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      • KCI등재후보

        포함관계와 역포함관계:한국어의 “-는”, “-면”, “-만”과 “-(어)야”의 분석

        김정란 ( Joung Ran Kim ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2010 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.13 No.-

        Kim, Joung-Ran(2010), “The Set Inclusion Relation and the Reverse Set Inclusion Relation:the Analysis of Korean -nun, -myen, -man and -(e)ya”, Language & Information Society 13, Kim, Joung-Ran(2010) claimed that topic and conditional sentences in Korean, which bear the signature mark -nun and -myen respectively, can be effectively represented by the set inclusion relation. This article now investigates the reverse set inclusion relation marked by -man and -(e)ya in Korean. As Barwise and Cooper (1981) argued for English only`, it is argued that -man marks the reverse set inclusion relation in Korean. In addition, it is argued that ``-(e)ya`` also marks the reverse set inclusion relation. The complete overlapping relation is expected when both the inclusion relation marker and the reverse inclusion relation marker appear at the same time in a sentence, and those instances are presented.

      • KCI등재

        임신부 체중증가와 신생아 체중과의 관계

        정효지,김은정,최봉순,최경호,신정자,윤성도 동아시아식생활학회 2000 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.10 No.6

        This study was carried out to find the factors which are related to the weight gain during pregnancy of women and infant birth weight. The information of the general characteristics and pregnancy outcomes of the 506 women who had a delivery during Jan to Dec. 1997 in a hospital at Taegu area were collected from the medical records. The results are as follows. The mean age of the subjects was 29 years old and the average prepregnancy weight was 52.75㎏. They gained 13.51㎏ of weight during the pregnancy. The weight gain during pregnancy was higher in prepregnancy BMI <20kg/m^(2), the infant weight was heavier in groups that had over 14kg of weight gain during the pregnancy than other groups. The prepregnancy BMI was negatively correlated to weight gain during pregnancy (r=0.2825), and positively correlated to number of pregnancy (r=0.2146), number of living delivery (r=0.1409), and infant weight (r=0.1250). The baby weight was positively correlated to weight gain during pregnancy (r=0.1392) and Apgar score(r=0.1627). The results showed that the prepregnancy BMI and weight gain during pregnancy may be the influential factors on the infant weight, thus we need to develop the specific nutritional management program according to the status of prepregnancy weight.

      • KCI등재후보

        순정만화의 젠더 전복 모티브에 나타난 앤드로지니 환상과 젠더화의 불만

        정승화(Joung Seung-Hwa) 한국여성연구소 2008 페미니즘 연구 Vol.8 No.1

        본 논문은 순정만화에 자주 등장하는 남장여자, 남녀쌍둥이, 성전환, 소년애 등의 젠더 전복의 모티브가 갖는 의미를 이해하고자 하는 관심에서, 한국에서 널리 읽힌 이케다 리요코의 <베르사이유의 장미>와 한국 순정만화의 대표적인 작가로 꼽히는 황미나, 강경옥, 이정애의 주요 작품을 분석한다. 이들 순정만화에 나타나는 젠더 전복의 모티브는 성적 주체로서 성장하는 과정에서 여성이 경험하는 갈등과 불안, 이원적 젠더 구조의 전복에 대한 욕망을 드러낸다. 본 논문은 순정만화에서 나타나는 젠더 전복 모티브가 여성의 앤드로지니 환상과 관련됨을 분석하였다. 정신분석에서 앤드로지니 환상은 어머니의 페니스의 결여를 부인함으로써 여자 아이가 그녀 자신의 결여를 부인하는 심리를 반영한다. 앤드로지니 환상은 여성의 열등성에 대한 부인과 이분법적 젠더체계에 대한 위반의 욕망을 내포하고 있다. 순정만화에서 젠더 정체성은 젠더 전복의 모티브를 통해 미결정되거나 전환가능한 것으로 재현된다. 이것은 여성의 성적 분화에 대한 거부와 비성적인 존재로 남아 있고자 하는 욕망의 표현으로 볼 수 있다. 또한 순정만화 장르가 사랑에 관한 서사라는 점에서 순정만화에 등장하는 젠더 전복의 드라마는 이분법적 젠더체계에 기반한 섹슈얼리티의 고정된 범주를 문제시한다. 성전환 등의 젠더 전복 모티브를 통해서, 성정체성 역시 불안정화되고 이성애나 동성애, 양성애 등의 고정된 성정체성으로 한정되지 않는 개방된 섹슈얼리티에 대한 추구의 욕망을 드러낸다. 야오이 장르는 젠더 전복의 모티브와 연속성을 갖는데, 여기서 젠더의 의미는 텍스트 내의 문법적 위치에 불과한 것으로 축소된다. 젠더 전복의 모티브에 익숙한 순정만화의 독자들은 젠더나 섹슈얼리티에 상관없이 자유롭게 누구와도 동일시 할 수 있는 앤드로지니 가상 공간을 만들어 낸다. 여성 독자들이 즐겨 읽는 순정만화에서 젠더를 문제시하고 그 경계를 교란시키는 젠더 전복 모티브가 주로 사용된다는 사실은 순정만화를 이분법적이고 위계화된 젠더 정체성에 대한 불만과 그 구조를 전복시키고자 하는 여성독자의 욕망에 관한 서사로 볼 수 있게 한다. Concerned about analyzing the meaning of gender reversal motives in girls' comics which have such characters as female transvestites, male-female twins, transsexuals, male homosexuals, etc. threatening gender dichotomy boundary, this article analyzes the main works by such those representative authors as Mina Hwang, Kyoung-ok Kang, and Joung-ae Leeng, including 〈Rose of Versailles〉 by a Japanese author, Ikeda Riyoko, which had popularity in Korean society. Gender reversal motives reveals conflicts, anxiety, and desire for reversal of gender dichotomy, experienced by girls in the process of growing to be gendered women and sexual subjects. In this article, gender reversal motives in girls comics is interpreted to show girls' fantasy of androgyny. Violation of gender dichotomy itself provides the core of enchantment of those stories to the characters in those works and its girl readers. Androgyny fantasy denying the mother's lack of penis reflects the psychology of girls denying their lack. Gender identity is represented to be undetermined or transformable through gender reversal motives in girls' comics, which can be analyzed to reveal the denial of gender differentiation and to express the desire to stay ungendered / asexual in girls' psychology. As girls' comics is the narratives of love and romance, girls desire for love can be read in gender reversal dramas of girls' comics. In gender reversal motives, girls' desire for love and sexuality goes beyond such sexual identities as heterosexuals, homosexuals, or bisexuals. The fact that girls' comics which girl readers read enthusiastically consists of gender reversal motives problematizing gender dichotomy and disturbing the boundary means that girls' comics are the narratives of girl readers' discontents of gender dichotomy and gender hierarchy and simultaneously the narratives to reverse those structures.

      • 새로운 헤테로 방향족 화합물인 2-Aryl-4H(5H)-1, 2, 3, 4, 5-Pentaazapentalene의 합성

        이정희,정동근 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 1996 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        The presence of electron donating groups at the 3- or 5-position on the pyrazole ring facilitates the azo coupling reaction at the 4-position on the pyrazole ring, but 3-amino-1-phenyl pyrazole(Ⅴ) reacts with arene diazonium ion in weak alkaline solution(pH 8-9) to give traizene derivatives(Ⅵ) in 90-93% yield. But, the azo coupling reaction of 3(5)-aminopyrazole(Ⅶ) with arene diazonium ion in weak alkaline solution(pH 8-9) afforded 3(5)-amino-4-arylazopyrazole(Ⅷ) and subsequently oxidative cyclization with Lead tetraacetate in inert gas gave 2-aryl-4H(5H)-1,2,3,4,5 -penta-azapentalene(Ⅲ,Ⅳ).

      • KCI등재

        정신분열증 음성증상에 대한 단기 토큰경제의 효과와 치료인자

        안정숙,이연덕,방형석,박정은,신정호 大韓神經精神醫學會 1997 신경정신의학 Vol.36 No.5

        연구목적 : 정신분열증의 음성증상은 약물치료에 잘 반응하지 않은 채로 남아 재활을 어렵게 한다. 본 연구는 정신분열증환자의 음성증상을 개선시키는데 토큰경제치료(TET)가 효과가 있는 지를 조사하고, 종합병원의 정신과병동 여건에 맞는 TET 프로그램을 개발하고자 시행되었다. 연구방법 : 정신과병동에 입원치료중 음성증상이 주문제가 되어 삼개월 이하의 단기 TET를 받은 정신분열증환자 35사례를 대상으로, PANSS음성증상척도를 사용하여 TET의 효과를 조사하였다. 또한 목표행동의 각 수준별로 성공집단과 실패집단의 환자 변인과 프로그램 변인을 비교함으로써 치료인자를 규명하고자 하였다. 연구결과 : 1) 음성소척도 총점은 기저선 관찰기간의 31.57±4.32점에서 TET 종료시 20.66±4.63점으로 낮아졌다. TET종료시 음성소척도의 7개 증상 모두 감소하였으나 추상적 사고의 장애와 상동적 사고는 다른 5개 소척도 증상에 비해 상대적으로 덜 개선되었다. 또한 TET 기간 동안 항정신증약물의 용량은 487.58±372.79mg/day로부터 291.21±287.74mg/day로 감소하였다. 2) 자조기술 수준(Ⅰ)에 속한 항목들의 성공률은 75%, 병동활동 수준(Ⅱ)에서는 78%, 사회기술 및 작업 수준(Ⅲ)에서는 68%로서, 전체 목표행동에 대한 TET의 성공률은 74%였다. 3) 수준 Ⅱ의 성공집단은 실패집단보다 TET 종료시 항정신병약물의 투약용량이 유의하게 낮았으며, 수준 Ⅲ의 성공집단은 실패집단보다 입원경력이 유의하게 적었다(p<.05). 수준 Ⅰ에서는 간식신청, 면회, 가족외출 등이, 수준 Ⅱ에서는 면회가 강화물로 적용되었을 때 성공률이 유의하게 높았다. 결 론 : 이러한 결과는 TET가 정신분열증환자의 음성증상에 효과적인 치료법임을 보여준다. TET의 효율향상과 원할한 운용을 위해서는 개별화된 프로그램을 개발하려는 지속적인 연구가 필요할 것이다. Objective : The negative symptoms of schizophrenia usually are not responsive to drug therapy to persist and make schizophrenics more difficult in their rehabilitation. The authors investigated the therapeutic effect of token economy(TET) for negative symptoms of schizophrenic patients, and attempted to develop a TET program for psychiatric wards in general hospital. Methods : Negative subscale of PANSS was rated for 35 schizophrenics with negative symptoms as their main problems before and after short-term TET(less than 3 months). Therapeutic factors were identified by comparing patient and program variables between the achieved and the non-achieved group of each level of target behaviors. Results : 1) Subtotal of negative subscale of PANSS was decreased from 31.57±4.32 at baseline to 20.66±4.63 after treatment. With TET, symptoms of 'difficulty in abstract thinking' and 'stereotypic thinking' were less responsive than the other 5 items of the scale. Also the dose of antipsychotics prescribed was reduced to 291.21±287.74mg/day from 487.58±372.79mg/day. 2) The achievement rate of level Ⅰ(self-help) was 75%, level Ⅱ(ward-activity) 78%, and level Ⅲ(social activity/occupation) 68%, resulting in average 74% for all target behaviors. 3) On level Ⅱ, dose of antipsychotics was lower, and on level Ⅲ, number of admission was fewer and female sex was more frequent in achieving patient group than nonachieving group. The rate of achievement was higher in case of special food, reception, and outing with family applied as a reinforcer on level Ⅰ, and reception on level Ⅱ. Conclusion : These results showed that TET was effective for schizophrenic patients with negative symptoms in psychiatric ward. Further investigations to refine the individual program of TET will be needed for enhancement of it's therapeutic efficacy and smart application of it.

      • Cyanex 301을 이용한 미량 Ni(Ⅱ)의 추출 및 정량에 관한 연구

        김황식,이정길,정창웅 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 2005 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        A selective and quantitatively atomic absorption spectromethc measurements have been developed for the determination of trace Ni(Ⅱ) with 0.3M thiocyanate and 0.1M Cyanex SOlUMIBK. Ni(Ⅱ)-thiocyanate complex was quantitatively extracted into Cyanex 301-MIBK solution. Beer's law obeys in the range of 16 ppm in organic solvent. Analysis of Ni(Ⅱ) in seawater was performed by the proposed method.

      • UV/H_2O_2, UV/TiO_2 시스템에서 염료의 색도 및 COD 제거

        김계월,박정미,심수진,이희정,이동석 강원대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 産業技術硏究 Vol.20 No.A

        The Photocatalytic decolorization and degradation of commercial dyes were studied using a batch reactor. Degussa P25 titanium dioxide and H_2O_2 were used as the photocatalyst and proved to be effective for dyes degradation when they were irradiated with UV light. The light source was a 20W low pressure mercury lamp. Three different kinds of dyes, such as direct dye(congo red), acid dye(acid black) and disperse dye(disperse blue) were tested. Extending the UV only treatment up to 120min, direct dye was decolorized to 60% and degraded to 30% as COD. On the other side, acid and disperse dyes were eliminated less than 10% as color and COD. But, color and COD were eliminated about 90% for all of the three dyes by UV/H_2O_2 system. And then the most effective decolorization was done for direct dye with 96% removal efficiency by UV/TiO_2 system at 120min 500mg/L of TiO_2.

      • KCI등재

        중국 연변 조선족자치주 성인과 한국 구리지역 성인의 식생활 양식 비교

        이선희,백희영,김정순,문용,정효지 한국식생활문화학회 2001 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.16 No.4

        This study was conducted to investigate dietary patterns and assimilation of dietary culture of Korean descendants in Yanbian, China compared to Korean. A dietary survey was conducted using one 24-hour recall method from 730 adults over 30 years of age in Yanbian, China and 695 adults over 25 years of age in Kuri, Korea. The average number of food items consumed per day was 14 in Yanbian and 20 in Kuri and there was a significant difference between the two regions(p<0.001). The foods consumed most frequently were rice, salt, the M.S.G. in Yanbian and rice, green onion and garlic in Kuri. The foods consumed most by amount were rice, cucumber, Soju in Yanbian and rice, Kimchi and grape in Kuri. The average number of dishes consumed per day was 6.4 in Yanbian, 9.4 in Kuri and the difference between the two regions was significant(p<0.001). Total number of dishes appeared in the survey was 253 in Yanbian and 494 in Kuri. The dishes consumed most frequently were cooked-rice, beverages, Kimchi, stir-fried eggplant in Yanbian and cooked-rice, Kimchi, coffee, soybean paste stew, in Kuri. The dish groups appeared most frequently were rice, stir-fried foods, vegetables and Kimchi in Yanbian and rice, Kimchi, beverages and fruits in Kuri. Male subjects in Yanbian Consumed alcohol frequently while adults in Kuri consumed coffee more frequently than Yanbian. The major meal patterns were rice+side dish, rice+soup, rice+side dish+Kimchi in Yanbian and rice+soup+side dish+Kimchi, rice+side dish+Kimchi, rice+soup+Kimchi in Kuri. Stir-fried foods, which were consumed 46.6% of all the meals, were dominant side dish in Yanbian, but stir-fried food, seasoned vegetables and grilled food appeared aver 10% in Kuri. There results show that variety of diet of Korean-Chinese in Yanbian was lower than Kuri. Korean-Chinese tend to keep traditional Korean dietary patterns of consuming rice as staple but were adapted to Chinese dietary patterns of consuming stir-fried side dishes. Efforts should be directed toward preserving Korean traditional patterns of dietary culture among Korean-Chinese population.

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