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        부친살해의 기원적 의미- 문화적 무의식의 형성과 전승-

        박희경 한국독어독문학교육학회 2014 獨語敎育 Vol.59 No.59

        Freud geht davon aus, dass sich die innerpsychischen Antagonismen in der Kulturentwicklung widerspiegeln, nur auf einer anderen „Bühne„. In seiner Schrift Totem und Tabu entwickelt er einen wissenschaftlichen Mythos des urgeschichtlichen Vatermords, der die kulturelle Entwicklung fundiert und im Dienste von der Herausbildung des Schuldgefühls unbewusst von Generation zu Generation wiederholt werden muss. Die vorliegende Untersuchung findet in der menschheitsgeschichtlichen Illusion des Urvatermords die Struktur des Ödipuskomplexes wieder und erschließt daraus den Ursprung des kulturellen Unbewusstseins, der mit der Entwicklung der Kultur ansetzt. 지그문트 프로이트는 한 개인이 태어나서 주체로 성장하는 개체발생과 한 사회가 형성되고 발전하는 계통발생이 구조적으로 동일하다는 입장을 갖고 있었다. 오이디푸스 콤플렉스의 동기와 과정 및 결과를 종교와 문화에서도 찾을 수 있다고 본 것이 한 예이다. 오이디푸스 콤플렉스는 아버지와 아들의 애증관계 및 이 실제적인 관계가 반영되는 아이의 심리적 현실에서 일어나며, 리비도적 대상인 어머니로부터 아이를 떼어놓는 아버지의 금지명령을 아이가 자기의 것으로 내면화하는 복합적인 갈등의 과정을 일컫는다. 여기에서 자아의 일부는 아버지와 동일화함으로써 초자아로 변화하고 발달하며, 이때 변신의 역학이라고 할 수 있는 억압으로 인하여 아이의 내면에 해소되지 않은 많은 갈등들은 무의식으로 변형된다.

      • KCI우수등재

        Effect of school eye health education program on eye health knowledgeand practice in middle school students

        박희경,안숙희 한국간호교육학회 2022 한국간호교육학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effects of an eye health education program on the level of knowledge and eye health practice of middle school students. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted using a pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design. The study participants were from one middle school first graders in a province of Korea. The experimental group was composed of three classes (76 students), and the control group was composed of three other classes (77 students). Pretests were conducted in June for the experimental group and in August for the control group. The experimental group received an eye health education program developed for this study consisting of four sessions in total, given once a week for 45 minutes per session. The control group was instructed by the school's health teacher in the eye health education included in the existing health education curriculum. Posttests were conducted three weeks after the training in the control group and immediately after the fourth eye health education session in the experimental group. Results: After being instructed in the eye health education program, the eye health-related knowledge (t=9.45, p<.001) and eye health practice (t=2.18, p=.031) of the experimental group participating in the education program were higher than those of the control group. Conclusion: The eye health education program was effective in improving middle school student’s level of eye health-related knowledge and eye health practice. School health teachers could implement this program as a part of the standard eye health education for middle school students. The long-term effects of practicing eye health behavior needs to be confirmed in a future study.

      • 동영상 플랫폼-유튜브(YouTube)를 활용한 언어학습 동향 분석

        박희경,김화수 국제다문화의사소통학회 2019 국제다문화의사소통학회 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.6

        본 논문은 동영상 플랫폼-유튜브(YouTube)의 확장으로 인한 교수·학습으로서의 목적 및 가치에 대해 다루었다. 유튜브는 편리한 접근성, 유용성, 전문성 및 재미요소등을 광범위하게 포함하고 있어 교육 도구로서의 가치가 있다고 판단되고 있다. 유튜브는 80개의 언어로 탐색이 가능하여 언어학습의 교육도구로서 높은 활용도가 예상된다. 과거에서 현재까지(2010년~2019년) 유튜브 가 어떻게 활용되는지 대상자(학령기, 국적), 년도, 목적으로 분류하여 분석하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Clinical Characteristics of a Nationwide Hospital-based Registry of Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease Patients in Korea: A CREDOS (Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea) Study

        박희경,나덕렬,한설희,김지영,정해관,김성윤,김상윤,홍창형,김도관,구본대,문소영,이준영,심용수,윤영철,김은주,김병채,박기형,Kyung R. Cha,서상원,이재홍 대한의학회 2011 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.26 No.9

        With rapid population aging, the socioeconomic burden caused by dementia care is snowballing. Although a few community-based studies of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)have been performed in Korea, there has never been a nationwide hospital-based study thereof. We aimed to identify the demographics and clinical characteristics of mild-to-moderate AD patients from the Clinical Research Center for Dementia of Korea (CREDOS) registry. A total of 1,786 patients were consecutively included from September 2005 to June 2010. Each patient underwent comprehensive neurological examination, interview for caregivers, laboratory investigations, neuropsychological tests, and brain MRI. The mean age was 74.0 yr and the female percentage 67.0%. The mean period of education was 7.1 yr and the frequency of early-onset AD (< 65 yr old) was 18.8%. Among the vascular risk factors, hypertension (48.9%) and diabetes mellitus (22.3%) were the most frequent. The mean score of the Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination (K-MMSE) was 19.2 and the mean sum of box scores of Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR-SB) 5.1. Based on the well-structured, nationwide,and hospital-based registry, this study provides the unique clinical characteristics of AD and emphasizes the importance of vascular factors in AD in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        초·중·고등학교 실내 색채디자인을 위한 색채 팔레트 분석 - 2019년 우리학교 고운색 입히기 사업을 중심으로

        박희경,배용진 한국색채학회 2020 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.34 No.4

        This study collected the interior color design palettes of the 3rd year project, "Color My School Beautiful", implemented in 2019, and analyzed Main Color, Sub Color, and Accent Color based on NCS. The results derived from the study are as follows. First, the entire school's color palette reflects the user preferences and the needs of the school, where the colors are limited to high brightness. Second, the color palette tends to use main colors with high brightness and low saturation to create a bright and active educational space mood. Also, in Sub Color and Accent Color, various nuances are used, and saturation is increasing. Third, when comparing the color palettes between elementary, middle, and high schools, there were slight differences in terms of hue, but no differences in nuances. Starting with this study, if the results of the annual "School Colors for Better Learning" Project are databased, they can be used as basic data for the color guidelines of schools that do not receive project support. It is also expected that it will be possible to develop a school color design pallet in the future.

      • KCI등재

        South Korean Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Protect Brain Health Through Lifestyle Intervention in At-Risk Elderly People: Protocol of a Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial

        박희경,정지향,문소영,박유경,홍창형,나해리,송홍선,이선민,최문정,박경원,김병채,조수현,전병오,최성혜 대한신경과학회 2020 Journal of Clinical Neurology Vol.16 No.2

        Background and Purpose The prevalence of dementia is increasing in South Korea. Multidomain interventions may be useful for preventing dementia. Such programs need to be disseminated to elderly Koreans throughout the country. We have developed programs of the SoUth Korean study to PrEvent cognitive impaiRment and protect BRAIN health through lifestyle intervention in at-risk elderly people (SUPERBRAIN), which consists of a facility-based multidomain intervention (FMI) program and a home-based multidomain intervention (HMI) program suitable for elderly Koreans. We aim to determine the feasibility of the SUPERBRAIN programs before a large-scale randomized controlled trial. Methods We will recruit 150 participants among those without dementia aged 60–79 years with at least 1 modifiable dementia risk factor. They will be randomly assigned in a 1:1:1 ratio to the FMI, HMI, and the waiting-list control arm. The 6-month multidomain intervention consists of management of metabolic and vascular risk factors, cognitive training and social activity, physical exercise, nutritional guidance, and motivational enhancement programs. The primary outcomes are adherence and retention rates and changes in the total scale index score of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status from baseline to the study end. The main secondary outcomes are disability, depressive symptoms, quality of life, vascular risk factors, physical performance, nutritional assessment, and motivation questionnaire. There will be an exploratory evaluation of neurotrophic, neurodegeneration, and neuroinflammation factors, microbiome, telomere length, electroencephalography, and neuroimaging measures. Conclusions The results obtained will provide information on the applicability of these multidomain intervention programs to at-risk elderly people.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        신화와 신화해체 : 엘프리데 엘리넥의 소설 『연인들』로 살펴본 해체적 글쓰기 Die negative Textpraxis in Elfriede Jelineks Roman Die Liebhaberinnen

        박희경 한국뷔히너학회 2003 뷔히너와 현대문학 Vol.21 No.-

        Eiskalte Ironie, mitleidslose Satire, verfremdende ijbertreibung - Ehva so sieht der Stil des Romans Die Liebhaknhen aus. Wegen dieser Schreibweise wurde Jelinek als Auknseiterin der Frauenliteratur (Weige1) genannt, oder als unmenschlich, unweiblich, gehassig, biisartig, kalt, entmenscht angekreidet. Die vorliegende Arbeit versteht sie indessen als das poetische Prinzip des Romans, das die Mythen als solche entziffert und ihren wuchemden Auswirkungen den Einhalt bietet. Mythos, das der Mythologie von Roland Barthes entstammende Wort, ist eine Aussage, die als semiologisches System und als Ideologie mgleich zweifache Funktion hat: Er bezeichnet und zeigt an, er gibt zu verstehen und schreibt vor. (Barthes) Was zeigt er an? Und was schreibt er vor? Der Mythos ist Barthes zufolge die entpolitisierende und enthistorisierende Aussage, die Geschlichtliches als Natur zu begriinden und damit die Welt in ihrer Unbeweglichkeit zu halten beabsichtigt. Im AnschluI.3 damn sieht Jelinek, daB die zeitgenossische Gesellschaft durch den Mythos der Bourgeoisie durchgedrungen 1st. hese maskiert sich als Klasse und gibt sich aus als das Menschengeschlecht, so dao man die burgerlichen Normen als die offenbaren Gesetze der natiirlichen Ordnung erlebt. Der kritische Augenblick von Jelinek richtet sich dabei insbesondere auf die vom Mythos geheiligte, illusionistische Undifferenziertheit der sozialen Klassen. Paula und Brigitte, die zwei Frauenfiguren im Roman, sind nichts-habend und nicht-bedeutend. Sie sind von den Mythen in der Weise absorbiert, daR Paula die Bilder der Wirklichkeit fk wirklicher als die Wirklichkeit halt. Brigitte hingegen ist der sogenannt harten Wirklichkeit verfallen, welche sie mit dem Kampf nach oben gleichsetzt. Paula ist vollig an der Klischee der ewigen Liebe fixiert und will gleichsam in dem Satz, dass allein die Liebe das Leben leben Ibst, ihr Leben venvirklicht finden. Die Geschichte Paulas rollt die stereotypischen Aussagen uber Liebesromantik auf, wobei die verfremdende satirische Beschreibung offenlegt, dass Paulas Traum der Liebe nur auf der Simulationsflache der Massenmedien lebbar ist. Brigitte verkorpert einen Typus von Frauen, die sich zum Zweck des sozialen Aufstiegs Grs Heiraten entscheiden. Fur sie ist die Welt der Markt, und die Frau bietet ihren Korper als Ware an, damit sie letztendlich zum Besitz des griiileren Kapitals gelangt. Obwohl Brigitte das Heiraten mit dem sozial besser gestellten Mann gelungen ist, ist sie noch langst nicht glucklich. Denn sie verdinglicht sich selbst in den Produktionsmechanismen des Mehrwerts, in denen die Arbeit die Stelle des Lebens eintritt. Das Leben wird bei Brigitte auf spateren Zeitpunkt verschoben, der nie in der Gegenwart ankommen will. Die Schwierigkeit, die Mythen als solche zu entziffem, riihrt sich davon her, dass sie ich als natiirlich ausgeben, somit sie sich selbst zu legitimieren scheinen. Barthes schlagt die Mythifizierung der Mythen als eine Moglichkeit vor, die Mythen zu dekonstruieren. Jelineks Schreibweise demonstriert sie dadurch, daS sie die Mythen als Materie eines neuen Mythos nimmt. Die romantische Liebe, das Kapital, die herlegenheit der M h e r iiber die Frauen, das weibliche Schicksal, Natiirlichkeit und das dualistische Symstem als Weltbild werden im Roman Die Liebhabenkneen wortlich genommen, ohne unmittelbar kritisiert zu werden. Sie werden zitiert, inszeniert, betont, dargestellt und in ein hoch artifizielles Bild iiberfihrt. Dieses Bild, ein kiinstlicher Mythos, will aber im Gegenteil des natiirlichen Mythos weder natiirlich noch schon erscheinen, sondem er dokumentiert den ProzeS seiner Geburt.

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