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      • KCI등재

        초등학생 학부모들의 잔류농약 인식에 기초한 안전 식생활 교육용 앱 개발

        채현자 ( Hyeon Ja Chae ),김정원 ( Jeong Weon Kim ) 한국식품조리과학회(구 한국조리과학회) 2013 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        본 연구에서는 초등학생 학부모를 대상으로 가족의 식생활 안전과 관련하여 주요 식품위해요소로 인식되고 있는 잔류농약에 대한 인식수준과 궁금한 정보를 조사하였고, 이를 바탕으로 학부모의 눈높이에 맞춰 안심하고 건강한 식생활을 영위할 수 있는 정보전달 매체인 스마트폰용 앱 ‘잔류농약 완전정복’을 개발하였다. 개발된 앱은 학부모들에게 시범적용한 후학부모 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 통해 그 효과를 평가하였으며, 연구의 주요결과는 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 학부모의 82%가 잔류농약은 건강에 해롭다고 생각하고 있었고, 또한 88.6%의 학부모들이 잔류농약에 대한 교육 및 홍보가 필요하다고 생각하고 있었다. 잔류농약 관련 정보에 대해서는 학부모의 91.7%가 필요하다고 응답하였고, 최근 2년간 잔류농약에 관한 정보를 얻은 경험이 ‘없다’는 응답이 58.3%로 나와 정부 차원의 위해 정보전달 노력이 아직 미진한것으로 파악되었다. 이에 학부모를 비롯한 소비자들의 잔류농약에 대한 인식이 개선을 위해서 현대인의 생활양식에 맞춘 교육용 매체 개발 및 교육홍보의 필요성을 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 학부모들의 정보요구도와 특성을 고려하여 스마트폰용 앱 ‘잔류농약 완전정복’을 개발하였다. 앱은 ‘잔류농약 괜찮을까?’, ‘잔류농약 관리’, ‘잔류농약 제대로 없애기’, ‘안심하고 장보기’, ‘놀이터’의 5개 영역으로 구성하여 농약과 잔류농약의 정확한 의미 전달부터 농산물 생산단계의 잔류농약 관리와 안심하고 구매할 수 있도록 정보를 제공하였다. 또한 ‘잔류농약 제대로 없애기’ 메뉴에서는 스마트폰 앱의 장점을 최대한 살려 과채류 모의 세척 활동을 해볼 수 있게 함으로써 흥미와 유익함을 동시에 만족할 수 있도록 하였다. 또한, ‘놀이터’에서는 앱에서 제공된 정보를 퀴즈를 통하여 다시 확인해 볼 수 있도록 하여 교육의 효과르 높일 수 있도록 하였고, 이와 함께 어린이 교육용으로 개발된 ‘채소 나라 축제’ 라는 애니메이션을 링크하여 온 가족이 함께 잔류농약과 식생활 안전에 대한 정보를 공유할 수 있도록 하였다. 셋째, 개발된 스마트폰용 앱을 30명의 학부모에게 배포하여 사용하게 한 후 FGI를 실시한 결과, 학부모의 대다수가 잔류농약에 대한 부정적인 인식이나 농약사용이 무조건 해롭다는 편견을 벗고 긍정적으로 개선되었을 뿐 아니라, 새로운 매체인 스마트폰용 앱을 개발하여 교육홍보를 한다는 점에서 신선하다는 긍정적인 평가를 주었다. 또한 잔류농약 세척법에 있어서는 스마트폰의 특성을 최대한 살려 과채 종류별로 손가락으로 직접 세척하는 활동을 해보게 함으로써 재미있게 식생활안전 교육을 실시할 수 있는 매체로 인식되었다. 잔류농약에 대해 새롭게 알게 된 사항으로는, ‘잔류농약이 안전하게 관리되고 있다는 사실과 그로 인해 우리가 안전하게 즐거운 식생활을 누릴 수 있다는 점에서 바람직하다’고 응답하여, 본 연구에서 개발된 앱이 잔류농약에 대한 올바른 정보 전달 매체로서 잔류농약에 대한 막연한 편견과 불안감을 바로 잡는 교육도구로 활용될 수 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to develop an educational app that informs parents of elementary students with correct information on pesticide residue based on their awareness and information needs on pesticide residue. A survey was conducted from 918 parents living in 8 different districts of Korea. The results of the survey indicated that a majority of parents felt uncomfortable with pesticide residue and wanted to have the proper information regarding it. Based on the above results, an app named ``Perfect Conquest of Pesticide Residue`` consisting of 5 main menus of ``Pesticide residue, Is it safe?``, ``Safe management of pesticide residue``, ``Perfect removal of pesticide residue on fruits and vegetables through washing``, ``Shopping without anxiety``, ``Playground`` and their own sub-menus was developed. When the app was applied to 30 parents using smart phones, a majority of them were satisfied with the contents of detailed information and fun activities. Therefore, this app could be utilized as an effective educational tool for the parents of elementary students by allowing them to have proper awareness on pesticide residue. Furthermore, more apps could be developed on other food risk factors to promote safe dietary life.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        각국의 잔류농약 모니터링 자료를 활용한 바나나 중 농약 잔류 실태 조사

        김서홍 ( Seo-hong Kim ),김정아 ( Jeong-ah Kim ),임무혁 ( Moo-hyeog Im ) 한국응용생명화학회 2020 Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry (J. Appl. Vol.63 No.1

        This study was designed to use the safety management data for residual pesticides in imported banana based on the investigation of pesticide residue detection of agricultural products with different origins in the Republic of Korea. From the USA, EU, UK, Japan and Korea from 2007 to 2018, the results of banana residue pesticides were summarized into detected pesticides, number of inspections, number of pesticide detection cases, and the amount of detected pesticide residue. A total of 109 pesticides were detected for the pesticide residue and pesticide detection rate was 4.58% in 206,894 cases. The detection rate was ranged within 10.62-24.62% for chlorpyrifos, imazalil, methyl-bromide, azoxystrobin, carbendazim, pretilachlor and thiabendazole. Among them, chlorpyrifos was detected most often followed by imazalil, azoxystrobin, thiabendazole, bifenthrin and carbendazim. According to the results of monitoring data for bananas in EU, Japan, USA, UK and Korea, the kinds of detected pesticides were 85, 57, 23, 18 and 8, respectively. Azoxystrobin, bifenthrin and chloropyrifos were found in monitoring data of all countries. Fourteen and twelve pesticides were detected in bananas from Costa Rica and Ecuador, respectively. Imazalil and thiabendazole were detected in 16 and 11 origins, respectively. Myclobutanil and iprodione were detected in four and two countries, respectively. In bananas from Costa Rica, azoxystrobin and bifenthrin were detected 11.8 and 9.8%, respectively, and the detection rate of azoxystrobin was 19% in bananas from Colombia. Chlorpyrifos was detected 22.7, 13.3 and 10.8% in bananas from Belize, Colombia and Costa Rica respectively. Myclobutanil was detected in bananas from Colombia and Costa Rica with the rate of 17.9 and 10.4%, respectively.

      • 대전 지역 유통 식용 한약재의 잔류농약 실태 연구

        김경신 ( Kyoung Shin Kim ),김성구 ( Sung Gu Kim ),임재윤 ( Jae Yeun Lim ),김병수 ( Byoung Soo Kim ) 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2013 혜화의학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        This study was conducted to investigate the residue amount of pesticide on the 41 medicinal herbs in Daejeon area. This study was carried out to monitor the current status of pesticide residues in commercial medicinal herbs for sale of food use in 2012. It was performed using GC/ECD, GC/NPD, HPLC to analyze pesticides residues. Residues of 283 pesticides were analyzed by a simultaneous multiresidue method in 41 medicinal herbs being on sale in Daejeon. The medicinal herbs detected pesticides in 10 of 41 cases, showed a detection rate of 24.39%. The medicinal herbs which exceed the maximum residue limit were five cases as Cnidii Rhizoma, Osterici Radix, Artemisiae Capillaris Herba, Zizyphi Fructus and Alismatis Rhizoma. And pesticide residue of Cnidii Rhizoma and Alismatis Rhizoma exceeds the limit standard presented in only medicine use of KFDA. The residual pesticides which had the high detection rate were Chlopyrifos, Tebuconazole and Endosulfan in the detection of medicinal herbs. For further research, standards of Pesticide Residues in medicinal herbs should be added and more research of pesticide residues in medicinal herbs required. And standards of pesticide residues in medicinal herbs should be applied equally as medicines and food.

      • 전북지역 과수원 토양의 잔류농약 변동현황

        김효진 ( Hyo-jin Kim ),장수연 ( Su-yeon Jang ),엄미정 ( Mi-jeong Uhm ),박나영 ( Na-young Park ),김용준 ( Yong-jun Kim ),윤순강 ( Sun-kang Yoon ),김주희 ( Ju-hee Kim ),이효섭 ( Hyo-sub Lee ) 한국환경농학회 2023 한국환경농학회 학술대회집 Vol.2023 No.0

        Agriculture in Korea is a reality in which continuous use of pesticides is unavoidable due to the characteristics of intensively cultivating various crops. Accordingly, there is a high possibility that pesticides with various residuals exist in agricultural fields. In addition, as the safety management of farm produce was strengthened with the implementation of the PLS, this study was conducted to preserve the sustainable agricultural environment through the investigation of the pesticide residues in the agricultural fields. As test materials, soil samples were collected from 71 orchard soils in the Jeonbuk region, dried, pretreated, and analyzed by GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS. For the pesticide residue analysis, the test pesticide MRM and RT were set, the analyzer LOD and LOQ were calculated, and a standard calibration curve was prepared to establish the recovery rate and confirm the quantity of the pesticide. As a result of pesticide residue analysis on 71 orchard soils, 84 components were detected at 40 sites. The area where the most pesticides were detected at 1 point was Buan, where 8 types were confirmed, and in the entire Jeonbuk area, more than 2 components of residual pesticides were detected on average at 1 point. The area with the most detected pesticides was Wanju (6 sites), where residual pesticides of 11 components were detected. The pesticide residues detected at the most points were Boscalid and Fluxapyroxad at 17 points, and the maximum values were 0.137 and 0.227 mg/kg, respectively, which were 2 to 3 times higher than the average concentrations of 0.052 and 0.068 mg/kg. Residual pesticides with high detection concentration values were Fluxapyroxad (0.227 mg/kg), Difenoconazole (0.168), Tetraconazole (0.153), Fluquinconazole (0.147), and Boscalid (0.137), all of which were germicide pesticides. It is thought that pesticide residue analysis can be used as important data for setting indicators for safe farm produce production.

      • KCI등재

        Recent Trend of Residual Pesticides in Korean Feed

        Jeong, Jin Young,Kim, Minseok,Baek, Youl-Chang,Song, Jaeyong,Lee, Seul,Kim, Ki Hyun,Ji, Sang Yun,Lee, Hyun-Jeong,Oh, Young Kyun,Lee, Sung Dae The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science 2018 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.38 No.3

        Pesticide application in agriculture provides significant benefits such as protection from disease, prevention of harmful insects, and increased crop yields. However, accurate toxicological tests and risk assessments are necessary because of many related adverse effects associated with pesticide use. In this review, we discuss and analyze residual pesticides contained in livestock feed in Korea. A pesticide residue tolerance standard for livestock feed has not been precisely established; so, risk assessments are required to ensure safety. Standards and approaches for animal criteria and appropriate methods for evaluating residual pesticides are discussed and analyzed based on technology related to animal product safety in Korea. The safety of livestock feed containing pesticides is assessed to establish maximum residue limits relative to pesticides. Analysis of residual pesticides in milk, muscle, brain, and fat was performed with a livestock residue test and safety evaluation of the detected pesticide was performed. Efficacy of organic solvent extraction and clean-up of feed was verified, and suitability of the instrument was examined to establish if they are effective, rapid, and safe. This review discussed extensively how pesticide residue tolerance in livestock feed and hazard evaluation may be applied in future studies.

      • KCI등재

        농약을 중심으로 본 녹색혁명: 1970년대 증산과 공해에 가려진 농약 중독

        이슬기 ( Lee Seulgi ) 한국과학사학회 2021 한국과학사학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        This study aims to examine pesticide hazards in the green revolution in South Korea with the concept of “slow violence.” The green revolution initiatives of the 1970s strongly encouraged the extensive usage of pesticides among farmers. It was because the high-yielding rice varieties, such as Tong-il, could not be cultivated without pesticides. The intensive use of pesticides caused poisoning among farmers and pesticide residue problems on food which was called “nongyak gonghae” (農藥公害). However, the nongyak gonghae was differently represented by the government. This study shows that the government’s analysis was restricted to the residue problem in the food instead of the broader issue of farmers’ exposure to pesticides. Pesticide poisoning of farmers was examined by a limited number of scholars so it was impossible to identify how many people experienced poisoning. Even when pesticide poisoning recurred, the government did not devise policy measures to solve the problem. Pesticide poisoning of farmers was under-discussed in Korean society until the government change in the 1980s. This study argues that this selective research on pesticides in the green revolution worked as violence that caused the human cost of modernization.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        영농지역에서 작물재배 형태에 따른 농약의 잔류성과 유출특성

        박병준 ( Byung Jun Park ),권오경 ( Oh Kyung Kwon ),김진경 ( Jin Kyoung Kim ),김진배 ( Jin Bea Kim ),김진호 ( Jin Ho Kim ),윤순강 ( Soon Kang Yoon ),심재한 ( Jae Han Shim ),홍무기 ( Moo Gi Hong ) 한국환경농학회 2009 한국환경농학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        To evaluate the exposure of non-point source pesticide pollution in agricultural watershed and to investigate pesticide distribution and runoff from agricultural land, paddy field, upland and orchard, this experiment was carry out during crop growing seasons. The pesticide were detected twenty pesticides (fungicide 4, insecticide 10, herbicide 6) in water of Neungchon agricultural watershed and detection concentrations were range 0.008~7.59 ppb. Most of the detection pesticides were using pesticides to rice paddy fields to control fungi, insects, weeds. During the crop cultivation, the pesticide were detected total thirty pesticides by pepper field soil 6, orchard soil 4, sesame field soil 3 and rice paddy field soil 5, and pesticide concentrations were range 0.001~0.109 ppm. Especially the herbicides were detected mainly in May and June in the stream water. The pesticide were detected thirty pesticides by fungicide 2, insecticide 6, herbicide 5 in water of Jungam Koseong agricultural watershed and detection concentrations were range 0.01~7.21 ppb. In regard to the detected pesticides, the concentration of individual pesticides measured in surface water of the study areas never exceeded guidelines for agriculture chemicals concerning water quality-effluent from paddy fields in Japan (Katayama, 2003). Runoff rate of pesticides was range 0.07~3.06 % from Kongju agricultural land to watershed after applied pesticides.

      • KCI등재

        네트워크 분석을 활용한 유통농산물 잔류농약 부적합 현황 분석

        박재우,서준호,이동헌,나강인,조성용,배만재 한국식품위생안전성학회 2018 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        The purpose of this research was to introduce network analysis method for analyzing pesticide residues in incongruity commercial agricultural commodities. Based on the “results in pesticide residues on incongruity commercial agricultural commodities” on 「Guidelines for food safety management 2017」, we used centrality analysis for pesticide residues via degree, closeness and betweenness centrality measurement. In case of degree centrality result, chlorpyrifos and diazinon were the most highly “connected node” in pesticide network. For the closeness centrality result, the most pesticides showed the similar closeness trend except for 19 species of pesticides. Fludioxonil and chlorpyrifos are recognized as the “bridge” of pesticides network with their high betweenness centrality. The results of network analysis show the “relation” data, which could not represent through out the conventional statistical analysis, among the pesticide residues. We hope that the network analysis method will be appropriate and precise tool for analyzing pesticide residues via elaboration and optimization.

      • KCI등재

        2013년 서울북부지역 유통농산물의 잔류농약 모니터링 및 위해성 평가

        김남훈,이정숙,김욱희,최영희,한성희,김윤희,김희선,이새람,이정미,유인실,정권 한국식품위생안전성학회 2014 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        The aim of this study was to investigate pesticide residues in 2,877 market vegetables in the northernarea of Seoul in 2013. Pesticide residues in the samples were analysed by multiresidue method for 285 pesticides usingGC-ECD/NPD and HPLC-DAD/FLD. 385 samples(13.4%) were detected with pesticide residues at or below MRL,and 15 samples(0.5%) were found to detect pesticide residues exceeding MRL. The most frequently detected sampleswere sedum(63.6%), chamnamul(45.8%), leek(44.5%) and green&red pepper(30.8%). Among the 15 violated samples,leek(5 cases) and welsh onion(4 cases) showed the highest violation rate. A total of 74 samples(18.5%) containedmultiple pesticide residues in one vegetable. Procymidone, chlorofenapyr and cypermethrin were the pesticide mostfrequently found. As a tool of risk assessment through the consumption of pesticide detectable agricultural products,the ratio of estimated daily intake (EDI) to acceptable daily intake (ADI) was calculated into the range of1.05~28.61%. The results have meant that there was no health risk through dieting commercial agricultural productsdetected with pesticide residues.

      • KCI등재

        유통 건고추와 고춧가루의 잔류농약 안전성 조사

        한유리,김현주,김상태,박난주,송유나,최유미,이혜연,손보민,김윤호,서정화,손종성,박명기,박용배 한국식품위생안전성학회 2024 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.39 No.3

        본 연구에서는 경기 북부지역 및 온라인에서 유통되는 건고추 및 고춧가루 88건을 대상으로 잔류농약을 분석했 다. 시료는 QuEChERS법으로 전처리한 후 GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS를 이용하여 분석했다. 88건 중 70건(79.5%)에 서 잔류농약이 검출되었고 그 중 4건(4.5%)인 수입산 건 고추 2건, 수입산 고춧가루 2건이 농약 잔류허용기준을 초 과하였다. 총 61종의 농약이 검출되었고 검출 빈도가 가 장 높은 농약은 살균제 tebuconazole로 52회 검출되었다. 쌀에 사용하는 진균제 tricyclazole은 베트남산 시료 12개 중 3개 시료에서, ethion은 인도산 시료 1개에서 농약 잔 류허용기준을 초과하여 검출되었다. tricyclazole과 ethion 은 고추 품목에서의 사용이 금지되어 positive list system Table 8. Pesticides detected in dried pepper and pepper powder Distribution channels No. of sample No. of sample detected No. of sample above MRLs Detection rate (%) Violation rate (%) Offline 40(43)* 38 - 95.0(88.4)* - Online 35(45)* 32 4 91.4(71.1)* 11.4(8.9)* * Figures in parenthesis mean: results including environment-friendly products. Fig. 1. Ratio of the type classification in detected pesticide residues. Table 9. Result of samples above MRL Type Origin Pesticides Conc. (mg/kg) Pepper powder Vietnam Tricyclazole 0.05 India Ethion 0.03 Dried pepper Vietnam Tricyclazole 0.03 Vietnam Tricyclazole 0.03 8 Yoo-Li Han et al. 제도에 의해 규제되고 있다. 본 연구를 통해 국내산 건고 추 및 고춧가루의 잔류농약 수준이 비교적 잘 관리되고 있으며 수입산 건고추 및 고춧가루에 대한 지속적인 관리 가 필요한 것으로 확인하였다. Pesticide residues were monitored in dried red pepper and pepper powder samples purchased in Northern Gyeonggi-do and from domestic online markets. The QuEChERS method was used to prepare 88 samples. GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS were used to analyze 338 pesticide residues. In the study, pesticide residues were detected in 70 samples (79.5%), with residues exceeding the maximum residue limits (MRL) in 4 samples (4.5%). Pesticide levels exceeded the MRL in imported samples, with two samples of dried red pepper and two samples of pepper powder showing elevated levels. Among the 61 pesticides detected, tebuconazole, a fungicide was most frequently detected (52 times). Tricyclazole, which is used to control the main disease affecting rice, exceeding the MRL in 3 of 12 Vietnam-origin samples. Ethion exceeded the MRL in one Indian-origin sample. Both tricyclazole and ethion are banned for use in pepper products in Korea and are regulated under the positive list system (PLS). Conversely, pesticides detected in domestic samples were within the MRLs. Therefore, authorities should monitor pesticide residues in imported red pepper products.

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