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간호학생의 윤리교육 효과에 관한 연구 : DIT(Defining Issues Test)를 사용하여
이미애 대한간호학회 간호행정학회 2008 간호행정학회지 Vol.14 No.1
Purpose: This Study was performed to measure the moral judgment of nursing students, and to identify an effect of ethics education being provided to nursing students. Method: This study is a kind of nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest using the Korean version of DIT which can measure the level of human's moral development. Result: In experimental group, the posttest scores on 4 stage and P are higher than the pretest of them, but these gaps between posttest and pretest are not statistically significant. The posttest scores of lower group on 4 stage and P are higher than the pretest scores of them, and these gaps are statistically significant in experimental group. The posttest scores of higher group on 4 stage and P are lower than the pretest scores of them, and these gaps are statistically significant in control group. Conclusion: It is concluded that the ethics education being provided to nursing students has an effect in this study. And it is suggested that it may be a good strategy to use the various scores of DIT to verify an effect of ethics education.
VvpM, an Extracellular Metalloprotease of Vibrio vulnificus, Induces Apoptotic Death of Human Cells
이미애,김정아,양유진,신미영,박순정,이규호 한국미생물학회 2014 The journal of microbiology Vol.52 No.12
A pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus produces variousextracellular proteases including the elastolytic metalloprotease,VvpE. In silico analysis of its genome revealed a VvpEhomologousprotease, VvpM whose proteolytic activity wasabolished by specific inhibitors against metalloproteases. Toinvestigate whether this newly identified protease has pathogenicrole in host interaction in addition to proteolytic role,human cell lines were incubated with recombinant VvpM(rVvpM). rVvpM-challenged cells showed typical morphologicalchanges found in cells under apoptosis. Apoptoticcell death was further evidenced by estimating the AnnexinV-stained cells, whose proportions were dependent uponthe concentrations of rVvpM treated to human cells. To elucidatethe signaling pathway for VvpM-induced apoptosis,three MAPKs were tested if their activation were mediated byrVvpM. ERK1/2 was phosphorylated by treatment of rVvpMand rVvpM-induced cell death was blocked by a specific inhibitoragainst ERK1/2. In rVvpM-treated cells, the cytosoliclevels of cytochrome c were increased in a VvpM concentration-dependent manner, while the levels of cytochrome c inmitochondria were decreased. Cell deaths were accompaniedby apparent cleavages of procaspases-9 and -3 to the activecaspases-9 and -3, respectively. Therefore, this study demonstratesthat an extracellular metalloprotease of V. vulnificus,VvpM induces apoptosis of human cells via a pathway consistingof ERK activation, cytochrome c release, and thenactivation of caspases-9 and -3.
간호사의 보상에 대한 인식과 조직몰입이 이직의도에 미치는 영향
이미애 대한간호학회 간호행정학회 2009 간호행정학회지 Vol.15 No.3
Purpose: This study was performed to measure nurses' perception of reward, organizational commitment, turnover intention, and to examine the effect of the first two variables on turnover intention. Methods: This study was cross-sectional survey. Data were collected from 400 nurses working at 8 general hospitals in 6 cities from May 28 to July 18, 2008. Result: Nurses perceived that reward was 'important', and organizational commitment and turnover intention were 'middle'. Being under 30 years old the unmarried staff nurses' organizational commitment was significantly low in statistics and their turnover intention was high. The only financial reward had a positive relationship with turnover intention, and organizational commitment had a negative relationship. The influence variables on turnover intention were affective commitment, period of expected work, financial reward, age, normative commitment, and the explanation power of them was 57.2%. Conclusion: It is concluded that the manager working at a small-middle sized general hospitals in Korean provinces should develop and apply the strategies that can improve nurses' organizational commitment. And they also have to make their organizational reward system keep appropriately.
이미애 한국간호과학회 간호행정학회 2013 간호행정학회지 Vol.19 No.3
Purpose: This study was done to investigate changes in nursing students' moral judgment throughout their professional education, and to identify more suitable ways to evaluate ethics education by using P (%) scores only and P (%) scores with 4th scores. Methods: The study consisted of cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys as well as a study using a nonequivalent control group pre-post experimental design. The participants were nursing students attending a university in Gyeongju, Korea. The data were collected from September 1, 2006 to October 31, 2009 using the Korean version of the Defining Issues Test. Results: In the cross-sectional survey, there was no significant difference in the nursing students' moral judgment scores according to their school grades. In the longitudinal survey, nursing students' moral judgment scores did not change significantly over the duration of their education. In the nonequivalent control group study, the effectiveness of nursing ethics education was identified by P (%) scores only. Conclusion: The evidence indicates that nursing professional education does not influence the development of nursing students' moral judgment, and using P (%) scores only seems to be a better way compared to other ways to evaluate the effects of nursing ethics education.
기능평가를 통한 장애유아의 행동지원 실험연구 분석 : 1997~2006년 사이의 연구를 중심으로
이미애,한성희,이규옥 국립특수교육원 2007 특수교육연구 Vol.14 No.2
이 연구는 유아를 대상으로 기능평가를 통한 행동지원을 제공한 실험연구를 분석하여 현재의 전반적인 특징과 경향을 분석하고 문제행동 기능의 결과가 중재와 어떻게 연결되는지 살펴봄으로써 문제행동 중재를 위한 향후의 방향을 모색하고자 하였다. 이 연구의 분석 대상 논문은 주로 중다기초선 설계법을 사용하며 중재는 일반교실이나 가정 등의 자연스러운 환경에서 교사나 부모 등의 자연스러운 중재자에 의해서 이루어지고 있었으며 목표행동은 대상유아의 바람직한 행동보다는 부정적인 행동이 많았으며 중재자의 행동을 목표행동으로 본 연구도 5-6편이 있었다. 연구의 질적 수준에 대한 변인들 중 관찰자간 신뢰도를 제외하고는 중재충실도, 사회적 타당도, 유지, 일반화 등에 대한 파악이 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 기능평가는 주로 일반학급과 가정 등의 자연스러운 환경에서의 부모나 일반교사를 대상으로 한 인터뷰와 연구자나 가족, 교사 등에 의한 관칠 방법, 연구자에 의한 기능분석 방법이 많이 이용되었다. 기능평가 방법으로는 직접관찰과 인터뷰가 가장 많이 이용되었으며 평균 2~3가지 방법을 사용하고 있었으며 문제행동의 기능은 관심끌기가 가장 높았고 획득과 회피, 감각적 자극 순으로 나타났다. 행동의 기능에 따른 중재전략을 살펴보면 획득기능과 회피 기능을 가진 경우에는 선행사건 예방전략과 후속반응전략이 가장 많이 사용되었고 관심의 기능을 가진 경우에는 후속반응전략이, 감각적 자극을 목적으로 한 문제행동 중재에는 문제행동을 차단하는 전략이 사용되고 있었다. The purpose of this study was to analyze experimental studies that intervened young children's challenging behavior using functional assessment and to provide information and suggestions on future research. To accomplish this purpose, the elements of experimental study, the quality features of study(interobserver agreement, fidelity of intervention, social validity, maintenance and generalization of effect) and methods of functional assessment and intervention strategies were analyzed. The major findings of this study was followed. First, most of the analyzed articles used multi-baseline design, and the interventions were implemented were natural settings like classroom and home, and the interventionists were natural people like teachers and parents. Target behaviors were focused on problematic behaviors of subjects than desirable behaviors. Second, among the 5 quality features of study I chose, fidelity of intervention, social validity, maintenance and generalization of effect were identified poorly except interobserver agreement. Third, functional assessment was implemented by natural people like teachers and family members, and at the natural settings like classrooms and home routine. Interview to teachers and family members and direct observation by researchers, teachers and family members were used. The most common functional assessment methods were direct observation and interview. And 2 or 3 methods were used one study. The order of the function of problematic behavior was attention, obtain tangible, escape, and sensory stimulation. As an interventions strategies, antecedents events, alternative skills and consequent responding were applied comparatively the same rate. Based on this results, some recommendations are suggested.