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      • KCI우수등재

        역사학 고전 다시읽기 : T. 리비우스, 『도시의 건설로부터』 -전환기의 역사서술-

        김창성 ( Chang Sung Kim ) 한국서양사학회 2012 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.113

        Livy deserves new attention in this post-Modern period. From the 17th century he was a target of the scientific criticism and his narration of ancient Rome had been treated as a kind of fable. But the recent archaeological researches show the historicity of his narrations relating to the earliest period. Besides the values above mentioned, it is true that his work has been read and appraised by readers until now. First I focused on the personality of Livy. He kept his peculiar nativity of his home town, Padua, in writing history. His expressions reveal also a consistent attitude for Pompey albeit the familiarity with Augustus. He wanted to console the readers by diverting their minds to the ancient history from the contemporary situations. In this came a history of his own version, a product of frankness and candor, free from the political powers in transition. The content of his books can be identified a panegyric of Ancient Rome. He praised the heroes and people of the ancient times and pointed the importance of the education for the future. Sometime he assumed that Augustus might be a rebuilder of the Ancient Rome, but at last found out the impossibility of the rebirth. He was aware both of the personal merits in politics and of the unsurpassable changes. So his history can be a description of personal activity in recognition of the contextual structure. Such a dramatic characterization fascinated many readers. He did not follow one way of explanation; rather, he showed divergences of authors. But he chose the suitable one based on the principle of a meaningful series of scenes, as in the episode of the elephants crossing the river. Naturally his style became very complex, in order to deliver the personal character vividly with all kinds of styles. Finally his influence was not only on the contemporary writers but also on the Renaissance humanists. Especially his focus on the human characters attracted many scholars, who accepted Livy as a model instead of Tacitus. According to Niebuhr, there were few authors who have exercised an influence like that of Livy. He has been regarded as the historian for long after his work. Now it is necessary to research the method and style of Livy and to publish a Korean version in order to make a concept of history suitable for the 21st century. (Kongju National University / chskim@kongju.ac.kr <mailto:chskim@kongju.ac.kr>)

      • KCI등재

        로마 공화정 후기 청부회사의 조직과 위상

        김창성 ( Kim Chang-sung ) 한국서양고대역사문화학회 ( 구 한국서양고대사학회 ) 2014 서양고대사연구 Vol.37 No.-

        고대 도시에 자본주의가 있었다면, 자본주의 대기업은 청부회사일 것이다. 그런 의미에서 청부회사에 관한 연구는 고대 경제의 수준을 가늠하는 단초를 제공할 것이고 중세나 근대 회사와의 비교를 가능하게 할 것이다. 이 논문은 그런 회사의 조직의 이상형을 공화정후기를 중심으로 하여 제시하려는 것이다. 청부회사의 규모는 전쟁특수와 관련하여 매우 컸다고 생각된다. 청부회사는 특히 다양한 업종에 종사하면서 국가의 유지에 필수적인 기능을 수행하였다. 특히 조세징수는 물론이고, 건축과 광산경영 등 노동을 집중해서 투자해야 하는 곳에는 꼭 존재하였다. 자연 조직이 필요했는데, 그 구성요소는 대표, 지사장, 이사, 동료, 보증인, 용인이라고 할 수 있다. 회사의 조직에 가장 중요한 인물은 대표이사라고 할 수 있는데 만켑스 혹은 레뎀프토르, 마기스테르라는 호칭을 가졌고, 이 호칭을 가진 사람이 수급자이다. 속주에는 로마의 관직과 마찬가지로 접두사 프로(pro)가 붙은 대표가 파견되었다. 원로원 조직과 유사한 것이 데쿠마니라고 불리는 이사회이다. 데쿠마누스를 십일세 징수인으로 보기도 하지만, 원래는 회사 내에서 중요한 인물이라는 뜻이다. 중요한 결정은 대표가 이들에게 심의하도록 한다. 회사에는 용인들이 있었는데, 노예는 물론이고 피해방민과 자유인도 용인으로 사용되었다. 회사의 투자자들이 있었고 이들은 파르티켑스, 아드피니스로 칭해지는데, 이들은 여유자금을 회사에 빌려주지만 사업에 간여하지 않는 자로 보인다. 회사의 성격을 결정짓는 것은 바로 소키라고 불리는 사원이다. 이들은 실제 푸블리카니라고 불리는 청부업자들로서 동료들이기도 했다. 이들은 보증인으로서 연대책임을 진다. 이들은 민회와 마찬가지로 사원총회를 구성하며, 중요한 사항을 결정하고 회사 대표를 선임하였던 것으로 보인다. 청부회사는 일종의 법인이었다. 5년간의 청부업이 종료되면 회사도 해산해야 하나, 실제적으로는 그 회사가 해체되지 않았으며, 대표가 교체되어도 유지되었다. 이런 변화가 일어난 것은 그라쿠스 형제 이후로 간주되며, 회사의 조직은 특별하게 인가되어 지속되었던 것이다. 특히 에페소스에 발견된 아시아 관세법 비문에 따르면, 수급자 즉 대표는 교체 후 20일 이내에 등록하도록 규정되고 있다. 도시 로마에서 조직되었던 청부회사는 현대의 상업회사와 큰 차이가 없어 보인다. 법인의 성격도 유지하고 있었으며, 지분을 가진 주식회사의 면모를 보인다. 조직은 로마 공화정의 구조를 많이 닮았는데, 이는 국정에 참여했던 사람들의 경험이 반영된 것이 아닐까 한다. 최근에 제기된 주식 시장의 가능성은 현재로는 부정적이지만, 좀 더 많은 사료를 통해서 밝혀야 할 과제라고 여겨진다. If there was a capitalism in the ancient Rome, the capitalistic corporation was to be the contracting company composed of the publicans. In this point this paper can contribute to the estimation of ancient economy and to comparison of the medieval and the modern ones by making the ideal type of ancient company on the various fragments focused on the late Republic of Rome. The scale of the company grew rapidly as the military demand increased highly in second century B.C. Moreover the companies were organized and expanded into the various fields essential to the Roman government. For example, their major businesses were tax collections, construction of public buildings, mining etc, all of which required the great human resources and the wide network of communication and transportation. It was very natural for publicans to organize their company, composed of a representative, branch-managers, boards, members or guarantors and the employees. The representative was called manceps, redemptor, or magister. He was also bidder and contractor in relation to the government. In provinces there were pro-magisters, managers of the local branches, like the proconsul, provincial governor. A board was called decumani with the high status in the company as the Roman senators. This title is generally interpreted as a tithe collector, but has the original meaning of the great person in the company. They discussed the problems proposed by the representative and decided on them. There were many employees, who were not only slaves and freed men but also free men. Some investors were found in the materials, who were called particeps or adfinis, not participating in the company. The character of members called ‘socii'’ is the key point in order to understand the status of the company. They were the publicans, fellow-guarantors for the company. They could convene the general meeting, where a representative could be selected or changed, besides making decisions relating to the company. The company continued only for five years, the contract term, in principle. But the company could be continued without interruption with a representative alternated by another member. It was important for the company to continue doing business relating to the government. So some companies tended to be acknowledged by the government after the Gracchan reforms. The contracting company became a corporation or legal person. The concept is proved by the stele containing the customs law of Asia, discovered ar Ephesus in 1976, in which it is advertised by the consuls that a contractor could be changed. Recently some scholars proposed the possibility of stock exchange of the companies. These suggestions are mostly based on the guesswork or the errors in reading the materials. So the question can not be solved until the discovery of the new materials.


        탈회시간에 따른 탈회 냉동 건조골이식이 성견 3면 골내낭의 치유에 미치는 영향

        김창성,조규성,김종관,채중규,Kim, Chang-Sung,Cho, Kyoo-Sung,Kim, Chong-Kwan,Chai, Jung-Kiu 대한치주과학회 1996 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.26 No.4

        치주 질환에 의해 상실된 치주 조직의 재생과 기능 회복을 위해 골 이식재의 사용을 포함한 많은 치료법들이 이용되었다. 골 이식술을 위해 자가골 이식, 동종골 이식, 이종골 이식, 골 대체 물둥이 이용되어왔다. 이중 탈회 냉동 건조 동종골은 약 20년 전부터 치주 영역에서 사용되어 왔으나 탈회 냉동 건조 동종골의 골내 치주낭 이식의 효과에 대한 연구는 찬반 양론이 대립된다. 탈회 냉동 건조골은 제작 방법 중 특히, 탈회에 의해 탈회 냉동 건조골의 생물학적 성격이 결정되며 이에 따라 치주 조직 재생 능력에도 변화가 있을 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 탈회 시간에 따른 탈회 냉동 건조골 이식이 성견의 3면 골내 치주낭에서 치주 조직 재생에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 성견의 전치부에 $4mm{\times}4mm{\times}4mm$크기의 3면 골 내낭을 형성한 후 치주 수술만 시행한 군을 대조군으로, 탈회를 시키지 않은 냉동 건조골을 이 식한 군을 실험 I 군으로, 12 시간 탈회시킨 탈회 냉동 건조골을 이식한 군을 실험 n군으로, 24시간 탈회시킨 탈회 냉동 건조골을 이식한 군을 실험 III군으로 설정하여 14주 후에 치유 결과를 조직학적으로 비교 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 결합 조직 유착은 대조군에서 $0.62{\pm}0.14mm$, 실험 I 군에서 $0.42{\pm}0.11mm$, 실험 n군에서 $0.63{\pm}0.43mm$, 실험 III군에서 $0.52{\pm}0.11mm$로 계측되었으며 대조군과 실험군간에 유의성 있는 차이는 없었다. 2. 신생골 형성은 대조군에서 $3.17{\pm}0.24mm$, 실험 I군에서 $3.15{\pm}0.56mm$, 실험 n 군에서 $3.22{\pm}0.36mm$, 실험 III군에서 $3.28{\pm}0.74mm$ 로 계측되었으며 대조군과 실험군간에 유의성 있는 차이는 없었다. 3. 신생 백악질 형성은 대조군에서 $4.19{\pm}0.46mm$, 실험 I군에서 $3.23{\pm}0.64mm$, 실험 II군에서 $4.13{\pm}1.82mm$, 실험 III군에서 $3.13{\pm}0.62mm$로 계측되었으며 대조군과 실험군간에 유의성 있는 차이는 없었다. The present study investigated the effects of variations in decalcification time of demineralized freeze-dried bone on the osteogenic potential of DFDB. Sixteen 3-wall intrabony defects with 4mm depth were surgically created in the mesial aspect of upper and lower anterior teeth of 4 dogs. Following the flap procedure, three test groups with 4 defects each received either freeze-dried bone graft (Group I), demineralized freeze-dried bone graft decalcified for 12hours (Group II), or demineralized freeze-dried bone graft decalcified for 24hours(Group III). The rest of the four defects received the flap procedure-only as the control group. The healing was histologically analyzed after 14 weeks on the length of connective tissue adhesion, new bone formation and new cementum formation. The results were as follows: 1. The length of connective tissue adhesion showed no statistically significant difference in all groups with $0.62{\pm}0.14mm$ for Control, $0.42{\pm}0.11mm$ for Group I, $0.63{\pm}0.43mm$ for Group II and $0.52{\pm}0.11mm$ for Group III. 2. The new bone formation showed no statistically significant difference in all groups with $3.17{\pm}0.24mm$ for Control. $3.15{\pm}0.56mm$ for Group I. $3.22{\pm}0.36mm$ for Group II, and $3.28{\pm}0.74mm$ for Group III. 3. The new cementum formation showed no statistically significant difference in all groups with $4.19{\pm}0.46mm$ for Control, $3.23{\pm}0.64mm$ for Group I, $4.13{\pm}1.82mm$ for Group II. and $3.13{\pm}0.62mm$ for Group III.

      • KCI등재

        낙동강 보 개방에 따른 하상변동 분석

        김성준(Seong-Jun Kim),김창성(Chang-Sung Kim) 응용생태공학회 2020 Ecology and resilient infrastructure Vol.7 No.4

        본 연구에서는 낙동강을 대상으로 HEC-RAS를 이용하여 보 개방에 따른 하상변동 특성을 분석하였다. 연구 대상 지역은 낙동강 구담교 하류부터 하구둑까지 292.37 km 구간이다. 하상변동 모의를 위하여 1차원 수치해석모델인 HEC-RAS 프로그램을 사용하였으며 2017년도부터 2019년도까지 2가지의 시나리오로 모의를 수행하였다. 시나리오 1은 수문 전면 개방의 조건으로 구축하였으며 시나리오 2는 수문이 설치된 조건으로 모의를 수행하였다. 모의결과, 시나리오 1의 조건에서 합천창녕보 – 창녕함안보 대부분의 구간 (약 40 km)에서 퇴적이 발생한 것을 확인하였다. 또한 낙동강 본류 내의 유사를 포함한 흐름이 보 구조물로 인해 단절되지 않고 연속적으로 하상을 변동시키는 것으로 예측되었다. In this study, the characteristics of bed elevation changes of the Nakdong River when weir gates are opened were analyzed using the Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS). The study area was 292.37 km downstream of the Gudam Bridge to the Nakdong estuary of the Nakdong River. The HEC-RAS program, which is a 1D numerical analysis model, was used to simulate bed elevation changes. Simulations were conducted under two scenarios from 2017 to 2019. Scenarios 1 and 2 were devised under the conditions of a fully opened gate and during gate installation, respectively. Results confirmed that, under the conditions of Scenario 1, deposition occurred in most sections from the Hapcheon-Changnyeong weir to the Changnyeong-Haman weir (a distance of approximately 40 km). In addition, it was predicted that the flow that included sediments in the main stream of the Nakdong River was not interrupted by the weir structure and regularly produced changes in the river bed.

      • KCI등재

        다양한 골 이식재의 임상 효과에 대한 고찰

        이승범,연제영,채경준,정의원,김창성,이용근,조규성,채중규,김종관,최성호,Lee, Seung-Bum,Yon, Je-Young,Chae, Gyung-Joon,Jung, Ui-Won,Kim, Chang-Sung,Lee, Yong-Geun,Cho, Kyoo-Sung,Chai, Jung-Kiu,Kim, Chong-Kwan,Choi, Seong-Ho 대한치주과학회 2007 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.37 No.4

        Purpose: Various bone graft materials are being used for periodontal tissue regeneration. Th materials are being developed continuously for ideal clinical effects. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the clinical characteristics of each bone graft material through comparing the various bone graft materials statistically and in doing so, proposing a more efficient bone graft material. In this study, the following results were attained through comparing the clinical effects among the bone graft materials, using the statistical method based on the clinical studies published at the department of periodontology of Yonsei hospital. Materials and Method: 6 selected studies of department of Periodontology at Yonsei University Hospital were based on clinical study of bone grafting in intrabony defects. It was compared the clinical parameters among the 6 clinical studies, using the statistical META analysis. Result: When comparing the probing depth reduction, there was a relatively great amount of decease when using the xenograft, Anorganic Bovine Derived Hydroxapatite Bone Matrix/Cell Binding Peptide(ABM/P-15: PepGen $P-15^{(R)}$) and the autogenous bone and absorbable membrane, d, 1-alctide/glycolide copolymer(GC: $Biomesh^{(R)}$). The allogfrafts showed a relatively low decrease in the probing depth and clinical attachment change. It also showed a slight decrease in the bone probing depth. The allografts showed various results according to different bone graft materials. When comparing the ABM/P-15 and bovine bone $powder(BBP^{(R)})$, ABM/P-15 showed a relatively high clinical attachment level and the bovine bone powder showed a relatively high clinical attachment level. The probing depth change and gingival recession change showed a lower value than the mean value between the two bone graft materials. The synthetic bone showed a relatively high decrease in clinical attachment level and periodontal probing depth change. There was a relatively larger amount of gingival recession when using Bioactive Glass(BG) but a relatively low bone regeneration effect was seen. Conclusion: Good restorative results of the periodontal tissue can be attained by applying the various bone graft materials being used today after identifying the accurate clinical effects.

      • KCI등재후보

        비선형 해석을 이용한 강뼈대구조물의 자동화설계

        김창성,마상수,최세휴,김승억,Kim, Chang Sung,Ma, Sang Soo,Choi, Se Hyu,Kim, Seung Eock 한국강구조학회 2002 韓國鋼構造學會 論文集 Vol.14 No.2

        The study developed an automatic design method of steel frames which uses nonlinear analysis. The geometric nonlinearity was considered using stability functions. Likewise, the transverse shear deformation effect in a beam-column was explained. A direct search method was used as an automatic design technique. The unit value of each part was evaluated using LRFD interaction equation. The member with the largest unit value was replaced one by one with an adjacent larger member selected from the database. The weight of the steel frame was considered as an objective function. On the other hand, load-carrying capacities, deflections, inter-story drifts, and ductility requirement were used as constraint functions. Case studies of a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional two-story frames were presented. 본 논문에서는 비선형 해석을 이용한 강뼈대 구조물의 자동화설계를 수행한다. 기하학적 비선형은 안정함수를 사용하여 고려한다. 보-기둥 부재에 대하여 전단변형 효과를 고려한다. 자동화 설계 기법으로는 직접 탐색법을 사용한다. LRFD의 상관방정식으로 각각의 부재의 상관 계수 값을 계산하여 가장 큰 상관 계수 값을 가지는 부재의 크기를 데이터베이스에서 단계별로 증가시킨다. 목적함수는 강뼈대 구조물의 중량을 사용하며, 계약조건식은 하중-저항능력, 처짐, 층간 수평변위 및 연성도를 고려한다. 2차원과 3차원 2층 강뼈대구조물에 대한 예제 해석을 수행한다.

      • KCI등재

        국내 학교시설의 친환경건축물 인증 평가항목 및 사례 분석

        김창성,Kim, Chang-Sung 한국교육시설학회 2013 敎育施設 Vol.20 No.2

        Concerns about green building construction were quite increasing around the world. Therefore, Korea Government has executed the Green Building Certification Criteria(GBCC) in 2002. The GBCC of educational facilities was executed in 2005 and was revised in 2010. The aim of this paper is to check the reliability of weighting factors in all assessment categories of GBCC and to suggest the future revision direction of GBCC. For the study, the old and current version of GBCC were examined and the 5 cases certificated by the old version were analyzed and reassessed by current version to compare with the differences of the two in obtaining the green building certification. According to the results of the study, the GBCC requires additional amendments about the assessment categories of the energy consumption monitoring and building commissioning as required subjects in order to secure the stable performances of building. In addition, the categories of building management need to be assessed more intensively and the certification criteria for existing building should be enacted as soon as possible.

      • KCI등재

        한국 포천 철(-동) 스카른 광상의 지질, 광화작용 및 생성연대

        김창성,고지수,최선규,김상태,Kim, Chang Seong,Go, Ji Su,Choi, Seon-Gyu,Kim, Sang-Tae 대한자원환경지질학회 2014 자원환경지질 Vol.47 No.4

        선캄브리아기 경기육괴의 북서부에 위치한 포천 철(-동)광상은 다양한 이론이 제시되어 논쟁 대상이 되었으며, 성인적 측면에서 변성(-배기형) 퇴적 광상이 주된 생성이론으로 인지되었다. 본 논문에서는 포천 스카른화작용/철광화작용의 핵심 증거를 통하여 공간적으로 인접한 명성산 화강암이 관계화성암의 가능성을 제시하였다. 포천 스카른은 석회암과 백운암의 다양한 탄산염암을 모암으로 하여 Ca계열, Mg계열 및 Na-Ca계열 스카른이 형성되었다. 철광화작용은 주로 Na-Ca계열 스카른대를 따라 배태되고 있으며, 후퇴 스카른 단계에 국부적으로 동 광화작용이 중첩된다. 포천 후퇴 스카른 단계에 정출된 금운모의 Ar-Ar과 K-Ar연대측정 결과는 $110.3{\pm}1.0{\sim}108.3{\pm}2.8Ma$이며, 스카른 철(-동) 광화작용은 천부 관입암체인 명성산 화강암의 관입시기(112 Ma)와 일치하여 관계화성암으로 추정된다. 주변 탄산염암, 스카른 및 맥상의 탄산염광물간 산소-탄소 동위원소 빈화된 경향성은 개방계 조건($XCO_2=0.1$)에서 열수의 탈탄산염화 작용과 침투작용에서 유도되었다. 한편 황화광물(황동석-황철석 혼합물)과 경석고에서 매우 높은 황 동위원소 값은 황근원물질이 주변 탄산염암에 함유되어 있던 황산염광물로부터 공급되었을 가능성을 지시한다. 포천 광상 주변의 전단대에서는 파쇄대가 중첩되어 발달하여 있으며, 백악기 화강암으로부터 공급된 고온성 광화유체가 이러한 약선대를 따라 유입되어 약 $500^{\circ}{\sim}400^{\circ}C$의 온도범위에서 강력한 근지성 스카른화작용과 함께 광화작용이 유도되었다. The Pocheon iron (-copper) deposit, located at the northwestern part of the Precambrian Gyeonggi massif in South Korea, genetically remains controversial. Previous researchers advocated a metamorphosed (-exhalative) sedimentary origin for iron enrichment. In this study, we present strong evidences for skarnification and Fe mineralization, spatially associated with the Myeongseongsan granite. The Pocheon deposit is composed of diverse carbonate rocks such as dolostone and limestone which are partially overprinted by various hydrothermal skarns such as sodic-calcic, calcic and magnesian skarn. Iron (-copper) mineralization occurs mainly in the sodic-calcic skarn zone, locally superimposed by copper mineralization during retrograde stage of skarn. Age data determined on phlogopites from retrograde skarn stage by Ar-Ar and K-Ar methods range from $110.3{\pm}1.0Ma$ to $108.3{\pm}2.8Ma$, showing that skarn iron mineralization in the Pocheon is closely related to the shallow-depth Myeongseongsan granite (ca. 112 Ma). Carbon-oxygen isotopic depletions of carbonates in marbles, diverse skarns, and veins can be explained by decarbonation and interaction with an infiltrating hydrothermal fluids in open system ($XCO_2=0.1$). The results of sulfur isotope analyses indicate that both of sulfide (chalcopyrite-pyrite composite) and anhydrites in skarn have very high sulfur isotope values, suggesting the $^{34}S$ enrichment of the Pocheon sulfide and sulfate sulfur was derived from sulfate in the carbonate protolith. Shear zones with fractures in the Pocheon area channeled the saline, high $fO_2$ hydrothermal fluids, resulting in locally developed intense skarn alteration at temperature range of about $500^{\circ}$ to $400^{\circ}C$.

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