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      • KCI등재

        A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Arthroscopic Meniscus Repair in Young Patients: Comparison of All-Inside and Inside-Out Suture Techniques

        Dong­Geun Kang,Young­Jin Park,Jae­Ha Yu,Jong­Byung Oh,Dong-Yeong Lee 대한슬관절학회 2019 대한슬관절학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Purpose: The purposes of the present study were to review published studies that investigated arthroscopic meniscus repair to treat meniscus injury in young patients and to compare all­inside and inside­out suture techniques.Methods: Various electronic databases were queried for published articles, and this search was updated in August 2017 for evaluating the outcomes of arthroscopic meniscus surgery in young patients. Data search, extraction, analysis, and quality assessment were performed according to the Cochrane Collaboration guidelines, and the clinical outcomes were evaluated using various outcome values in young patients according to suture techniques.Results: Three randomized controlled trials and three prospective comparative studies were included in this systematic review and meta­analysis. There were no significant differences in clinical outcomes such as meniscus healing rate (risk ratio [RR], 1.11; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.90 to 1.37; I2=39%) and perioperative complications (RR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.23 to 1.72; I2=43%) between all­inside and inside­out techniques for meniscus repair.Conclusions: The present study shows favorable results for clinical outcomes such as meniscus healing rate and perioperative complications in young patients. Furthermore, based on our results, both all­inside and inside­out meniscal suture techniques are equally effective in these patients.

      • KCI등재

        다중흐름모형에서 정책기업가의 역할 시론적 연구 : 공무원 범죄에 관한 몰수 특례법(전두환 추징금 사례 1997~2013)의 개정 논의를 중심으로

        Dong Kyu Lee,Dong Geun Yum,Jun Ho Lee,Kyoung Rok Kim 위기관리 이론과 실천 2014 Crisisonomy Vol.10 No.11

        This study examines the preceding researches on the policy entrepreneurs at home and abroad and after discussing the policy entrepreneurs, analyzes the flow of the revision process of the partial revised bill(hereinafter referred to as Chun Doo-hwan Collection Law) of the confiscation special law about public official crime by administration using the multiple streams framework model, and this researcher attempts to analyze the activities of how the policy entrepreneur among diverse policy actors who plays an important role in opening policy window influenced the revision process in the process of enacting the partial revised bill of the confiscation special law about public official crime. And how the policy window of the partial revised bill of the confiscation special law about public official crime that was not opened in the previous administrations came to be opened in the Park Geun-hye administration is analyzed. The results of this study confirmed that in the previous administrations the policy entrepreneur to open the policy window did not appear but in the Park Geun-hye administration President Park Geun-hye played the role of the policy entrepreneur, producing Chun Doo-hwan 본 연구는 정책기업가 대한 국내외 선행연구를 검토하고, 정책 기업가에 대한 심도있는 논의를 하고자 하였다. 또한 공무원 범죄에 관한 몰수 특례법 일부 개정안(이하 전두환 추징법)의 정책과정을 다중흐름모형을 이용하여 각 정권별로 흐름을 분석하였다. 공무원 범죄에 관한 몰수 특례법 일부 개정안의 정책결정 과정에서, 정책기업가 (policy entrepreneur)가 어떻게 중요한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 활동을 할 수 있었는지에 대한 분석을 시도하고자 한다. 그리고 이전 정권에서는 열리지 않던 ‘공무원 범죄에 관한 몰수 특례법’ 일부 개정안에 대한 정책의 창이 현재 박근혜 정부에 와서는 어떻게 열리게 되었는지에 대한 분석을 한다. 연구결과, 이전의 정권들에서는 정책의 창을 여는 정책기업가가 나타나지 않았고, 박근혜 정부에서는 박근혜 대통령이 정책기업가의 역할을 하여 전두환 추징법이 산출되었다는 것을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Lightweight Printed Dipole Antenna Array With 3×2 Beamforming Network for Wide UAV Communication Coverage

        DongGeun Seo,Jeong‑Soo Park,Gun ‑Ki Lee,Wang‑Sang Lee 대한전기학회 2020 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.15 No.4

        In this paper, a lightweight printed dipole antenna array with 3×2 beamforming network for wide unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communication coverage is presented. The proposed antenna consists of an upper substrate, a lower substrate, and two supports with a microstrip feeding. The upper substrate has a two-element printed dipole antenna array, and the lower substrate includes a beamforming feeding circuit and a ground plane as a refector of the proposed antenna array for gain improvement. For wide beam coverage, the proposed feeding network consists of three RF switches, one Wilkinson power divider, and one 90° hybrid coupler, and generates the wide beam using one broadside beam and two end-fre beams. Measured impedance bandwidth, peak gain, and half-power beamwidth (HPBW) of the proposed array operated from 5.03 to 5.15 GHz are approximately 2 GHz, 4.3 dBi, and 155°, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        일간신문과 블로그의 ‘미디어 간 의제설정’ : ‘최순실 게이트’사건 보도 비교 분석

        이동근(Dong-geun Lee) 한국정치정보학회 2019 정치정보연구 Vol.22 No.2

        인터넷 미디어인 블로그와 전통 매스미디어인 일간신문 간 상호 영향력 면에서의 차이를 밝혀내기 위해 블로그 포스트와 대표적인 보수 성향 일간지인 『조선일보』와 『중앙일보』, 그리고 진보 성향 일간지인 『한겨레』와 『경향신문』의 뉴스 보도를 비교 분석한 결과, 일간지의 속성의제가 블로그의 속성의제에 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다. 특히 중앙일보가 4개 일간지 중에서 블로그와 가장 많은 영향을 주고받았다. 이는 중앙일보만이 유일하게 시기별로 중요하게 다룬 속성의제 간에 유의미한 상관관계를 보여 의제의 지속성을 유지했기 때문인 것으로 풀이된다. 중앙일보를 제외하고 블로그를 포함한 분석 대상 여타 미디어는 시간이 흐름에 따라 다룬 속성의제의 중요도에 커다란 변화를 보였다. 블로그는 중앙일보를 제외한 여타 3개 신문사 보다는 시간이 흐름에 따라 다룬 속성의제의 중요도에 있어서 상대적으로 큰 변화를 보이지 않았다. 한편 전통 매스미디어의 이념적 성향만으로는 보수 신문과 진보 신문의 불규칙해 보이는 보도 행태를 모두 설명하기 어려웠다. 이는 전통 매스미디어가 사회에서 정상적인 기능을 수행할 때 미디어의 이념 성향이 취재 보도 과정에 크게 작용하지 않는 것으로 해석된다. This study compares conventional mass media and Internet media in order to see which media is more influential than the other. ‘Choi Soon-sil Gate’ is a political scandal whereby a non-government civilian Choi Soon-sil has exerted strong influence over President Park Geun-hye long before she was elected as President. President Park was eventually impeached. Content analysis was conducted on the coverage of ‘Choi Soon-sil Gate’ by blogs and by the nation’s four major daily newspapers -- two conservative daily newspapers, Chosun Ilbo, and Joongang Ilbo, and two progressive daily newspapers, Hankyoreh and Kyunghyang Shinmun. Result shows that the daily newspapers’ attribute agendas influenced those of blogs. In particular, Joongang Ilbo influenced blogs the most and was influenced by blogs the most among four daily newspapers. Joongang Ilbo alone showed statistically significant correlations between the attribute agendas of the first half of the study period and those of the second half, and the rest of the media under study did not show consistency in coverage throughout the study period. Blogs showed less changes in coverage throughout the period than three other daily newspapers. Meanwhile, ideological stance of conventional media appeared not to be the clue to ideologically inconsistent coverage of the political scandal by conservative daily newspapers and progressive daily newspapers. When the conventional mass media fulfil normal function in society, there seems to be no room for ideological stance operating in the media coverage of issues or events of social significance.

      • KCI등재

        주요 일간지의 ‘최순실 게이트’ 사건 보도 고찰 : 미디어의 이념적 성향에 관한 미디어 사회학적 연구

        이동근 ( Lee Dong-geun ) 한국지역언론학회 2018 언론과학연구 Vol.18 No.3

        미디어가 이념적 성향에 따라 동일한 사건이나 이슈를 어떤 방식으로 보도하는지 여부를 밝혀내기 위해 보수 성향 일간지인 『조선일보』 와 『중앙일보』, 그리고 진보성향 일간지인 『한겨레』 와 『경향신문』 의 ‘최순실 게이트’ 사건 관련 뉴스 보도를 내용 분석했다. 각 신문사 별로 중요하게 다룬 속성의제는 무엇인지, 동일 신문사가 중요하게 다룬 속성의제는 기간별로 차이가 있는지, 그리고 신문사 간 중요하게 다룬 속성의제에 기간별로 유사성이 있는지 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 보수 성향의 신문사와 진보 성향의 신문사간 중요하게 다룬 속성의제가 전체기간, 1시기, 2시기에 대체로 유사한 것으로 조사되었다. 우리나라 주요 일간지들은 자사의 이념적 성향과는 무관하게 ‘최순실 게이트’ 사건을 건국 이래 국기를 흔든 매우 중차대한 사회문제로 인식하고 유사한 방식으로 보도한 것이다. ‘최순실 게이트’ 사건은 보수와 진보라는 개별 미디어의 이념적 특성이 보도의 차별성을 발휘할 수 없었던 매우 이례적인 사건이었음을 보여준 결과다. 이는 미디어의 이념적 성향이 취재 보도 관행에 압도적으로 영향을 미치지 못한 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 더불어 보수 대 진보라고 하는 개별 미디어의 이념성의 ‘방향’이 아닌 이념성‘정도’의 차이에 따른 미디어간 보도 성향의 차이도 발견되었다. This study explores whether mass media coverage of the event of social significance varies according to the ideological stances of individual media. Content analysis was conducted on the major daily newspapers’ coverage of ‘Choi Soon-sil Gate’, a political scandal whereby a non-government civilian woman Choi Soon-sil had exerted strong influence over President Park Geun-hye since she was not yet elected as President. President Park was eventually impeached. The result of the study shows that coverage of this unprecedented political scandal by two conservative daily newspapers, Chosun Ilbo, and Joongang Ilbo, and two progressive daily newspapers, Hankyoreh and Kyunghyang Shinmun is similar regardless of ideological stances of individual media. Contrary to the conventions of professional journalism that the media cover the political issues according to their ideological stances, the country’s major daily newspapers covered this particular event from similar points of view. The result means that ideological stance of media could not overwhelm the journalistic routines of media coverage. The study also shows that the degree of the ideological stance of the media resulted in the differences in the coverage.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of DA-9601 versus Its New Formulation, DA-5204, in Patients with Gastritis: Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Non-Inferiority Study

        Choi, Yoon Jin,Lee, Dong Ho,Choi, Myung-Gyu,Lee, Sung Joon,Kim, Sung Kook,Song, Geun Am,Rhee, Poong-Lyul,Jung, Hwoon-Yong,Kang, Dae-Hwan,Lee, Yong Chan,Lee, Si Hyung,Choi, Suck Chei,Shim, Ki-Nam,Seol, KOREAN ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 2017 JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol.32 No.11

        <P>This study compared the efficacy of DA-9601 (Dong-A ST Co., Seoul, Korea) and its new formulation, DA-5204 (Dong-A ST Co.), for treating erosive gastritis. This phase III, randomized, multicenter, double-blind, non-inferiority trial randomly assigned 434 patients with endoscopically proven gastric mucosal erosions into two groups: DA-9601 3 times daily or DA-5,204 twice daily for 2 weeks. The final analysis included 421 patients (DA-5204, 209; DA-9601, 212). The primary endpoint (rate of effective gastric erosion healing) and secondary endpoints (cure rate of endoscopic erosion and gastrointestinal [GI] symptom relief) were assessed using endoscopy after the treatment. Drug-related adverse events (AEs), including GI symptoms, were also compared. At week 2, gastric healing rates with DA-5204 and DA-9601 were 42.1% (88/209) and 42.5% (90/212), respectively. The difference between the groups was −0.4% (95% confidence interval, −9.8% to 9.1%), which was above the non-inferiority margin of −14%. The cure rate of gastric erosion in both groups was 37.3%. The improvement rates of GI symptoms with DA-5204 and DA-9601 were 40.4% and 40.8%, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in both secondary endpoints. AEs were reported in 18 (8.4%) patients in the DA-5204 group and 19 (8.8%) in the DA-9601 group. Rates of AE were not different between the two groups. No serious AE or adverse drug reaction (ADR) occurred. These results demonstrate the non-inferiority of DA-5204 compared to DA-9601. DA-5204 is as effective as DA-9601 in the treatment of erosive gastritis. Registered randomized clinical trial at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02282670)</P>

      • 플라즈마 표지소자의 제작

        이상윤,라병욱,박동수,황인헌,이덕동,신영남,박성배,이동욱,박용석,박형근,손상호,권태근,채경락,정경득 慶北大學校 自然科學大學 1986 自然科學論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        An Ac-type Plasma Display Panel (PDP) operating with Ne-Ar(0.1%) Penning mixture gas is fabicated. The characterics of the panel with electrodes covered with thin and thick dielectric layers are studied. The brightness of the Neon-orange light emitted by the panel measured as function of applied voltage and frequency. As an application, a graphic display system equipped with PDP showing still and moving pictures is made.

      • KCI등재
      • 턱걸이(Pull-up) 수행 시 숙련자와 비숙련자의 근육사용 차이에 관한 운동학적 연구

        임동찬,임지환,박건우,박근표,이광수 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 2022 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.28 No.1,2

        This study was conducted to find out the difference in the use of latissimus dorsi muscle and forearm muscles between skilled and unskilled people when performing pull-up. The subjects of the study were one skilled in the department of sports science at Soon-chun-hyang University, one unskilled person who had no problems with the musculoskeletal system over the past year, and a total of two people who could do pull-ups more than 20 times. A total of one experiment was conducted, and two tests were conducted. The electromyogram data of the light back and forearm muscles were compared using a wireless electromyogram measurement device (EMG). As a result of the study, first, when performing pull-up, the unskilled person performed the movement with the strength of the forearm muscle rather than the light back muscle compared to the skilled person. Second, when performing pull-up, the skilled person showed similar use of force in both pull-up movements, and for non-skilled people, the activity of the forearm muscle in the second movement was significantly increased.

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