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      • KCI등재

        Comprehensive genomic analyses with 115 plastomes from algae to seed plants: structure, gene contents, GC contents, and introns

        Eun‑Chae Kwon,Jong‑Hwa Kim,NamSoo Kim 한국유전학회 2020 Genes & Genomics Vol.42 No.5

        Background Chloroplasts are a common character in plants. The chloroplasts in each plant lineage have shaped their own genomes, plastomes, by structural changes and transferring many genes to nuclear genomes during plant evolution. Some plastid genes have introns that are mostly group II introns. Objective This study aimed to get genomic and evolutionary insights on the plastomes from green algae to flowering plants. Methods Plastomes of 115 species from green algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes (spore bearing vascular plants), gymnosperms, and angiosperms were mined from NCBI organelle genome database. Plastome structure, gene contents and GC contents were analyzed by the in-house developed Phyton code. Intronic features including presence/absence, length, intron phases were analyzed by manually in the annotated information in NCBI. Results The canonical quadripartite structures were retained in most plastomes except of a few plastomes that had lost an invert repeat (IR). Expansion or reduction or deletion of IRs resulted in the length variation of the plastomes. The number of protein coding genes ranged from 40 to 92 with an average 79.43 ± 5.84 per plastome and gene losses were apparent in specific lineages. The number of trn genes ranged from 13 to 33 with an average 21.19 ± 2.42 per plastome. Ribosomal RNA genes, rrn, were located in the IRs so that they were present in a duplicate except of the species that had lost one of the IR. GC contents were variable from 24.9 to 51.0% with an average 38.21 ± 3.27%, indicating bias to high AT contents. Plastid introns were present in 18 protein coding genes, six trn genes, and one rrn gene. Intron losses occurred among the orthologous genes in different plant lineages. The plastid introns were long compared with the nuclear introns, which might be related with the spliceosome nuclear introns and self-splicing group II plastid introns. The trnK-UUU intron contained the maturase encoding matK gene except in the chlorophyte algae and monilophyte ferns in which the trnK-UUU was lost, but matK retained. There were many annotation artefacts in the intron positions in the NCBI database. In the analysis of intron phases, phase 0 introns were more frequent than those of phase 2 and 3 introns. Phase polymorphism was observed in the introns of clpP which was derived from nucleotide insertion. Plastid trn introns were long compared to the archaeal or eukaryotic nuclear tRNA introns. Of the six plastid trn introns, one was at the D loop and other five were at the anticodon loop. The insertion sites were conserved among the trn genes in archaea, eukaryotic nuclear and plastid tRNA genes. Conclusions Current study refurbrished the previous findings of structural variations, gene contents, and GC contents of the chloroplast genomes from green algae to flowering plants. The study also included some noble findings and discussions on the plastome introns including their length variations and phase variation. We also presented and corrected some false annotations on the introns in protein coding and tRNA genes in the genome database, which might be confirmed by the chloroplast transcriptome analysis in the future.

      • K 大學 病院 患者의 病院 選擇 動機 分析

        南銀祐,朴昌式,安熙都,徐判洙 高神大學校 保健科學硏究所 1991 보건과학연구소보 Vol.1 No.-

        The subject hospital is a Christian health care institution which is a 720 beds university hospitals and has been providing health care services and outpatient services located in Pusan, since its foundation in 1950. The purpose of this study is to develop marketing strategy for this University Hospital by identifying factors associated with the patients' attitudes toward their choice and images, with following objectives: 1) to identify patient choice factors 2) to analyze patients' images toward the hospital 3) to compare above informations with other hospitals in Pusan, and 4) to analyze population served with demographic and economic variables. The survey data retrieved from the samples of 140 outpatients and 100 intelligents were analyzed by Chi-square and Mann Whitney U test with the confidence level at less than 0.05. Major findings from the study were as follows: 1) Hospital choice motivation factors a. fovorable factors toward the choice of hospital revealed: (1) good facilities and equipments (50.2%) (2) large hospital (38.4%) (3) recommended by neighbor (35.0%) 2) Hospital image factors a. favorable factors: (1) modern equipments and technology sufficiency (2) friendliness of office employees (3) kindness of doctors b. unfavorable factors: (1) high cost of care (2) long waiting time for clinic examinations and prescription filling (3) traffic inconveniency 3) Comparisons with other hospitals showed disadvantages in the areas of: (1) inpatients are more favorable than outpatients toward good facilities and equipments, friendly doctors and nursing personnel, compared to the (2) unfavorable attitudes toward the long waiting time and impolite nurses, cleanliness, parking space shortage, etc. In reviewing the marketing information analysis, the hospital should carefully review the result, and endeavor toward the improvement of hospital services as well as image building, in regard to those areas showing negative results, in the marketing and strategic planning efforts with unified supports from the entire staffs and employees of the hospital.

      • KCI등재

        PILOMATRICOMA 치험 1례

        김은철,이창우,임창준,이동근,김수남,양희창 大韓顎顔面成形再建外科學會 1990 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.12 No.3

        The pilomatricoma (calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe) is rare benign hard, spherical and freely movable cutaneous tumor, which was differentiated from hair cells, particulary hair cortex cells. It is usually occured as a single, asymptomatic, 0.5 cm to 3.0 cm sized, deep seated, firm nodule, covered by normal or pink skin. It arises chiefly in young people, including children, and most often in the head, neck and upper extrimites. The authers experienced a case of pilomatricoma which occured in preauricular region. This case was summarized as follows. 1. 10 years old female has suffered from hard subepidermal mass on preauricular area and she visited our out patient clinic. So we performed surgical extirpation and the excised specimen was pathologically examined. 2. Grossly the tumor measures 2.0 cm in diameter and firm, bosselated, spherical shaped which covered by a thin layer of fibrous tissue. On cut section, it shows spicular gritty surfaces, well encapsulation, interwoven and keratotic lamellae. 3. Histopathologically, the epithelial masses of the tumor are composed of two type of cells, basophilic cells and shodow cells. The basophilic cells resemble hair matrix cells which posses round or elogated, deeply basophilic nuclei and scanty cytoplasm.The shadow cells show a central, unstained shadow at the site of the lost nucleus. Gradual development of basophilic cells into shadow cells can be observed. Foci of calcification are present within the lobule of shadow cells. The stroma of the tumor shows a considerable foreign body giant cell reaction adjacent to the shadow cells. 4. No recurrence was observed until post - operative 40 months.

      • KCI등재

        영어 광고에 대한 언어학적 연구 및 교육적 활용

        김수정,장세은,김은일,남정미 새한영어영문학회 2007 새한영어영문학 Vol.49 No.4

        There have been great interests in 'what to teach', i.e., teaching materials, followed by 'how to teach', i.e., teaching methodology in English teaching fields. Along this trend, much attention has been put on authentic materials to compensate for traditional textbooks. The authentic materials should not only develop learners' communicative skills, but also help understand the culture of target language and foster learners' critical thinking (Erkaya 2005). In this respect, advertising English is considered a useful material for authenticity and up-to-date lexicon in English teaching. The purpose of this study is two-folds. First, it examines linguistic aspects of advertising English. About 300 advertisements, listed in four major English magazines in the 2000s, were examined. Various linguistic tactics or strategies were employed in advertising English. Phonological aspects are characterized with alliteration, rhyme, pun, humor, repetition of certain sounds. Morpho-syntactically, simple and colloquial vocabularies are preferred. Neologisms, adjectives and proverbs are commonly used. Imperatives and ellipsis are used to draw people's attention. Semantic ambiguity and paradox are frequently adopted. Advertising English, at the same time, displays a paralinguistic aspect of target language's culture. Secondly, this study seeks how advertising English can be employed in English teaching. Through the real classroom teaching using advertising English as an authentic material, students felt it increased their motivation and interests in class and helped understand English culture. Finally, this study proposes a lesson plan where English learners are encouraged to present or design English abvertisement.

      • 로드셀을 이용한 직물의 신축성 측정에 관한 연구

        최정수,김은석,주기세,왕지남 한국경영과학회 2002 한국경영과학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.- No.1(1)

        So far, the common elasticity data of textile fabrics has not been present because the method depends on the knowledge of measurement operators. In this paper, the new measurement equipment using road cell is presented to measure the coefficient of textile fabrics in real time. The measurement method is based on the volt: among textile fabrics. The textiles with strong elasticity are high voltage produced from others are low. The presented method can be applied to visualize the textile, sew the cloth, contrc textile fabrics. Also, these measurement datum are used to B2B electronic trading system.

      • CA 125치가 증가된 난소종괴 환자에서 악성 감별을 위한 CA 15-3과 TAG 72의 효용성

        이수미,김영탁,정동근,남주현,목정은 울산대학교 의과대학 1992 울산의대학술지 Vol.1 No.1

        The purpose of our study was to evaluate whether the combined use of serum tumor markers, CA 15-3 and TAG 72 could improve the efficacy for discriminating malignant from benign ovarian masses in patients with elevated serum CA 125 levels. Serum CA 15-3 and TAG 72 were preoperatively measured by immunoradiometric assay in 78 patients with pelvic masses who had elevated serum CA 125 levels above 35 U/ml. In 32 patients with epithelial ovarian cancers, serum CA 125 levels were elevated above 65 U/ml in 97% and serum CA 15-3(>30U/ml) and TAG 72(>10 u/ml) levels were elevated in 59% and 50%, respectively, suggesting relatively low sensitivity of CA 15-3 and TAG 72. However, in 41 patients with benign ovarian tumors, elevations of these two markers were detected only in 7% and 5%, respectively, and particularly, both markers were not elevated among all the aptients over 50 years of age. Coordinate elevations of CA 125(>35U/ml) and CA 15-3(>30U/ml) or TAG 72(>10 U/ml) could discriminate epithelial ovarian cancers from benign masses with a sensitivity of 72% and specificity of 90%. Among patients over 50 years of age, sensitivity and specificity were increased to 79% and 100%, respectively. It is concluded that the combined use of CA 15-3 and TAG 72 with CA 125 could obtain an improved efficacy for discrimination of epithelial ovarian cancer, especially among patients over 50 years of age.

      • 질소 시비에 따른 청예무의 수량성 및 조성분 분석

        조남기,오태수,조은일 제주대학교 환경연구소 2000 환경연구논문집 : 제주대 Vol.8 No.-

        In order to determine the influence of nitrogen fertilizer on agronomic characters, and forage and quality, Danjimu, Sannariyeolmu and Seouldaehyungmu were cultured on the volcanic ash soil at the Experimental Farm of Cheju University under seven nitrogen rates (0, 50, 100,150, 200, 250, 300 ㎏/㏊) from April 17 to June 20, 1999. Days to flowering was delayed from 47 to 54 days after seeding a s the nitrogen rate increased. Days to flowering of Seouldaehyungmu was very fast(44days) while Danjimu was slow(54days). The plant height increased by increasing of nitrogen rate, the longest was observed at 250 kg/ha treatment (92.7cm) and 300 kg/ha treatment(93cm), but there was no significance. Plant height of Seouldaegyungmu was the tallest(91.5cm) of all, while that of Danjimu was the shortest(79.8cm ). Total fresh yield was very high at 250kg/ha treatment(94.2MT) and at 300kg/ha treatrnent(96.2MT). but there was no significance, on the other hand, was the shortest in the case of non-treatment(46.MT).

      • 수도 계량기 검침 자동화 시스템 구현

        백남수,이은주 大田産業大學校 2002 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        In this paper, we proposed a new method for automatic inspection of water gauge, and implemented it. We decided meter area for inspection using intensity of input image, and noise removed by labeling and size of label. The numbers were overlapped or not, it was decided by characteristics of numbers, and recognition area was decided by size of area. Finally, we computed the similarity between area of numbers and reference pattern by double template matching, and the number that similarity is the highest with area of numbers was result of recognition.

      • KCI등재

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