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      • 고콜레스테롤 식이에 있어 제주산 해조 식이섬유 섭취에 따른 지질대사 및 항산화효소에 미치는 영향

        김길남,전유진 제주대학교 해양과환경연구소 2004 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.28 No.2

        본 연구는 고콜레스테롤 식이 군에 제주산 해조 식이섬유의 첨가 수준을 달리한 식이가 흰쥐의 지방대사에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 체중이 132.3±7.34 g인 Sparague-Dawley종 수컷 흰쥐에게 고콜레스테롤혈증을 유발시키기 위하여 콜레스테롤를 식이 사료의 0.5%가 되도록 첨가하고 제주산 해조 식이섬유 분말은 식이 사료의 각각 1.0% 및 2.5%가 되도록 첨가하여 총 3군으로 나누어 4주간 사육하였다. 체중 증가량과 식이효율은 식이에 의한 영향은 없었다. 혈중 중성지방, 총콜레스테롤, LDL-콜레스테롤은 고콜레스테롤 식이에 비해 제주산 해조 식이섬유를 첨가한 군이 크게 감소하였으며 유의적 차이를 나타냈다. HDL-콜레스테롤은 고콜레스테롤 식이 쥐에 비해 제주산 해조 식이섬유를 첨가한 군이 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 총 콜레스테롤 함량에 대한 HDL-를레스테롤 함량의 비는 제주산 해조 식이섬유를 첨가하였을 때 유의적인 차이를 보이며 증가하였다. GPT, GOT활성의 경우 GPT활성은 군간에 비슷한 경향을 보였으며, GOT활성은 제주산 해조 식이섬유를 첨가한 군이 유의적인 차이를 보이며 감소하였다. 항산화효소인 SOD 및 catalase 활성은 식이에 의한 영향은 없었다. 이상의 결과를 볼 때 제주산 해조 식이섬유의 체내 지방대사에 있어 총 콜레스테롤과 LDL-콜레스테롤, 중성지방 및 GOT 활성을 낮추고 HDL-콜레스테롤/총 콜레스테롤 비는 높이는 효과를 나타냈다. 따라서 제주산 해조 식이섬유는 생체내 항고클레스테롤 및 고콜레스테롤에 의한 스트레스로부터 간을 보호하는 것을 알 수 있었다. This study was conducted to investigate hypocholesterolemia effect of dietary fiber from seaweed in Jeju in rats supplemented with hish cholesterol diet. Seaweed dietary fiber was produced by water extraction of the mixed main red algae including Gracilaria verrucosa, Gelidium amansii, Gigartina tenella, Gloiopeltis furcata and Campylaephora hypnaeoides. Thirty male Sprague Dawley rats weighing 132.3±7.34 were divide into high cholesterol diet and high cholesterol diet plus seaweed dietary fiber 1.0% or 2.5% for 4 weeks. Dietary fiber supplement could significantly decreased serum total cholesterol (TC), triacylglyceride (TG), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) and GOT than in high cholesterol diet. HDL-cholesterol level and HDL-cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio in the two groups of seaweed dietary fiber supplement significantly increased comparing to those in high cholesterol diet without dietary fiber. These results suggest that the seaweed dietary fiber may reduce elevated levels of serum cholesterol concentrations.

      • 대기환경지수를 이용한 제주지역 대기질 평가에 관한 기초적 연구

        허철구,이기호,박용이 제주대학교 환경연구소 1997 환경연구논문집 : 제주대 Vol.5 No.-

        The assessment of the air quality of Cheju area was carried out by AI(Air Index) and AEI(Air Environment Index). The air quality data, which measured at two air pollution monitoring network(Idodong ; located at Cheju city, Yongsuri ; located at western coastal region of Cheju island), were used in this study. The average concentration of major air pollutants(SO_(2), NO_(2), CO, TSP(PM-10)) were very low, but the ozone(O_(3)) concentration remarkably high. The monthly A1 values at Idodong and at Yongsuri were 7.0 ± 1.8 and 4.7 ± 1.4, respectively, therefore the air quality was classified as 'Good' level. And the monthly AEI values at same regions were in the range of 16.9-20 and 20.1-28, respectively, so the air quality was classified as 'Moderate' level. We found that the same air quality data was assessed at different level according to estimating mothod by A1 or by AEI. It seemed that the modification of the subindex and/or standard level was necessary to estimate A1 and AEI practically. Also, it was found that the critical pollutant was ozone in estimating A1 and AEI at Cheju area. But it assumed the ozone at Cheju area was caused by natural sources but anthropogenic sources. Thus, it seemed that the local background level of air pollutants was considered in estimating AI and AEI.

      • 환경오염으로 인한 손해배상청구에 있어서 인과관계의 입증

        한삼인,김상찬 제주대학교 환경연구소 1994 환경연구논문집 : 제주대 Vol.2 No.1

        The environmental pollution problem, especially the environmental pollution problem which can be called the by-product of corporate development has proceeded to develop beyond the problem of a private nuisance between individuals simply into the problem of existence throughout our society. Our country abolished the Environmental Protection Law enacted in 1977 under the existing single law doctrine system brought about its fruition through the reoganization and supplementation of environmental legislation by means of the multiple law doctrine, and so came to open up a new chapter in environmental pollution regulation legislation. In a claim for damages from environmental pollution. our majority theory and judicial precedent are dependent on the legal principle of the general unlawful act as the legal principle for its relief. Therefore; the plaintiff, the sufferer from environmental pollution, can come to obtain damages to the environmental pollution only when the plaintiff sternly prove the intention and the negligence of the defendant, the wrongdoer, in an unharmful act, and the causation between the unharmful act and occurrence of the damage. But, there are many cases that the side of the wrongdoer is more favorabl than of the sufferer in economic terms in case of the action for damges from environmental pollution. If the plaintiff, the sufferer from environment pollution, is asked to prove its causation to the same extent as the general unlawful act in this specific case as well. it is likely that the plantiff is forced to accept the conditions offerd by he wrongdoer clue to the plaintiff's inferior osition. Thus there is much difficulty in expectiong the equity and fairness of in the relief of damages from environmental pllution. Therefore, it is neces-sary to alleviate or lighten the burden of proof on the causation of environments pollution in the action for damages from environmental pollution. Accordingly, in accordance with the request that the degree of the proof of the causation on environmental pollution should be lightened and mitigated to protect the sufferer in the act for damages from environmental pollution. several theories have come to the fore. including a prohability theory on the burden of proof on the causation of environmental pollution. Therefore, this study aimed to provided an inquiry into the evolution of our judicial recedents and types of all the theories that have a made an attempt to lighten and miti-gate the burden of proof on the causation of environmental pollution.

      • 제주도 중산간지대 지하수의 수리특성

        진기옥,양성기 제주대학교 해양과환경연구소 2001 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.25 No.-

        As the quality of life and tourism have improved, various facilities have been established on hillsides which have excellent views and consequentiy development of groundwater has been promoted. At present the number of developed groundwater wells the in Jeju island is around 5,100 and 245 of them are located in the mountainous area whose altitude varies from 200m to 600m. Since the development and usage of groundwater on hillsides have stared activated, the detailed investigation of groundwater characteristics, such as the distribution of geologic stratum, understanding of hydraulic properties, the content and the amount of gainable groundwater, has been investigated required. In this study, the hydraulic characteristics are examined through the evaluation of drawdown and transmissibility based on the distributive type of geologic stratum in the mountains. Classes of 201∼300m, 301∼400m, 401∼500m and 501∼600m show transmissivities of 183.5㎡/d, 41.11㎡/d, 631.02㎡/d and 1,162.65㎡/d respectively, which means that transmissivity increases as elevation grows. Their average value is 292.19㎡/d, higher than 201.8㎡/d that is estimated from data of 279 wells which have developed in lowlands until 1998.

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