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      • 근대 이행기의 서구 과학기술 수용을 통해서 나타난 『덕혜입문』의 기독교적 이해

        서상진(Seo, Sang-Jin) 동서신학연구소 2024 동서신학 Vol.8 No.1

        『덕혜입문』은 런던선교회에서 중국으로 파송된 그리피스 존이 션즈싱(沈子星, 1825-1887)의 도움을 받아 1879년에 한문으로 초판을 출간한 이후, 약 50년 동안 일곱 차례(1882, 1887, 1890, 1897, 1907, 1908, 1909)에 걸쳐 출간되었다. 『덕혜입문』이 일곱 번에 걸쳐 지속적인 출판한 것은 독자들에게 널리 보급되었다는 것을 증명할 뿐 아니라 그 가치가 인정되었다고 할 수 있다. 『덕혜입문』은 1879년 우창에서 시행된 과거 시험을 응시하러 온 수험생들에게 전도하기 위해 배포된 도서이다. 화중 선교의 아버지(華中宣敎之父)라고 불리는 『덕혜입문』의 저자인 그리피스 존은 1876년 한커우서회(Hankow Tract Society)를 창립하여, 기독교 문서 사역에 집중했다. 그리피스 존은 한커우서회를 중심으로 많은 서적을 출간하여, 문서 선교에 큰 업적을 남겼는데, 그 저술 중 하나가 『덕혜입문』이다. 『덕혜입문』은 언더우드 선교사에 의해 번역되었고, 후에 게일 선교사에 의해 수정하여 개정판이 출간되었다. 『덕혜입문』은 중국 식자층을 전도하고자 하는 의도를 가지고 저술되었고, 당시 유학자들의 관심이 많았던 유교 경전과 심성론을 인용하여 사용하였고, 잘못된 부분을 냉철하게 지적하기도 했다. 또한 전도용으로 제작되었지만, 서구 과학기술과 서양 철학까지 소개하여, 중국 지식인들에게 기독교가 보편적 진리임을 말하고자 했다. 『덕혜입문』은 초기 한국교회에도 소개가 되어 1세대 교회 지도자들이 회심하기도 했다. 특히 개신교 7명의 목사 중 한 명인 서상륜(徐相崙, 1848-1926)의 동생 서경조(徐景祚, 1852-1938) 목사는 존 로스(John Ross, 1842-1915) 선교사에 의해 『덕혜입문』이 황해도 송천리(松川里, 우리말로 ‘솔내’라고 부르는 데, 여기서 ‘소래’란 이름이 유래했다)에 도착했을 때, 이 책을 읽고 회심한 것으로 전해진다. 『덕혜입문』은 초기 한국교회에 많은 영향을 주었다. “The Gate of Virtue and Wisdom” was first published in Classical Chinese in 1879 with the help of Shen Zixing (1825-1887) by Griffith John, who was dispatched to China by the London Missionary Society. Over the next 50 years, it was published seven times (1882, 1887, 1890, 1897, 1907, 1908, and 1909). The continuous publication of “The Gate of Virtue and Wisdom” not only proves its widespread dissemination among readers but also attests to its recognized value.“The Gate of Virtue and Wisdom” was distributed to candidates who came to take the imperial examinations held in Wuchang in 1879 for evangelistic purposes. Griffith John, the author of “The Gate of Virtue and Wisdom” known as the Father of Central China Mission, founded the Hankow Tract Society in 1876 and focused on Christian literature ministry. He made significant achievements in literature-based evangelism by publishing numerous books through the Hankow Tract Society, one of which was “The Gate of Virtue and Wisdom” “The Gate of Virtue and Wisdom” was translated by missionary Underwood and later revised and reissued by missionary Gale. The book was written with the intention of evangelizing the educated class in China, using and critically addressing Confucian classics and theories of human nature, which were of great interest to scholars at the time. Although it was created for evangelistic purposes, it also introduced Western science and philosophy to demonstrate to Chinese intellectuals that Christianity is a universal truth. “The Gate of Virtue and Wisdom” was introduced to the early Korean church, leading to the conversion of first-generation church leaders. Notably, Reverend Seo Gyeong-jo (徐景祚, 1852-1938), the brother of one of the seven Protestant ministers, Seo Sang-ryun (徐相崙, 1848-1926), converted after reading “The Gate of Virtue and Wisdom” when it arrived in Songcheon-ri (松川里, called ‘Solnae’ in Korean, from which the name ‘Sorae’ is derived) in Hwanghae Province, through missionary John Ross (1842-1915). “The Gate of Virtue and Wisdom” had a significant impact on the early Korean church.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Nanogenerators: Fully Rollable Transparent Nanogenerators Based on Graphene Electrodes (Adv. Mater. 19/2010)

        Choi, Dukhyun,Choi, Min-Yeol,Choi, Won Mook,Shin, Hyeon-Jin,Park, Hyun-Kyu,Seo, Ju-Seok,Park, Jongbong,Yoon, Seon-Mi,Chae, Seung Jin,Lee, Young Hee,Kim, Sang-Woo,Choi, Jae-Young,Lee, Sang Yoon,Kim, Jo WILEY-VCH Verlag 2010 ADVANCED MATERIALS Vol.22 No.19

        <B>Graphic Abstract</B> <P>The cover shows an image of fully rollable transparent nanogenerators synthesized using chemical vapor deposition grown large-scale graphene sheets as transparent electrodes and piezoelectric ZnO nanorod arrays. Sang-Woo Kim, Jae-Young Choi, and co-workers report on p. 2187 the electrical and structural stability of the nanogenerators, with excellent charge scavenging performance under external mechanical loads such as bending and rolling. This study shows that graphene-based nanogenerators are very promising for self-powered rollable transparent device applications. <img src='wiley_img_2010/09359648-2010-22-19-ADMA201090066-content.gif' alt='wiley_img_2010/09359648-2010-22-19-ADMA201090066-content'> </P>

      • 사찰 개심사(開心寺)의 함축적인 배치 계획에 관한 연구

        서병진,이일형,양상현 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2008 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        The site planning of traditional Korean Buddhist temple is interpreted as same type usually, It has a religional symbol and dignity by court rank. But Buddhist temple has various types occasionally according to the condition, It is related with the site location, the condition of the area and the types of Buddhist temple which was formed in times. The large scale Buddhist temple has been composed with the arrangement which follows in court rank. It has a architectural hierarchy by court rank. The Gaesimsa is a Buddhist temple which is representative in Chungchong-Namdo, Korea. But it has a difficulty because its site is narrow. The court rank of Gaesimsa was transformed according to the condition of site. The court rank of Gaesimsa is implicative as a result. The Gaesimsa is a small Buddhist temple, but it has the architectural iinportance. Because it has religional symbol and architectural court rank which was composed with spatial layout.

      • KCI등재

        치조골 상실에 따른 상악 치아군 저항중심의 변화에 관한 유한요소해석

        성상진,김인태,국윤아,전윤식,김성훈,모성서 대한치과교정학회 2009 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.39 No.5

        효과적인 교정치료계획의 수립을 위하여 치열군의 저항중심의 위치에 대한 평가는 필수적이다. 이번 연구의 목적은 상악 치열군(4전치, 6전치, 14치아)에서 치조골 손실에 따른 저항중심의 위치변화를 조사해보고자 하였다. 상악 전치열 14개 치아와 치주인대 및 0 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm 손실된 치조골의 3차원 유한요소 모델을 제작하였고 각 치아군(4전치, 6전치, 14치아)별로 치관부를 협측, 설측호선 및 splint wire로 고정하여 치아군 모델을 제작한 후 상악 중절치의 절단연 중점에서 연장된 splint wire에 4전치와 6전치군에는 200 g, 14치아군에는 400 g의 후방 견인력과 압하력을 적용하여 저항중심의 수직적, 수평적 위치를 분석하였다. 4전치군에서 저항중심의 수직 위치는 치조골 0 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm 손실에 따라 중절치의 절단연에서 치근방향 13.5 mm, 14.5 mm, 15 mm, 수평 위치는 후방 12 mm, 12 mm, 12.5 mm, 6전치군에서는 치근방향 13.5 mm, 14.5 mm, 15.5 mm, 후방 14 mm, 14 mm, 14.5 mm, 14치아군에서는 치근방향 11 mm, 13 mm, 14.5 mm, 후방 26.5 mm, 27 mm, 25.5 mm에 위치하였다. 모든 치아군에서 저항중심은 치조골 손실에 따라 치근첨 방향으로 이동하였으나, 치조정과의 거리는 가까워졌고, 4전치군과 6전치군에서 저항중심은 치조골 손실에 따라 후방으로 이동하였으나, 14치아군에서는 치조골 2 mm 손실 시에는 후방으로 이동하였으나, 4 mm 손실 시에는 전방으로 이동하였다. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in the center of resistance of the maxillary teeth in relation to alveolar bone loss. Methods: A finite element model, which included the upper dentition and periodontal ligament, was designed according to the amount of bone loss (0 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm). The teeth in each group were fixed with buccal and lingual arch wires and splint wires. Retraction and intrusion forces of 200 g for 4 and 6 anterior teeth groups and 400 g for the full dentition group were applied. Results: The centers of resistance were at 13.5 mm, 14.5 mm, 15 mm apical and 12 mm, 12 mm, 12.5 mm posterior in the 4 incisor group; 13.5 mm, 14.5 mm, 15 mm apical and 14 mm, 14 mm, 14.5 mm posterior in the 6 anterior teeth group; and 11 mm, 13 mm, 14.5 mm apical and 26.5 mm, 27 mm, 25.5 mm posterior in the full dentition group respectively according to 0 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm bone loss. Conclusions: The center of resistance shifted apically and posteriorly as alveolar bone loss increased in 4 and 6 anterior teeth groups. However, in the full dentition group, the center of resistance shifted apically and anteriorly in the 4 mm bone loss model.

      • KCI등재
      • CMP 공정의 재현성 확보를 위한 공정제어 범위의 결정

        서용진,정소영,김철복,박성우,이경진,김기욱,박창준 대불대학교 2002 大佛大學校大學院 硏究論文集 Vol.- No.1

        To achieve the ULSI goals of higher density and greater performance, STI(shallow trench isolation)-CMP(chemical mechanical polishing) process has been attracted. Recently, the direct STI-CMP process without the conventional complex reverse moat etch process has established by using slurry additive with the high selectivity between SiO2 and Si3N4 films for the purpose of process simplification and in-situ EPD(end point detection). However, STI-CMP process has various defects such as nitride residue, torn oxide and demage of silicon active region. Also, it was difficult to assure the suitable process margin in the STI-CMP process. To solve these problems, in this paper, we discussed to determine the control limit of process, which can entirely remove the oxide on nitride film from the most area of high density as reducing the damage of dense moat area and minimizing dishing effect in the large field area. We, also, evaluated the wafer-to-wafer thickness variation and the day-by-day reproducibility of STI-CMP process after repeatable tests.

      • 가공열처리에 의한 Ti-6Al-4V 합금의 조직 및 경도 변화에 대한 연구

        서동이,김성진,한전건 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1988 論文集 Vol.39 No.2

        The microstructure and hardness change by thermomechanical processing was studied in the temperature range of α+β phase(800℃) and above the β-transus temperature(1,050℃) respectively in Ti-6A1-4V alloy. Equiaxed a morphology could be obtained through hot rolling and annealing at 800℃ while a lamellar structure was produced only by solution treatment followed by annealing without hot rolling. The morphology change from lamellar a to equiaxed a was Promoted with increasing the degree of deformation. Thermome chanical processing above β transus temperature resulted in the combined structure of serrated α, acicular a and fine lamellar structure. It was also found that prolonged annealing could induce the formation of egaiaxed α at highly stressed area. Hardness appeared to be higher in lamellar a structure than equiaxed a structure.

      • 액-액 평형에서 첨가제의 영향에 관한 연구

        서진기,정상훈,박동원 동아대학교 공과대학부설 생산기술연구소 1996 生産技術硏究所硏究論文集 Vol.1 No.2

        The experimental binodal curves and tie lines were determined for solvent-5% KF salt solution-1 propanol systems at 25℃, and those tie line data were used to test thermodynamic consistency. From experimental data of tie line, the parameter estimated using NRTL and the caculated values fo tie line were predicted. The effect of KF salt on liquid-liquid equilibria was also studied.

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