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      • 김삿갓의 자아 찾기, 웃음과 울음

        김준형 ( Kim Joon-hyeong ) 동방비교연구회 (구 한국동방문학비교연구회) 2016 동방문학비교연구 Vol.6 No.-

        김립은 `시`를 통해 자신의 존재 이유를 찾았다. 그의 시는 때로는 비유적으로, 때로는 직설적으로 세상에 대해 말한다. 욕설과 조롱의 시. 그 때문에 그는 학자들에게 비판을 받기도 했다. 그러나 우리가 주목해야 점은 욕설과 조롱 자체가 아니다. 오히려 그 이면에 담긴 김립의 사유가 더 중요하다. 노골적인 웃음 뒤에 감춰진 서글픈 자기 연민. 이 글에서 주목한 키워드다. 김립의 방랑은 개인적 분노에서 출발한다. 시간이 지나면서 그 분노는 사회로 향했다. 사회적 모순에 대한 분노가 크지만, 그는 아무 것도 할 수 없다. 그런 자신에 대한 부끄러움도 커졌다. 그의 시에 등장하는 사회에 대한 공격, 민중에 대한 애정, 자아 성찰은 이런 배경에서 만들어졌다. 특히 그의 시를 지배하는 웃음은 그 이면에 주목할 필요가 있다. 한바탕 웃고 넘어가면 그만인 작품 뒤에 숨겨진 통곡. 그것은 탈출구조차 찾지 못한 김립 시의 실체이기 때문이다. 그의 시가 울분의 시대를 살았던 식민지 지식인들 사이에서 널리 애송되었다는 점도 그와 맥을 같이 한다. The Joseon Dynasty poet Kim Lib (金笠) found his raison d`etre through poetry. Popularly known as “Kim Sat-gat the Wandering Minstrel,” Kim Lib, or Kim Byeong-yeon (金炳淵, 1807~ 1863) as his real name, speaks of the world sometimes metaphorically or sometimes bluntly. Because he wrote poems of profanity and mockery, he was often criticized by scholars. But, what should be noted as important is not profanity or mockery per se but the poet`s personal reason behind his works. The keyword is sad self-pity hidden behind obvious laughter. Kim Lib`s wandering started from personal rage. As time passed by, the rage was directed towards society. He was angry against social contradiction but he could not do anything. His sense of shame toward himself grew larger. His attack against society, affection for people and self-examination appearing his poems were made from such a background. Laughter in particular that dominates Kim`s poems should be noted in this regard. Behind the poems inviting simple bursts of laughter are wails of pain. That is the true nature of Kim Lib who could not find his way out.

      • KCI등재

        풍자시론 : 김기림의 엘리엇ㆍ스펜더 읽기

        김준환(Joon-Hwan Kim) 한국비평이론학회 2008 비평과이론 Vol.13 No.1

          This paper traces Ki-Rim Kim"s readings or T. S. Eliot and Stephen Spender in his prose works focusing on the notion of "satire." While he was writing the satiric long poem - The Weather Chart - in 1935, Kim frequently criticized not only Eliot"s accurate but passive portrayal of the status quo but also his limited use of satire whose (self-)mocking style could help overcome the sentimental romanticism of "sorrow, grief, mourning, and despair" but could not reach the level of "rage" to overturn the established situation. Kim accepted Spender"s realistic portrayal of the socio-political events as an alternative to Eliot"s symbolic portrayal of spiritual waste land, and Spender"s hope for the future or new society as distinguished from Eliot"s indiscriminate or vague hope for the spiritual regeneration. In the mid-thirties when even the "camouflaged aestheticism" could not be available for Korean writers under the Japanese colonial rule, Kim tried to propose the theory or satiric long poem not only to set up the theory or his modernist long poem and but to reveal his desire to overturn the colonial order indirectly by having recourse to Eliot and Spender.

      • KCI등재

        김기림은 스티븐 스펜더의 시를 어떻게 읽었는가?

        김준환(Joon-Hwan Kim) 한국비평이론학회 2007 비평과이론 Vol.12 No.1

          This paper studies Ki-Rim Kim’s reception and transformation of Stephen Spender’s poetry along with W. H. Auden’s and C. Day Lewis’s during the 1930s and 1940s. Since November 1934, Kim had contrasted Eliot"s conservative politics and passive description of the status quo of the present waste land to Spender’s revolutionary politics, critique of Nazism and Fascism and active struggle to make a new society. Especially, Kim adopted the Auden-generation poets as an alternative to T. S. Eliot with emphasis on their revolutionary poetry and politics and transformed them in the colonial context. Section Ⅱ examines one of the major problems of the previous formalistic studies which have focused on similarities between the two poets in terms of such subject matters as the “train”; Section Ⅲ traces Kim’s reading of Spender, Auden, and Day Lewis and reveals the significance of his reading in the colonial context. In doing so, this paper argues that Kim while receiving their revolutionary poetry and politics did not simply imitate but transform them in the process of de-colonialization, and that it is necessary to re-conceptualize “modernity” and “modernism” in the study of the influence of Anglo-American modernist poetry on Korean modernist poetry.

      • KCI등재

        돈암서원의 강학 활동

        김문준 ( Kim Moon Joon ) 한국철학사연구회 2018 한국 철학논집 Vol.0 No.58

        한국 서원의 교육 내용과 방식은 주자가 제시한 교육 내용 및 방식과 대부분 유사하지만, 학파에 따라 다소 다른 방식으로 운영되었다. 돈암서원의 초기 원장으로 재임한 이들은 모두 김장생의 문인이었던 김집·송준길·송시열 등이다. 돈암서원은 같은 노론계 서원이었던 화양서원·석실서원이 기호 지역의 중심 서원으로 성장하면서 서원의 위상과 강학 활동도 약화되었을 것이라고 추정된다. 돈암서원 설립 초기의 학규는 전하지 않는다. 돈암서원의 운영 방식은 돈암서원 운영 전반에 관하여 17세기 후반 원장으로 재임하던 송준길에게 문의한 윤증의 서신을 통해 짐작할 수 있다. 이 서신을 통해 볼 때, 돈암서원의 학규는 이이의 <은병정사학규>와 유사하였다고 추정된다. 18세기 이후 돈암서원의 역대 원장은 노론의 낙론계 학자들로서 권상하 계열보다 김창협 계열의 원장이 많았다. 돈암서원 원장은 화양서원, 석실서원의 원장이 겸임하거나 전후로 재임했을 가능성이 많다. 돈암서원에서 행한 강학 활동은 서원 설립 초기에는 김장생-송시열의 교학체계에 따라 소학→가례→심경→근사록 등 성리서를 우선하고 다음에 사서·오경을 가르쳤다. 점차 노론계 낙론 서원인 석실서원 출신의 학자들이 원장으로 부임하면서 소학→사서→오경을 먼저 가르치고 다음에 성리서를 가르치는 이이의 교학체계를 시행하였으리라 추정된다. 이러한 강학 순서는 김창협 계열의 학자들이 설립하고 운영했던 석실서원의 강학 내용과 순서이다. 돈암서원의 입학 자격은 신분은 중시하지 않았으며, 학문과 인품을 중시했다. 서원에서 과거 공부는 허용되지 않았다. 원생들은 서원에서 거재(居齋)하면서 강학에 참여하는 것이 원칙이었으나, 점차 서원의 재정이나 운영이 어려워지면서 자기 집에 거가(居家)하면서 삭망에 행하는 강회에 참여하는 형태로 변화되었다. The contents and method of education of all Korean scholars are similar to the contents and method of education provided by Zhu Xi(朱熹), but they operated in a somewhat different way according to schools. Those who served as the first directors of Donam Seowon were Kim Gip(金集, 1574~1656), Song Joon-gil(宋浚吉, 1606~1672) and Song Si-yeol(宋時烈, 1607~1689), who were the writers of Kim Jang-saeng(金長生, 1548∼1631). Donam Seowon is supposed to have weakened the status of scholarship and the activities of lectures as HwaYang Seowon and Seoksil Seowon, which principals were all the Noron(老論) scholars, grew to be the center of education institution of the Noron. Donam Seowon have not preserved the school regulations. But the way of operating system of Donam Seowon can be guessed through the letter of Song Joon-gil, who was the headmaster of the late 17th century on the whole operation of Donam Seowon. From this letter, it is assumed that the school of Donam Seowon is similar to the ‘Unbyoung-Jungsa regulations’ written by Lee Yi(李珥). The headmasters of Donam Seowon was the Noron scholars. And scholars of the Kim Chang-hyeop(金昌協, 1651~1708) school became headmasters more than the scholars of Kwon Sang-ha(權尙夏, 1641~1721) school. Headmasters of the Donam Seowon had served as the headmasters of HwaYang Seowon and Seoksil Seowon also. In the early days of the establishment of the Donam Seowon, the lecture activities conducted in Donam Seowon were preceded by the textbooks of Kim Jang-saeng/Song Si-yeol's teaching curriculum and neo-confucian books[i.e Sohak(小學)→Family Ritual(家禮)→Simkyong(心經)→Keunsarok(近思錄). It is assumed that the scholars of Seoksil Seowon, who was a Noron Nak-ron(洛論) scholars, gradually adopted Lee Yi's teaching curriculum[i.e, Sohak(小學)→Sasoe(四書)→Okyoung(五經)]. This lecture contents and procedure was contents and procedure of the Seoksil Seowon, established and operated by the scholars of the Kim Chang-hyeop school. Entrance qualification of Donam Seowon's did not place importance on the social status, but on scholarship and personality. The examination for a high-ranking government official was not allowed. Although the principle, students had to participate in the lecture and study(講學), they were living in Seowon, while the financial and operating of the Seowon became increasingly difficult, the students were changed to participate in the conference(講會) held twice a month while studying at their homes.

      • 한국인의 연, 망간, 알루미늄 및 실리콘의 혈중 농도

        김정만,안정모,김원술,김정일,신해림,정갑열,김준연 동아대학교 산업의학연구소 2000 산업의학연구소 논총 Vol.- No.5

        Blood Lead, Manganese, Aluminium and Silicon Concentrations in Korean Adults Jung Man Kim, Jung Mo Ahn, Won Sul Kim1), Jung Il Kim2), Hai Rim Shin, Kap Yeol Jung2), Joon Youn Kim Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine and Industrial Medicine Research Institute. Dong-A University Department of Health Care, Handong University Sunlin Presbyterian Hotpital1) Department of Occupational Medicine, College of Medicine, Dong-A University2) 0bjectives : This study was performed to determine the reference values of blood lead, manganese, aluminium, and silicon in healthy adults. Methods : The subjects were 132 (67 male and 65 female), and classified to three age groups (≤39,40∼49, and 50≤). Hood lead, manganese and aluminium were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, and blood silicon was analyzed by direct current plasma optical omission spectrometer. Results : Blood lead levels(geometric mean, S.D) were (3.49, 1.70) ㎍/dL in male auld (3.04, 1.65) ㎍/dL in female, but the difference is not significant, and there was no significant difference between age groups. Mean blood manganese level was 0.99±0.41㎍/dL, and there was no significant difference between sex or age groups. Mean blood aluminium level was 0.59±0.35㎍/dL and there was no significant difference between sex or age groups. Mean blood silicon level was 54.41±27.64㎍/dL in male and 43.34±23.51㎍/dL in female, and the level in male was significantly higher than that in female (p〈0.05). There was significant difference between age groups, and the oldest showed the highest level in male (p〈0.05), but no significant difference between age groups in female. Conclusions : Authors hope that this study would provide basic data for determininig reference values and evaluating health effects.

      • KCI등재

        토끼 복부 내벽으로부터 분리된 경락으로 믿어지는 관조직

        손준형 ( Joon Hyung Sohn ),윤진하 ( Jin-ha Yoon ),김영주 ( Young Joo Kim ),김민경 ( Min Kyung Kim ),김지화 ( Ji Hwa Kim ),권오현 ( Ohyun Kwon ),김현원 ( Hyun-won Kim ) 대한미용학회 2016 대한미용학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        Investigation of meridian line and acupoints as anatomical entities should be very important, as acupuncture and meridian massage for medical purpose in the hospital or for skin care in beauty shop are each based on the traditional meridian theory. We isolated tubular structures under the skin of rabbits where the traditional meridian lines are located. The characteristics of these tubular structures isolated from the abdominal wall matches those of Bonghan tubes and Bonghan tubules found by Bong Han Kim. The Bonghan theory established by Bong Han Kim suggests that meridian lines consist of Bonghan tubes and Bonghan tubules. We could observe the presence of large cells inside the Bonghan tubule and the presence of small granules referred to as Sanal in Bonghan theory inside the striae consisting of the Bonghan tubules. Present research suggests that there exist a third unique tubular structure where Sanals flow other than Bonghan tube and Bonghan tubules.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 남침에 대한 중국의 지원약속과 소련의 역할: 북한의 남침제의부터 남침개시 전까지를 중심으로

        김옥준 ( Ok Joon Kim ) 대한정치학회 2011 大韓政治學會報 Vol.18 No.1

        본고에서는 위에서 언급한 김일성의 남침제의에서부터 남침개시 전까지 기간동안의 시간적인 범위, 즉 김일성의 남침제의에 대한 거부에서 승인으로 전환되는 과정에서의 스탈린의 전략적 계산 및 마오의 지원약속 배경과 의미 등을 중점적으로 살펴보고자 한다. 특히 쟁점이 되고 있는 스탈린이 김일성의 남침을 승인하는 과정에서 미군의 직접개입에 관한 고려, 그리고 김일성의 남침제의와 지원에 대한 마오의 입장, 인민해방군 조선인부대의 북한인도, 미군의 개입가능성 평가, 인민해방군 재배치의 의미 등을 중점적으로 분석한다. 미국과의 직접충돌을 우려하고 있었던 스탈린에게 단서가 있었지만 중국의 직접파병 약속은 김일성의 남침계획을 승인하는데 결정적인 작용을 하였으며, 스탈린은 끝까지 김일성의 남침계획의 전면에 나서지 않으면서 이 전쟁에 중국을 끌어들였다. 미군의 직접개입 가능성을 낮게 평가한 마오는 스탈린의 전략에 휘말려 들어갔으며 결국 전쟁 발발 후 며칠이 지나지 않아 마오의 판단은 빗나가고 말았다. This study mainly examines factor that affected Stalin`s strategic calculations and decisions on the Korean war and Mao`s commitment to support North Korea`s war efforts in the period stretching from Kim Il Sung`s invasion proposal to the initiation. A particular focus is given to the issue how Stalin`s concern with the direct involvement of the US Army with the Korean war affected his decision of Kim`s proposal. Other interesting issues include Mao`s attitude of Kim`s proposal, the transfer of Korean Liberation Army soldiers to North Korea, the possibility of American intervention, and the significance of the relocation of the People`s Liberation Army. Stalin, who was concerned with direct confrontations with the US, approached the matter cautiously. Yet the Chinese promise of military engagement prompted his approval. Stalin had been behind the scene and succeeded in drawing the Chinese involvement. On the other hand, Mao underestimated the possibility of the US involvement and was entangled with the war shortly. The process of the war in a few days proved that Mao was wrong.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)에 의한 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵) 간이검사법(簡易檢査法)

        김교준,김상근,허민도,Kim, Kyo-Joon,Kim, Sang-Keun,Hu, Min-Do 대한수의학회 1983 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        The studies carried out to investigate the detection method of Fasciola eggs from positive cattle feces in the intradermal reaction method with laborsaving composition of sieves and Kim's sedimental tube method. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The detection method of Fasciola eggs was improved by 3 meshes (100mesh, 150mesh, 250mesh) for filteration of fecal fluid contained Fasciola eggs. 2. Third type of tube in the 3 kinds of sedimental tube had the highest recovers rate of Fasciola eggs. Thus, this type of tube was selected and called as Kim's sedimental tube. 3. A-II, A-III, B-III and C-III type by Kim's sedimental tube method had the recovery rates of eggs in the 1st drop as ranged 99 to 100% and, A-I, B-II, C-II as 71 to 91%. 4. These Type of tubes were useful to detect Fasciola eggs and to shorten the time of the diagnostic procedures. 5. The Kim's sedimental tube method showed high recovery rates and convenient procedures as compared with other detection methods reported. In addition, the EPG value can also be obtained by this method. Therefore, it is desirable that the Kim's sedimental tube method could be recommended to clinicians.

      • KCI등재

        K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)에 의한 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵) 간이검사법(簡易檢査法)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        김교준,김상근,허민도,Kim, Kyo Joon,Kim, Sang Keun,Hu, Min Do 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1982 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.9 No.2

        피내반응법(皮內反應法)에 의(依)해 간질(肝蛭) 양성반응(陽性反應)으로 판정(判定)된 유우(乳牛)를 대상(對像)으로 분편검사(糞便檢査)를 실시(實施)하여 충란(蟲卵)을 확인(確認)한 후(後), 현재(現在) 사용(使用)되고 있는 간질(肝蛭) 충란검사법(蟲卵儉査法)들의 단점(短點)을 개선(改善)하기 위하여 잔재물(殘滓物)을 성력적(省力的)으로 제거(除去)하는 사(篩)의 조합법(組合法)과 K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)을 고안(考案)하여, 인위적(人爲的)으로 분즙(糞汁)에 충란(蟲卵)을 혼입(混入)하여 K-식(式) 침전관법(沈澱管法)에 따라 검사(檢査)한 결과(結果) 현재(現在)까지 보고(報告)된 타방법(他方法)들에 비(比)하여 조작(操作)이 간편(簡便)하고 검출율(檢出率)도 높아 이상적(理想的)인 방법(方法)으로 사료(思料)되었기에 그 개요(槪要)와 결과(結果)를 보고(報告)하는 바이다. 1. 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵)을 여과(慮過)하고 잔재물(殘滓物)을 제거(除去)하기 사(篩)의 조합(組合)을 3단계(段階)(100mesh, 150mesh, 250mesh)로 조합(組合)하여 성력적(省力的)인 방법(方法)으로 개선(改善)하였다. 2. 3종(種)의 침전관중(沈澱管中) 제(第)III형(型)의 침전관(沈澱管)에 의(依)한 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵) 회수율(回收率)이 가장 높았으므로 제(第)III형(型)을 K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)으로 지칭(指稱) 채택(採擇)하였다. 3. K-식(式) 침전관법(沈澱管法)에서 A-II, A-III, B-III, C-III형(型)의 1구(回) 경검성적(鏡檢成績)은 99~100%였으며 A-I, B-II, C-I 및 C-II형(型)은 71~91%였다. 4. A형(型)($5m{\ell}$, 5-10침전(沈澱)), B형(型)($10m{\ell}$, 10-10침전(沈澱)) 및 C형(型)($15m{\ell}$, 15-15침전(沈澱))은 각기(各其) 특징(特徵)을 가진 방법(方法)들로서 판정시간(判定時間)을 단축(短縮)하는데는 A형(型)이 가장 유용(有用)한 방법(方法)이었다. 5. K-식(式) 침전관법(沈澱管法)은 다른 검출법(檢出法)에 비(比)하여 가장 검출율(檢出率)이 높은 간편(簡便)한 방법(方法)이었으며 E. P. G가(價)도 동시(同時)에 얻을 수 있는 이상적(理想的)인 방법(方法)으로서 임상응용가치(臨床應用價値)가 매우 높은 것으로 사료(思料)되었다. These studies were carried out to investigate of detection of Fasciola egg from positive cattle faces in the intradermal reaction method by laborsaving composition of sieves and Kim's sedimental tube method. The results obtained are summerized as follows: 1. Detection method of Fasciola eggs was improved by 3 meshes(100mesh, 150mesh, 250mesh) for filtration of fecal fluid contained Fasciola eggs. 2. III type of tube in the 3 kinds of sedimental tube had the highest recovery rate of Fasciola egg. Thus, this type of tube was selected and called as Kim's sedimental tube. 3. A-II, A-III, B-III and C-III type by Kim's sedimental tube method had the recovery rates of eggs in the 1st dropping as ranged 99 to 100% and A-I, B-II, C-I and C-II as 71 to 91%. 4. All types as themselves contained the special aspects. In the these type was useful to determine the results in the urgent cases add to shorten the time of the diagnostic procedures. 5. Kim's sedimental tube method high recovery rate and convenient procedures as compared with other detection methods reported. In addition, through this method can also obatained E. P. C. value. Therefore, it is desirable that Kim's sedimental tube method be recommended by clinicians.

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