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        동진강 유역내 하천의 특성별 영향평가

        윤순강,김원일,김진호,김선종,고문환,엄기철 한국환경농학회 2002 한국환경농학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구는 동진강 유역의 수질 보전을 위한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 동진강 본류와 이에 유입되는 정읍천을 대상으로 2001년 5월부터 11월까지 수질 모니터링을 실시하였다. 동진강 본류의 수질은 BOD기준으로 상수원 Ⅱ~Ⅳ등급(2.84~6.45 ㎎/L)으로 지점별로는 DJ6(정읍천 합류후)이 4.07㎎/L로 높게 나타나 Ⅲ급수의 수질을 유지하였다. COD는 지점별로 11.20~32.96 ㎎/L의 범위로 정읍천 합류후의 농도가 32.96 ㎎/L로 가장 높게 나타나 정읍천을 통한 본류의 오염물질량의 증가를 알 수 있었다. T-N의 경우 4.16~5.84 ㎎/L의 범위로 유역 전반에 걸쳐 오염이 이루어지고 있는 것으로 나타났고, T-P의 경우 BOD, COD와 마찬가지로 정읍천 합류후가 0.19 ㎎/L로 타 지점에 비하여 놀게 조사되었다. 본류의 COD의 경우 장마후 갈수기에 높은 농도를 나타냈고, T-P의 경우는 하천의 유량이 증가하는 홍수기보다 장마전 갈수기의 오염정도가 높고 이후 장마후 갈수기로 갈수록 수질이 악화되는 것으로 조사되었다. 동진강 수질의 오염은 주로 하류로 갈수록 그 정도가 심하게 나타나는데, 이것은 정읍천을 통해 유입되는 도시 생활하수와 인근 공장단지의 산업폐수가 그 주 요인으로 오염물질(BOD, COD T-N 및 T-P)의 농도가 상승하는 주원인이 되고 있다. 따라서, 동진강 수계의 수질관리를 위해 주 오염원이 되고 있는 정읍천의 도시생활하수와 공장단지에서 방류되는 산업폐수의 제어에 대한 대책이 먼저 이루어져야 할 것으로 판단된다. Irrigation water quality along Donjin river watershed was monitored to find a possible pollutants, for maintaining water quality to achieve food safety through water quality preservation of river. As a pollution indicators, such as Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD), Total Nitrogen(T-N), and Total Phosphate(T-P) in Dongjin river were examined from May to November in 2001. The results were as follows : The BOD level of Dongji n river ranged from 2.84 to 6.45 mg/L, which would be in a Ⅱ~Ⅳ grade of the potable water criteria by Ministry of Environment. Averaged BOD level of downstream DJ6(After Jeongupcheon confluence) was 4.07 mg/L. The average COD level of Dongjin river ranged from 11.20 to 32.96 mg/L. COD level of DJ6 rapidly increased rapidly after the junction of Dongjin river and Jungupcheon because it showed the latter had relatively high pollution level. T-N content were significantly high in all sites of Dongjin river ranged through 4.16 to 5.84 mg/L. T-P examined high concentration than another thing point by 0.19 mg/L after Jeongupcheon confluence as BOD and COD. COD of main stream was expressed high concentration to dry season after rainy season. In case of T-P, pollution degree of dry season before rainy season appeared and examined that quality of water was worsened go by dry season after rainy season. The water quality of Dongjin river was deteriorated with inflow of Jungupcheon polluted by municipal and industrial sites near Jungup city.

      • KCI등재

        만경강 유역내 하천의 특성별 영향 평가

        윤순강,이종식,정구복,김민경,김선종,고문환,엄기철 한국환경농학회 2002 한국환경농학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구는 만경강 유역의 수질 보전을 위한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 만경강 본류와 이에 유입되는 지천을 선정하여 2001년 5월부터 11월까지 매월 수질 모니터링을 실시하였다. 만경강 유역내 본류 및 지천의 유기물과 영양염류 함량을 조사한 결과, 본류의 T-N은 3.78~12.68 ㎎/L였으며, 지천중 축산폐수가 유입되는 익산천의 농도가 가장 높았다. 본류의 T-P의 BOD는 각각 0.043~0.864 ㎎/L와 2.59~13.29 ㎎/L였으며, 지천중 익산천이 가장 높았다. 본류의 COD는 12.9~119.5 mg/L였으며, 지천중 도시생활하수가 유입되는 추천이 가장 높았다. 만경강 유역 수질저하의 주 원인은 축산폐수였으며, 도시생활하수가 그 다음으로 중요한 원인으로 평가되었다. 만경강 본류의 T-N과 T-P는 하천의 유량이 증가하는 홍수기인 7~8월보다 장마선 갈수기인 5~6월에 높았고, COD는 장마전 갈수기보다 홍수기에 높았으며 장마가 완전히 끝난 영농후 갈수기인 9~11월에도 수질저하가 지속되었다. 만경강에 유입되는 지천중 전반적으로 수질오염이 심각한 익산천과 추천은 영농후 갈수기에 수질이 가장 저하되었고 상대적으로 홍수기에는 양호하였다. A survey on four tributaries along with Mankyeong River was carried out to get the information for the water quality improvement and control. Typical paddy farming were major agricultural practices in Kosancheon and Soyangcheon. Iksancheon was livestock raising watershed. Chucheon was urban watershed. Water quality in six sites of main stream and four sites of tributaries in Mankyeong River were investigated from May to August in 2001. The concentration of nutrients in main stream of Mankyeong River were in the range of 3.78~12.68 mg/L for total nitrogen, 0.043~0.864 mg/L for total phosphorus, 2.59~13.29 mg/L for BOD and 12.9~119.5 mg/L for COD, respectively. Water quality of Mankyeong River mostly exceeded the standard water quality criteria of Korea. Major causes of water pollution were evaluated as sewage of swine and urban area. Among the four tributaries, water quality in agricultural practices, Kosancheon and Soyangcheon was relatively less polluted. While, the highest level of water pollution measured in Iksancheon was due to livestock The water quality of Iksancheon and Chucheon was generally more polluted in the dry period than in rainy period.

      • KCI등재후보

        기억력 저하를 호소하는 노인들을 대상으로 INM176를 3개월간 임상시험한 후의 치료성적 및 부작용 평가 보고

        김지혜,고선규,고효정,권영아,김성환,김재경,김태은,박재우,서민영,송영란,이인수,김도관 大韓神經精神醫學會 2003 신경정신의학 Vol.42 No.2

        Objectives : We examined the effects of INM 176 (K-l107) compared with placebo on the cognitive functions of 92 old aged subjects with cognitive impairment. Methods : This was a prospective, 12 week, double-blind, Placebo-controlled clinical trial. The elderly who achieved a score of less than 25 points on the K-MMSE or showed a high risk of Alzheimer's disease from the 7-Minute Neurocognitive Screening Battery were considered to have objective impairment and were selected as subjects for this study. The subjects were randomized to placebo or INM 176 group. The outcome measures were from the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog), the Instrumental Activities ofDaily Living (IADL) and the Korean Geriatric Depression Scale (KGDS) and two kinds of computerized priming tests. After setting the total error score in the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive section (ADAS-cog) as the repeated measurement factor, an analysis of variance of the combined factor design was done between the placebo and INM 176 group. Results : The interaction effect of time (pre- and post-trial) and group (placebo and INM 176 group) was significant in the analysis of the ADAS-cog's total error score. The INM 176 group's total error score in the ADAS-cog decreased significantly (p<0.01), whereas the placebo group showed a slight increase. The mean changes in IADL and GDS from baseline scores favored in the INM 176 group than in the placebo group. Outcome changes ofADAS-cog, IADL, KGDS scores during the 12 week clinical trail ofINM 176 and placebo demonstrated favorable responses in the INM176 administered group. Conclusions : This is a preliminary clinical trial result of INM176 as a memory pill. Based on these results, INM176 may be a candidate molecule for the improvement of cognitive functions, including memory, Further clinical trial should demonstrate its efficacy.

      • KCI등재

        농업용수 수질기준의 문제점 및 개선대책 : 외국사례와의 비교를 통해

        김진호,이종식,정구복,윤순강,고문환,심재천,권순국 한국국제농업개발학회 2003 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.15 No.3

        우리나라 농업용수 수질기준과 다른 국가 또는 농업관련 국제기구의 수질기준에 대한 비교분석을 통해 우리나라 농업용수 수질기준의 문제점 도출과 해결방안을 모색코자 본 연구를 수행하게 되었으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 우리나라 농업용수 수질기준은 관개용수 수질기준이 아니고, 수원보호측면의 수질기준이라 할 수 있다. 2. 우리나라 수질기준중 유기물지표가 하천과 호소에 따라 BOD와 COD로 이원화되어 있고, 특히 COD의 경우 산화제로 KMnO4를 사용함으로써 효과적인 유기물지표로 활용할 수 없는 실정이다. 농업용수로의 활용측면에서는 K₂Cr₂O_(7)을 이용한 COD를 기준으로 도입하는 것이 유기물 분해능 및 수중의 유기물지표로 활용하고 있는 국제적 데이터 일치를 위해서도 타당하다. 3. 우리나라 농업용수 수질기준은 캐나다와 FAO에서 제시하고 있는 염류에 대한 기준은 거의 없는 실정이다. 또한 양이온에 대한 기준도 없다. 염류의 기준이 모든 이온 존재의 가능성을 의미하므로, 실험치 및 외국문헌에 의한 1.0dS/m수준을 한계농도로 선정해야 한다. 4. FAO와 캐나다에서 사용하고 있는 축산용수에 대한 수질기준이 없다. 5. 관개용 농업용수가 농업(작물)에 미칠 수 있는 영향을 평가하기 위해서는 수원별로 수질기준이 다른 것이 큰 모순이다. 따라서 관계부처에서는 부처간의 이해를 떠난 수질기준을 설정해야 한다. 6. 우리나라 농업용수 수질기준의 모순점을 극복하기 위해서는 농업의 안전성확보측면 위해 관개용수 수질기준과 축산용수 수질기준을 조속히 제정해야 할 것이다. Present problems and possible solutions on the Water Quality Standards for Agriculture in Korea, were identified in the study. Because the Ministry of Environment made the laws and standards without consulting the agri-scientists, among others, the water quality standards formulated were not suitable standards of FAO, Japan, Canada, and the likes. The BOD and COD are the organic materials indicators. In case of rivers, BOD are set for the indicator. And at reservoirs. COD are set. Especially. COD was analysed using KMnO₄It is not suitable oxidizing agent for COD. Because the oxidic capacity is very low. So, in most developed country, K₂Cr₂O_(7) is usually used to analyze COD. And the salts and cations are not belonged to the Korean Water Quality Standards for Agriculture. The water quality standards for agriculture have big differences among lakes, rivers and groundwater. To apply different standards by resources to evaluate the relationship between water and crops is conflicting. So, to overcome the these problems, the suitable water quality standards for irrigation and livestock should be set.

      • Secretory Production of Biologically Active Human Thrombopoietin by Baculovirus Expression System

        Koh, Yeo-Wook,Lim, Seung-Wook,Park, Seung-Kook,Park, Myung-Hwan,Na, Doe-Sun,Yang, Jai-Myung Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 1998 Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Vol.31 No.5

        Human thrombopoietin (hTPO) was expressed to high levels in insect cells using the baculovirus expression system. Full-length hTPO cDNA containing a native signal peptide sequence was amplified by PCR from a human fetal liver cDNA library and cloned into the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) expression vector. Immunoblot analysis with antiserum against hTPO indicated that an approximately 55 kDa protein was produced in recombinant AcNPV infected insect cells. Recombinant hTPO was produced 4-fold higher in Trichoplusia ni (Tn5) cells than in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells. with most of the hTPO produced in Tn5 cells secreted into the culture medium. Addition of tunicamycin in the culture medium resulted in the reduction of the size of hTPO to 35-38 kDa, and most of the protein remained within the cell. These results suggest that N-glycosylation of hTPO is required for the secretion of the protein into the culture medium in insect cells. hTPO produced in insect cells induced proliferation and maturation of megakaryocyte progenitors, indicating that it is in a biologically active form.

      • KCI등재후보

        유기수은의 세포독성에 대한 셀레늄의 방어효과에 관한 연구

        고대하,염정호,고영상,조선환,오탁순 大韓産業醫學會 1998 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the cytotoxical influence of mercurial compounds and the protective effect of selenium against mercurial compounds. The effects of mercury compounds and selenium on the syntheses of nitrite(NO₂-) and ATP were observed in the cell cultures of EMT-6 cells and peritoneal macrophages from Balb/c mouse. The viabilities of EMT-6 cells and peritoneal macrophages at the end of culture were significantly decreased in dose-dependent manner by methylmercury chloride(CH₃HgCl) added into the media. NO₂- and ATP syntheses of the cells were dose-dependently inhibited by CH₃HgCl. Simultaneous addition of the equimolar dose of selenium completely prevented mercuryinduced inhibitions of NO₂- and ATP syntheses, which were observed in both of EMT-6 cells and peritoneal macrophages. But these effects of selenium were not appeared in the new medium containing mercurials only which were removed the selenium after the pretreatment of selenium for 6 hours. These results suggest that protective effect of selenium against mercurial compounds was archived by the formation of a complex consisting of Se-Hg or Se-Hg-protein. Though its mechanism was not clear, the protective role of selemium against the mercury toxicity would be exhibited in the immunological system.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Survival and Malignant Transformation of Pineal Parenchymal Tumors: A 30-Year Retrospective Analysis in a Single-Institution

        ( Tae-hwan Park ),( Seung-ki Kim ),( Ji Hoon Phi ),( Chul-kee Park ),( Yong Hwy Kim ),( Sun Ha Paek ),( Chang-hyun Lee ),( Sung-hye Park ),( Eun Jung Koh ) 대한뇌종양학회·대한신경종양학회·대한소아뇌종양학회 2023 Brain Tumor Research and Treatment Vol.11 No.4

        Background This study aims to elucidate clinical features, therapeutic strategies, and prognosis of pineal parenchymal tumors (PPT) by analyzing a 30-year dataset of a single institution. Methods We reviewed data from 43 patients diagnosed with PPT at Seoul National University Hospital between 1990 and 2020. We performed survival analyses and assessed prognostic factors. Results The cohort included 10 patients with pineocytoma (PC), 13 with pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation (PPTID), and 20 with pineoblastoma (PB). Most patients presented with hydrocephalus at diagnosis. Most patients underwent an endoscopic third ventriculostomy and biopsy, with some undergoing additional resection after diagnosis confirmation. Radiotherapy was administered with a high prevalence of gamma knife radiosurgery for PC and PPTID, and craniospinal irradiation for PB. Chemotherapy was essential in the treatment of grade 3 PPTID and PB. The 5-year progression-free survival rates for PC, grade 2 PPTID, grade 3 PPTID, and PB were 100%, 83.3%, 0%, and 40%, respectively, and the 5-year overall survival rates were 100%, 100%, 40%, and 55%, respectively. High-grade tumor histology was associated with lower survival rates. Significant prognostic factors varied among tumor types, with World Health Organization (WHO) grade and leptomeningeal seeding (LMS) for PPTID, and the extent of resection and LMS for PB. Three patients experienced malignant transformations. Conclusion This study underscores the prognostic significance of WHO grades in PPT. It is necessary to provide specific treatment according to tumor grade. Grade 3 PPTID showed a poor prognosis. Potential LMS and malignant transformations necessitate aggressive multimodal treatment and close-interval screening.

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