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      • Multilevel Model의 공간적 적용

        배미애 釜山大學校 사범대학 지리교육과 2000 釜山地理 Vol.9 No.1

        Recent theoretical and methodological developments allow us to consider with a deeper understanding of the conceptual, methodological and technical problems of scale in geographical research. Conceptually there has been a return to a place specificity which stresses contextuality and recognize the dialectic interplay between the local and the general in maintaining the uniqueness of place, relating to the changing methodology of new regional geography which stresses unique, place-specific interpretation of general processes. A theoretical perspective for geography which emphasize context requires an analysis that is sensitive to differences in people and place. In this paper, one appropriate qualitative and quantitative method as a new solution to problems of scale in geography with the context of place, is discussed, namely multilevel model. Technically, multilevel models take specific account of hierarchical structure within set of data by modelling variability at the each of the levels within a hierarchy and allowing for similarity between group members at each particular level. In geographical research, most importantly by distinguishing different levels, multilevel models allow relationships to vary according to context of place. In other words, multilevel models offer a considerable improvement by allowing extensive research to operate simultaneously at more than one scale, thereby distinguishing the compositional from the contextual. The multilevel models evolved conceptually in educational research, but multilevel modelling has many potential applications in geography, relating educational achievement (geography of education), health-related behaviour (medical geography) and voting behaviour (electoral geography) with reflecting the contention that there are contextual effects operating on individuals. It also can contribute to research on many other subjects of human geography as a social science with the emphasis on the concepts of contextuality. It needs, however, clear recognition of scale and very careful interpretation of results. With careful use, it must be a major qualitative and quantitative tool to contribute the development for geographical research.

      • KCI등재후보

        여성의 사회적 배제와 지역 차에 관한 연구

        배미애 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2007 여성학논집 Vol.24 No.1

        빈곤은 우리나라뿐만 아니라 세계적으로 반드시 해결해야 하는 심각한 사회 문제중의 하나이다.빈곤 발생의 매커니즘이 명백히 다름에도 불구하고 빈곤이 지닌 포괄적인 의미에 흡수되어 다소 소홀히 취급되어 왔던 여성의 빈곤은 우리나라에서는IMF체제 이후 여성 가장의 증가와 더불어 심각한 사회 문제로 인식되고 있다.본 연구는 사회적 과정으로서의 빈곤의 동태적 성격과,단순한 경제적 결핍이 아닌 빈곤이원인이 되어 필연적으로 나타나는 빈곤층의 사회적ㆍ문화적ㆍ심리적 소외 현상에 중점을 두어 ‘빈곤’대신에 ‘사회적 배제’의 관점에서 우리나라 여성 빈곤의 문제를 다루고자 한다.여성 사회적 배제의 각 영역은 개별적으로 독립성을 지닌 것이 아니라 서로 밀접하게 연관되어 있으므로,빈곤 상황에 처해 있는 여성들은 경제적 배제가 원인이 되어 노동,건강,교육,사회 참여,가족 관계,주거와 같은 여성 삶과 연관된 사회의다양한 영역으로부터 배제당하고 있다.사회의 다양한 영역에서 여성들이 어느 정도배제당하고 있는가는 사회적 배제 지표를 통하여 측정될 수 있으며,표준화된 배제지수를 통하여 살펴 본 우리나라 여성의 사회적 배제 정도는 영역별로,지역별(대도시별)로 매우 큰 차이가 있음을 알 수 있다.이러한 여성 사회적 배제의 지역적 차이는지역이 지니고 있는 사회경제적ㆍ인구학적 속성을 비롯한 인문환경적 요인이나 기타정책적ㆍ제도적 요인 등 기타 요인에 의해 여성의 사회적 배제를 야기시키거나 심화시키는 매커니즘이 지역마다 다르게 형성되기 때문으로 판단할 수 있다.따라서 우리나라 여성 빈곤과 사회적 배제의 특수성을 인식하고 도시별 사회적 배제의 차별성과배제 영역의 특성을 고려하여 여성의 사회적 배제를 해소하기 위한 정책을 실시한다면 빈곤의 여성화는 점차 약화되고 여성이 사회적으로 배제당하는 상황도 극복할 수있을 것으로 판단된다. Generally, concerns about high rates of poverty are a main focus, but increasingly consideration is given to men in poverty without regard for impoverished women in Korea. A recent trend in social policy is addressing 'social exclusion' which makes explicit the material conditions and outcomes of the exclusion of certain groups. Social exclusion paradigms place poverty as one element of the marginalization process producing needed groups which experience disadvantage in material, cultural and social ways. It offers an integrated framework for analysing social marginal groups, including gender as a form of exclusion. This article examines the areal differentiation of social exclusion as a new concept of poverty with a special focus on the geography of poverty and gender - particularly women who live in seven metropolitan cities(SeoulㆍBusanㆍDaeguㆍ IncheonㆍKwangjuㆍDaejeonㆍUlsan) in Korea. The first section of this article shows how the concept of poverty is related to 'social exclusion' and reviews the academic trend about poverty and social exclusion of women. To accomplish the purpose of this study, we need to define the key concept of 'feminization of poverty' and 'social exclusion'. The second section suggests a new academic approach to social exclusion, based on the classification of social exclusion into seven categories - financial, labour(unemploymentㆍpoor labour condition)ㆍeducationㆍhealthㆍfamily tiesㆍsocial participationㆍhousing and residential environment. The social exclusion indicators approach could help us bring about the necessary conclusion. In the third section, it is reported that the relative importance of excluded women is divided into seven categories of social exclusion and there is a profound distributionalinequality of socially excluded women between metropolitan cities in different geographical contexts. A concluding section sums up the discussion and offers some policy recommendations. The national-level policies to meet the problem of social exclusion must bring excluded women into the economic mainstream, and the roles of the state and welfare services agencies are critical in this process. Finally, it is argued, with reference to poverty based exclusion, that it is necessary for social exclusion to consider a concept of gender subjects rather than that of an implicitly universal person.

      • KCI등재

        세계교육과 다문화교육의 연계 및 지리교과에서의 의의 : A Connection in Geography

        배미애 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2004 교과교육학연구 Vol.8 No.1

        세계화의 추세와 더불어 등장한 ‘세계교육’과 ‘다문화교육’은 오늘날 교육부분이 해결하여야 할 당면과제들이다. 인간이 추구하여야 할 보편적 가치학습을 통하여 국가 간 이해와 협력, 평화를 도모하기 위한 세계교육과 세계의 다양한 문화 속에서 학생들로 하여금 공평한 기회를 부여받으며 문화교류에 대한 긍정적 태도와 인식을 발달시킬 수 있도록 하는 다문화교육은 세계화가 추구하는 세계 공동체에 적합한 ‘다문화적 세계적 교양인’을 육성하는 데 필수적인 교육과제들이며 이는 세계교육과 다문화교육이 동시에 이루어짐으로써 가능할 수 있다. 다양한 문화의 교류와 통합은 ‘지역’ 속에서 이루어지며, 세계 각 지역의 지리적 현상을 종합적ㆍ체계적으로 이해하는 학문이 ‘지리학’이라면 지리교과는 세계교육과 다문화교육의 중심에 있어야 한다. 세계교육과 다문화교육에 대한 고찰은 세계화의 흐름 속에서 지리교과에 대한 새로운 인식과 관심을 재고하게 하는 계기가 될 것이다. The increasing globalization of economic, cultural, political, and intellectual institutions has been accelerated by revolution in technological communications. Concurrent with demographic change internal to nations in the era of globalization is the increasing interdependence of nations. Currently, attempt to educate others about interdependence are being made in both the global education movement and multicultural education movement. These are not unconnected and separated movements, including similar concerns and harmony in diversity. Through a cooperative endeavor to connect two movements, ‘multicultural global literates' with knowledge, skills, and attitude can work toward a successfully world future. This paper examine global education and multicultural education, addressing the meanings and assumptions underlying each, the relationship between two movements, and a possible connection in geography, focusing on the region with diverse culture.

      • 복지정책의 평가와 공간적 이해

        배미애 梨花女子大學校 師範大學 社會生活科 2000 綠友硏究論集 Vol.39 No.-

        본 연구는 복지지리학의 평가적 접근방법을 바탕으로 복지정책의 실시로 인한 결과를 공간적인 관점에서 이해하고자 한 것이다. 특히 복지정책이 추구하는 목적과는 달리 많은 문제점을 노출시키고 또한 공간적인 불평등을 나타낸 우리 나라의 농촌지역을 의료복지정책의 측면에서 복지정책의 평가기준인 평등, 형평성, 공정성, 만족도의 개념을 통하여 설명하고자 하였다. 우리 나라의 농촌지역은 의료복지정책의 수행에 필요한 많은 제도의 결함으로 인하여 나타난 의료자원의 도시, 농촌간의 불평등한 분포, 보험료 부과의 평형성 부재, 의료보험적용의 공정성 결핍 등으로 의료복지적 측면에서 많은 불이익을 경험하였으며 이는 결과적으로 농촌주민들의 의료환경에 전체적인 불만족으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 시도한 공간적 관점에서의 복지정책평가는 지역의 욕구와 복지환경을 고려한 복지정책의 수립과 제도적인 보완에 기여하게 될 것이다. The health insurance policy of 1988 aimed to solve considerable health related problems in rural areas. It anticipated many changes in rural health environments. including the allocation of health resources, the need for health care, the quality of health services, the satisfaction of residents, and better access to services. However, while the urban health environment is much better than before, it is dearly not so in rural areas. The split between urban and rural areas has become more pronounced. This paper explores health environments in rural areas of Korea, and evaluates welfare policy (health insurance policy), using four criteria: equality, equity, fairness and satisfaction in geographical access. This evaluation focuses especially upon the uneven distribution of health resources, inequalities in accessibility to health care, inequity in charging for health insurance dues, unequal opportunity of getting health care benefits, and unsatisfaction for health environments. One of the principal conclusions of this paper is that weaknesses in welfare policy are leading to undesirable health environments in rural areas and greater inequalities in the geography of the health resources between urban and rural areas. Finally the paper discusses the implications of welfare policy for understanding rural changes.

      • 골반 초음파 감시 하에 16 Gauge Angioneedle™을 사용하여 치료적 더글라스와 천자를 시행하여 치유된 복강 내 출혈 1예

        김미영,이해혁,유애리,박정희,이임순,정수호,레앙소팔,배동한,김태희,이권해 순천향의학연구소 2008 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.14 No.1

        Culdocentesis is a procedure that checks for abnormal Quid in the space just behind the vagina (cul-de-sac). First, a pelvic examination is done. Then, after exposing the postehor vaginal fonix with a bivalve vaginal speculum the posterior lip of the cervix is grasped with a tenaculum. The cul-de-sac is then entered through the postehor vaginal wall with an 18-20 gauge needle with a syringe inserted. As the cul-de-sac is entered, suction is applied, and the intraperitoneal contents are aspirated. In the recent past, culdocentesis was commonly used in the evaluation of a vahety of common intraperitoneal conditions, principally, the hemorrhage associated with ectopic gestations and ruptured ovarian cysts the presence and/or drainage of purulent associated with pelvic inGammatory disease, and as a screening procedure to facilitate early diagnosis of ovarian neoplasms. Usually 16-18 gauge needle with a syhnge attached was used for culdocentesis. But we have experienced a case of therapeutic culdocentesis with 16 gauge angioneedle in patient of hemoperitoneum. So, report it with a bhef review of literature.

      • KCI등재후보

        NIHSS 활용을 통한 뇌졸중 환자 간호의 질향상 전략

        박경현,송경애,공혜성,나화주,유수경,박소영,김상희,최혜림,배희준,한문구,양미화 한국의료QA학회 2009 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        문제: 뇌졸중 환자를 돌보는 간호현장에서는 급성기 뇌졸중 환자의 증상악화에 대한 조기사정과 적절한 대처가 매우 중요한 문제이다. 그러나 임상현장에서는 이를 객관화하고 수치화하여 모든 의료진이 의사소통할 수 있는 유용한 도구를 사용하고 있지는 못하는 실정이다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기위해 NIHSS(National Institute of Health Stroke Scale)를 신경과 진료의사를 중심으로활용하고 있지만 아직 간호현장에서는보편적으로사용하지 않고있다. 이에 뇌졸중환자간호에 NIHSS를 활용하여 뇌졸중 증상악화의 조기사정과 빠른 대처로 궁극적으로는 뇌졸중환자 간호의 질을보다 향상시키기 위하여 본활동이 시도되었다. 목적: 첫째, 간호사의 NIHSS 측정 신뢰도의 현수준을 점검하고 이를향상시키기 위한 프로그램을 개발·적용한다. 둘째, 간호사가급성기 뇌졸중환자에게 NIHSS 측정을 통하여 뇌졸중악화를 얼마나 예측할 수 있는지 분석하고 이를 향상시킬수있는 방법을 모색한다. 셋째, 궁극적으로 급성기 뇌졸중 환자의 증상악화의 조기 발견과치료를위한의료진의 올바른 대처지침을 마련하여 이를 적용한다. 의료기관: 경기도에 소재한 대학병원의 뇌졸중 집중치료실 질 향상 활동: 첫째, 간호사의 NIHSS 측정 신뢰도 향상을 위해 「NIHSS 간호사 교육 프로그램」을 마련하였다.

      • 버섯중 철이온에 활성화된 광감응성 Mitochondrial ATPase에 관한 연구

        민태진,이미애,배강규 동국대학교 자연과학연구소 1993 자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        표고버섯중 광감응성 mitochondrial F?-ATPase는 Fe?, Fe? 및 M? 이온에 의하여 각각 활성화 되었으며 5.0mM Fe? 이온에 의한 상대활성도는 대조구에 비하여 107% 증가되었다. Mg? 존재하에서 Fe? 및 Fe? 각 이온 농도효과는 모두 효소의 활성을 증가 시켰으나 0.1mM Mg?과 5.0mM Fe? 이온의 공존하에서 170%를 증가시켜 Mg? 이온에 의한 상승작용을 보였다. 0.1mM Mg?과 0.1mM Fe? 존재하에서 Fe? 이온 농도효과는 그 농도가 5.0mM일 때 168%의 활성도 증가를 보여 Fe? 이온 공존 효과는 없었다. 이 효소는 Mg? 및 Fe? 이온에 으하여 활성화되는 특성을 가지고 있으며 활성 금속이온 존재하에서 측정한 최적 pH 및 온도는 각 각 7.5 및 66℃였다. The effects of the iron on the light-induced mitochondrial F?-ATPase in Lentinus edodes was studied. This enzyme activity was stimulated by each of the ferric, ferrous and magnesium ion. Especially, the activity of the enzyme by 5.0mF ferric ion increased up to 107% in comparision with control group(100%). In the presence of magnesium ion, each of ferric and ferrous ion increased the activity of the enzyme, particulary, coexistence of 0.1mM magnesium and 5.0mM ferric ion increased the activity up to 270% with magnesium ion dependence. The activity of the enzyme was stimulated up to 268% by 5.0mM ferric ionin the presence of 0.1mM magnesium and 0.1mM ferrous ion. Therefore, the coexistence of ferrous ion did not affect the activity. From the above, we propose that the light-induced mitochondrial F?-ATPase in L. edodes is a Mg?·Fe? f?-ATPase. The optimal pH and temperature for the enzyme were 7.5 and 66℃, respectively.

      • Poster Session : PS 1234 ; Pulmonology : Multiple Cavitary Pulmonary Nodules Associated with Pyoderma Gangrenosum in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis-Associated interstitial Lung Disease

        ( Mi Ae Bae ),( Yang Jin Je Gal ),( Chan Ho Park ),( Yong Tae Park ),( Youn Eum Lee ),( Hwa Seak Jung ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Pyoderma gangrenosum is an uncommon, non-infectious, in. ammatory, and ulcerative disorder of skin. About half of cases associated with systemic illness such as hematologic disorders, connective tissue diseases, and in. ammatory bowel diseases. Systemic involvement is rare and the lungs are the most common sites of extracutaneous manifestation of pyoderma gangrenosum. We here report a case of pyoderma gangrenosum and multiple cavitary lung lesions in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis- associated interstitial lung disease. A 66-year-old woman had presented with productive cough and ulcerative lesion in her left ankle. She had a 15-year history of seropositive rheumatoid arthritis-associated interstitial lung disease and treated with methotrexate, sulfasalazine, hydroxychloroquine and prednisolone. On physical examination, there were a few tender, erythematous subcutaneous nodules ranging from 1 to about 3 cm in diameter on her left thigh and left elbow. On her left ankle, there was about 5 cm sized ulcer with discretely elevated erythematous borders and necrotic and hemorrhagic base. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies are negative. Her chest CT scan demonstrated multifocal cavitary consolidations in both lungs on the background of reticular opacity and honeycombing. Skin punch biopsy of elbow and thigh showed panniculitis and neutrophilic abscess with necrotic debris. Initially, she was treated with ampicillin/sulbactam. The skin and lung nodules showed partial response with antibiotics. However, the lesions were rapidly improved with 30mg/day of prednisolone. For evaluation of multiple cavitary lung nodules, extracutaneous manifestation of pyoderma gangrenosum of should be considered in a patient with systemic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. And systemic steroid therapy can be useful treatment for the management of both lung and skin lesions.


        Comparison of consumption behaviors and development needs for the home meal replacement among Chinese college students studying abroad in Korea, Chinese college students in China, and Korean college students in Korea

        Mi Ae Bae,So Hyun Park,Siyao Cheng,Kyung Ja Chang 한국영양학회 2021 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.15 No.6

        BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The consumption of home meal replacement (HMR) is increasing among college students in Korea and China. In particular, Chinese college students studying abroad in Korea (CSK) show changes in their dietary behavior after migration, and HMR consumption for meal substitution is also increasing. This study was conducted to compare the HMR consumption behaviors and HMR development needs of CSK, Chinese college students in China (CSC), and Korean college students in Korea (KSK). SUBJECTS/METHODS: The subjects were 570 college students (180 CSK, 200 CSC, and 190 KSK) who had experience of HMR consumption. Data were collected by face-to-face survey in 2019 and analyzed using SPSS 25.0. RESULTS: The majority of the subjects purchased HMR to ‘saving time’ and ‘preventing meal skipping’. Average purchase price per HMR was about 5,000 won for the CSK and KSK, and about 3,000 won for the CSC. The most important attributes when selecting HMR for the CSK and CSC were hygiene, freshness, and taste in that order, while for the KSK were taste, price, and hygiene. Rice was preferred by the KSK while grilled and fried dishes were preferred by the CSK and CSC. In terms of development needs, dessert and meat-based side dishes were highest in all three groups. The preferred food materials for more than 50% of the subjects of all groups were beef, chicken, pork, shrimp, and squid, and spinach and Chinese cabbage in the CSK, and onion in the KSK. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows more effort is needed to develop the healthy customized HMR for college students studying in Korea and China, and that focuses are placed by CSK on hygiene and freshness, by CSC on meat side dishes, hygiene, and price, and by KSK on snacks (as meal substitutes), taste, and price.

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