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      • 고속주축 모니터링용 광파이버 변위센서의 파이버 특성에 따른 센서 성능 연구

        박찬규,신우철,배완성,홍준희,이동주 한국공작기계학회 2003 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2003 No.-

        To make high speed spindle system work properly, sensors with outstanding resolution and dynamic characteristics are essential. An optical fiber displacement sensor is based on simple principles. Electrical signal responds to the optical flux change due to the displacement change between a target and a sensor probe. In this paper, the performance of optical fiber displacement sensor has been investigated according to properties of optical fiber. Firstly, optical loss has been measured before and after polishing optical fiber endface. Secondly, allowance of optical fiber bending has been tested. thirdly sensitivity and linear range of the sensor has been found out according to the shape of cross section of optical fiber.

      • 분산 네트워크 환경에서 이동에이전트 보호기법

        윤홍상,최완규,정문재 광주대학교 2001 産業技術硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        인터넷의 급속한 보급을 기반으로 전자상거래가 활발하게 이루어지면서 이동에이전트에 대한 관심도 매우 높아지고 있다. 이동에이전트는 이를 활용하는 목적 및 분야에 따라 그 개념은 크게 달라질 수 있다. 하지만 이동에이전트와 관련된 보안에 관한 문제는 이를 이용하는 분야를 떠나서 사용자들에게 매우 큰 부담으로 남아있다. 특히 EC/EDI 분야에서 에이전트 보안은 매우 중요한 부분이라고 할 수 있다. 그러므로 인터넷과 같은 분산 개방형 네트워크 환경에서 자유롭게 이동하면서 정보를 검색, 전달하는 이동에이전트에 의한 개인의 정보 및 재산을 보호하기 위한 제어는 매우 중요한 부분이라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 옳지 못한 목적을 가진 에이전트 서로로부터 에이전트를 보호하고 또한 악의를 가지고 서버에 접근하는 에이전트로부터 중요한 자원을 보호할 수 있는 기법을 제시한다. In the resent years, the term mobile agent is probably one of the most overused words in many appliable areas of distributed open systems as electronic commerce and electronic data interchange, and it has very different meanings in the area of artificial intelligence, network management, or distributed systems. However, the use of mobile agent adds significant problems, primarily in the area of EC/EDI. Therefore it is very important to control the roaming agents to keep one's privacy or property in distributed open networks. In this paper, we introduce a mechanism to protect mobile agent itself from the malicious server he is visiting and also we introduce a mechanism to protect vital resources of the open systems as internet.

      • 부산지역 매출액 상위기업의 위상과 변천사

        정성문 · 정지미 · 이규용 · 김건우 · 김권호 · 박수정 · 양태완 · 지준영 · 이우평 신라대학교 부산학연구센터 2020 부산연구 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 부산지역의 주요기업 변화를 살펴보기 위해 매출액 기준 전국 상위 1,000대 기업에 속하는 부산기업을 조사하여 비교분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과 2005년에 전국 1,000대 기업 중 46개 기업이 부산에 소재하였는데, 2019년에는 12 개가 줄어든 34개 기업만이 전국 1,000대 기업에 포함되었다. 또한, 전국 상위 1,000대 기업의 매출액 기준으로 부산지역 기업의 매출액 비중은 2005년 1.6%에서 2019년 1.4%로 줄어든 것으 로 나타났다. 이는 수도권 집중현상이 점차 강화되고 있기 때문이다. 한편, 부산지역 매출액 기준 상위 10대 기업은 많은 변화가 있었는데, 2005년 상위 10대 기업 중 2019년에도 상위 10대 기 업에 포함된 기업은 ㈜한진중공업, 르노삼성자동차(주), ㈜부산은행, ㈜서원유통 등 4개뿐인 것 으로 나타났다. 통계적 인과 관계는 확정할 수 없으나 지역 대기업의 쇠퇴 및 유출과 지역의 쇠퇴가 동시에 이루어지고 있어 지역 경제의 침체와 대기업의 쇠퇴 및 유출이 상당한 관계가 있음을 유추해 볼 수 있다. 특히 2011년 이후 지역 주력 제조업 기업들이 1000대 기업 진입에 실패하였다는 점을 주목해 볼 필요가 있다. 지역 제조업 대기업의 이탈 또는 쇠퇴는 지역 생산성 하락에 영향을 미 쳤을 가능성이 높고, 낮아진 지역 산업 생산성이 지역 경제성장률 둔화에도 영향을 미칠 가능성 이 있다. 따라서 지역의 경제활력 저하 문제를 제고하기 위해서는 지역 산업구조 개편 문제와 생 산성 향상 방안에 대한 고민이 필요하다.

      • 태권도 선수의 운동상해 예방을 위한 조사연구 : 전국 고등학교 태권도 선수들을 대상으로

        김원규,이종희,장완성 경희대학교 체육대학 한국체육과학연구소 2003 體育學論文集 Vol.31 No.-

        Taekwondo players by analyzing the primary factor of exercise injury and researching on the actual condition related to media treatment. To dot it, male and female players at 14 High Schools in Korea, who are registered in Korea, Taekwondo Association, were selected as the subjects of this study. The result of this research is as follows. 1) 73 males(52.5%) and 59 females(42.4%) appeared to have exercise injury. 2) The parts of exercise injury about male appeared to be ankle joint 87 times (11.0%), foot 80 times (10.1%), knee joint 59 times (7.4%) in the order of the frequency of occurrence and about female to be ankle joint 87 times (11.0%), foot 74 times (9.3%), knee joint 63 times (8.0%) 3) The type of exercise wound in male appeared to be bruise 154 times (19.4%), muscular pain 94 times(11.8%), and in female bruise happen 134 times(16.9%) and muscular pain 73 times(9.2%) in the order of the frequency. 4) Injury was experienced during exercise among 22 persons(15.8%) in class pin and among 19 persons (13.7%) in both class bantam and feather. 5) All pin, flight, bantam, feather and heavy weight classes showed ankle as the most frequent exercise injury region among all the injury parts during exercise. Light weight class had knee joint 25 times (3.2%) and both welter and middle classes indicated foot area as the most often wounded part. 6) In injury types happened during exercise, bruise turned out to be 298 times(31.7%), the highest level. Next, the occurrence rate of muscular pain was 20.8%(167 times). 7) It is true 165Cm to 170Cm tall persons have most exercise injuries : 39 persons (28.1%). Next, 170 Cm to 175Cm tall players with injury were 28 persons (20.1%). 8) The area injured most often during exercise was that of ankle joint as 174 times (21.9%) in 160 to 165Cm, 165 to 170 Cm 170 to 175Cm tall players and players over 185Cm Foot was most frequently hurt part as 21 times (27%) in 175Cm to 180Cm tall players. Hand & foot joint and knee joint 7 times (0.9%) in 180 to 185 Cm tall players. 9) Players under 160Cm height and 160 to 165Cm, 165 to 170Cm, 170 to 175Cm tall players and players over 185Cm, showed the highest rate of bruise as the type of injury occurred during exercise and next to it, muscular pain. 175 to 180 Cm players experienced muscular pain 33 times (4.1%), bruise 31 times(3.9%) and 180 to 185 Cm players went through with bruise 17 times(2.l%) and fracture of a bone 8 times (1.0 %). 10) When it comes to total exercise period, 54 persons(38.8%), the highest rate of male, exercise over 4 hours and as to female, 50 persons The purpose of this study is to investigate to offer the basic materials essential for protection from exercise injury of (36.0%) exercise over 4 hours. 11) The injured cause of exercise in male was their carelessness (30 persons : 22.7%), the lack of preparatory exercise and the foul of opponent players (10 persons each : 7.6% each), Instead, for women, excessive work was the cause of exercise injury in 13 persons (9.8%) and their carelessness was that of the injury in 11 persons(8.3%). 12) Male chose emergency treator as following : medical experts(19 persons : 14.4%), the person himself, a coach or an inspector (16 persons : 111%). Female chose emergency treaters following : medical expert (21 persons : 15.9%) and a coach or an inspector (16 persons : 12.1%). 13) Thorough warm-up & arrangement exercise (47 persons : 14.0%), complete recovery from tiredness, wearing protective device, being well-nourished, mental & psychological stability, reasonably held matches in numbers, and etc are shown in order as the protective way of exercise injury in males. On the other hand, in females, complete recovery from tiredness(43 persons : 12.8%), thorough warm-up & arrangement exercise, wearing protective device, mental & psychological stability, being well-nourished, reasonably held games in numbers, appear in the order of frequence.

      • KCI등재

        유방 절제술 후 조기 운동프로그램의 치료 효과

        이규완,이충휘,조상현,박정미 한국전문물리치료학회 2001 한국전문물리치료학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        The purposes of this study were to investigate the therapeutic effects of an early exercise program after mastectomy and to provide the early exercise program protocol for patients who had undergone mastectomy. The subjects were seventy women who were diagnosed with breast cancer. They were randomly assigned either to a experimental group (n=35) that received early postoperative exercise program or to a control group (n=35) that received only education by nurses. Data were obtained for each patient from goniometric measurements of shoulder flexion, abduction, external rotation, 10 elements of functional performance, and subjective pain evaluation using visual analogue scale (VAS). All variables were measured preoperatively, three days postoperatively, and one month postoperatively. Data were compared by groups using independent t-test and Mann-Whitey U test for parametric or non-parametric data, respectively. There were no significant differences between the groups for all variables preoperatively and at three days postoperatively. But there were significant differences at one month postoperatively. The experimental group showed a statisti-cally significant increases in shoulder flexion, abduction, and external rotation and in the pain VAS at one month Postoperatively (p〈,05). Also, at one month prostoperatively, the experimental group had less difficulty with three elements of functional performance-doing up a 'back' zippered article of clothing, reaching the ipsilateral scaula, and contralateral scapula with the fingers on the operated side- than the control group (p〈.05). The results of this study suggest that after mastectomy, the early exercise program conducted by a well-trained physical therapist can make a significant contribution to the return of more normal shoulder function and activities of daily living and to an increased quality of life.

      • 사용자 인식 스마트 홈 미러

        최건영,고성화,김종옥,박은서,김완규,백경동,박동규 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2021 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.27 No.2

        The Internet of Things, the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is growing by incorporating various technologies into various fields. Among them, smart home systems that apply IoT technology to home environments are being actively studied. The home hub market, a means of communication for smart homes, is also developing at the same time. As the home hub market develops, security threats are also increasing accordingly. In this paper, 'Smart Home Mirror' is implemented by combining mirror and IoT technologies so that users can use them to communicate with smart home applications and other devices. To meet security issues, users in it are recognized by using face recognition technology and AES between all data communications in it is applied. The proposed device’s usefulness is approved by implementing it in smart home environments.

      • 페트리 네트(Petri Net)를 利用한 FMS 모델 表現 方法

        하정진,황규완,김성희 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1994 硏究報告 Vol.18 No.2

        Petri Nets is one of the analytical technique for solution of FMS problems. It is a graphical and mathematical modeling and promising tool for describing and studying systems that are characterized as being concurrent, asychronous, dynamic, distributed and parrallel. The objective of this study is to described analytical techniques of FMS and presented for FMS model by using Petri Net.

      • 관상동맥 질환에서 SDF-1α의 농도

        김보영,박용규,박형서,노상필,정승현,이유선,이정우,이재환,최시완,정진옥,성인환 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        Atherosclerosis is now viewed as an inflammatory disease of the vascular system. Expression of several chemokines, including monocyte chemoattractant protein(MCP)-1, MCP-4, RANTES(regulated on activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted), and interleukin-8(IL-8) are increased in human atherosclerotic plaques compared with normal vessels. They are involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and plaque rupture by activating and directing leukocytes into the atherosclerotic lesions. However, some are involved in homeostatic functions such as normal leukocyte traffic and growth regulation. SDF-la is a multi-functional cytokine that is involved in myelogenesis, hematopoiesis, angiogenesis and injured gastric mucosal regeneration in the gastric ulcer patient. SDF-la is recently shown to be highly expressed in atherosclerotic plaques and a potent platelet agonist. At least in high concentrations, SDF-la may mediate antiinflammatory and matrix stabilizing effects in unstable angina. Many studies are going on to know the function of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases. I investigated the difference of the plasma level of SDF-la between control group and coronary artery disease group. Total 75 subjects were enrolled. The diagnosis of coronary artery disease was confirmed in all patients by coronary angiography. Control subjects in this study were confirmed normal by coronary angiography. Clinical profile and risk factors were also reviewed. Control subjects in this study were 27 (M=10, F=17). Plasma for the study was collected before the angiography and centrifuged. SDF-la analysis was performed by ELISA. Plasma level of SDF-la is significantly increased in patients with stable angina(n=20) and unstable angina group(n=28) compared with healthy control group(n=27). the risk factors do not influence the plasma level of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases. In this study, plasma level of SDF-la is increased in patients with stable angina and unstable angina groups compared with healthy control group(P<0.05). the risk factors do not influence the plasma level of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases.

      • 다발성 대장암 간전이 환자의 간절제를 위한 새로운 시도

        주종우,김형철,임철완,신응진,조규석,유기원,송옥평,홍대식,박성진,조준희,이혜경,김희경,권계원,고은석 순천향의학연구소;Soonchunhyang Medical Research Institute 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        Multiple bilobar liver matastases (MBLM) are the main cause of low resectability in the colon cancer liver metastases. The authors experienced one case of initially non-resectable colon cancer liver metastases. He was curatively and safely treated with a two-stage hepatectomy using the new method of future remnant liver volume growing. A 54-year-old man was referred to our department with the sigmoid colon cancer combined with MBLM, which were checked in two small metastatic lesions in the left lobe and five large sized lesions in the right lobe in the computed tomogram (CT). A laparoscopic assisted anterior resection was primarily performed. We performed the 1^(st) stage hepatectomy 3 weeks after the colon resection. Intra-operative Ultrasonogram (US) found 9 small superficial metastatic lesions in the left lobe. All that lesions were completely removed by non-anatomical wedge resection. An occlusion ballon catheter was placed in the right portal vein through a small branch of the inferior mesenteric vein at that time. The future remnant liver volume was sufficiently increased 3 weeks after the 1^(st) hepatectomy. A right hepatectomy was safely performed 22 days after the 1^(st) hepatectomy. The patient received a regional chemotherapy (interleukin2 based immuno-chemotherapy through hepatic artery) for 4 months, then received 9 cycles of systemic chemotherapy (biweekly Oxaliplation, leucovorin, plus 5-fluorouracil) without any recurrence evidence.

      • 이행성 협심증 환자에서 운동부하 심전도 검사

        이정우,박형서,박용규,노상필,이유선,정승현,김보영,이재환,최시완,정진옥,성인환 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        목적 : 관상동맥의 경련에 의한 이형성 협심증환자에 있어서 운동부하 심전도 검사의 결과는 매우 다양하다. 이에 저자들은 충남대학교병원 순환기내과에서 관상동맥조영술상 이형성 협심증으로 확진된 환자를 대상으로 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행하여 이에 대한 결과를 연구하였다. 방법 : 1995년 1월부터 2002년 3월까지 흉통을 주소로 충남대학교병원 순환기 내과에 입원하여 관상동맥조영술을 시행하여 관상동맥의 내경이 50% 미만의 협착이 있고, 에르고노빈(ergonovine) 유발검사도 이형성 협심증으로 진단을 받은 233명중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행 받은 183명의 환자를 연구 대상으로 하였다. 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과의 판독시 발생할 수 있는 오류를 줄이기 위해서 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행하기전 심전도상 ST분절의 상승(5예)이나 하강(8예)이 있는 경우 EH한 T파의 역위(19예)가 있는 32명의 환자를 제외한 총 151명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 운동부하는 Marquette사의 case 15 답차를 이용하였고, Bruce protocol에 따라 증상이 나타날 때까지 최대로 실시하였으며 각 stage 및 운동후의 혈압을 측정하고 12 유도 심전도를 기록하였다. 결과 : 1) 임상적 특성 - 내원시 임상 상은 안정형 협심증이 39예(25.8%), 불안정형 협심증이 103예(68.2%), 심근경색증이 9예(6.0%)이었다. 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과 양성 군과 음성군간에 있어서 당뇨병, 고혈압, 비만도, 총 혈청콜레스테롤치, 현재의 흡연 여부, 병력상 운동시 흉통의 유무, 내원시 임상적 진단, 협착의 정도, 연축의 수 등을 조사하였는 바 어떠한 인자들도 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 없었다. 2) 운동부하 심전도 검사 - 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행 받은 151명의 환자중 음성인 경우는 134예(88.8%)이었고, 양성인 경우는 17예(11.2%)이었다. 양성 소견을 보인 환자들중 ST 분절의 상승이 4예(2.6%), ST 분절의 하강이 13예(8.6%)이었다. 3) 관상동맥조영술 - 관상동맥조영술상에서 혈관 경력 위치는 우관상동맥이 70예(46.1%), 좌전하동맥이 44예(28.9%), 좌회선동맥이 17예(11.2%)의 순으로 나타났다. 운동부하 심전도 검사상 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 예중 Ⅱ, Ⅲ, aVF에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 1예는 관상 동맥조영술상 우관상동맥에서 경련이 발생하였고, V2-V4에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 2예중 관상동맥조영술상에도 좌전하행동맥에서 경련이 나타난 예는 1예이었으며 다른 1예는 좌회선동맥에서 경련이 나타났고, V5-V6에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 1예는 관상동맥조영술상에도 좌회선동맥에서 경련이 나타났다. 운동부하 심전도 검사상 V5 또는 V6에서 ST 분절의 하강이 있엇던 13예중 6예(46.1%)는 관상동맥조영술상 우관상동맥에서 경련이 발생하였고, 3예(23.1%)는 좌전하행동맥에서, 1예(7.7%)는 좌회선동맥에서, 나머지 3예(23.1%)는 2개의 혈관이나 기타 분지에서 경련이 발생하였다. 결론 : 1) 이형성 협심증 환자는 운동부하 심전도 검사에서 11.2%의 양성소견을 보였다. 이중 ST 분절의 상승은 2.6%이었고, ST 분절의 하강은 8.6%이었다. 2) 이형성 환자중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 실시하여 음성을 보이는 경우 다혈관 관상동맥질환이기 보다는 이형성 협심증일 가능성이 더 높다고 예측할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 3) 이형성 협심증 환자중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 실시하여 ST 분절의 상승을 보이는 경우 다혈관 관상동맥질환이기 보다는 이형성 협심증일 가능성이 더 높다고 예측할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 4) 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과에 대한 당뇨병, 고혈압, 비만도, 총 혈청콜레스테롤치, 현재의 흡연여부, 병력상 운동시 흉통의 유무, 내원시 임상적 진단, 협착의 정도 등 어떠한 인자들도 3그룹(ST 분절의 상승, ST 분절의 하강, 음성)간에 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 없었다. 5) ST 분절의 상승 부위와 관상동맥조영술상 관상동맥의 연축이 일어나는 혈관과의 상관관계는 매우 높았다. No reports in the literature describe the results of exercise testings in a large number of patients with pure variant angina(coronary stenosis <50%) in Korea. In this report, We present the results of treadmil exercise testing in 151 patients with variant angina. 151 patients with angiographically proven coronary artery spasm underwent a treadmil exercise test. The clinical characteristics of variant angina patients classified according to ST-segment response to exercise were analyzed. Of 151 patients underwent a treadmil exercise test, negative result was seen in 134 patients(88.8%) and positive result was in 17 patients(11.2%). Of 17 patients saw positive result, exercise-induced ST segment elevation was present in 4 patients(2.6%) and ST segment depression was seen in 13 patients(8.6%). There was not a significant relationship between the ST segment response to exercise and the clinical variables(diabetes, hypertension, obesity, total cholesterol, current smoking, effort angina, clinical diagnosis, and degree of stenosis) assessed. Of 4 patients with ST segment elevation in treadmil exercise test, 1 patient with ST segment elevation in Ⅰ,Ⅲ,aVF had spasm in right coronary artery(100%) on coronary angiography, of 2 patients in V2-V4 had spasm in left anterior descending coronary artery in 1 patient(50%) and 1 patient in V5-V6 had spasm in left circumflex artery(100%). Positive treadmil exercise test was present in 11.2% of variant angina patient. If we have negative treadmil exercise result in patients with clinical manifestation of unstable angina at admission, we may have a suspicion of variant angina rather than multi-vessel disease. If we have exercise-induced ST segment elevation in patients with clinical manifestation of unstable angina at admission, we have a suspicion of variant angina rather than multi-vessel disease. Our result suggests that the correlation between the site of the ST segment elevation and the artery involved is quite good.

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