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        영어교실에서 교사와 학생간의 상호 대화 촉진 방안

        신용진 대한언어학회 1999 언어학 Vol.7 No.1

        Shin, Yong Jin. 1999. The Interaction of Teacher-Talk and Student-Talk in the Foreign Language Classroom. Linguistics, 7-1, 283-303. The instructions of the English teacher provided few opportunities for student-to-teacher or student-to-student communication. The result was minimal student/teacher interaction directed toward promoting communication skills -- not unidirectional instruction. Successful language acquisition cannot be explained, it must be experiencd. Reciprocal student/teacher interaction promotes this. Creating a dynamic social environment in the classroom requires use of visual aids, including multimedia materials, graded to the students' level. First, basic communication must be established between student and teacher. Second, encouragement of interactive questions relating to required text material, as well as visual/multimedia presentations, will help provide opportunities for student/teacher interaction. (Chosbuk National University)

      • KCI등재

        혈관질환 정보관리 시스템

        김동익,김덕경,허세호,이병붕,김용신,김은숙,문지영,도영수,신성욱,김동수,김만태,진재욱,김용신 대한혈관외과학회 2002 Vascular Specialist International Vol.18 No.1

        As medical technology progresses rapidly, there is a rise in the average age along with the Korean dietary lifestyle becoming more westernized, which leads to an increase in the number of vascular disease patients in Korea. Thus, we need to manage the medical information of a disease systematically in order to diagnose and treat constructively. However, since there has been no standardized method of man agement to date, a great deal of information could not be properly utilized nor studied. Therefore, the departments of Cardiology, Radiology and Neurology of Samsung Seoul Hospital recently got together to develop an information management system called the Vascular Data System. This program was developed to be run on win98 O/S, upper Pentium Ⅲ, and upper 128 MB Memory, and its source code is Dephi 4.0. It was configured for the user to set the configurations as well as do a variety of search and analysis. If this program were to be updated continuously, it may be used extensively as well as in various parts of clinical research activities.

      • 정신분열병에 대한 Risperidone의 효과 및 안전성에 관하여

        신석철,왕성근,지익성,이선우,이규광,이봉희,이진영,황선희,신용재,배경도,김정란 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1997 충남의대잡지 Vol.24 No.1

        In order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of risperidone, 10 patients with chronic schizophrenia were examined for 8 weeks in a silgle-open study. After the wash-out period of 1 week, risperidone was administered. Efficacy was evaluated by means of Positive and Negative syndrome Scale for Schizophernia(PANSS) and Clinical Global Impression(CGI). Safety assessment included the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale(ESRS), vital signs, body weight, ECG, and laboratory tests. The results were as follows 1) On the PANSS total score, there was significant improvement of total score after 1 week (P<.05) of administratiom. 2) On the PANSS positive and negative subscal, there were significant improvement of posotive and negative scores after 2 weeks (P<.05) of administration. 3) On the PANSS general psychopatholgy subscals, there were significant improvement of general psychopathologyscores after 1 week (P<.05) of administratiom. 4) On the CGI, there was significant decreasement of clinical impression of severity of schizophrenia score after 2 week (P<.05) of administration. 5) A statistically significant increase in body weight (P<.05) was observed after 8 weeks of administration. 6) EPS reached the peak at the end of the 1st week of administration of risperidone (11.8± 24.25) but they were easily relieved by addition of benztropine and clonazepam. There was not significant change in laboratory tests, vital sign, ECG after 8 weeks of administration. These results suggest that Risperidone is an effective antipsychotics and clinically safe except for increased body weight in chronic schizophrenia.

      • 히스테리시스 電動機의 토오크特性에 미치는 回轉子內의 表皮效果

        愼鏞璡 명지대학교 1982 明大論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        This paper describes an analytical method on the staring torque of hysteresis motor, with skin effects into the rotor, to the elliptical approximation method of hysteresis-loop. By the above method, it have obtained the torque of rotor ring with non-magnetic and non-conductive material arbor, and the results are concerned and compared with that of computed by aid of callibration factor, k=1+exp(-2t_r/??).

      • 作期移動에 따른 水稻 F₂世代의 登熟特性 分離樣相의 變化

        申辰澈,權容雄 서울大學校 農科大學 1985 서울대농학연구지 Vol.10 No.2

        水稻의 品種育成上 Indica×Japonica 交雜種에 있어서 多數性 및 收量 安全性 向上을 위해 必要한 登熟期間 중 葉身의 老化와 登熟과의 關係를 밝히고자, 早生統一, 水原 264號, T(N)1을 母木으로 하는 3組合의 F₂集團을 適期栽培와 晩期栽培였고, 各 栽培時期別 組合當 1000個體씩을 供試하여 出穗以後 登熟期間中의 葉綠素含量, 葉面積, 粒重發特性 關係形質을 調査하였다. 1. 出穗期 葉綠素含量은 全般的으로 適期栽培보다 晩期栽培에서 낮았으며, 適期에서는 組合間 平均差異가 없고 變異係數는 早生統一/T(N)1, 水原 264/T(N)1 및 早生統一/水原 264가 各各 15.4, 15.3, 17.4%이었고, 晩期栽培에서는 變異係數가 24.1, 16.4, 19.6%이었으며, 晩期栽培에서는 葉綠素含量이 높은 個體數가 적었다. 出穗後 30日의 葉綠素含量은 適期에서 早生統一/T(N)1, 水原 264/T(N)1, 早生統一/水原 264의 平均이 3.03, 2.71, 2.96㎎/g dry wt.이었고, 變異係數가 28.5 34.6 33.5%이였으며, 晩期栽培에서는 平均이 2.23, 2.30, 2.48㎎/g dry wt. 變異係數가 39.2, 32.7, 28.3%이었다. 2. 出穗期의 葉面積은 適期와 晩期의 分布 差異가 없었고, 組合間에 差異가 없었다. 出穗後 30日의 葉面積은 變異係數가 早生統一/T(N)1, 水原 264//T(N)1 및 早生統一/水原 264의 各組合에서 適期는 27.1, 18.4, 21.8%이었고 晩期에서는 21.0, 18.4, 22.4%이었고, 組合間에는 平均間差가 컸다. 3. 出穗後 30日동안 減少된 葉綠少量에 對한 變異係數는 適期栽培에서 早生統一/T(N)1, 水原 264/T(N)1 및 早生統一/水原 264의 各 組合은 28.3, 27.0, 31.7이였고, 晩期栽培에서는 各各 39.9, 35.0, 28.4이었다. 4. 適期栽培에서는 모든 組合이 出穗後 20日, 30日 및 最終粒重의 分布樣相이 비슷하였으나, 晩期栽培에서는 各各 다른 分布樣相을 보였다. 5. 出穗期間은 適期栽培에서 모든 組合들이 25日 程度였고, 早生統一/T(N)1 組合의 平均 出穗日은 다른 두 組合보다 平均 出穗日이 7日程度 빨랐으나, 晩期栽培에서는 그 差異가 적어졌다. 6. 出穗가 늦어진 個體는 葉綠素含量이 낮아지는 傾向이었으나, 出穗가 늦은 個體들 中에서 葉綠素含量이 높은 個體도 많았다. 出穗期의 葉面積은 出穗期와 正의 相關이었는데, 出穗後 30日의 葉面積과 出穗時期와는 適期에서 負의 相關이었고, 晩期에서는 正의 相關이었다. 晩期栽培에서는 出穗가 늦어짐에 따라 葉綠素含量의 減少는 적었고, 葉面積의 減少는 出穗期와 正의 相關關係였다. 7. 出穗期 葉面積과 出穗기 葉綠素含量과는 相關關係가 없었고, 出穗後 30日의 葉綠素含量과 出穗後 30日의 葉面積과는 正의 相關關係였다. 8. 出穗期 葉綠素含量과 出穗期 20日, 30日 및 最終粒重과는 正의 相關關係이었고, 出穗後 30日의 葉綠素含量과 適期栽培의 出穗後 20日, 30日의 粒重과도 正의 相關關係였다. 9. 出穗期의 葉面積과 粒重과는 相關關係가 없었다. 出穗後 30日의 葉面積은 出穗後 30日 및 最終粒重과 正의 相關關係였다. 10. 晩期栽培에서 葉綠素 減少量과 出穗後 30日 및 最終粒重과는 正의 相關關係이었다. 適期 및 晩期栽培에서 모두 葉面積 減少率 및 葉身 老化指數는 出穗後 30日 및 最終粒重과는 負의 相關이었다. 11. 出穗後 20日의 粒重과 乾物蓄積速度와는 가장 높은 相關關係였고, 出穗後 20日의 乾物蓄積程度와 出穗後 30日의 乾物蓄積程度도 正의 相關이 있었다. 그러나 最終粒重과 乾物蓄積程度와는 相關이 없었다. 12. 出穗後 20日에 最終粒重에 하는 個體數는 組合에 따라 다르고 出穗後 20日에 이미 最終粒重에 달하는 個體가 30% 程度되는 組合도 있었다. The segregation mode in the late season culture (June 15 transplanting) of chlorophyll content of leaves, and alive leaf area during grain filling period and filling of grains in F₂ progenies of the rice varieties was compared to that in the ordinary season culture (June 5 transplanting) to improve selection method of the cold susceptible IndicaxJaponica rice progenies for better grain filling under cooler climate of ripening. IndicaxJaponica varieties, Josaengtongil and Suwon 264 were crossed each other and with Taichung Native 1; Josaengtongil/T(N) 1, Suwon 264/T(N), and Josaengtongil/Suwon 264. Twentyfour, 10, and 20 F₁ plants from each of the above crosses, Respectively, were grown and harvested in bulk. The 1,000 F₂ individuals per combination were cultured and observed in the field for each seasonal culture. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. At heading, the chlorophyll content was lower in the late season culture than in the ordinary. Differences among the means of chlorophyll content in F₂progenies were not significant in the ordinary season culture, and there were fewer individuals with high chlorophyll content in the late season culture than in the ordinary. The coefficients of variance (C.V.) obtained from the distribution of chlorophyll content at heading in the F₂progenies of Josaengtongil/T(N) 1, Suwon 264/T(N) 1 and Josaengtongil/Suwon 264 were estimated to be 15.4, 15.3, and 17.4% in the ordinary season culture, and 24.1, 26.4 and 19.6% in the late season culture, respectively. At 30 days after heading, each combination averaged 3.03, 2.71, 2.96mg/g. D.M. in the late season culture. The coefficients of variance obtained from the distribution of chlorophyll content at 30 days after heading in each cross were 28.5, 34.6, 33.5% in the ordinary season culture and 39.2, 32.7, 28.3% in the late season culture. 2. At heading, there observed the similar distribution of leaf area in the F₂progenies in both of the ordinary and the late season culture, and no significant differences among means of the leaf area in the F₂progenies. At 30 days after heading, the C.V.s in the three F₂progeny groups were 27.3, 18.4, 21.8% in the ordinary season culture and 21.0, 18.4, 22.4% in the late season culture, showing great differences among means of leaf area in the progenies. 3. For the C.V.s obtained from the distribution of the decreased amount of chlorophyll during 30 days after heading, the three F₂progeny groups, Josaengtongil/T(N) 1, Suwon 264/T(N) 1 and Josaengtongil/Suwon 264, showed 28.3, 27.0, 31.7% in the ordinary season culture and 39.9, 35.0, 28.4% in the late season culture, respectively. 4. In all F₂progenies grain weight at 20 and 30 days after heading and at maturity were similar in mode of segregation in the ordinary season culture, but different in the late season culture. 5. Duration from initial to final heading was about 25 days in all crosses in the ordinary season culture, and average growth duration to head was shorter in the Josaengtongil/T(N) 1 than the other crosses by 7 days in the ordinary season culture, but no difference was observed among the F₂progenies in the late season culture. 6. The chlorophyll content of the individuals tended to decrease with heading date delay, but even among the individuals of late heading, many of them also showed high chlorophyll content. In both cultivated seasons, the leaf area at heading increased significantly with the growth duration to head while the leaf area at 30 days after heading was negatively correlated with the growth duration to head in the ordinary season culture, but positively. in the late seasonculture The decrease in chlorophyll content got smaller with the heading date in the late season culture, and the decrease in leaf area was positively correlated with the heading date. 7. The leaf area at heading showed no significant correlation with the chlorophyll content at heading, while the leaf area at 30 days after heading was positivelycor related to the chlorophyll content at 30 days after heading. 8. In both cultivated seasons, the chlorophyll content at heading was positively correlated with the grain weight at 20 and 30 days after heading, and that at 30 days after heading showed positive relationship with the grain weight at 20 and 30 days after heading only in the ordinary season culture. 9. There was no significant relationship between the leaf area at heading and grain weight, but the leaf area at 30 days after heading was positively correlated with the grain weight at 30 days after heading and at harvest. 10. In the late season culture, the decreased amount of chlorophyll during 30 days after heading showed a positive correlation with the grain weight at 30 days after heading and at harvest. The decrease in leaf area during 30 days after heading and the leaf senescence index were negatively correlated with the grain weight at 30 days after heading and at harvest in both cultivated seasons, each other. 11. There was the highest positive correlation between grain weight and the grain filling rate at 20 days after heading and there was highly positive correlation between the grain weight at 20 days and that at 30 days after heading. But there was no significant correlation between the grain weight at 20 days and 30 days after heading and grain weight at harvest. 12. The number of F₂progenies, which reached the physiological maturity at 20 days after heading, varied with crosses, and in the cross of Josaengtongil/Suwon 264, the fully ripened F₂progenies at 20 days after heading amounted to about 30%.

      • 고주파 가열에 따른 반응고 알루미늄합금의 미세조직 특성

        신평우,이정환,이상용,노진호,이영선 國立 昌原大學校 産業技術硏究所 1997 産技硏論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        Semi-solid forming is relatively new process for forming alloys in the semi-solid condition into near net produce. It relies on the behaviour of semi-solid slurrys in which the solid exists in the form of non-dendritic, spheroidal particles in a liquid matrix. Powder of the Al-20Si-5Fe-2Ni alloy was manufactured by spray forming and powder metallurgy, one of the rapid cooling method, and its microstructure became fine with several ㎛ size through the extrusion process. Spray forming and powder metallurgy are a rapid solidification process in which capable of producing materials consisted of very fine, uniform particles. Spray forming can be described as incorperating the advantages of powder metallurgy without disadvantages of degassing and consolidation. In this paper, the microstructural evolution of the P/M, S/F Al-20Si-5Fe-2Ni alloys and wrought Al 2024 alloys were investigated various heating conditions by high frequency induction heating system.

      • 사인에 의한 즉시형 과민반응의 억제 효과

        신태용,염정열,김원,김현미,박해정,장진이,조성룡,채병숙 우석대학교 생명과학연구소 1998 생명과학연구소 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        We investigated the effect of aqueous extract of Ammomum xanthioides(AXAE) on immediate hypersensitivity. AXAE inhibited systemic anaphylaxis induced by compound 48/80 in mice. AXAE inhibited serum histamine levels induced by compound 48/80 in mice. Moreover, AXAE dose-dependently inhibited histamine release in peritoneal mast cells activated by compound 48/80. These results indicate that the AXAE may be benificial in the regulation of immediate type allergic reaction.

      • CM at Risk의 국내 건설시장 도입 및 활성화 방안 연구

        신성훈,서용칠,구교진,현창택 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1(구조계)

        Nowadays, construction projects are increasing its complexities, risks and demands for greater' input and management skill. Also owners are gradually inclined to transfer their risks to other parties. In order to respond this situation, it is necessary that the different kinds of delivery systems suitable for the clients' needs be diversified and adapted to the Korean construction industry. In this background, the study is to present the approach to introduce CM at risk, one of the alternative delivery systems in Korea, by revising some regulations and proposing various types of this system.

      • Schema theory가 영어 독해력에 미치는 영향

        申鎔鎭 全北大學校 1994 論文集 Vol.38 No.-

        This paper is to present approaches and strategies to develop reading comprehension. first of all, past reading approaches and definitions on reading are introduced. Secondly, reading models are discussed. And also their strengths and weaknesses are commented. Thirdly, schema theory, the main point of this paper, is explained in detail. And finally, methods and strategies which are developed on the basis of schema theory are presented. Methods which are necessary to build and activate background knowledge give a great impact on English reading comprehension. Strategies such as previewing, mapping and the prereading plan are also presented.

      • Ending "-ee"에 관한 연구

        申鎔鎭 全北大學校 1969 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        영어는 노르만 정복 이후 불어의 영향을 받아 노르만-프렌치라는 노르망디 지역에서 사용하던 언어에서 어휘를 많이 받아들여 그 결과 무수한 단어를 affix로부터 만들게 되었다. 비단 affix에 의해서만이 coinages를 이룬 것은 아니나 여기서 연구하고자 하는 것은 derivative의 일역을 맡고 있는 ending -ee도 다른 엔딩 못지 않게 많은 단어를 만들어 내었기 때문에 이것을 역사적 과정을 통해서 어떻게 엔딩이 되었으며 엔딩이 된 후 어떠한 의미변화를 했고 강세는 여하히 변화를 가져 왔으며 이 엔딩의 -er(또는 -or)라는 엔딩과 의미상 어떠한 관계를 맺고 있는가를 연구코저 하는 것이 이 글의 목적이다.

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