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      • KCI등재후보

        서정주(徐廷柱) 시(詩)에 나타난 불교적 세계관

        이혜선 ( Hye Seon Lee ) 한국사상문화학회 2010 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.55 No.-

        未堂 서정주 시인은 1936년 동아일보에 시 <壁>이 당선되어 등단한 이래 펴 낸 15권의 시집에서 각기 다른 심오한 시세계를 펼치고 있다. 미당의 제4시집 「新羅抄」(1960)는 한국의 전통 속에서 신라인들의 정신을 발견하고 그것을 肉化시킨 끝에 다다른 눈부신 성과라고 할 수 있다. 그 속에서 미당은 이승의 생명이 다하여도 사위지 않는 영원한 사랑과 불교적 윤회전생을 통해, 또는 그들과의 靈通을 통해 영원히 사는 영생주의에 도달해 있다. 윤회(輪廻)는 연기설의 원인과 결과에 의한 순환, 유전(流轉), 생사(生死), 흐름, 상속, 지속을 뜻한다. 다시 말하면 원인과 결과로 연기되는 현상들의 연속적 흐름을 윤회라고 할 수 있다. 모든 생명 가진 것들은 地獄道, 餓鬼道, 畜生道, 阿修羅, 人道, 天道 등 여섯 가지 세상에, 각기 현생에서 지은 善業과 惡業에 따라 다시 태어나게 되어 그 몸은 죽으면 헌 옷처럼 벗어버릴 수 있지만 영혼은 죽지 않고 끝없이 다시 태어나 윤회전생한다는 것이다. 시집 「신라초」에 수록된 많은 작품들 속에서 미당이 육화시킨 신라인들의 윤회사상과 영생주의를 만날 수 있다. 이러한 불교적 세계관은 시집 「신라초」에서 그치지 않고 제 15시집 「80소년 떠돌이의 시」에 이르도록 미당의 시세계를 관류하는 기본 사상이 되고 있다. 물론 시집 「신라초」가 창작되기 이전의 「화사집」이나 「冬天」에서도 이러한 세계관이 곳곳에서 산견되고 있다. 시 ‘善德女王의 말씀’ 에서는 죽어서도 자비의 실천, 즉 入廛垂手(시정 속에서 중생을 교화하다)의 경지를 실현하고자 하는 불교의 근본 가르침과, 윤회사상에 입각한 인간긍정과 인간존중사상이 잘 드러나 있다. ‘꽃밭의 獨白’에는 꽃을 통해 영생에의 길을 찾아 나서는 시적화자의, 어떤 고난이 와도 修行으로 영생에 들려는 상승의지와 간절한 열망이 표출되어 있다. 또한 ‘娑蘇 두번째의 편지 斷片’ ‘구름다리’ ‘無題’ ‘숙영이의 나비’ ‘두 香나무 사이’ 등에서도, 천년을 수유로 느끼는 미당의 시간의식과 공간의식 속에 나타나는 영원주의와 연기적 세계관을 읽을 수 있다. ‘因緣說話調’에서는 한 송이의 모란꽃과 예쁜 처녀가, 흙과 물과 구름을 거쳐 새로운 생명으로 태어나는 윤회전생과 더불어, 불교의 기본 세계관인 自他一如사상까지 낳게 되어 우주 만유와 同一視를 이루고 있다. 이처럼 미당은 인간의 원죄의식의 업고와 고통을 신라정신과 불교정신에 귀의하여 극복하고 나아가 새로운 神話를 창조하고 있다. 미당은 우주와 역사와 영원의 세계에 대해 거대한 스케일로 사색하고 포용한 시인이며, 고전의 현대적 변용을 통해 역사적 전통을 오늘에 재현시켜 윤회설에 입각한 영생주의의 열린 세계로 나아가고자 한 시인이다. 뿐만 아니라 자신 속에서 他者를 보고 他者 속에서 자신을 보는 우주만유와의 교감을 통한 自他一如사상을 획득하고 있다. Mi-dang Seo, Jeong-ju spreads profound world of poetry respectively on his fifteen poetical collections since his debut with a Dong-a Newspaper prized poem <Wall> in 1936. His 4th collection 「Shilla-cho」(1960) is a splendid outcome reached by discovering the spirit of Shilla people from the heart of Korean traditions and internalizing it. The poet arrived at eternalism through perpetual love that does not disappear in spite of the death of present life and Yun-hoe-jeon-saeng (Buddhistic transmigration), or through spiritual intercourse with them. Yun-hoe implies circulation, vicissitude, life and death, stream, succession, and continuation induced by Yeon-gi-seol (Buddhistic cause and effect theory). In other words, continuous flows of phenomena generated by cause and effect can be called Yun-hoe. All living beings are reincarnated respectively in six worlds (Yuk-do) in accordance with good and evil conducts in present life. Although the body can be abandoned like worn clothes, the soul does Yun-hoe-jeon-saeng endlessly. Buddhistic world view such as Shilla people`s Yun-hoe ideology and eternalism internalized by Mi-dang can be found from the numerous works on the collection 「Shilla-cho」. In poem ‘Queen Seon-deok`s words’, fundamental doctrine of Buddhism of endeavoring to realize a practice of charity, namely, a state of Ip-jeon-su-su (enlighten the mankind within administration) regardless of the death and human-positive and human-respect beliefs based on the Yun-hoe ideology are well exposed. In ``Monologue of a flower garden``, a will of ascension and cordial desire towards an immortality through an asceticism in spite of any hardships of the poetic narrator going out for one`s way to an eternal life through the flower is expressed. Moreover, in works including ``Sa-so a piece of second letter``, ``An overpass``, ``No title``, ``A butterfly of Suk-yeong``, and ``Between two aromatic trees``, eternalism and world view of Yeon-gi expressed in Mi-dang`s time and space consciousness feeling a thousand year as a moment can be read. ``In-yeon-seol-hwa-jo`` yields fundamental world view of Buddhism of Ja-ta-il-yeo (self and others are not different) as well as Yun-hoe-jeon-saeng of a peony blossom and a pretty lady being born again to new lifes through earth, water and clouds, and achieves identification with all things in the universe. In this way, Mi-dang creates a new mythology advanced by overcoming the evil deed and agony of human`s original sin by devoting to Shilla and Buddhism spirits. Mi-dang is a poet who contemplated and tolerated the universe, history and origins of the universe and world of eternity with gigantic scale, and who tried to make his way to an open world of immortality based on the Yun-hoe ideology by reincarnating historical traditions at the present through modernistic modification of the classics. Furthermore, he acquires Ja-ta-il-yeo ideology through a sympathy with all things in the universe seeing others inside of oneself and oneself inside of others.

      • KCI등재

        가평 전주이씨묘 출토복식 고찰

        최연우,박윤미,김윤경,김지희,박양희,이선우,차서연,편나영,황혜남,Choi, Yeon Woo,Park, Yoon Mee,Kim, Yoon Gyung,Kim, Ji Hee,Park, Yang Hee,Lee, Seon U,Cha, Seo Yeon,Pyeon, Na Young,Hwang, Hye Nam 한국의류학회 2017 한국의류학회지 Vol.41 No.5

        In 1995, the costumes were restored in an unknown woman's tomb at the Jeonju Lee's family cemetery in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-Do, and there are currently nine items remaining. In this study, we first introduced these 9 relics to academia and analyzed the morphological characteristics of the costumes. We also estimated the time and person of burial compared with costumes unearthed from other burials. Jeogories (short jacket) are all four items. One of these items was unusual in shape, and the upper part of the seop (gusset) was wrinkled and shaped. This type of Jeogori appears only till the 1520s in other tombs. There are also two skirts, one of which is characterized by a superimposed pattern. The top and bottom / middle part of the skirt were rolled up, and the skirt, which was double-rolled up in this way, was first discovered. An analysis of the shape of Jeogori and skirt indicated that the person buried in the Jeonju Lee's family tomb was believed to have survived until the early 16th century. Based on these estimated periods, as a result of looking at the genealogy of Jeonju Lee's family, it was concluded that the tomb was probably a woman named Lee Geum Myeong (李金命) born in the mid-15C and died between the late 15C and the early 16C.

      • KCI등재후보

        임상 간호사의 조직시민행동과 개인특성, 직무특성 간의 관계

        이선혜 대한간호학회 간호행정학회 2006 간호행정학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the organizational citizenship behaviors(OCB) of nurses through identifying the relationship between the personal characteristics, occupational characteristics and OCB in nursing organization. Method: The subjects of this study were 223 clinical nurses. The structured questionnaires were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe' test, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis by SPSS version 10. Results: The mean of OCB was 5.21±.59. The OCB had statistically significant differences according to age(F=1.706, p=.007), tenure duration(F=3.450, p=.009), choice of nursing department(t=1.651, p=.000), marriage(t=2.341, p=.020) and religion(F=2.578, p=.038). The OCB was positively correlated with high-level need(r=.303, p=.000), neuroticism(r=.155, p=.020), task interdependence(r=.433, p=.000), age(r=.172, p=.010) and tenure duration(r=.190, p=.004); negatively with cynicism(r=-.310, p=.000). The task interdependence(18.7%), cynicism(7.7%) and tenure duration(1.9%) explained 28.3% of the variance for OCB in nursing organization. Conclusion: It is necessary to enhance the task interdependence, increase tenure and understand the characteristics of nurses to increase the OCB in clinical nurses. Nurse manager should be understand the positive influence of OCB on the task outputs in the hospital.

      • 여자고등학교 농구선수들의 학년별 식습관 차이 조사

        이근일,김미선,임혜경 용인대학교 국제스포츠과학연구원 체육과학연구소 2008 體育科學硏究論叢 Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate nutritional state and dietary behaviors in basketball athletes. Subject of this study was one hundred people of 23 female high school attending 1-2 grade. The measurement variable to investigate a nutritional state and dietary behaviors was main eating patterns, dietary behaviors, food intake and supplements. The result of analysis is as follows. 1. The difference of nutritional state as each grade was not a statistically difference among supplements and dinner, but there was a statistically difference among breakfast and lunch between groups. 2. Difference of intake lists was that one-grade were higher than two-grade intake from food, but two- grade were higher than one-grade in dairy product and fruit for additional taking nutrition. 3. The weight of intake food was that two-grade was statistically higher than one-grade in every lists. 4. The result of nutritive conditions each grade was that one-grade was statistically higher than one-grade. 5. The ingestion existence and nonexistence related to intake supplements of exercise nutrition was that two-grade was statistically higher than one-grade, intake frequency as well. Both one and two-grade response fatigue recovery and improving muscle in purpose of intake nutrition. and intake admonition was parents in two groups. above results from the study. We know nutrition intake frequency expect food is high as much as physical activity volume. we know high-nutrition intake is getting increase, as growing experience of exercise in case of one-grade.

      • KCI등재후보

        지역별 시판 포기배추김치의 이용실태 및 기호도 조사

        이인선,김혜영B,김은정 한국식생활문화학회 2004 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.19 No.4

        Survey on the usage of commercial poggi Kimchi was run and consumer's acceptance test of the Kimchi in the various regions of Korea including Seoul(SE), Kyonggi Province(KG), Kangwon Province(KW), Kyungsang Province(KS), and Jeonla Province(JL) were investigated. Survey result of 34% of consumer showed that they eat Kimchi very much, and 19% answered they ate Kimchi whenever they had chance to eat. The most desired points of improvement in commercial poggi Kimchi were as following; Taste and degree of fermentation should be standardized. Order of preferences of minor ingredients of Kimchi were radish, hot pepper, welsh onion, and leek, respectively. Consumer acceptance test of KS sample group showed higher preference in whole color, salted condition, spicy hot flavor and crispness than the others. In whole color and pickled seafood properties, KG sample group showed significantly higher values than the others. In salty flavor, SE sample group showed lower preference than the others.

      • 간호사의 투약안전 역량 강화를 위한 교육요구 분석

        양혜영, 이광희, 홍선영, 이정은 신한대학교 2021 신한대학교 논문집 Vol.44 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to present basic data necessary for the development of educational programs to improve nurses' medication safety competency by analyzing educational needs. A survey was conducted on 37 clinical nurses at secondary hospitals or higher in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. As a result of analyzing the nurse's medication experience, there were no cases of administering expired drugs, but various medication errors occurred. In addition, nurses had many organizational problems in performing oral prescriptions rather than receiving regular instructions for medication. There were six items that showed the largest statistical difference between the group of important and implementation levels of nurse's medication safety competency. In addition, as a result of the Borich’s demand analysis, the highest priority items were "Measures can be established to prevent recurrence in the event of drug side effects" and "Cases can be analyzed to find the root cause of medication errors." Based on the results of this study, follow-up studies on the development of educational programs that can strengthen nurses' medication competency should be conducted.

      • 유치환의 시의 현실비판과 풍자의식

        이혜선 동국대학교 국어교육과 1997 동국어문학 Vol.9 No.-

        동양의 전통적 효용론에 바탕을 두고 고찰할 때 시의 본질에 대한 조선 후기의 일반적ㅇ인 견해는 풍교, 성정, 이기, 묘어의 네 가지 견해로 요약된다. 그 중에서 풍교란 곧 시의 효용성을 바탕으로 하는 사회풍교에 근본을 두고 시를 정치나 사회 현실과의 관계에서 이해하고자 하는 견해이다. 즉 시는 정치를 바로 하는 데 필요하며, 윗사람은 아랫사람을 교화시키고 아랫사람은 풍간으로써 윗사람을 비판하는데 시와 음악으로 풍간하기 때문에 간하는 백성은 죄가 없지만 통치자는 경계를 하게 된다는 것이다. 청마 유치환의 문학은 동양의 전통적 문학관인 효용론에 바탕을 두고 있는데 그의 시세계 중 실천윤리적 측면에서 본 ‘초기시의 윤리의식’과 ‘민족의식’에 이어 본고에서는 ‘현실비판과 풍자의식’을 고찰해 보았다. 청마는 조국광복 이후 ‘조국광복으로 말미암아 정신의 고아에서 그 태반으로 돌아온’ 예술가답게 민족의 번영을 축복하는 시를 썼으나 좌우 이데올로기의 대립으로 인한 혼란과, 민족상잔의 6.25동란, 그리고 자유당 독재정권 말기의 어지러운 현실을 보면서 그의 시세계도 따라서 변하여 민족이 처해 있는 현실을 고발하고 비판하게 된다. 청마의 현실비판과 고발의 시에 바탕되어 있는 정신은 ‘궁극적 인간의 모랄’로서 ‘현실의 그릇된 방향이 인간의 정신마저를 썩히고 목졸라 죽이는 그 직접 문제에서 첫째 인간을 건져내어야만 될 화급한 일에 참여할 성실과 용기’에 기인한 것으로 ,직접적이며 과격하게 비판하고 고발하는 시와 다소 품위를 지키면서 간접적이고 역설적으로 표현하는 풍자시로 나누어 볼 수 있다. <서울에 부치노라><태풍경보><1947년 7월 조선에 한 달 비 내리다> <이 아이를 보라><행복의 거부><말세가 아닌 말세적 역병> 등의 시에서 비판하고 계몽하고 꾸짖고 분노하고 경계하는 시작태도는 유교사회의 선비들이 ‘백성’을 풍교의 대상으로 보던 시선과 동일하다. 또한 그러한 부정적 상황을 만들게 된 책임은 그 시대의 지식인인 시인 자신의 몫이 더 크다고 생각하여<칼 가시오><뜨거운 노래는 땅에 묻는다>등에서 겨레와 역사 앞에 신명을 바치겠다는 결의를 다지고 있다. 한편<저녁놀><포고><아라비안나이트><태평로에서><화방에서><네게 묻는다><시인에게> 등의 시에서는 현실비판의식이 직접적으로 노출되지 않고 다소의 품위를 지키면서 간접적이고 역설적으로 비꼬아 표현하는 풍자의 기법이 사용되고 있다. 이러한 작품들은 격한 감정이 앞서는 주제노출의 직설적 시에 비해 풍자적 기법으로 주제를 안으로 함축시켜 오히려 극대화시키는, 수사학적인 면에서도 성공한 작품이다. 당대의 정치현실과 사회적 모순을 비판하면서, 한편으로 시인으로서 지식인으로서 우매하고 무지한 국민을 계몽하고자 하는 사명감에 투철한 중가자적 입장에 서 있던 청마의 시정신에서 조선후기 실학자인 정약용에 의해 새롭게 정립된 효용론적 시정신의 맥을 발견할 수 있는데 이런 점은 조선의 선비정신과 윤리의식이 현대 한국인의 내면 의식속에 변용, 굴절되면서도 면면히 계승되고 있는 증거라 할 수 있다.

      • 일부 운수사업장 근로자의 건강진단 유소견자의 사후관리 실행과 관련요인

        윤혜은,박종,이영선,강성득,김철호 조선대학교 2003 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.28 No.1

        Objective : The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between the follow-up management status for medical problem to be treated and various characteristics of some workers at transportation business. Methods : A questionnaire survey was made toward 183 workers with medical problem(C and D2) among 945 examine in 1997. Results: Sixty four point five percent of surveyee received the examination result report and 40.5% were explained about the result 80.3% of surveyee answered that they knew the result of health examination. Most workers felt the necessity of the health examination, but 54.1% were dissatisfied with present health examination system and 66.7% pointed it out as nominal The rate of follow-up management for the medical problem was 62.8% By the multiple logistic regression the follow-up management rate for those who knew the health examination result were 2.98 times higher than those who didn't know the result (OR=2.98, 95% CI 1.41~6.29) The rate for those who perceived the medical problem already were 2.64 times higher than those who perceived the problem for the first time (OR=2.64, 95% CI 1.13~6.15). The rate for those who had subjective symptoms were 2.83 times higher than those who didn't have subjective symptoms. Conclusion : sixty two point eight percent of workers with medical problem performed the follow-up management and perception of health examination result, perception of the problem in the past and experience of subjective symptoms were related with the follow-up management.

      • KCI등재

        치면열구전색제의 열구 침투에 primer의 효과

        정혜선,최병재,최형준,이제호 大韓小兒齒科學會 1999 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 치면열구전색제 수복시에 상아질 접착제의 primer 도포의 치면열구전색제 열구 침투도 향상 효과를 확인하는 것으로 발거된 영구 구치상에서 통상적으로 치면열구 전색제를 도포한 대조군과 Scotchbond™ Multi-Purpose system과 ?? 2 system의 primer 도포 후에 치면열구전색제를 도포한 실험군들의 열구 기저부까지 전색제 침투 성공률을 비교하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. Scotchbond™ Multi-Purpose system과 All-Bond 2 system의 primer를 사용한 군의 열구 기저부까지 치면열구전색제 침투 성공률은 primer를 사용하지 않은 대조군보다 높았으나 통계학적으로 유의성 있는 차이는 없었다(p>0.05) 2. 열구 깊이와 폭 및 '깊이/폭' 값은 열구 기저부까지 전색제 침투성공율에 대하여 통계학적으로 유의성 있는 효과를 나타내었다.(p<0.05) 3. 열구 기저부까지 전색제 침투 성공률은 열구 깊이가 25㎛ 증가할 때마다 약 0.9배로 감소하였고, 열구 입구의 폭이 25㎛ 증가할 때마다 약 1.1배로 증가하였으며, 열구의 '깊이/폭' 비율이 1 증가할 때마다 약 0.6배로 감소하였다. The objective of this study is to confirm the effect of dentine bonding primer application on penetration of sealant. Extracted permanent molars were used to compare penetration success rate of control group (sealant application only) and experimental groups (sealant application after applying the primers of Scotchbond™ Multi-Purpose system and All-Bond 2 system). The following results were obtained: 1. The experimental groups using the primers showed increased sealant penetration success rate to the base of fissure when compared to control group but there was no statistically significant differences(p>0.05). 2. The depth, width and 'depth/width' value of fissure had statistically significant effect on sealant penetration success rate(p<0.05). 3. The penetration success rate decreased about 0.9 times as the depth of fissure increased every 25㎛, and increased about 1.1 times as the width of the fissure orifice increased every 25㎛, and decreased about 0.6 times as the 'depth/width' value increased every 1. From the above results, it can be concluded that fissure morphology had a great effect on sealant penetration and for better penetration, use of dentine bonding primer can be helpful but it needs more study in clinical bases.

      • 견비통의 한·양방 진료 및 협진의 경제성 평가

        장혜정,홍상민,박유선,남동우,이두익,이재동,이윤호,임사비나 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2007 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2007 No.-

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the cost-effectiveness of Eastern, Western and collaborative treatments and suggest a cost-effective approach for patients with frozen shoulder pain. Methods : Using the data of fifty-two patients, treatment effectiveness was measured by CSA, SPADI, and ROM scales and changes from the baseline score were evaluated. Data source for cost estimation was based on the national health insurance (NHI) payment system. Because the price in NHI was differentiated by health care institutions, five collaborative types were considered in assessing costs. Cost-effective ratios were computed tor economic evaluation. Results : Compared with Eastem treatinent, collaborative and Westerm treatments showed better effects on CSA scale after 4 weeks' treatment. The collaborative approach was also the most effective treatment on SPADI and ROM scales The direct cost per patient receiving Eastern treatment was less than other treatments. In general, collaborative treatment dominated Eastern and Western treatments in cost-effectiveness analysis However, the cost-effectiveness ratio of Eastern treatment resulted in \9,0OO compared to W29,OOO of collaborative treatment on SPADI Four different indicators of ROM scales resulted in different approaches as the cost-effective treatment. Conclusiuns : Considering cost-effectiveness ratios, collaborative treatment was the best treatment on CSA and SPADl scales after 4 weeks' treatment As for ROM scales, the recommended altematives were Eastern treatment for patients with abduction and adduction disabilities, Western treatment for those with flexion disability, and collab-orative approach for those with extension disability.

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