCI등재

        벼에서 Agrobacterium vector를 이용한 세포사멸 억제 유전자 도입

        김경민,최정숙,이현숙 한국육종학회 2012 한국육종학회지 Vol.44 No.3

        In this study, we introduced AtBI-1 of Arabidopsis thaliana into week abiotic stress japonica rice to control cell-death expression by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The NPT II gene was used as a selectable marker. The activity of neomycin phosphotransferase could be successfully detected in transgenic rice callus. The introduction of AtBI-1 gene was approved also by PCR using AtBI-1 specific oligonucleotide primers in regenerated plantsand Southern blot analysis. Stable integration and expression of the AtBI-1-GFP gene at root, stem, and root in T0 plants and T1 progeny were confirmed by GFP analysis.

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