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      • KCI등재

        회수 Cyclotol의 비군사화를 위한 소각공정

        이시황,백승원,문일,박정수,김현수,오민,Lee, Si-Hwang,Baek, Seung-Won,Moon, Il,Park, Jung-Su,Kim, Hyoun-Soo,Oh, Min 한국군사과학기술학회 2016 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Demilitarization involves the disposal and recovery of obsolete explosives or ammunition. Cyclotol has been used as a military explosive along with RDX and HMX. A limited number of processes exist for safe disposal due to their sensitivity to thermal shock. Rotary kilns are widely used for thermal decomposition in many countries due to cost effectiveness and simplicity compared with supercritical oxidation. Phase change as well as condensed phase reactions(CPRs) and gas phase reactions(GPRs) with rates described by the Arrhenius equation of cyclotol has been considered in this work. Changes in gas fraction, reaction rate and mass of explosives were predicted at 490, 505 and 575 K. A maximum temperature of 2062 K has been predicted within the reactor at an initial temperature of 575 K due to GPRs. From this research, Thermal decomposition in the rotary kiln is plausible for demilitarization.

      • KCI등재

        여성의 군 참여 논쟁

        김엘리(Kim, Elli) 한국여성학회 2016 한국여성학 Vol.32 No.1

        이 글은 여성의 군 참여에 관한 영미 페미니스트들의 논의를 평등 프레임과 탈군사화 프레임에서 살펴보면서 이 두 프레임을 넘어서, 평등과 탈군사화를 모순되나 동시에 고려하기 위한 다초점 접근의 필요성을 논한다. 평등 프레임은 여성의 군 참여가 정치사회적으로 온전한 평등성을 획득하는 방법이라 보고 여성들도 군사안보의 책임을 질 때 동등한 시티즌십을 행할 수 있다고 보는 틀이다. 반면 탈군사화 프레임은 군사안보를 실행하는 군의 합법적 폭력성과 군사화를 비판적으로 논의하는데 주력한다. 평등 프레임에서 논하는 성평등주의자들은 전투업무까지 참여할 때 온전한 참여가 이루어지며, 여군은 자율과 능력이 있는 여성으로서 군을 변화시킬 수 있는 주체로 본다. 반면 탈군사화 페미니스트들은 시티즌과 병역의 상호연결성이 사회의 군사화를 심화시킨다고 판단하므로 여성의 군 참여에 소극적이며, 여군이 피해자로 처할 수 있는 폭력적인 구조에 관심을 둔다. 두 프레임은 개인과 구조, 안보와 평화, 성차와 평등을 논하는 접근과 인식이 다르지만, 이 글은 여성의 군 참여를 다각적으로 논의하기 위해 탈군사화된 군 활동을 지향하면서도 성평등을 논의하고자하는 시도이다. This study presents a critical reflection on Western feminists’ debate on drafting women and female soldiers, discussing the necessity of multi-focal approach in order to move beyond equality frame and demilitarization frame, which present drastically different approaches to and understandings of the military. The Equalitarian feminists who argue for equality frame regard women entrance into the military as the main way of accomplishing gender equality, and insist that women can obtain equal citizenship as men when women take full responsibility for national military security. They contend that women should have the right to fight, and that women soldiers are subjects who have the autonomy and capability to transform the military. In contrast, Feminist antimilitarists who argue for demilitarization frame concentrate on criticizing militarization and legitimization of military violence employed in militaristic security. They argue against women entering the military because they think that martial citizenship spreads militarism in the society. They also point to the violent structure within which female soldiers can become victims. This study attempts to consider diversified analysis, which moves beyond both of the frames by suggesting multi-focal lens through which we can see both micro and macro levels along with its potential contradictions in an effort to embrace both gender equality and demilitarization.

      • KCI등재

        동남아시아 지역에서의 중일경쟁과 일본의 대동남아시아 안보정책 변화

        이승희,김지영 서울대학교 일본연구소 2022 일본비평 Vol.- No.27

        This paper explores how Japan’s strategy of checking against China would develop in Southeast Asia by examining the process of Japan’s security cooperation with ASEAN after 2010 when Japan’s balancing effort against China was in full swing. Previous studies on the revision of Japan’s security legislation and the marked strengthening of security cooperation with other countries interpret it as a full-fledged departure from Japan’s demilitarization norms. Through analyzing the process of security cooperation between Japan and ASEAN countries, this paper, however, argues that the culture of demilitarization still exists in Japan’s security strategy which puts an emphasis on non-traditional security cooperation, along with the direction to break away from this tradition in layers. Japan’s policies of the revision of the security legislation, direct support for defense supplies, and increase in military joint training show that Japan is pursuing active security cooperation with Southeast Asian countries by breaking away from the demilitarization norms that have continued since the end of the war. Nevertheless, the measures of supporting defense products through ODA and Japan’s Coast Guard, which has continued even after the revision of the law; the two Vientiane Declarations, the Defense’s capacity building project, and the expansion of maritime security cooperation through Japan’s Coast Guard are maintained. This reflects Japan’s strategic will to preserve the demilitarization tradition of emphasizing cooperation in non-traditional security fields, without directly provoking China. Therefore, Japan is expected to maintain the approach of upholding the demilitarization norm in security cooperation with Southeast Asian countries, while strengthening military cooperation in the traditional sense. In summary, it can be predicted that the direction of Japan’s foreign policy will be mainly about indirect checks through a multilateralism approach rather than a direct check against growing China.

      • KCI등재

        신규개발 유도탄의 비군사화 적용 활성화 방안 연구

        조차현,허완욱,윤정환,Cho, Cha-Hyun,Heo, Wan-Ok,Yoon, Jung-Hwan 한국군사과학기술학회 2010 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        At present, advanced countries are focusing on the study of Demilitarization Method of Conventional Ammunitions. In this paper, we will report the current trends of Demilitarization of Conventional and Guided Missile ammunitions, and present the efficient Demilitarization Methods of new development of Guided Missile ammunitions in Korea.

      • 탄약비군사화시설 용역업체 선정 평가기준 연구

        이문걸,김수환,배범수 한국국방경영분석학회 2018 한국국방경영분석학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        Military ammunition demilitarization facilities have been operated by a civil company which needs to be selected periodically. This study presents evaluation factors and criteria for choosing such company fairly and objectively. First, we use the method similar to Delphi for each field of expertise to establish assessment items and criteria that reflect the technical and operational elements associated with the facility operation. Next, we use the scientific decision-making tool, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process), to set weights for each of the evaluation items. Key considerations in selecting such company are safety of various ammunition and explosive components, control of hazardous substances, such as exhaust gas and wastewater, that occur between treatment processes, task schedule management for the different kinds of ammunition demilitarization processing, and so on. The result of this study are expected to be used as guidelines for the selection of the reasonable company required in the military decision-making process.

      • KCI등재

        비무장과 평화의 사이에서 – 한반도 비무장지대와 일본 평화헌법의 브랜드화

        김재한 한국통일전략학회 2019 통일전략 Vol.19 No.4

        Some citizens in Korea and Japan are discussing ways to list the Korean DMZ and Japan's Peace Constitution as UNESCO heritages. This paper conceptually and realistically compares and summarizes the use of the Demilitarized Zone and the Peace Constitution, which have many similarities in terms of establishment, maintenance, and effectiveness. The Demilitarized Zone and the Peace Constitution are established in the political events of armistice and war defeat, respectively. While an armistice agreement is an international legal source of the Demilitarized Zone, the political origin of the Peace Constitution, the supreme domestic law, is war defeat. In the context of the brand extension of the Korean Demilitarized Zone and the Japanese Peace Constitution, whether and how to list them as UNESCO Heritages is reviewed. 한국 정부와 일본 시민단체에서 한반도 비무장지대와 일본 평화헌법을 유네스코 유산으로 등재하려는 방안이 논의되고 있다. 주로 분단 극복과 평화 공고화라는 목적에서이다. 이 글은 생성, 존속, 효과 등에 있어 유사한 면이 많은 비무장지대 및 평화헌법을 개념적으로 또 사실적으로 비교하고 정리한다. 비무장지대와 평화헌법의 생성을 각각 정전과 패전이라는 정치적 사건에서 찾아, 비무장지대의 국제법적 연원은 정전이고, 평화헌법이라는 국내법의 정치적 기원은 패전임을 보여준다. 한반도 비무장지대 및 일본 평화헌법의 평화 브랜드 활용이라는 맥락에서 유네스코 유산 등재 추진에 대해 비판적으로 검토한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        러일 북방4도 분쟁해결의 올란드 섬 모델 적용 가능성 연구

        강량,임수환 국가안보전략연구원 2009 국가안보와 전략 Vol.9 No.4

        Åland islands locates in between Finland and Sweden and at the entry to the Gulf of Bothnia. When the Empire of Russia took the islands with Finland from Sweden in 1809, Sweden became vulnerable to military threats from the Russian Åland islands. The UK and France represented Swedish interest in the demilitarization of Åland successfully in the Paris Peace Conference after the 1854-56 Crimean War. As Finland gained independence from Russia in 1917, Sweden fell into disputes with Finland over the sovereignty and the demilitarization of the Åland islands. The League of Nations intervened to the Sweden-Finland disputes to conclude the demilitarization, neutralization and autonomy in the Åland islands. The Åland model represents a peaceful resolution of territorial disputes through the softening of borders and sovereignty. Russia and Finland endured a substantial limitation of its sovereignty over a part of their territory, Åland islands, in other words. The softening of borders and territories could result in Confidence Building Measures such as demilitarization and the establishment of autonomy. In the case of Northern Territories/Southern Kurile dispute, bilateral rather than multilateral negotiation is more plausible way of solution. Russia had experienced softening of its borders and sovereignty and confidence building with neighboring countries both in the case of Carelia and three islands of Usuri River. Japan has engaged in fisheries agreement with Korea and China though she is in dispute of island territories with both countries 올란드 모델은 국제법과 국제기구가 발달하고 신뢰구축조치와 협력안보가 발달 한 유럽에서 성립된 사례이기는 하지만 유럽에서 개발된 신뢰구축조치들과 협력안 보 개념도 동아시아의 근대화와 함께 수입될 수 있다고 예측한다면 올란드 모델이 동북아 해양 영토분쟁에 적용되지 못할 것이라고 결코 단언할 수 없다. 중국은 이미 1990년대에 러시아, 투르크메니스탄, 카자흐스탄, 우즈베키스탄과 의 영토분쟁을 평화적으로 타결 지었고 이들 당사국들과 상하이 그룹(SCO)을 조 직하여 신뢰구축조치와 협력안보체제를 구축한 경험을 이미 쌓아두고 있다. 또 중 국은 나아가 일본과의 사이에도 디아오위타이/센카쿠 열도 문제가 있지만 두 나라 는 2008년 남지나해 상의 가스전에 대한 공동개발에 합의한 바 있다. 러시아와 일본 사이의 해양영토분쟁에 대해서도 이미 분쟁영토의 분할이나 경제 적 공동이용 등의 방안들이 교환되고 있고 일본 학자들 사이에 올란드 모델에 대 한 직접적 연구와 양국 학자들이 참가하는 학술회의도 개최된 바도 있다. 북방4도 /남 쿠릴은 주민이 살고 있는 섬으로서 양 당사국들 간에 비무장화에 대한 주장과 반박이 오고 가고 있으므로 올란드의 경우와 매우 흡사한 내용들을 갖추고 있다 일본이나 러시아 모두 영토문제에 대한 국내정치적 합의를 이끌어 낼만큼의 조건이 현재 성숙되어 있지는 못한 상태이지만 두 나라에서 국내정치적 합의를 형성하기 위해 시민사회 사이에서의 밀접한 교류와 이해증진이 가속된다면 올란드 사례와 같은 성공적인 결과를 도출할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        DMZ에 관한 남북한 논의 변천과 향후 과제

        김정수 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2010 평화학연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Discussions on DMZ have slowly but continuously progressed since 1970s until 2007 when the inter-Korean summit was held. In the initial stage it started with issues of 'demilitarization' and 'peaceful use of DMZ' but gradually developed into the consultation about rail links on the east and west coasts of the peninsula and finally the two Koreas agreed on 'military assurances'. Various talks between the North and the South since 2000 brought more frequent exchanges of human as well as material resources between the two and the discussion on the utilization of DMZ became possible based on mutual trust. Therefore further approaches regarding DMZ have to be made in compliance with △acceptability of the North Korea △minimization of economical and political expenses of the two Koreas △availability of cooperation with international communities. To make the approaches practical there needs prioritization, provision of goals and vision, and establishment of strategies that reflects demands of local societies. Peaceful use of DMZ is a preparation for future talks on the peace regime on the Korean peninsula and will be a touchstone of reconciliation and cooperation between the North and the South. DMZ에 관한 남북한 사이의 논의는 1970년대부터 시작하여 2007년 남북정상회담 시까지 더디지만 꾸준한 진전을 보여 왔다. 초기에는 ‘비무장화’와 ‘평화적 이용’에 초점을 두었으나, 점차로 경의선 및 동해선의 철도․도로를 위한 최소한의 공간 확보를 위해 남북한은 ‘군사보장합의서’에 사인을 하는 수준이 다다랐다. 2000년 이후는 각종 회담이 열리게 되고, 인적․물적 교류협력이 증가되면서 남북한 사이의 신뢰를 바탕으로 DMZ의 전체적인 이용에 관하여 논의하게 되었다. 따라서 향후에는 DMZ의 실효적인 대북 접근의 기본 방향으로 △북한의 수용 가능성, △남북한이 정치․경제 등의 부담 최소화, △국제사회와의 협력의 용이성에 초점을 맞추어 추진해야 한다. 이에 따른 세부추진 과제로 우선순위를 선정하고 미래에 대한 비전과 목표를 제시, 지역 주민들의 이익이 반영되도록 대북 협상전략을 수립하는 등의 노력을 기울여 나가야 한다. DMZ는 평화적 이용은 향후 언젠가 진행될 한반도 평화체제 논의의 전 단계로, 남북이 화해협력의 주체로서 새로운 전기의 장을 마련해 나가는데 시금석이 될 것이다.

      • BSC를 활용한 탄약 비군사화 시설의 핵심성과지표 개발

        배영민,한승조,이세호,김수연 대한산업공학회 2020 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2020 No.11

        Ammunition Demilitarization Facility(ADF) should be set up feasible goals considering the non-profit characteristics and operated continuously. In this study, BSC(Balanced Score Card) model of ADF was developed for non-profit organization. First, relevant literature surveys and ROK Army regulations were reflected with various interviews results by a group of experts. Second, extraction of success performance area in ADF using the BSC model was confirmed. Through creating the candidate of Decision Variable(DV), selecting the DV using the regression analysis and supplement the DV with the qualitative judgement. Lastly, key performance indicators was suggested by proving the content feasibility by conducting the surveys. The implication meaning of this study were as follows: First, the propossed BSC model showed an suitable for practical use in real works. Second, it could be contribute to the long-term development of ADF. Lastly, it could be applied to management process, it can be expected to play a role of providing basic data and diffuse into other areas.

      • KCI등재

        Development of Key Performance Indicators in Ammunition Demilitarization Facility Using the Balanced Score Card

        배영민(Young-Min Bae),한승조(Seung-Jo Han) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2021 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        Ammunition Demilitarization facility (ADF) should be set up the feasible goals and continue to operate, taking into account non-profit characteristics. However, due to the lack of performance measurement methods in ADF, which are essential to national policy at a significant cost each year, the reliability of the evaluation results can be insufficient. In this paper, the Balanced Score Card (BSC) method was applied that could be evaluated to reflect the financial and non-financial features. The relevant literature research and army regulations reflected the results of various interviews of the expert group. The extraction of success performance area in ADF was confirmed using the BSC method and the Decision Variable (DV) candidate was created to use regression for selecting the DV. Additionally, the key performance indicator was presented by verification the feasibility of content by conducting the survey of experts. The implications of this paper are as follows. First, the proposed BSC model was found to be suitable for practical use in ADF reflecting the non-profit characteristics. Second, accurate evaluation of ADF can contribute to long-term development of ADF. Finally, it can be applied to the management process of the other military sector, so it can be expected to play a role in providing basic data and spreading it to other areas.

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