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      • 독일에서 공영방송의 활동범위에 대한 헌법상의 기본조건

        전정환 圓光大學校 法學硏究所 2006 法學硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        Grundlegender Anknu¨pfungspunkt fu¨r die Bestimmung des Handlungsrahmens der o¨ffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten und des Schutzgehaltes der Rundfunkfreiheit ist Art. 5 Abs. 1 S. 2 GG. Entgegen dem Grundsatz, daß juristische Personen des o¨ffentlchen Rechts - wie die o¨ffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten - nicht grundrechtsfa¨hig sind, also nicht Tra¨ger von Grundrechten sein ko¨nnen, sind die o¨ffentlch-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten als Selbstverwaltung einheiten hinsichtlich der Rundfunkfreiheit als partiell grundrechtsfahig anzusehen. Das Rundfunkrecht und die daraus resultierende Organisation und Veranstaltung des Rundfunks sind in weiten Teilen durch die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts gepra¨gt worden, zumal das Gericht in seinen Entscheidungen Leitlinien und Maßsta¨be fu¨r die Ausgestaltung der Rundfunkordnung durch das Landesgesetzgeber festgelegt hat. Entscheidend fu¨r die Bestimmung von Funktion und Auftrag der o¨ffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten war und ist die Einfu¨hrung des Begriffs der "Grundversorgung" in der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts. Nach den Ausfu¨hrungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts In der Sechsten Rundfunkentscheidung resultiert aus der notwendigen Grundversorgung auch eine Bestands- und Entwicklungsgarantie fu¨r den o¨ffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk. Die Bestands- und Entwicklungsgarantie schließt auch die Gewa¨hrleistung einer funktionsgerechten Finanzierung ein. Der Gesetzgeber ist infolgedessen gehalten, den Bestand und die Entwicklung des o¨ffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks in wirtschaftlicher, technischer, personeller und organisatorische Hinsicht funktionsgerecht abzusichern. In Deutschland besteht nach dem Rundfunkstaatsvertrag fu¨r jedes zum Empfang bereitgehaltene Rundfunkgera¨t eine Gebu¨hrenpflicht. Ihre Rechtfertigung finden die Rundfu¨nkgebuhren in der SichersteIlung der Grundversorgung der Bevolkerung mit Rundfunkprogrammen. In der vierten Rundfunkentscheidung greift das Bundesverfassungsgericht erstmals den Begriff der dualen Rundfunkordnung auf. Die Aufgabe, den klassischen Rundfunkauftrag in einer erweiterten Programmlandschaft durch private und auslandische Veranstalter zu erfu¨llen, obliegt nach der Auffassung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts auch in der dualen Rundfunkordnung allein den o¨ffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten, die in dem dualen System die tragende Sa¨ule darstellen.

      • MOCVD법에 의한 광 통신용 1.55㎛ PBH-DFB 레이저 다이오드 제작

        오환술,김중연,전현성,강명구 건국대학교 산업기술연구원 1997 건국기술연구논문지 Vol.22 No.-

        DC-PBHDFB LD operating at 1.55㎛ were fabricated by 3-step MOCVD process. The first-order grating with 2370Å period and 700Å etching depth was formed by holographic lithography and wet etching. Fabricated DCPBH-DFB LD operates in single longitudinal mode with side-mode suppression of more than 35dB and the lasing wavelength of 1.547㎛ at room temperature and 5mW, and the lasing threshold current and the slope efficiency were 15.6mA and 0.15mW/mA, respectively. The characteristic temperature of threshold current(To) and the temperature dependence of the lasing wavelength were obtained 57.3K and 1.0Å/℃ from the DFB laser between 20℃ and 70℃, respectively.

      • 신경회로망 제어기를 이용한 PID 파라미터 추정에 관한 연구

        權重東,裵銀敬,金恩基,全基英,李承桓,吳鳳煥,李勳九,金容珠,韓慶熙 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2006 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        In this paper, supposed to solve these problem to PID parameters controller algorithm using ANN. In the proposed algorithm, the parameters of the controller were adjusted to reduce by on-line system the error of the speed of IM. In this process, EBPA NN was constituted to an output error value of an IM and conspired an input and output. The performance of the self-tuning controller is compared with that of the PH) controller tuned by conventional method (Ziehler-Nichols). The effectiveness of the proposed control method is verified thought the Matlab Simulink and experimental results.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 피혁 분으로 변성된 석고계 재료의 물성

        조헌영,서정목,전기석,이기환 공주대학교 생산기술연구소 2000 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        Gypsum materials have strong mechanical strengths and great resistance to fire. Also these one are very cheap because of the gypsum is a byproduct from chemical plants. But, these materials have some demerits ; weak water-resistance, heavy specific gravity and low physical properties in bending and tensile strengths. While, leather shaving dust(LSD) is very much produced from leather manufacturing process. The LSD is composed of collagen fibers which is a kind of protein. This one has strong tear and tensile strengths because of the collagen fibers are cross linked during the tanning process of leather. Also the dust has the properties of the high hygroscopic and the superior thermal insulation, but is not degraded any more in neutral condition such as gypsum slurry. In this paper, we have reinforced the physical properties of gypsum with LSD as a filler. From this research, it is decided that the optimum dosage of LSD to gypsum is below 5%(w/w) of the gypsum, and the specific gravity of LSD-gypsum mixture is reduced to 30% relative to gypsum alone.

      • KCI등재후보

        구미지역 직업성질환 감시체계

        김성아,김진석,전혜리,정상재,김상우,이채용,함정오,유재영,최태성,하봉구,조민환,우극현 大韓産業醫學會 2003 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        목적: 구미지역 내 대학병원이자 특수건강진단·보건관리대행기관의 산업의학전문의, 보건관리대행 간호사, 사업장 간호사를 중심으로 직업성질환감시체계를 구축하여 주요 직업성질환들의 발생현황과 규모를 파악하고자 하였다. 또한 연차적으로 산업, 직업, 업무내용 등에 따른 분포나 원인을 기존 자료원(특수건강진단의 직업병 유소견자와 산재요양승인 되는 직업병자)과 비교하여 분석·기술하고 예방 및 관리를 포함한 보건의료기술개발까지을 포함하는 종합적인 감시체계를 구축하고 운용하고자 하였다. 방법: 구미지역의 산업적 특성에 맞는 직업성질환감시체계를 구축하고 지역 감시체계의 모델을 제시하였다. 6대 감시대상 직업성질환(독성 간염, 직업성천식, 직업성 근골격계질환, 직업성 피부질환, 직업성 암, 수지진동증후군)의 실행적 환례정의, 보고양식 및 보고체계 개발, 분석양식 및 결과 배포 형식을 개발하였으며, 그 유병규모를 파악하고, 감시질환의 분포 및 특성, 관련인자 등을 분석·기술하고자 하였다. 이때, 1년간의 환례분석시 직업병 유소견자 및 직업병 요양자에 대한 자료와 함께 비교 분석하였으며, 노동통계자료를 이용하여 년간 발생률을 추정하였다. 결과: 2001. 1. 1일부터 2002.4.30일까지 총 287건이 보고되었으며, 직업성 근골격계질환 132건(46.0%), 직업성 피부질환 100건(34.8%), 독성간염 34건 (11.8%), 직업성천식 16건 (5.6%), 수지진동증후군 5건 (1.7%) 이었으며 직업성 암은 한건도 보고되지 않았다. 보고경로별로는 보건관리대행에서 33건 (11.5%), 해당 유해인자별로 실시되는 특수검진 외의 각종 건강진단업무 수행 중 발견된 환례에 대한 보고가 206건(71.7%)이었다. 직종별 분류의 결과는 섬유업종사자, 단순노무종사자, 음식업종사자 등이 다수를 차지하였다. 근골격계질환의 경우, 수근관증후군이 42건(33%), 외상과염/내상과염이 39건(30%)로 가장 많았다. 직업성 피부질환은 97건이 접촉성 피부염으로 유기용제류가 59건(59%)으로 가장 많고, 니켈 및 에폭시수지에 의한 알레르기성 접촉성 피부염이 각각 6건과 5건이었다. 독성 간염은 모두 DMF 나 DMAc에 의한 것으로, 근무시작 후부터 간기능이상이 발견되기까지의 근무기간은 대부분이 3개월 이하이며, 1개월 이하인 경우도 10건이나 되었다. 동 기간 중 감시환례에 대해 산재요양 자료와 중복여부를 확인한 결과, 중복되는 것은 하나도 없었다. 특수건강진단에서 직업병유소견자로 판정된 경우는 독성간염에서 3건이 있었으며, 나머지 질환은 중복되는 것은 없었다. 2001도 구미지역의 근로자수와 보고환례건수를 이용하여 연간 발생률을 추정하였다. 근로자 10만 명당 연간 발생률은 상지 근골격계질환은 63.6명, 피부질환 48.2명, 독성 간염 17.9명, 천식 7.7명, 수진진동증후군 2.4명이었다. 참여예상인원은 총 46명이었으며, 실제 참여자수는 21명, 평균참여율은 46%, 실제 참여 1이당 평균 보고건수는 산업의학전문의가 28건으로 가장 많았고, 대행간호사는 45,건, 사업장 간호사는 3.3건이었다. 결론: 지역 감시체계는 기존 통계자료들에서 발견되지 않았던 직업성질환의 발견에 유용한 통계원이며, 특히 지역의 특성과 여건을 고려하여 체계화된 시스템을 구축하여 운용한다면 더 성과가 클 것이다. Objectives: Area-based occupational disease surveillance in Kumi (KODS) was used to collect data on occupational diseases. The data was used to estimate the magnitude of the diseases, to analyze for their characteristics and to find links for their intervention and prevention. Methods: Since January 2001, occupational physicians and nurses in Occupational Health Service (OHS) have reported six major occupational diseases; occuaptional musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremities (MSDUE), occupational dermatoses, toxic hepatitis, occupational asthma (OA), hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), and occupational cancer. For the respective diseases, a reporting sheet and operational diagnostic criteria were developed by the KODS. An analysis of the KODS data, collected over a certain period, was compared with data from the Korea Labor Workers Corporation (KLWC) and the Specific Health Examination (SHE), and the incidence rates of the diseases estimated. Results: Between Jan 2001 and Apr 2002, 287 cases of the six major occupational disease were reported. Of these, there were 132 (46.0%), 100 (34.8%), 34 (11.8%), 16 (5.6%), and 5 (1.7%), cases of MSDUE, occupational dermatoses, toxic hepatitis, OA, and HAVS, repectively. But, there were no cases of occupational cancer. 33 (11.5%) of the incidence were reported via the OHS, 206 (71.7%) from health checkups, and the other 48(16.8%) from other routes. The synthetic fibers and electronic components manufacturing industries accounted for the greatest number of reported cases. With resport to occupation, the greatest numbers of incidence were reported from the elementary occupations, textile workers, assemblers, and cooks and food services worker, in that order. Of the MSDUE cases, carpal tunnel syndrome and epicondylitis were the two most common diseases. Most of the occupational dermatoses were due to contact dermatitis, with organic solvents (59%), nickel (6%), and epoxy resin (5%) accounting for the majority of these cases. All cases of toxic hepatitis were induced by dimethylformamide or dimethylacetamide, which were reported by a unique monitoring system. During same period, there were no cases claimed by workers to the KLWC, and only three cases from SHE, were identified. Using data from workers' number and surveillance, the annual incidence of MSDUE, dermatoses, hepatitis, OA, and HAVS, per 100,000 workers were 63.6, 48.2, 17.9, 7.7, and 2.4, respectively. Conclusions: These results show that an area-based surveillance system can be very effective for the collection of data on work-related diseases, at least in Kumi.

      • 알칼리용액으로 처리된 폐피혁 분이 석고-피혁 복합체의 물성에 미치는 영향

        조헌영,서정목,전기석,이기환 공주대학교 생산기술연구소 2001 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        Gypsum material has strong compressive strength and excellent resistance against fire. But, these material has some demerits ; weak water-resistance, heavy specific gravity and low physical properties in flexural and tensile strengths. While, leather shaving dust(LSD) which is much produced from leather manufacturing company in waste has strong tear and tensile strengths, the properties of the high hygroscopic and the superior thermal insulation. In this research, gypsum-leather composites were made with gypsum and LSD. And the physical properties of those were tested. The optimum dosage of LSD for gypsum-leather composite was decided to 1~5%(w/w) of the gypsum. In that case, the composit which has compressive strength: 147~272 kg_(f)/cm^(2), flexural strength: 66~87kg_(f)/cm^(2), specific gravity: 1.11~1.29 is made.

      • 다중 제어루프에 의한 자기부상용 DC-DC 전원장치에 관한 연구

        조주현,조정민,전기영,이상집,이승환,오봉환,이훈구,한경희 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2004 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        The author present a modified multi-loop algorithm including feedforward for controlling a 55kW step down chopper in the power supply of Maglev. The control law for the duty cycle consists of three terms. The first is the feedforward term which compensates for variations in the input voltage. The second term consists of the difference between the slowly moving inductor current and output current. The third term consists of proportional and integral terms involving the perturbation in the output voltage. This perturvation is derived by subtracting the desired output voltage from the actual output voltage. The proportional and integral action stabilizes the system and minimizes output voltage error. In order to verify the validity of the proposed multi-loop controller, simulation study was tried using Matlab simulink.

      • KCI등재

        ICP(Inductively Coupled Plasma) 처리에 따른 n-type SiGe/Metal contact의 SBH(Schottky Barrier Height) 연구

        김이곤,장호원,전창민,송영주,강진영,심규환,제정호,이종람 대한금속재료학회 2005 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        The effect of surface treatment of n-type SiGe using the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) was studied by current-voltage and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements. The ICP treatment produced surface oxides and point defects at the surface of SiGe. The x-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements showed that atomic ratio of Ge/Si was increased after the etching treatment. These results provide the evidence that Si vacancies were produced at the etched surface. Si vacancies acting as donor for electrons resulted in shift of Fermi level to near the conduction band. As a result, Fermi level could be pinned at such Si vacancies, leading to the remarkable reduction of Schottky barrier height and the reduced dependence of Schottky barrier height on metal work function. (Received September 7, 2004)

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