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        明代 文人들의 書齋 文化 考察

        송경애 동북아시아문화학회 2023 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.76

        A Study is the place where the kind used by the people for reading room in ancient china. It was also called ‘SHU SHI’and ‘SHU LOU’ or ‘SHU FANG’ etc. From the Han Dynasty, Study had the meaning of a space of reading books. In the Tang Dynasty, for officialdom were selected through the imperial examination system, so the Study became a place for literati to hone their studies in order to enter government office. However, in the Ming Dynasty, the number of government posts decreased rapidly, and as the number of literati increased, the opportunity to hold public office gradually decreased. literati who had failed several times in the past abandoned their lingering attachment to public office and pursued a leisurely life on their own. In the Ming Dynasty, as the city and commodity economy developed, a social trend of luxury was prevalent, and in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, as Wang Yangming's Psychology became popular, a trend that valued human desire and individuality was popular. literati created a garden, read books or wrote poems in the Study, appreciated and valued old calligraphy paintings, and enjoyed the leisure of life. In the Ming Dynasty, the Study went beyond the concept of a space of knowledge to write poetry and enjoy reading, and became a creative space for culture and art, where people wrote poetry, painted books, antique objects, and enjoyed music and art. than It also developed into a place of fellowship to share and exchange studies and art with the literary men of the time. The environment of the Study and the arrangement of internal objects also revealed the elegant dignity of the writers. The external environment of the Study, the internal arrangement structure, and the furnishings were harmonized with each other to form the overall beauty. In particular, the objects used in the Study pursued individuality and valued naturalness and simplicity. For the literati of the Ming Dynasty, the Study was a space for reading, art and creation, and a space for communication with friends, appreciating and evaluating taboo paintings and artworks. In that sense, the Study of Ming Dynasty literatis was a noble cultural space that could be distinguished from the rest of the world, a healing space to relieve inner resentment and anxiety, and a resting place for the soul.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        유아영재교육에 대한 유치원 및 어린이집 교사와 학부모의 인식 연구

        송경애 한국유아교육ㆍ보육복지학회 2019 유아교육·보육복지연구 Vol.23 No.2

        This study investigates the perceptions of gifted and talented education for early childhood by the teachers of early childhood education center and parents, and also aims to look into the differences between perceptions of teachers and parents, or between the teachers of each education center and parents. In order to figure these out, surveys were conducted against 453 teachers from kindergartens or daycare centers and 395 parents of the capital area. First of all, the research found out that teachers in early childhood education centers and parents had high level of perceptions of the necessity of gifted and talented for education and the problems derived from its absence, and the levels of these perceptions were not different between teachers and parents, nor the teachers according to each education center and parents Secondly, teachers of early childhood education centers and parents both agreed that it is better to commence the gifted and talented education when it is expressed rather than the fixed period, and the teaching method should be integrated depending on the gifted and talented child’s interests and playing based. However, the degree of these perceptions differed between the teachers and parents, or the teachers of each education center versus parents. Thirdly, teachers of early childhood education centers and parents both had a perception of gifted and talented education for early childhood that it should integrate various realms, rather than focuses on mathematics or science. The degree of these perceptions were not differed between the teachers and parents, or the teachers of each education center versus parents. Fourthly, about the consideration points on gifted and talented education for early childhood, teachers of early childhood education centers and parents showed different perceptions. It was not different between the teachers of each education center but showed discrepancy among parents. 본 연구는 유아영재교육에 대하여 유아교육기관의 교사와 학부모들이 어떠한 인식을 하고 있고, 교사와 학부모 간 그리고 교육기관별 교사 및 학부모 간 인식의 차이가 있는지를 알아보는 것이다. 이를 규명하기 위해 수도권 소재 유치원 및 어린이집 교사 453명과 학부모 395명의 설문지를 분석하였다. SPSS 21.0을 이용해 각 영역의 문항별 평균치에 대한 차이 검증(t-test)을 실시하였으며 차의 유의도 수준은 ⍺=.05이다. 연구결과 첫째, 유아교육기관 교사와 학부모들은 유아영재교육의 필요성과 유아영재교육의 부재로 인한 문제점에 대하여 높은 수준의 인식을 하였으며, 이 같은 인식의 정도에서도 교사와 학부모, 교육기관별 교사 및 학부모 간의 차이가 없었다. 둘째, 유아교육기관 교사와 학부모들은 영재교육의 시기를 정하는 것 보다는 영재성이 발현되는 때부터 실시하고, 수업방식도 영재 각자의 다양한 관심사와 놀이 중심의 통합 방식으로 해야 한다고 하였으나, 이 같은 인식의 정도에 있어서는 교사와 학부모, 교육기관별 교사 및 학부모 간에 일부 차이가 있었다. 셋째, 유아교육기관 교사와 학부모들은 유아영재교육이 다양한 영역의 통합이여야 하고 수학, 과학 영역 위주는 바람직하지 않다고 인식하였다. 넷째, 유아영재교육에서 고려해야 할 사항에 대해서는 유아교육기관 교사와 학부모의 인식 차이가 있었고, 교육기관별 교사들 간에는 차이가 없었으나 학부모들 간에는 인식의 차이가 있었다. 이 같은 결과로부터 얻은 결론은 유아영재교육에 대한 필요성과 문제점, 고려해야 할 사항, 교육시기 및 내용과 방식 등에 있어 교사와 학부모 모두가 바람직한 인식을 하고 있으나 아직 여러 부문에서 교사와 학부모, 교육기관별 교사, 학부모간의 인식의 정도에는 차이가 있어 효과적인 유아영재교육을 위해서는 이를 해소할 방안을 강구해야 할 것이다.

      • 류마티스질환자의 피로관리 전략

        송경애 연세대학교 간호정책연구소 2002 간호학탐구 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of nursing interventions to reduce fatigue in patients with rheumatic disease. A computerized literature search was performed by RICH from January 1990 to December 2002 with key words of all possible combinations of fatigue, rheumatic disease, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, fibrromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis as well as by cross-referencing the bibliographies of retrieved studies and review articles. Data from seven studies, involving a total of 1137 subjects, were examined. Six studies using self-management program and one exercise program were proved to be an effective nursing intervention to reduce fatigue. More research is needed to use of a randomized design and longer follow up period to understand more about the effects of the program.

      • KCI등재

        張潮의 假傳作品 「楮先生傳」 硏究

        송경애 동북아시아문화학회 2019 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.60

        Fake biography literature is a biographical form of writing that chronicles a person's life through the personification of objects. The biographical style borrows the form of a historical biography and records the life of the protagonist. The writing appears to be sincere as if reading a biography of the main character. The fake biography began with Han-yu's "MaoYingZhuan" in the Tang Dynasty, which is a filial poem. Subsequently, many writers created works based on objects to describe family relations. Their work mimics the characteristics and form of a character, which include a family tree, the main character's history, and the final verdict format. Sometimes the writers use historical figures or stories, and also employ implied methods to enhance the didactic effect. In particular, the Four Treasures of Study has been an important candidate in the literature of fake biography writing and is considered a must for reading for writers. Among the Four Treasures of Study are papers considered anthropomorphic works such as WenChong's “HaoZhiHouChuZhiBaiZhuan” of the Tang Dynasty and MinWenZHen's “ChuDaiZhiZhuan” as well as “ChuXianShengZhuan” of the Ming Dynasty. This paper examines An Overview of the Chinese Fake Biography and attempts to better understand the contents and meanings of ZhangChao's ChuXianShengZhuan of the Qing Dynasty among paper-based fake biography. In addition, the similarities and differences are considered in terms of the contents of WenChong's “HaoZhiHouChuZhiBaiZhuan” and MinWenZHen's “ChuDaiZhiZhuan”. In the Fake biography literature, Ming Dynasty was the most developed, emphasizing the amusement of literature. Because of the development of textual criticism in the early days, the critical view of playful sentences led to the decline of the course.ZhangChao's “ChuXianShengZhuan” is listed in “XinZhaiLiaoFuJ”i.

      • 유아기의 창의성 증진을 위한 방안 연구

        송경애,고민경 한국방과후아동지도학회 2006 아동중심실천연구 Vol.3 No.2

        창의성은 개인이 당면한 문제를 성공적으로 해결하고 목표달성을 통해 자아를 실현하여 행복한 삶을 누리게 하는 중요한 요소 일뿐만 아니라 국가적 역량을 신장시켜 국가 ·사회의 발전을 이끄는 원동력인 것이다. 이러한 개인 및 사회적 요구를 해결하기 위하여 유아기의 창의성 증진을 도모할 수 있는 방안을 모색하였다. 첫째, 유아기의 창의성은 가족 구성원 중 특히 어머니와의 상호작용의 질에 의해 크게 영향을 받으므로 부모교육을 통해 유아의 창의성 증진을 도모해야 한다. 둘째, 국가차원에서 교육과정 개발에 노력을 기울이며 교사의 교육과정 운영의 자율권을 확대해야 한다. 셋째, 유치원 선생님이 될 유아교육과 학생들에게 창의성 교육을 강화하여 창의성에 대한 이론 및 ‘과정 지향적 수업지도’ 방법을 철저하게 습득하도록 해야 한다. 넷째, 가정, 유치원, 사회의 연계를 통해 연계전문가로서의 교사교육을 강화해야한다. 주제어 : 유아기, 창의성

      • KCI등재

        명청 시기 가정교육 연구

        송경애 중국학연구회 2016 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.77

        本论文主要考察明清时期家庭教化的教育对象、教育方式、教育内容及其特征。明清时期是家训最发达的时期,家训不仅在士大夫阶层流行,而且被广泛普及至一般民众,使用于家庭教育。历代统治者都意识到家庭教育的重要性,积极支持家训的编辑与普及;亲自编写皇室专用家训,用于皇室子孙及普通百姓的教化。士大夫阶层通过家庭教育正确地养育子女,并训诫家族成员,以期家门的繁荣。明清时期的家庭教化使用多种多样的方式进行。以家训及前朝的家庭教化书为中心,训诫修己、治人、处世、治生及妇女教育等多种内容;有钱的家族兴办私塾,教育伦理准则和学问。明清时期的家庭教育主要以儿子与妇女为对象。这一时期家庭教育的特征,首先强调父子、兄弟之间所需的孝悌;传统家训中的孝梯思想, 主张父慈子孝、 上慈下孝、兄友弟恭, 使中国传统家庭充满凝聚力,向心力, 洋溢着和谐的天伦之乐。其次,关于职业的认识与前代相比有所变化,认为必须要通过多种职业来治生。第三,有关妇女的准则被强化,特别重视女性的贞操。明清时期的家庭教化,与训诫书一起持续发达至清代后期,清末随着封建王朝的没落而走向衰落。

      • KCI등재


        송경애 한국중국문화학회 2017 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.56

        Zhang Chao, pen name is Shan Lai, also known as Xin Zhai, was a Qing Dynasty scholar from She Xian county, An Hui Province. He authored《You Meng Ying》,《Xin Zhai Shi Chao》,《Xin Zhai Liao Fu Ji》,《Bi Ge》,《Shi Huan》and compiled,《Zhao Dai Cong Shu》,《Tan Ji Cong Shu》,《Yu Chu Xin Zhi》. Zhang Chao's most well-known work is《You Meng Ying》. It was influenced by Late Ming "Qing Yan" essay. This paper examined the contents of 52 pieces contained in the book, 『Xin Zhai Liang Fujiao』, after reading the edition and style of 『Xin Zhai Liao Fu Ji』 in Major history books. Looking at the contente of 『Xin Zhai Liao Fu Ji』 cover roughly four topics. First, it celebrates the ruling class of the Qing Dynasty and celebrates th ruling of the Qing Dynasty. Second, it laments their misfortune and its turbulent life. Third, it is seeking fun through satire and humor. Fourth, it contents a note of encouragement and advice about the distorted social trends. There is also the writing of prefaces and postscripts, Lian-zhu style sentence which weaves the verses of Shen Jing. This paper, which studied the content of 『Xin Zhai Liao Fu Ji』 will be helpful to further understand and study the arts and ideas of Zhang Chao in the future. 張潮의 字는 山來, 혹은 心齋이며, 청대 초기 安徽省 歙縣 사람이다. 그는 《幽夢影》,《心齋雜俎》,《心齋聊復集》,《筆歌》,《詩幻》을 지었고, 《昭代叢書》,《檀几叢書》,《虞初新志》등을 편찬했다. 장조는 일찍이 그의 淸言小品文集인《幽夢影》을 통해 세간의 주목을 받아왔다. 본고는 장조의 문집인 《心齋聊復集》의 판본을 살펴 본 후 《心齋聊復集》에 수록된 작품 52편의 내용을 고찰하였다. 《心齋聊復集》의 내용을 살펴보면 대략 네 가지의 주제로 함축된다. 첫째, 청 왕조의 태평성대를 기원하고 통치계층을 칭송하고 있다. 둘째, 운명과 세태에 대해 한탄하는 내용이다. 셋째, 풍자와 해학을 통한 재미를 추구하고 있다. 넷째, 세태에 대한 권면과 훈계의 내용이다. 이밖에도 이밖에도 몇몇 작품은 지인이나 자신의 문집을 위해서 쓴 서발문, 혹은 불교와 유교와 관련된 내용, 시경의 시구를 엮어서 만든 連珠體 문장들이 있다.《心齋聊復集》의 내용을 연구한 본 논문은 장조의 문학예술과 사상관념을 심도 있게 이해하고 연구함에 있어 도움이 될 것으로 생각된다.

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