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        백석 시에 나타난 ‘나’의 ‘생각한다’와 초월현실

        장동석(Jang, Dong-seok) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.48

        백석 시의 ‘나’는 과거를 매개삼아 실제현실에 대한 대응 태로서의 초월현실을 ‘생각한다’. ‘나’의 ‘생각한다’는 피식민지 근대 논리를 기준삼아 구성되던 실제 현실에 맞서는 초월현실을 생성한다. 이때 과거는 ‘순수과거’로 ‘나’의 ‘생각한다’가 도약하는 통로로 기능한다. 백석 시의 초월현실은 불확정적인 기의를 가진 기표로 형상화된다. 백석 시의 대상들이 비의(秘意)적인 영역을 가지며, 그럼으로써 기의의 완성을 향한 활력을 자나는 것이다. 이는 곧 초월현실이 바람직한 세계로서의 미래를 견인하는 것과 상응한다. 백석 시에서 ‘나’는 사적 과거(기억)의 끝에 자리한다. 이 자리에서 ‘나’는 과거 너머로 ‘생각한다’를 팽창한다. 과거 너머는 ‘나’의 의식 이상에서 잠재적으로 존재하는 무의식의 세계. 즉 ‘순수과거(순수기억)’이다. ‘나’의 ‘생각한다’는 초월현실을 구체화하기 위해 과거에서 ‘순수과거’로 멀리 도약한다. 동시에 ‘순수과거’의무의식적, 잠재적 대상들을 선택적으로 의식화해서 현재로 응축한다. 이때 현재로 응축되는 ‘순수과거’의 대상들에 새로운 속성이 보충된다. 피식민지 현실과 맺는 상호관계 속에서 ‘나’가 필요로 하는 속성이 대상에 더해지는 것이다. 이러한 대상은 피식민 근대 현실에서 결핍된 요소들을 가지고 있는 것으로서의 충일성을 가지며, 그 의미의 완성 태를 미래로 유보한다. ‘큰’은 ‘나’가 생성한 초월현실을 지시하는 주요 기표이다. ‘나’의 ‘생각한다’는 ‘순수과거’의 ‘큰’ 세계를 현재로 전경화한다. 그리고 이를 미래의 지향태로 삼는다. 또한 나’는 ‘큰’ 세계를 자기 정체성의 근거율로 ‘생각’함으로써 사회적 주체로 자리한다. ‘나’가 현재화한 ‘큰’ 세계의 대상들은 부분의 속성을 견지하면서 동시에 그것이 속했던 순수과거 전체를 수렴한다. 그리고 이를 통해 언외지의를 환기한다. Baek-seok’s Poetry created a transcendent reality in the past as a intermediation. In the Baek-seok’s Poetry, ‘I’ is situated at the end of a personal past(memory). This is where ‘I’ expands the ‘think’ over the past. The past beyond is the world of unconsciousness. It is latent in consciousness outside of the ‘I’. That is ‘pure past(pure memory)’. The pure past of Baek-seok’s Poetry is accumulated for a long time with collective satisfaction. ‘I think’ is leap away into the pure past. At the same time, conscious and condensed to select the object of the pure past. This suggests the object of the pure past to the present. And constitute a new reality. Transcendent reality is presented in an unfinished state. Therefore transcendent reality has a movement towards the completion status meaning(future). The Baek-seok’s Poetry is towed into future beyond reality. This is why the object of Baek-seok’s Poetry they have a sense indeterminate zone. ‘I think’ selected ‘The first and largest’ the world of the pure past in the foreground. And it should be directed to decide the future. The object of ‘the lagest’ are part and the totality as a whole. ‘I think’ is conscious confront the reality that were organized by the colonialization modernity logic. It does not run after the colonization of modern logic. instead, selected ‘The largest’ that excludes the colonialization logic in the foreground. ‘The largest’ is unaware of the basis of the rate of self-identity.

      • KCI등재

        한국문학과 서울의 토포필리아 1930년대 한국 현대시에 나타난 경성 제시 방식 연구 -김기림, 이상, 오장환 시를 중심으로-

        장동석 ( Dong Seok Jang ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2013 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.41

        In the 1930s, one of the significant feature in Korean modern poetry is presentation of Kyung-sung that a city has surfaced about the capitalism. In accordance with the capitalism in the city of Kyung-sung, it has been frequently mentioned by the poems of Kim Ki-rim, Lee Sang and Oh Jang-hwan. This study tries to identify the methods of presentation of the city of Kyung-sung and the interactive relationship between these methods and the contents. Kim Ki-rim presents Kyung-sung through the juxtaposition with the poetic objects, which are fragmentary. The poetic subject, as a observer at a distance of the object, is de-perspective. Therefore, these objects in Kim ki-rim`s poetry have their own individuality by this method of presentation and Kyung-sung is presented by these objects. By this process, Kim`s poetic subject exists as a poetic object in the poetic space. Consequently, the poetic subject and the poetic object have an equal relationship. However, Kyung-sung in Lee Sang`s poetry is mediation of the self-consciousness of poetic subject. Lee presents Kyung-sung by the repeated variation of a specific verse. In his poems, the poetic objects are unintentional, whereas the poetic speaker`s voice is maximized. At that point, these poetic objects are subordinate to the self-consciousness of poetic subject. The self-consciousness of poetic subject in Lee Sang`s poetry is mediated by his body, and that body is represented the capitalistic attribute in Kyung-sung. This presentation is completely distinguished from the previous poetry`s presentation that concentrates on the facts of reality. Besides, the self-consciousness of poetic subject has its hidden interiority, Because it is presented through the momentary manifestation. Accordingly, the body and the properties of Kyung-sung that are mixed with the self-consciousness of poetic subject also have their hidden interiority. Oh Jang-hwan demonstrates an attribute of Kyung-sung as in determined way in his poems. In Oh`s poetry, Kyung-sung is presented by the capitalistic attribute that is identified with the subjectivity of poetic subject. His poetry reifies the Kyung-sung`s negative elements through the dichotomous statement structure. In addition, Oh Jang-hwan`s poems concentrate on these negative elements. This statement structure can more effectively demonstrate that these negative elements of Kyung-sung correspond with the reality, unlike previous KAPF`s statement structure.

      • KCI등재

        이상 시 시적 주체의 자기의식 형성과 타자와의 상관관계 연구

        장동석(Jang, Dong-seok) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.46

        이상 시의 시적 주체 ‘나’는 타자 관찰을 통해 자기의식을 생성한다. ‘나’의 자기의식은 일방향적으로 관찰한 타자와는 차별화된 존재, 즉 주체로서의 ‘나’를 입증하는 근거이다. ‘나’는 내면으로의 침잠을 통해, ‘무능과 게으름’의 자기의식을 구체화한다. ‘무능과 게으름’은 자본주의 현실에 무지한 타자의 도움 요청이나, 그것에 맹목적으로 순응하는 타자의 외출과 변별되는 대응 방법이다. 그리고 새로운 자본주의 현실의 속성을 선취하고 이해한 댄디로서의 ‘나’가 지닌 정신적 귀족주의가 만들어낸 현실 대응 방법이다. 이때 ‘나’는 타자를 부분적으로 소유함으로써, 타자와의 관계 지속을 가능케 한다. ‘나’의 ‘자기의식’은 ‘나’를 바라보는 절대적 타자의 눈, 즉 응시를 내면화 하면서 균열을 일으킨다. ‘응시’를 내면화한 ‘나’의 의식에 생긴 틈으로 ‘응시’에 호응하려는 무의식적 욕망이 방출된다. 이러한 무의식적 욕망은 절대적 타자와의 상호 관계 선상에서, 더 나아가서는 당대 역사적 현실 모순과의 관계선상에서 자기의식을 생성한다. 이때 이상 시에는 논리의 상징계 언어와 무의식의 기호계 언어 간의 변증법적 긴장 관계가 형성된다. 기호적 코라의 충동하에 방출되는 무의식의 언어에는 피식민지 자본주의 도시라는 특수 공간에서 기인한 모순이 흔적으로 남는다. 그리고 이는 반복 변주 서술, 모순어법, 비인과적 서술 등의 미적 형식으로 나타난다. ‘나’가 자기 육체의 불완전성을 투시하는 관찰의 눈은, 곧 피식민지 자본주의 현실의 모순을 유표화하는 방법이 된다. 또한 육체의 불완전성을 극복하려는 소망은, 외적 현실의 모순을 극복하려는 무의식적이고 집단적 소망으로서의 정치적 무의식과 대응 관계를 형성한다. The poetic subject, ‘I’ in Lee, Sang’s poetry creates self-consciousness through observation of others. Subject ‘I’ is distinguished from others who were observed in one way. Self-consciousness of ‘I’ proves this. ‘I’ embodies the self-consciousness of ‘incompetence and indolence‘ through withdrawal in the inner. By partly possessing others, self-consciousness of ‘incompetence and indolence’ maintain the relation of others. ‘Incompetence and indolence’ are the methods to deal with reality of capitalism. It is distinct from the call for help of the others who are ignorant of the reality of capitalism as well as the leave of the others who blindly conform to it. ‘Incompetence and indolence’ are realistic countermeasure created by spiritual aristocracy of ‘I,’ a being with understanding and preempting attributes of reality of new capitalism. ‘Self-consciousness’ of ‘I’ creates cracks while internalizing the eyes of The absolutely other looking at ‘I.’ The unconscious desire responding to ‘gaze’ is released into a crack of consciousness of ‘I’ who is internalization of ‘gaze.’ The unconscious desires creates self-consciousness in line with mutual relationship with absolutely other and further more with contradictions of the contemporary and historical reality others belong to. At this time, dialectical tension between logical symbolique language and the unconscious sèmiotique language is formed in Lee, Sang’s poetry. In the language of the unconsciousness being released under the impulse of the sèmiotic Chora, traces of contradictions caused by a special space of capitalist colonial city are left. And this is associated to the form of the repetition ․ variation and the De-causality. The eyes of ‘I’ seeing through imperfection of his/her body become a method to mark contradictions of reality of colonial capitalist. in addition, desire to overcome the imperfection of the body forms an correspondence relationship with political unconsciousness, as unconscious and collective wishes to overcome contradictions of external reality.

      • KCI등재

        봉독(蜂毒)의 연구 경향에 대한 분석 -국내 학위논문 중 봉독에 관한 연구를 중심으로-

        박장우 ( Jang Woo Park ),허동석 ( Dong Seok Heo ),윤일지 ( Il Ji Yoon ),오민석 ( Min Seok Oh ) 한방재활의학과학회 2006 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Objectives : To research the trend of the study related to bee venom and to establish the hereafter direction for the study on bee venom therapy. Methods : I referred to national assembly library and national library of Korea, with `bee venom`, `apitoxin`, `apitherapy`, `bee sting`. After collecting all the theses about bee venom published by domestic university from 1992 to 2005, I figured out number and percentage of theses according to university, year, major field of study, subject. In case of subject, I classified and analyzed it with anti-inflammation effect;travail effect;immunity relation;safe treatment & prevention of side effect of bee venom. Results : The following results were obtained in this study. 1. In the arrangement by the year, the theses started to publish after 1992, and the number of theses has been increasing rapidly since 2000. And it has been decreasing since gaining the summit at 2003. 2. Classified by university, Kyung-Hee University published the most theses, and other theses were published by Kyung-Won University, Dong-Guk University, Kyoung-San University, Seoul National University order. 3. Classified by the major field of study, number of theses was the most by 69 in oriental medicine, next, it was 8, 2 in veterinary science and medicine. 4. Analyzed by the subject, numbers of theses that is related to anti-inflammation effect are 39(50%), numbers of theses related to travail effect are 15(18%), numbers of theses related to immunity are 19(23%), numbers of theses related to safty are 7(8%). 5. Theses that is related to anti-inflammation effect ; travail effect of bee venom shaded to mechanism study inclination after 2002 in primitive effect proof study inclination. Theses that is related to immunity of bee venom shaded to anticancer-related research inclination after 2000 in primitive immunity promotion effect study inclination. 6. In the study for safe treatment & prevention of side effect of bee venom, there were reports bee venom secures when it is injected in wide region, by low concentration, in 3 days cycle. 7. Theses related to bee venom are for the most part experiment theses by 76. Conclusions : As see in above result, safety of bee venom was proved, I think that the more clinical access by using bee venom should be achieved because objective, scientific basis was readied for effect of anti-inflammation, travail, immunity promotion, anticancer etc.

      • KCI등재

        원발성 유방암에서 Sodium Iodide Symporter의 발현과 ^(99m)Tc-MIBI 유방스캔의 관계

        석주원,김성장,곽희숙,이창훈,김인주,김용기,배영태,김동수 대한핵의학회 2002 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.36 No.6

        목적: hNIS는 갑상선 조직 외에 다른 조직들에서도 발현된다고 알려져 있다. 유방암 세포는 그런 조직들 중에 하나이며, 그에 의한 유방암의 방사성옥소치료의 가능성이 제시되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 유방암 조직에서 hNIS의 발현정도를 알아보고, ^99mTc-MIBI 유방스캔과 hNIS의 발현 정도와의 관계를 조사하여 보았다. 대상 및 방법: 본 연구에서는 유방암으로 수술을 시행했던 56명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. hNIS의 발현은 면역조직화학염색에 의해서 평가되었으며, 그 결과를 ^99mTc-MIBI 유방스캔의 판정 결과와 비교하였다. 결과: 전체 56명의 환자에서 hNIS의 발현율은 41.1%였다. 병리학적 진단에 의해 침윤성관상피암종이었던 49명에서의 발현율은 42.9%, 관상피내암종이었던 7명에서의 발현율은 28.6%였다. ^99mTc-MIBI 유방스캔에서 국소섭취 소견이 관찰되었던 41명에서의 hNIS의 발현율은 31.7%였다. 비정상적인 섭취 소견이 관찰되지 않았던 15명의 환자에서의 hNIS의 발현율이 의미있게 높게 관찰되었다(66.7%, p>0.05). 결론: 유방암 환자에서의 hNIS의 발현율은 그다지 높지 않았다. ^99mTc-MIBI 유방스캔에서 섭취증가 소견이 없을 때 hNIS의 발현율이 더 높았다. Purpose: Human Na^+/I- symporter (hNIS) is known to be expressed in many tissues other than thyroid gland. The breast cancer cells are one of them and the possibility of radioiodine therapy in treatment of the breast cancer may be suggested. We investigated the expression rate of hNIS and the relationship between the expression of hNIS and the finding of 99mTc-MIBI scintimammography in the breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Surgically proved 56 patients with breast cancer were the subjects of this study. The expression of hNIS were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and the results were compared to the findings of 99mTc-MIBI scintimammography. Results: Overall expression rate of hNIS was 41.1% in 56 patients. According to the pathologic diagnosis, it was 42.9% in 49 patients with invasive ductal carcinoma and 28.6% in the 7 patients with ductal carcinoma in situ. The expression rate of hNIS in the 41 cases with a focal increased uptake at he breast lesion on 99mTc-MIBI scintimammogram was 31.7%. That in the 15 cases without any abnormal uptake on the scan was significantly higher(66.7%, p<0.05). Conclusion: The expression rate of hNIS in the patients with breast cancer was not so high. The rate was higher in the patients with no increased uptake at the breast lesion on 99mTc-MIBI scintimammography. (Korean J Nucl Med 2002;36;325-32)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정신재활 치료가 정신분열병 환자의 재발율, 입원횟수, 입원일수 그리고 치료 경비에 미치는 효과 : 2년 추적조사 연구

        조진석,공지현,김진원,심경순,하준선,김철권,강동호,장정희,변원탄 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.5

        목 적 : 사회기술훈련, 환자교육, 가족교육, 집단치료, 예술치료, 작업치료와 같은 포괄적인 정신재활 치료를 약물치료와 병행할 경우 약물치료만 시행할 때에 비해 정신분열병 환자의 재발율, 입원횟수, 입원일수, 직접 치료경비 등에 어떤 효과가 있는 지를 알아보기 위함이다. 연구방법 : 1993년 9월부터 1995년 2월까지 양산 신경정신병원의 폐쇄병동에서 퇴원한 20∼35세 사이의 정신분열병 환자 173명을 대상으로 46명에게는 6개월동안 정신재활 치료를 시행하였고 127명에게는 통상적인 외래치료만 시행한 후 연구시작 시점을 포함하여 2년동안 양군에 속한 환자들을 대상으로 재발율, 입원횟수, 입원일수, 직접 치료경비 등을 1년 단위로 추적 조사하였으며, 연구시작 시점을 기준으로 전과 후의 매년 평균 입원횟수, 입원일수, 직접 치료경비도 서로 비교하였다. 결 과 : 정신재활 치료를 약물치료와 병행할 경우 약물치료만 시행할 때에 비해 재발율, 입원횟수, 입원일수, 직접 치료비용이 현저히 감소되었다. 그리고 정신재활 치료를 받은 군에서는 치료 전에 비해 치료 후에 재발율, 입원횟수, 입원일수, 직접 치료비용이 유의하게 감소하였지만 통상적인 외래치료만 받은 군에서는 치료 전과 후간에 유의한 변화를 보이지 않았다. 결 론 : 정신분열병 환자들에게 정신재활 치료를 약물치료와 병행할 경우 약물치료만 시행할 때에 비해 환자의 임상적 경과를 호전시킬 뿐 아니라 가족의 경제적 부담도 줄일 수 있다. Objective : We evaluated the clinical efficacy of a comprehensive psychiatric rehabilitation of schizophrenia, including family psychoeducation, patient education, social skills training, group psychotherapy, art therapy, and occupational therapy. Method : From September 1993 to February 1995, 173 chronic schizophrenics who met DSM-IV criteria and were discharged from a locked ward were assigned into the psychiatric rehabilitation service group(psychiatric rehabilitation group, n=46) or the customary out-patient service group(out-patient group, n=127) prospectively, but not randomly. Assignment was based on preferences of patients and their relatives, Each subject included in the psychiatric rehabilitation group received twice weekly patient education, social skills training, family psychoeducation, group psychotherapy, art therapy, occupational therapy and maintenance chemotherapy during a 6-month period. Those in the out-patient group received individual supportive psychotherapy and maintenance chemotherapy according to their clinical needs for 10-20 minutes once per week. After entry into the study, all subjects were assessed for the number of readmission, days of hospitalization, and the direct treatment costs through the first and second year of follow-ups. These outcome variables were also compared pre-and post-2 years at the time point of entry into the study. Aftercare chemotherapy on a weekly to monthly basis continued for the remainder of the two year follow-up period. Results : With regard to the mean number of hospital admissions per year, the mean days of hospitalization per year, and the direct treatment costs per year, the psychiatric rehabilitation group had significantly decreased all clinical outcomes 2 years after compared with before receiving psychiatric rehabilitation. But there were no significant differences in the all clinical outcomes between before and after study intake in the out-patient group. For the number of relapse regardless of drug compliance, 4 patients(9%) during first year and 14 patients(30%) during second year were relapsed in the 46 subjects of the psychiatric rehabilitation group. In contrast, 75 patients(59%) during first year and 90 patients (71%) during second year relapsed in the out-patient group. When considering the effect of drug noncompliance to relapse, 4(9%) and 14 patients(30%) were relapsed while on medication respectively during the first and second year in the 46 of the psychiatric rehabilitation group, vs. 27(34%) of 79 patients on medication during the first year and 31(46%) of 68 patients on medication during the second year were relapsed in the out-patient group. Conclusions : These results indicate that the comprehensive psychiatric rehabilitation can be useful therapeutic intervention both to improve the clinical outcomes of schizophrenic patients and to reduce the economical burden of their relatives.

      • 석탄폐석을 이용한 폴리머 콘크리트의 물리 역학적 특성

        연규석,최동순,장태연,주명기 강원대학교 석재복합신소재제품연구센터 석재연 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        최근의 급속한 경제성장과 건설물량의 증가로 인한 수요가 급격히 증대되고 있으나, 양질의 콘크리트용 골재 부족현상을 초래하고 있어 골재의 양적인 문제와 함께 질적인 문제의 해결이 건설재료 분야의 중요한 당면과제로 제기되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 강원도 탄광지역에 다량으로 산재되어 있는 석탄폐석을 콘크리트용 골재로서 활용하여 고강도이며 내구성이 우수한 폴리머 콘크리트를 제조하고 이에 대한 물리·역학적 특성을 실험적으로 구명하여 공장제품 재료로서의 이용을 위한 기초자료로서 제공코저 한다. Lately, rapid expansion of construction industry and following increment of demand for concrete in the construction created shortage of aggregates in the nation. Supplement of god quality aggregate is an immediate issue for the construction industry to solve. Therefore, this study evaluated a possibility of using coal mine waste collected from Kwangwon-do region as a source of aggregate in manufacturing polymer concretes which have high strength and high durability. First, aggregates were obtained by crushing coal mine waste and polymer concrete was manufactured using these aggregate. Mechanical property test results for the polymer concrete showed that the coal mine waste aggregates were acceptable to use as a replacement of the aggregate in polymer concrete manufacture.

      • 충남 서북부지역 여성의 질세포진 검사에 대한 임상적 고찰

        이석민,선우재근,장경택,서수형,김민관,배동한 순천향의학연구소 1996 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.2 No.2

        Pap smear were performed to 30,294 women living in the north-west of Chung-nam. The result are summarized below 1. Positive vaginal cytology was 1.09 percent. 2. 72 percents women in their 30's and 40's experienced vaginal cytology. 3. Vaginal cytology was performed at a decreasing rate as age increases. 4. Positive cytology rate is 2.42% higher than average for elderly women over the age of 65. The present date indicates that pap smear is being widely recognized to be important but they needs to be continued advocacy for pap smear.

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