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      • KCI등재

        Korean indigenous bacterial species with valid names belonging to the phylum Actinobacteria

        Kyung Sook Bae,김미선,Ji Hee Lee,Joo Won Kang,Dae In Kim,Ji Hee Lee,Chi Nam Seong 한국미생물학회 2016 The journal of microbiology Vol.54 No.12

        To understand the isolation and classification state of actinobacterial species with valid names for Korean indigenous isolates, isolation source, regional origin, and taxonomic affiliation of the isolates were studied. At the time of this writing, the phylum Actinobacteria consisted of only one class, Actinobacteria, including five subclasses, 10 orders, 56 families, and 330 genera. Moreover, new taxa of this phylum continue to be discovered. Korean actinobacterial species with a valid name has been reported from 1995 as Tsukamurella inchonensis isolated from a clinical specimen. In 1997, Streptomyces seoulensis was validated with the isolate from the natural Korean environment. Until Feb. 2016, 256 actinobacterial species with valid names originated from Korean territory were listed on LPSN. The species were affiliated with three subclasses (Acidimicrobidae, Actinobacteridae, and Rubrobacteridae), four orders (Acidimicrobiales, Actinomycetales, Bifidobacteriales, and Solirubrobacterales), 12 suborders, 36 families, and 93 genera. Most of the species belonged to the subclass Actinobacteridae, and almost of the members of this subclass were affiliated with the order Actinomycetales. A number of novel isolates belonged to the families Nocardioidaceae, Microbacteriaceae, Intrasporangiaceae, and Streptomycetaceae as well as the genera Nocardioides, Streptomyces, and Microbacterium. Twenty-six novel genera and one novel family, Motilibacteraceae, were created first with Korean indigenous isolates. Most of the Korean indigenous actionobacterial species were isolated from natural environments such as soil, seawater, tidal flat sediment, and fresh-water. A considerable number of species were isolated from artificial resources such as fermented foods, wastewater, compost, biofilm, and water-cooling systems or clinical specimens. Korean indigenous actinobacterial species were isolated from whole territory of Korea, and especially a large number of species were from Jeju, Gyeonggi, Jeonnam, Daejeon, and Chungnam. A large number of novel actinobacterial species continue to be discovered since the Korean government is encouraging the search for new bacterial species and researchers are endeavoring to find out novel strains from extreme or untapped environments.

      • KCI등재

        한국 개화기 품사 설정 발전과 영향

        오충신 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2023 아시아문화연구 Vol.63 No.-

        개화기에 들어서 한국어 문법에 대한 전반적인 기술도 서양 선교사들의 선교와 일본과의 정치적인 문제로 인해 싹트기 시작된 것이다. 바꿔서 말하자면 서양이나 일본의 문법 체계는 당시 조선 한국어 연구에 어느 정도의 참고 기준을 제공했다는 것이다. 1895년에 한국 국내 학자들이 외국 문법 체계 정립 경험을 발판 삼아 한국어 문법에 대해 연구하기 시작하였다. 그 중에 품사 분류에 대한 문법 기술은 비교적 구체적이며 정밀하다. 서양의 명사(nouns), 형용사(adjectives), 대명사(pronouns), 동사(verbs), 부사(adverbs), 접속사(conjunctions) 」등으로 품사별 기저 항목을 참고하며 전치사(preposition)와 같은 존재로 여긴 한국어 조사를 후치사(postpositions)라는 기능도 그대로 수용하게 되었다. 한국 초기 품사 설정 종류로는 보다 안정적인 「(1)名詞, (2)動詞, (3)形容詞, (4)副詞, (5)接續詞, (6)感嘆詞, (1–1)代名詞」와 비안정적인 「(1)助詞, (2)후사(後詞), (3)助動詞, (4)후치사(後置詞), (5)後系詞, (6)格詞, (7)終結詞, (8)토(吐)」등의 품사들이다. 명사 후치 표현에 대해서는 일부 조사들을 서양 문법에 맞춰 격(格)이 이루어진 기능과 의미에 따라 한국어 문장 구성 요소의 격(格)을 나눠 보려고 했다. 다른 조사들의 기능과 의미를 정확한 문법 항목에 귀속시키지 못했지만 하나의 다른 문법 요소 체계라는 점을 잘 파악하고 있었다. 안정적인 품사 이외 조사(助詞)에 대해 「後詞–吐–토–후사–助詞–格詞–後系詞」등의 순으로 발전해 왔다. 어미에 대해서는 동사나 형용사와 어울려서 이루어진 문법적 표현(연결, 대립, 시제, 전성 등), 문장 종결 표현의 서법, 서법에 따른 청자 높임 단계 등 3가지의 통사적 구조 유형을 파악하여 적당한 하나의 품사 항목에 포함하려고 하는 것이 보인다. The establishment of Korean parts of speech is mainly based on foreign research results. On the one hand, it refers to the study of Korean by Western European scholars of the Indo–European language family since 1832. On the other hand, it refers to the study results of the Japanese, who began to study foreign language grammar in 1812 and systematized the grammar of their own language in 1867. South Korea implemented a closed–door policy in the early days, so the results of Korean language research outside the Korean peninsula have limited influence on Korean scholars‘ research on Korean language. However, after the invasion of foreign powers in 1897, the awareness that the Korean language must be saved began to emerge. Korean studies in Korea started decades later than Korean studies abroad. Nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions in Western countries are set as basic parts of speech; however, Korean “particles” still cannot be accurately classified. By borrowing Japanese part–of–speech names in Han characters, and referring to the names and functions of “particles and auxiliary verbs” in Japanese articles, scholars tried to clearly distinguish between “particles” and “endings” in Korean. Before 1930, before the Korean statute “Hangul Orthography” was promulgated, in addition to the fixed parts of speech, the development of “auxiliary word” was roughly in the form of “postpositions – 토 – 후사 – auxiliary words – endings – cases – copula endings”, and the development of case particles is the most stable. “Auxiliary postpositional particle, endings, auxiliary predicate element”, etc., are still included in the parts of speech of “auxiliary verbs”, and the distinction between “the mood” and “the antithesis” has gradually emerged.

      • KCI등재

        과거 사태 지시 표현 유무에 따른 중국인 한국어 학습자의 과거시제 사용

        이해영,박선희,이암,동준루 이중언어학회 2021 이중언어학 Vol.84 No.-

        본고는 중국인 학습자들이 한국어 과거시제 형태소를 습득하는 과정에서 과거 사태 관련 부사어의 영향을 관찰하고자 하였다. 교착어인 한국어는 과거시제 형태소 ‘-었-’이 용언과 결합하여 과거 사태를 드러내지만 고립어인 중국어는 과거시제 형태소를 가지지 않고 과거 사태를 지시하는 어휘의 도움을 받는다. 이에 본 연구는 중국에 있는 두 한국어 교육기관 충 91명 학습자를 대상으로 시간/장소 부사어 유무에 따라 9개 실험 문항을 빈칸 채우기 과제로 제작하여 실험을 실시하였다. 과거시제 형태소의 습득은 용언의 동작류와 언어 숙달도에 따라 차이를 보일 수 있으므로 이를 고려하여 문항을 구성하고 실험 결과를 분석하였다. 실험 결과, 중국인 학습자는 한국어 숙달도가 높은 상위집단이 하위집단보다 과거시제 형태소를 더 많이 사용하였고, 동작류와 숙달도에 상관없이 과거를 지시하는 시간이나 장소 부사어가 있는 경우에 과거시제 형태소를 더 잘 사용하였다. 이와 같은 결과는 과거 시간을 지시하는 시간 부사나 장소 부사가 있을 때 제2언어 학습자들이 이를 단서로 하여 문장의 사태를 과거로 인지하고 과거시제 형태소를 보다 적극적으로 할 수 있었음을 확인하였다. This study investigated the effects of past event indicating expressions on L2 Korean past tense morpheme usage by Chinese learners of Korean. The Korean language, which is agglutinative, indicates past events with the morpheme ‘-eott-’, while the Chinese language is aided by vocabulary that refers to events in the past without needing a past tense morpheme. We examined whether Chinese learners of Korean use the Korean past tense morpheme differently (1) when they have past-event indicating expressions in the sentence and (2) when their Korean proficiency differs. The participants of the study were 91 intermediate and advanced L2 Korean learners from Chinese universities. A cloze test with 9 sentences was conducted to assess participants’ use of Korean past tense. The results showed that the Chinese learners of Korean used the past tense morpheme better when they have past event indicating expressions. The advanced group used the past tense morphemes better than the lower group, and they used the past tense morphemes better with or without the past event indicating expressions. These results confirm that when there is a past event indicating expression, it facilitates the L2 learners’ recognition of past events and leads them to use past tense morpheme. These findings show that explicit instructions with time and place expressions can help Chinese learners of Korean to use past tense morphemes.

      • KCI등재

        2000년대 이후 캐나다한인시에 반영된 문화변용의 태도

        송명희 한국문학이론과비평학회 2015 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.67 No.-

        This paper focus on grasping the attitude of acculturation from Korean-Canadian's poetries since 2000s. In the Korean-Canadian's poetries, firstly, they frankly expressed their disappointment and a sense of alienation at their residence. Secondly, they tried to overcome frustration of emigration by turning to religion. Thirdly, they showed surviving strategy for adaptation. fourthly, they admired nature scenery and welfare system of Canada. fifthly, they displayed some attention and criticism about social and politic problems for homeland or long-distance nationalism. That is, we can know through poetry that Korean-Canadian got over disappointment and sense of alienation gradually, and they adapted local in Canada. Admiring nature scenery and welfare system of Canada means Korean-Canadian started having sense of belongings as nation about Canada community. Meanwhile, Korean-Canadian's poetries deeply expressed interest about Korean political-social problem. it can show long-distance nationalism that they have same lineage as ethnic. Since 2000s, Korean-Canadian's poetries have showed attitude on integration beyond isolation form acculturation and marginality. meanwhile, it is closely tied that Canada claimed multiculturalism, meanwhile, It is related truth that they had emigrated spontaneously, J. W. Berry said that if major group respects settlers' innate identity and lifestyle and keeps cultural diversity for social unification, minor group will seek integrated identity. On the other hand, Korean-Canadian interchanged with korea as globalization. furthermore, they did literary activity with Korean language, and they are starting their literary career in Korea. as homeland has close relationship as, Korean-Canadian should be influenced greatly. Especially, after 2000s, Extending national power of Korea makes Korean-Canadian swell their pride about homeland, and it appears as long-distance nationalism. and we can think it affected Korean-Canadian's integrated identity formation positively. 이 글은 2000년대 이후 캐나다한인들의 시에 나타난 문화변용의 태도를 파악하고자 하였다. 캐나다한인 시는 이민에 대한 실망감과 소외의식을 종교를 통해 해소하는 한편 점차 캐나다 현지에서의 적응을 위한 전략이 모색된다. 캐나다의 자연풍광과 복지제도에 대한 찬양은 다름 아닌 캐나다한인들이 캐나다에 대해 진정한 소속감을 갖기 시작했다는 의미이다. 한편 캐나다한인 시는 모국의 정치사회적 사건에 대해서 비판적 관심을 표출한다. 그것은 같은 혈통의 민족으로서 갖는 장거리 민족주의라고 부를 만한 것이다. 2000년대 이후 캐나다한인 시는 문화변용에서 고립과 주변화를 벗어나 점차 통합적 정체성을 표현하고 있다. 이는 캐나다가 다문화주의를 표방하는 국가라는 사실과 연관되는 한편, 그들이 자발적 이민을 했다는 사실과도 관련된다. 베리(J. W. Berry)는 다수의 주류집단이 다문화주의를 추구하면 소수집단은 통합적 정체성을 추구한다고 하였다. 2000년대 이후 한국의 국력 신장은 캐나다한인들로 하여금 모국에 대한 자부심을 증대시켰다. 이것이 장거리 민족주의의 표출로 나타났으며, 거주국에서의 통합적 정체성 형성에도 긍정적 영향을 미쳤다고 생각한다.

      • The Study on the North Korean Defector`s Fear of Crime -Focus on the Effect of Social Isolation-

        이윤영 한국범죄비행학회 2011 범죄와 비행 Vol.1 No.-

        매년 북한을 탈출하여 한국으로 넘어오는 탈북자는 증가하고 있고 이제 이러한 현상은 사회적, 국제적 이슈가 되고 있다. 특히 새로운 환경과 사회에 적응하는 일은 탈북자의 국내 정착과 관련한 중대한 문제라고 하겠다. 따라서 본 연구는 일탈 연구 영역에서 탈북자가 느끼는 범죄에 대한 두려움은 일반적으로 한국 국민이 느끼는 범죄의 두려움과는 다른 양상이라고 보며 탈북자 214명을 대상으로 한국 형사정책연구원에서 2007년 실시한 조사 데이터를 활용하여 탈북자의 범죄에 대한 두려움에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 분석을 시도했다. 이를 위해 취약 모델(vulnerability model), 피해자 모델(victimization model) 그리고 사회적 소외 모델(social isolation model)의 세 가지 이론적 모델에 기반 하여 성, 연령, 직접피해 경험, 간접피해 경험, 사회적 소외, 사회적 적응, 거주 기간 등을 독립 변인으로 설정하고 범죄에 대한 두려움을 종속변인으로 하여 회귀분석을 실시했다. 그 결과 범죄의 두려움을 연구한 일반 연구에서와 유사하게 연령과 성별은 유의미한 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났으나 한국에서의 거주 기간 및 사회적 적응, 간접피해 경험은 통계적으로 유의미한 관계를 보이지 않았다. 특히 탈북자들이 느끼는 사회적 소외는 범죄의 두려움에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 요인으로 나타났는데 이러한 결과는 자신이 사회에서 고립되어 있고 믿거나 의지할 사람이 없다고 느낄수록 범죄에 대한 두려움이 크다는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. This study focuses on analysis about North Korean defector`s fear of crime. The number of North Korean defector who flee from their home country is getting increase and now this phenomenon is emerged as the social and international issue. The most important thing related to the this situation, is their adaptation to new circumstance and society, South Korea. In this respect study of fear of crime, integration and adaptation to the South Korea is a critical and relevant issue on the area of deviant research because social integration, or its lack, social isolation is a significant antecedent to feeling of fear. Therefore we are supposed that explanation of North Korean defector`s fear of crime must be different from the South Korean`s fear of crime, and we emphasize the effect of social isolation on fear of crime. For the analysis, we considered three theoretical arguments-vulnerability model, victimization model, and social isolation model and then tested the several hypothesis. The findings of regression analysis are followed: ``gender`` variable is statistically significant like most of previous results of fear of crime. And direct victimization is also statistically significant. And ‘social isolation` indicator also significantly effects on fear of crime. All three model are significant, but the most important and interesting thing is that the effect of ‘social isolation` is highest among other variables. Through this study, we found North Korean defector` fear of crime is a strongly related to the feeling of social isolation.

      • KCI등재

        한국어와 중국어의 문장성분 수용 양상을 통한한‧중 문장 전환 방식 고찰

        정성임 한국언어연구학회 2018 언어학연구 Vol.23 No.1

        This paper is discussing specifically about how Korean and Chinese which belong to different systems accept the sentence constituents of Indo-European language. In addition, this paper is also discussing the way of switching from Korean to Chinese and from Chinese to Korean by setting the differences of the acceptance pattern of sentence constituents as a criteria. The summary of the result is listed as below. The sentence constituents of Korean and Chinese are subject, precicate, object, complement, sentence adverb, and adnominal. However, the range of meaning these constituents include is different in each language. Therefore, this paper set this difference in the range of meaning as a precondition and searched for the learning method of switching Korean and Chinese sentences. The usage of 'interrogative' corresponds to this. The subject is 'what, who, when, where.' The predicate is 'do ~(is~).' The object of 'what, who.' The complement is 'what, who, how, how much, how long.' The sentence adverb is 'how, where, with who(to who), what, when.' The adnominal is 'what it is like, of what.' This paper applied and analyzed the above and interconverts from Korean to Chinese and from Chinese to Korean. The error of the definition of the sentence constituents about Korean and Chinese are will be discussed on papers later.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        설사증 이환견(罹患犬)으로 부터 분리한 canine parvovirus의 성상에 관한 연구

        최해연,전무형,박성국,Choi, Hae-yeon,Jun, Moo-hyung,Park, Seong-kuk 대한수의학회 1991 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.31 No.3

        From 1988 to 1989, 8 strains of canine parvovirus-2(CPV-2) were isolated from the fecal specimens from the dogs that were clinically diagnosed as canine parvoviral enteritis in the veterinary hospitals located in the regions of Taejeon and Chungbuk province. The biological and physicochemical properties for the isolates were studied. Among 62 fecal samples collected from the dogs with enteric diseases, 24(38.7%) showed the haemagglutinating activity to porcine erythrocyte ranging from 16 to 16,384 of HA titers. In cytopathological studies with CRFK cells, intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in all of eight specimens with the high HA titer over 1,000, of which three specimens showed cytoplasmic inclusions concurrently with the intranuclear inclusion bodies. It was found that the isolates revealed the highest haemagglutinating activity with porcine erythrocytes and the relatively lower haemagglutination titers with the erythrocytes from cat and rabbit. None of erythrocytes from the other animals reacted with the isolates. By the cross-haemagglutination inhibition test for the isolates with the reference viruses and sera, the isolates were evidently identified as the strains of CPV-2. In physicochemical property test, the isolates were stable in lipid solvent, pH and heat treatment at $56^{\circ}C$ for 30 min, and showed the virus particle size less than 25 nm, containing a DNA genome.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        재래흑염소로부터 Contagious Pustular Dermatitis ( Orf ) Virus 분리 및 면역원성에 관한 연구

        전무형,조성환,장경수,조용성,안동준,안수환 대한바이러스학회 1995 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.25 No.2

        Three strains of virus designated CPDV-92A, CPDV-92B and CPDV-93A were isolated from the contagious pustular dermatitis(CPD) lesions of the Korean native goat. The isolates caused cytopathic effects in primary goat testicle cell and vero cell. In direct fluorescent assay using anti- CPDV conjugate, positive reactions were specifically detected in the cytoplasm of the infected cells. All isolates were antigenically related to each other and the reference CPDV strains by cross-neutralization test. In the physicochemical and biological properties, the isolates were not affected by BUDR treatment suggesting the virus with DNA genome. All isolates were resistant to lipid solvents such as ether and chloroform, and labile at pH 3.0 and 8.5, and heat treatment. In millipore filteration, the infectivity was significantly decreased at 220nm in pore size. In electron microscopical examination, the ovoid particles measured 140-260nm in size were observed with a crisscross pattern of surface filaments. In pathogenicity, no clinical signs was manifested in mouse and guinea pig, wherease Korean native goats showed the typical skin lesions following intradermal injection of the virus. The hemorrhagic pocks were present on the chorioallantoic membrane of the embryonated eggs. In SDS-PAGE analysis of structural protein, five major and eight minor bands were detected showing no difference in the band pattem among the isolates. In Western immunoblotting analysis, the sera obtained from the immunized goats reacted specifically with 45K and 37K. The inactivated antigen and tissue culture-attenuated CPDV induced the various degree of humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in the goat. The former generated lower immune response than the latter.

      • KCI등재

        Identification of Host-Resistant and Susceptible Varieties of Korean Grapes to Plasmopara viticola, a Pathogen Causing Grapevine Downy Mildew

        Marc Semunyana,김선하,Ji-Young Min,Soomin Lee,오상근 한국균학회 2023 韓國菌學會誌 Vol.51 No.3

        Grapevine downy mildew, caused by Plasmopara viticola, significantly damages vineyardsand is one of the most devastating diseases affecting cultivated grapes worldwide. In thisstudy, we characterized the phenotypic and molecular traits of 11 P. viticola isolates fromfour grape-growing regions in South Korea. Additionally, we investigated the diversity ofpathogenicity among these isolates and conducted an assay to evaluate the responseof grape cultivars to P. viticola infection. Lemon-shaped sporangia were identified in thecollected isolates, which released zoospores into the suspension at room temperature. Withina few hours of inoculation, the zoospores developed germ tubes. We tested 11 P. viticolaisolates for pathogenicity in 845 grape cultivars to screen for grape host resistance to downymildew infection. Among the tested isolates, JN-9 showed the highest virulence. Grapecultivars displayed varying phenotypic reactions to P. viticola infection: approximately 7%were highly susceptible, 41% were susceptible, 20% were moderately susceptible, 8% wereresistant, and 24% exhibited extreme resistance. Phylogenetic analysis based on four genomicregions (internal transcribed spacer 1 [ITS1], actin, beta-tubulin, and cytochrome c oxidaseII) revealed a close evolutionary relationship among all the Korean isolates, forming a singlemonophyletic lineage. Notably, these isolates showed greater similarity to European isolatesthan to American isolates. This comprehensive study contributes to a deeper understandingof the identity and behavior of P. viticola, which is crucial for developing effective resistancestrategies against this pathogen in grape cultivars cultivated in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        방역에서 강제와 협조의 조화? - 식민지 시기를 중심으로

        박윤재(Park Yunjae) 역사비평사 2020 역사비평 Vol.- No.131

        During the colonial period, damage from infectious disease was substantial. Infectious disease was an obstacle to stable ruling of the colony. Police force was at the center of prevention against infectious disease, and as such, it was violent and oppressive. Since disease prevention required forceful measures, a certain extent of coercion was unavoidable, and even effective. A good example is preventive efforts against the plague that took place in the Manchuria in 1910 through 1911. Despite the absence of vaccine or treatment against the plague, not a single person was infected. Problem was that coercion alone was insufficient for efficient prevention of disease. In the 1920s, Korean people resisted preventive measures taken by the colonial government against the cholera, and they sought alternative measures. Specifically, they attempted to establish a Korean hospital that is run by Korean people and applies Korean-style treatment. At the place, both western and Korean traditional medicine could be dispensed depending on a patient’s condition or request. In prevention of infectious disease, Korean traditional medicine was useful in seeking cooperation from the Korean. Choosing either coercion or autonomy is undesirable in making efforts for disease prevention. What is important is to identify an adequate approach depending on specific circumstances. However, it is hard to find a perfect measure that takes into account all factors, and thus, the second-best measure needs to be sought. And one of the ways to do so is to obtain understanding of the society.

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