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        聽蟬 李志定(1588-1650)의 書藝

        柳志福(Yu, Ji-bok) 한국서예학회 2007 서예학연구 Vol.10 No.-

        이 논문은 17세기 전반에 활동했던 聽蟬 李志定(1588-1650)의 생애와 그의 서풍을 연구하는데 목적이 있다. 이지정은 자가 靜吾, 호가 聽蟬이다. 아버지 李尙毅와 어머니 尹晛의 딸 사이에서 4남으로 태어났다. 그는 1616년 別試文科에 급제하여 義禁府都事를 초임으로 여러 內職을 거쳤으나, 仁祖反正(1623) 이후로 대북세력이 정권에서 축출됨에 따라 주로 외직을 전전하며 安山․永興 등 7곳의 수령을 지냈다. 그는 어려서는 형제들, 그리고 眉叟 許穆(1595-1682)과 함께 蔥山 鄭彦訥(1545-1612)의 문하에서 수학한 것으로 전한다. 또한 ≪大東書法≫을 간행한 것으로 알려져 있으나, 이를 입증할 만한 기록은 찾기 어렵다. 그는 만년에 사위 李烓(1603-1642)의 죄에 연좌되어 1642년(인조 20) 成川府使직에서 파직당한 뒤 知己 李敏求(1589-1670)의 유배지인 충남 牙山에 인접한 鷄頭里라는 곳에 거처하며 이민구와 두터운 교분을 나누었다. 또한 西湖 가운데 조그만 정자를 짓고 그 편액을 ‘聽蟬’이라 하였으며, 이를 자호로 삼아 翰墨으로 여생을 즐겼다고 한다. 이지정은 17세기 전반에 글씨로 뚜렷한 족적을 남긴 서예가이다. 그는 여러 서체 가운데 유독 초서를 좋아했으며, 현전하는 필적도 대부분 초서이다. 그는 明 張弼(1425-1487)을 수용한 孤山 黃耆老(1521-1725이후)의 초서풍을 사숙하여 일가를 이룬 것으로 평가받는다. 그는 누구보다도 황기로의 서풍을 적극적으로 수용하여 황기로의 글씨에서 드러나는 특징을 극대화시킨 서예가이다. 그의 글씨는 황기로에 비해 필획의 肥瘦의 변화가 두드러지며, 減筆法으로 쓴 간결하고 굳센 필획이 큰 특징을 이룬다. 그의 서풍은 종질인 梅山 李夏鎭(1628-1682), 이하진의 아들 李漵․李瀷 형제, 손녀사위 李命殷(1620-1685) 등에게 이어졌다. 이지정의 글씨는 이들 후손들에 의해 가전되며 새로운 양상을 띠며 변모해갔으며, 李漵에게 서법을 전수받은 南夏行(1697-1781)에 이르러서는 이지정의 서풍뿐만 아니라 전대 초서 명가들의 서풍이 복합적으로 드러나기도 하였다. 이러한 점에서 이지정은 16세기에 형성되었던 황기로의 초서풍을 조선 후기로 이어주는 가교 역할을 하는 동시에, 개성적인 필치가 강한 조선 중기의 초서풍이 조선 후기에 이르러 보다 다양하게 전개되는데 적지 않은 영향을 미친 서예가라고 할 수 있다. 현재 이지정의 문집이 전하지 않아 그의 생애를 종합적으로 규명하기 어렵고, 필적 역시 적은 수가 남아있어 그의 글씨를 폭넓게 조망하기 어려운 한계가 있다. 앞으로 더 많은 관련 자료가 발굴되어 보다 심도있는 연구가 진행되길 기대한다. This paper aims to examine th life and calligraphic style of Cheongseon Yi Ji-jeong (李志定, 1588-1650), who was active in the early 17C. Yi Ji-jeong's second name is Jeongo (靜吾) and pen name is Cheongseon (聽蟬). He was born as the fourth son of his father (Yi Sang-eui) and mother (daughter of Yun Hyeon). He passed special state examination in 1616 and has consecutively filled many central government office stating with Uigeumbu Dosa, his first appointment. However, he was expelled from central power along with the northward regime after Injo Revolution then had changed several local posts, including Ansan and Yeongheung, as governor. It is said that he had studied under Jeong Eonnul (1545-1612)'s instruction along with his brothers and Heo Mok (1595-1682) in his childhood. He was known to have written Daedongseobeop, but with no written record for that fact. After he was involved in the crime of son-in-law Yi Gye (1603-1642) and dismissed from the post of Seongcheon district governor in 1642(Injo 20), he had changed close incherchange with his appreciative friend Yi Min-gu (李敏求, 1589-1670) at Gyedu-ri near Asan, Chungnam Province, or his place of exile. Also, he set a small pavilion at the middle of Seoho (西湖) and named it Cheongseon, then enjoyed his remaining years with the same pen name and Calligraphy. Yi Ji-jeong is a prominent calligrapher in the early 17th Century. He showed favoritism for cursive script, as most of his calligraphic specimen are cursive script. He had emulated Hwang Gi-ro (黃耆老, 1521-after 1575)'s cursive script who admired Zhang Bi (1425-1487) of Ming dynasty, establishing his own fame. He had maximized the characteristics of Hwang's calligraphic style after the most earnest study of his works. His calligraphy has more versatile changes in storke width, also has a unique characteristic of concise and strong stroke written by omission stroke. His calligraphic style was handed down to his nephew Yi Ha-jin (1628-1682), his sons Yi Seo․Yi Ik, grandson-in-law Yi Myeong-eun (1620-1685) and so on. His calligraphic style had changed with new aspects, at his descendants' hands. Nam Ha-haeng (1697-1781), who was inherited from Yi Seo, showed at last a combined aspect having not only Yi Ji-jeong's style but also the earlier masters in cursive script. In this respect, Yi Ji-jeong did a bridge role to deliver 16C's Hwang Gi-ro's cursive script to the late Joseon and had a significant effect on that the subjective cursive script of the mid-Joseon could be diversified in the late Joseon. Because his collection of works do not exist currently, his life cannot be examined with comprehensive manner. The number of his calligraphic specimen is unsatisfactory for extensive study. More materials are being expected for further in-depth study.

      • 비판적 풍자정신의 현대적 계승과 김지하 담시의 시사적 위상

        柳志賢 안성산업대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze that the satiric characters of Kim Ji-Ha's narrative poem are originated from the traditional literature. It is examed by comparing and analyzing the aspects of satire between Gamyunkuk and Kim Ji-Ha's poetry. Satire was one of the useful mode of expression in the Gamyunkuk. It was also useful method to criticize circuitously the existing authority or valuse system and to correct the social abuse. By using the traditional satiric technique in the modern poetry, Kim Ji-Ha took the social concern into literature and used it as the mode of indirect resistance. Through this technique, he made the expanded form of poetry-Damsi and created the new meaning of poetry which is containing the criticizing consciousness.

      • KCI등재

        Examining Chinese Consumer Brand Attitudes: Perceived Brand Globalness vs. Localness and the Mediating Role of Quality, Prestige, and Image

        Yu,Di(Di Yu),Kim,Ji Yoon(Ji Yoon Kim) 한국상품학회 2024 商品學硏究 Vol.42 No.1

        The current paper investigates the impact of a brand's perceived globalness and localness on brand attitude, focusing on the mediating roles of perceived quality, brand prestige, and brand image in China. While previous studies have discussed the effect of perceived brand globalness and localness on consumers' brand attitudes and purchase intentions, there is still limited research conducted in the Chinese market. Particularly, this study differs from previous ones by examining the mediating effect of brand image in addition to perceived quality and brand prestige. The analysis reveals that perceived brand globalness and localness positively influence the brand attitude of Chinese consumers, as supported by the mediating effects of perceived quality, brand prestige, and brand image. Moreover, through mediating effect analysis, brand prestige emerges as the strongest mediator between perceived brand globalness/localness and brand attitude, indicating that Chinese consumers' attitudes toward global and local brands are primarily influenced by brand prestige. Additionally, perceived quality and brand image are found to have subsequent effects. Conversely, the primary influencing factor on Chinese consumers' attitude toward perceived brand localness is brand prestige, followed by brand image and perceived quality. This suggests that, alongside brand prestige, brand image significantly impacts Chinese consumers. These findings imply that Chinese marketing brand managers should prioritize enhancing brand prestige to meet the status and prestige pursuit of Chinese consumers. Consequently, this study is considered significant as it explores the perceived globalness and localness of brands and provides practical implications formarketingmanagers.

      • KCI등재

        Description of a new species of the whitefly genus Pealius Quaintance & Baker (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from China

        Ji‐Rui Wang,Yu-Zhou Du,Jon H. MARTIN,Zhi-Hong XU 한국곤충학회 2018 Entomological Research Vol.48 No.5

        A new whitefly species, Pealius yunnanensis sp. nov., collected from Mengzi, Caoba village (Yunnan, China) on Ficus microcarpa Linn. f. (Urticales: Moraceae), is described with morphology, line illustrations, photographs and scanning electron microscope images. In addition, a checklist of Chinese species of Pealius is provided and all Pealius species recorded from Ficus around the world are listed. Specimens have been deposited in the Insect Collection of Zhejiang Agriculture & Forestry University (ZAFU), Lin'an, China.

      • 유방암의 위와 대장전이

        유현아,김은영,서민지,정은,조민정,오현진,장지혜,박지찬,이정의,박석영 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2014 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.37 No.2

        Gastric metastasis from breast cancer is rare and only six cases have been reported in Korea. Colon metastasis is more rare than gastric metastasis. We report a 63-year-old woman with gastric and colon metastases of invasive lobular carcinoma of breast. She was diagnosed as right breast cancer, received right modified radical mastectomy 10 years ago and has been treated with chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Investigating for melena and a small caliber of stool, we found gastric and colon metastases. The diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer was made through gross pathologic and immunohistochemistry staining. We report a case with gastric and colon metastases from breast cancer and a review of the associated six case reports in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        대량의 각혈로 사망한 장티푸스 1예

        한상우,유진홍,권순석,김성훈,박지찬,홍은정,최경성,박용완,장준희,안지원,박유경,강지영,박상미,신완식 대한감염학회 2004 감염과 화학요법 Vol.36 No.5

        We experienced a 25 year-old male patient with typhoid fever complicated with massive hemoptysis. Pulmonary complication in typhoid fever is very rare and to our knowledge, there has been no report of hemoptysis as a main cause of death with this disease. We herein report a rare case of typhoid fever.

      • KCI등재

        국내 백화점의 패션매장 구성과 브랜드 전개현황 분석

        유지현 복식문화학회 2001 服飾文化硏究 Vol.9 No.3

        This study analyzed the trends of fashion market in 15 branch stores of 3 major department stores in Seoul. The purposes of this study were to classify fashion zone and brands in each floor of the department stores, and to analyze the rate which a fashion brand was located in each department store. The results were as follows : 1.There were sundry goods on main floor, women's clothings on 24th floor, men's wears on 4-5th floor, sports & golf wears and infants & children's clothings from 6th floor to the top in most department stores. 2.Lotte Chamshil branch had the largest number of fashion brands in it, the next was Lotte Main store and followed by Hyundai Chunhoe branch, Shinsegae Gangnam branch, Hunndai Shinchun branch, Lotte Gangnam branch, Hyundai Main store, Hyundai Muyek-Center branch, and Lotte Youngdeungpo branch, etc. 3.The fashion categories of the Lotte Department stores were segmented as the Casuals (character, young, young basic, career, town, jean, city), Young worlds, Imported beautique, Madams, Designers(beautique), Intelligences, Unisex, Ladies formal wears, the Seasonables, and the Formals, Missy Careers. This was the most various fashion market segments among 3 major department stores. This store had 667 Women's fashion and Casual brands. The Chamshil branch and Main store were intensified the Casual & Beautique zone and diffentiated it from other Department stores by displaying men's wears & sundry goods on 5th floor. 4.The fashion categories of the Hundai Department stores were segmented as Women's wears, Women's casuals, Young-Adult, Young live, Women's former wears, Royal beautique and Young characters. It was less segmented than other Department stores. Total number of Women's fashion and casual brands were 471 brands. The market segmentation of fashion zone was well done at Chunho branch and Shinchun branch. It was intensified that Fashion sundry goods at Muyeuk-Center branch and The Women and Young fashion zone at Chunho branch. 5.The fashion categories of the Shinsaegae Department stores were segmented as Casuals (young, young character, X-, missy, career, character), Imported beautique, Designer's characters, Young basics, Elegance, Missy, Young weave, Original brands. This store had 304 Women's fashion and Casual brands, Shinsaegae has also developed it's own brand(PB items) and classified as the Original zone which differentiated it from other Departments. 6.The Deco was the most popular brand in the department stores, the next were Micha/Botticelli, and followed by Darks/System/Izzat Baba, Givy/Obzee/Lee won jae/Kim yeon Joo, and so on. The target of 6out 10 brands which were included in here were career women of age 20 to 30 ages. The Price rate were from 200,000 won to 300,000 won.

      • 류마티스 관절염 환자에게 스테로이드 유발성 골다공증의 관리 상태에 대한 분석

        유민아,이지수 이화여자대학교 의과대학 2005 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.28 No.1

        Objectives : To examine the management status of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) taking glucocorticoids treated at a tertiary hospital rheumatology Practice. Methods : A retrospective chart review was performed on 114 RA patients who were noted to be taking glucocorticoids during the period of 2000.7 to 2003.7, and who had been followed up for at least one year period. Use of bone densitometry and use of prescription medication for osteoporosis management were assessed. Results : Thirty one % of patients underwent bone densitometry, and 34% of patients received prescription medication for osteoporosis management. Sixty-six percent of patents who underwent bone densitometry showed osteoporosis with T score of less than 2.5, Osteoporosis medication was prescribed most often in the prednisolone exposure group of at least 7.5㎎/d for at least 6 months. Factors associated with not receiving management for osteoporosis included male sex, young age, and premenopausal woman. Conclusion : The use of bone densitometry and prescription medication for osteoporosis were suboptimal. Interventions to improve detection and prevention of glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis are necessary.

      • 역행성 심정지 도관 삽입을 위한 술 중 경식도심초음파의 유용성

        유미숙;최원주;김정원;박장수;김경태;김지연;어상일 인제대학교 2011 仁濟醫學 Vol.32 No.-

        Background: Retrograde cardioplegia catheter (RCC) insertion is one of methods for administration of cardioplegics during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). However its success rate depends on only surgeon's experience. We thought the transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) can guide the R CC insertion, because TEE is commonly used for monitoring status of heart during cardiac surgery. This study was designed to evaluate the RC C insertion time by TEE guidance versus conventional method without T EE guidance. Methods: Sixty patients who were scheduled to undergo elective coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery under general anesthesia were divided into groups as follows: group T [RCC insertion into coronary sinus (CS) by TEE guidance, n=30] and group C [RCC insertion into CS by conventional method, n=30]. We recorded the time of insertion of RCC in to CS in two groups. RCC insertion was done by TEE guidance in case that time was over two minutes by conventional methods in group C. Results: The overall time of RCC insertion into CS was 63.8 ± 23.6 seconds in the Group T and 102.3 ±55.7 seconds in the Group C, respectively (p=0.001). There were no complications during RCC into CS by T EE guidance. Conclusions: TEE guidance for RCC insertion into CS is shorten the time of insertion.

      • 저소득 독거노인의 생활만족도 관련요인

        강지연,전만중,유병철,이용환 고신대학교의과대학 2008 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.23 No.4

        Background : To access the influential factors of life satisfaction in low-income and living alone old people for solving the problem of the estranged elderly. Method : We conducted a questionnaire survey during the period from June 2007 till September 2007. Investigation subjects were 152 elderly people registered in two welfare centers in Busan. We measured life satisfaction of low-income and living alone old people and analyzed with descriptive analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA and dummy variable regression analysis using SPSS Win(ver 12.0k) program. Result : The mean score of life satisfaction in low-income and living alone old people was 2.52 ± 0.56. Life satisfaction in low-income and living alone old people was relatively high in groups of 65-69 years old, elementary school graduates, subjectively healthy, exercise, hobby or leasure activity, regular repast, 3 times repast per day and income satisfaction. Life satisfaction in low-income and living alone old people was influenced by age, religion, satisfaction of income, subjective health conditions and regular repast. Conclusion : From the result, we can concluded that life satisfaction in low-income and living alone old people was low and influenced by various social and economic factors. Therefore, methods for improving life satisfaction level of low income and living alone old people are required for discerning our society's equality and healthiness.

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