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      • KCI등재

        「『拙藁千百』 譯註」(7) : 권1「金文正公墓誌」의 분석을 중심으로

        이진한(Lee, Jin-Han),김보광(Kim, Bo-Kwang),김규록(Kim, Kyu-Rok) 고려사학회 2014 한국사학보 Vol.- No.55

        『졸고천백』은 2권으로 된 최해의 문집이다. 최해는 주로 고려에서 활동하다가 정치적으로 소외되어 크게 현달하지 못하고 40세 정도에 은퇴하였다. 그는 대신 이제현, 이곡, 최문도 등 당대 최고의 문인과 교유하였다. 이 논문에서는 『졸고천백』중 권1의 15번째 글인「김문정공의 묘지」라는 글의 특징을 살피고, 번역 및 주석의 작업을 하였다. 이 글은 고려후기의 인물인 김태현을 위한 묘지명이다. 1261년에 태어난 김태현은 1276년(충렬왕 2)에 과거 급제한 이래 1330년에 사망할때까지 거의 대부분의 시기를 관원으로 활동하였다. 이 시기에 고려는 충렬왕과 충선왕의 重祚, 충선왕의 활동 및 토번 유배, 입성책동 등 굵직굵직한 정치적 사건을 겪었다. 이러한 정치상황에 따라 그는 관직 경력 상의 부침을 겪었는데, 「김태현묘지명」에서 주목되는 몇 가지를 정리하면 아래와 같다. 1) 아버지인 김수에 대한 기록이 주목된다. 삼별초가 제주도로 들어가려 할 때 제주로 파견되어 이를 막으려다 전사하였다는 내용이 실려 있다. 2) 김태현이 1280년에 충렬왕이 직접 선발한 시험에 합격하여, ‘전시문생’이라 불리면서 충렬왕의 측근으로 활동했다. 3) 그래서 충선왕이 1298년에 즉위하였을 때 그가 면직되었다는 사실 등 여타 기록에서 찾을 수 없는 경력을 이 묘지명을 통해서 확인할 수 있었다. Cholgo Ch"onbaek is a two-volume anthology of Choi Hae. He mostly worked in Goryeo, then later became politically isolated and made an early retirement at around 40 without significant achievements. This study examined the characteristics of ‘the epitaph for Kim Tae-hyun,’ the 15th entry in the book, and translated and annotated the original text. Mr. Kim was born in 1261, passed the state examination in 1276, and served as a government official most of his life until his death in 1330. This was a politically turmoil period that saw the enthronement, dethronement, as well as reinstatement of King Chungryeol and King Chungseon, the exile of King Chungseon to the present-day Tibet (Tobun at the time), the Mongol intervention in the Goryeo territory. Amid these political unrest, Mr. Kim’s career fluctuated as well. Some of the events are recorded in the work, which cannot be found elsewhere: 1) His father Su Kim is mentioned, who was dispatched to Jeju Island and killed there while trying to keep Sambyeolcho(a special capital defense unit) from entering the island. 2) Mr. Kim passed a state test directly overseen by King Chungryeol in 1280, and worked as a close aide to the king with a title Jeonsi-munsaeng(king"s students). 3) He lost his post when King Chungseon was enthroned in 1298. 4) The record shows that in the early 1300s, the Yuan dynasty operated 11 stations between Gaepyung and Gamsukseong.

      • KCI등재

        최근 日本의 企業支配構造變化를 통해 본 韓國商法상 執行任員制度의 導入에 관한 考察

        金洸祿 한국기업법학회 2004 企業法硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        Business corporations in Japan have suffered great difficulties for producing business benefits and overcoming the long tenn period of the Japanese economic depressions. Therefore, the Japanese government has tried to do its best in order to improve the business circumstances for the betterment of the Japanese economic situation. Among its trials, the most significant change is the social and political movements which are willing to reform the business habitual practice. Since many leaders in the business corporations and politicians have acknowledged that the long term period of the economic depressions in Japan is fundamentally attributable to the faithless of the corporate governance, they have loudly asserted to improve the corporate governance. The corporate governance is concerned with directors, auditors, shareholders, and so on that can affect the business management in the concerned business corporations. Recently, many proposals for the improvement of the corporate governance have been introduced by many institutions and the government. Finally, the Diet passed the amendment to the Japanese Commercial Code in May 2002 that introduces the American stylish executive officer system. The executive officer system in the amendment to the Japanese Commercial Code divides the powers to control the business corporations which are belongs the business organs, such as directors, auditors, shareholders. Before the introduction of the executive officer system, there was not a notion of the officer under the Japanese Commercial Code. This Article examines the old Japanese corporate circumstances in order to compare it to the one after the introduction of the executive officer system. The article also analyses the officer system under the Amendment to the Japanese Commercial Code. Finally, the article carefully proposes the system to Korea.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 국제상사중재제도에 관한 고찰

        김광록 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2004 法學論叢 Vol.14 No.-

        The reorganization of the global economy since the collapse of the East European bloc has spurred a global trend toward the internationalization of politics, cultures, and economics. North Korea has not been immune from this trend and has taken drastic measures intended to improve its domestic economy, as well as its international economic presence. In addition, these measures are aimed at improving the standard of living in North Korea as well as making the North Korean market more attractive to foreign investors. In 1991, North Korea's government proclaimed the Rajin-Sonbong area a Free Economic and Trade Zone. In 1992. the government initiated economic trade relations with South Korea, and in 2002, they introduced a 'Hong Kong-type' special zone in Sinuiju City. Other measures include the revision of its Constitution and the amendment of numerous foreign business related laws. In spite of these efforts, however, foreign capital still has not materialized within North Korea. Among the reasons for this predicament is the lack of clear and understandable mechanisms to settle business disputes. North Korea does not publish a complete collection of its official laws so it is difficult for foreigners to fully understand North Korea's legal system. This makes it difficult for commercial enterprises to conduct business let alone settle disputes. However, this predicament has changed since the Constitutional revision of 1998. Rules were made clearer for North Koreans and foreign investment enterprises, and one year later, the North Korean government established the External Economic Arbitration Law ("EEAL"). The EEAL was aimed at stimulating business transactions between itself and foreign enterprisesby adding certainty to the dispute resolution process in a cost effective manner. Moreover, the EEAL seeks to confirm the commitment of the North Korean government to its other international business law obligations. The purpose of this essay is to contribute to the little commentary about North Korean commercial arbitration and the EEAL. Therefore, I survey the EEAL's provisions, its effect on international disputes, and examine problems that may stem from this law. I also make recommendations for improving the EEAL where applicable.

      • KCI등재후보

        대법원 판례를 중심으로 본 피보험자 개별적용법리 고찰

        김광록,조규성 홍익대학교 2009 홍익법학 Vol.10 No.1

        손해보험에 있어서의 피보험자는 보험계약에 따라 복수로 존재하는 것이 가능하다. 실제로 자동차보험에서도 기명피보험자, 허락피보험자, 친족피보험자, 사용피보험자, 운전피보험자등으로 피보험자를 복수로 인정하고 있다. 이렇듯 복수의 피보험자를 인정한 것은 보험사고의 발생시 보험자의 책임범위를 넓혀 피보험자 및 피해자를 최대한 보호하기 위한 것이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 약관상 나열된 모든 피보험자는 그 나름으로의 독립적인 피보험이익을 지닌다고 할 것이고, 그에 상응해서 면책조항의 적용에 있어서도 배상책임을 지고 있는 각각의 피보험자마다 면책여부를 판단하여야 할 것이다. 바로 이러한 이유로 인하여 소위 피보험자 개별적용에 문제가 발생하게 되는 것이다. 피보험자 개별적용 원칙을 인정하게 되면 면책규정은 피보험자 중 1인에 대해서만 면책을 주장할 수 있는 사유가 발생하였다고 해서 절대적 면책으로 되는 것이 아니고, 다른 피보험자에 대해서 면책을 주장할 수 없는 경우에는 결국 보상을 하여야 한다는 결론에 이르게 됨으로써 상대적 면책규정이 된다는 것이다. 그런데 자동차보험 실무에 있어서 보험자측이 피보험자 개별적용의 법리를 적용함에 있어 특히 면책약관을 일방적이고도 무리하게 해석함으로써 피해자에게 많은 손해는 물론 심한 고통을 안겨주는 경우가 많은 것이 사실이다. 따라서 본 논문은 이러한 피보험자개벽적용의 요건 및 방법, 그리고 그 범위와 효과 등에 대하여 살펴보고, 특히 자동차보험에 있어서 보험자 측의 무리한 면책약관의 적용에 따른 피해자 보호 문제를 구체적인 대법원 판례를 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. Generally, the insured of, so called, the damage insurance which is the non-life insurance can be plural. In that meaning, the insured of the automobile insurance can be divided in some kinds such as the registered insured, the approved insured, the family insured, the employment insured and the driving insured. In automobile insurance policy which is the content of automobile insurance contract, the word "the insured" is generally defined in provisions of compensation liabilities and exception provisions. And then the scope of the insured is defined separately in extra provisions of each warranty. Actually, the extend of compensation liability of automobile insurance is extended to the rate of practical use not only of the registered insured in the insurance policy but also someone of those are stipulated position or socially related people. Under the situation of this extension, the practical problem occurs whether the insured is applied to the automobile insurance with an individual application or not. If there are the multiple insured who are liable to reparation in a car accident, the provisions of compensation liabilities and exclusions should be applied differently to the each insured because the insurable interest is individual and independent. However, it is not the problem if the individual applications of the insured are expressly stipulated in insurance policy. In contrary, it raises many problems of contentions in compensation affairs if the insurance policy does not express or partially stipulate the individual application of the insured in several provisions. Therefore this Article examines the legal matters related to the individual application of the insured in the automobile insurance in order to solve the problems occurred from the frequent confusions resulted from the arbitrary constructions of the exception provisions in compensation affairs and on protecting the victims of the unilateral interpretations of the exception provisions by the insurers.

      • 만성폐쇄성폐질환의 중증도와 폐고혈압 및 폐성심으로 진행과의 상관관계

        김형호,박철진,이준,장광표,하성일,이재록,하재화,권세훈,권용운,윤성호,이승일 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2007 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.32 No.2

        Background: From many previous studies, Pulmonary hypertension is the known independent predictive factor of the mortality in COPD. Also pulmonary hypertension is the major cardiovascular complication of COPD and is associated with the progression to cor pulmonale and poor prognosis. Author want to analyze the correlation between pulmonary hypertension and the severity of COPD which are classified by forced expiratory volume in one second, and the extent of progression to corpulmonale. Methods: Retrospectively we investigated the medical records of 118 patients with COPD who had pulmonary function test and echocardiogaphy more than one times during one-year follow-up (from June, 2005 to May, 2006) at respiratory division in chosun university hospital, and then 50 patients were enrolled in this study. We classified the severity from FEVl in pulmonary function test based on the GOLD guideline, also this was comparably analyzed with RVSP, RVIDd, Visual Grading from echocardiography. Results: 16 patients out of 50 were classified as moderate severity, 25 patients were severe, and 9 patients were very severe group. RVSP was higher in more severe groups than less severe groups but when it comes to pulmonary hypertension that RVSP is over 35 mmHg, there was no valid difference lies in those groups. As FEVl decreases RVSP and RVIDd increases, and observed relationship between RVSP which was classified as below 35 mm and above 35 mm groups and visual grading which was classified as normal and dilatated groups revealed valid correlation, Conclusion: As pulmonary function decreases, progression to pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale increases but there was no remarkable difference of prevalence in above moderate severity groups. 연구배경 폐고혈압은 이전의 많은 연구에서 만성폐쇄성폐질환에서 독립적인 사망의 예측인자로 알려져 있다. 또한 폐고혈압은 만성폐쇄성폐질환의 주요한 심혈관계 합병증이며, 폐성심으로의 진행 및 불량한 예후와도 관련되어 있다. 이에 저자는 폐고혈압과 1초간 노력성호기량으로 분류되는 만성폐쇄성폐질환의 중증도 및 폐성심으로의 진행 정도를 비교 분석하여 이들의 상관관계를 밝혀보고자 한다. 방법 2005년 6월부터 2006년 5월까지 1년 동안 본 병원 호흡기 내과에서 폐기능검사와 심장초음파 검사를 각각 1회 이상 시행한 적이 있는 118명에 한하여 의무기록을 후향적으로 조사하여 이 중에서 50명을 대상으로 하였다. 폐기능검사 시행 결과 얻은 1초간 노력성호기량을 바탕으로 GOLD guideline에 따라 중증도를 분류하였으며 이를 심초음파 시행 결과 얻은 우심실수축기압, 확장기말 우심실내부간격, 시각등급과 비교분석하였다. 결과 대상 환자 50명중 16명은 중등증, 25명은 중증, 9명은 최고중증 그룹으로 분류되었다. 우심실수축기압은 중증도가 높은 그룹에서 낮은 그룹에 비해 더 높게 나타났으나 폐고혈압에 해당하는 우심실수축기압이 35 mmHg이상인 환자에 있어사는 각 그룹간에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았으며, 확장기말 우심실내부간격, 시각등급 또한 중증도와 유의한 차이를 보이지 안항ㅆ다. 1초간 노력성호기량이 감소함에 따라서는 우심실수축기압, 시각등급은 증가하였으며 우심실수축기압을 35mmHg 미만과 이상인 그룹으로, 시각등급을 정상과 확장이 있는 그룹으로 분류하여 비교한 결과에서는 유의한 상관관계를 나타냈다. 결론 폐기능이 감소할수록 페고혈압 및 폐성심으로의 진행이 증가하였으나 폐기능검사에서 중등도 이상의 그룹에서 유병률의 차이는 크지 않았다.

      • 集中投票制의 强行規定化에 대한 小考

        김광록 경주대학교 2002 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        After the Korean Economic Cnsis in late 1997, the Korean government has introduced a series of drastic measures for market liberalization and global standardization. One of the government's introduction into the Korean capital market system is the cumulative voting system. The 1998 Amendment to the Korean Commercial Code introduced a cumulative voting system at the Article of 382-2. Under a cumulative voting system shareholders are entitled to multiply the number of votes that they are entitled to cast by the number of &rectors for whom they are entitled to vote and cast the product for a single candidate or distribute the product among tow or more candidates. Thus, after the introduction of cumulative voting system, minority of shareholders could elect directors who they want Consequently, the cumulative voting system enhances the minority's nghts to the company. However, the 1998 Amendment to the Korean Commercial Code does not mandate the cumulative voting system, but adopted the "opt-out" method that the company can exclude the cumulative voting system by the Article of Incorporation. Besides, even though the minority of shareholders elected directors, there are many ways to exclude the directors who were elected by the minority with a policies adopted by the majority. Therefore, many arguments concerned to the effectiveness of cumulative voting system under the Korean Commercial Code have been raised. This article ultimately intends to provide the proper schemes in the Korean Commercial Code concerned to whether the cumulative voting must be mandatory in Korea through various analyses.

      • 컴퓨터 通信을 통한 淫亂性 表現의 限界에 관한 고찰 : 1996년 美國 通新品位法과 聯邦法院 判例를 중심으로 The U.S. Communications Decency Act of 1996 and Cases

        김광록 경주대학교 창의력개발연구소 2001 創意力開發硏究 Vol.- No.5

        All over the world, the Internet is becoming the most useful method of accessing information and communication among us. With knowledging the significance of the Internet, each country tries to replenish its jurisdiction with the high quality of the Internet service. Especially, OECD and ITU recognized that Korea has become the NO. 1 country in the world with the highest supply ratio of the ultra high speed internet service. In addition, with the respect of the time in using the Internet among Internet users through the world, Korean Internet users have spent the largest time with an average of 19 hours 20 minutes in a month. Moreover, according to the survey by the Korea Network Information Center, more than half of the population, 56% of the population, uses the Internet. Among them, 91.1% is minors. While the Internet is generally positive, especially, pornography to minors through the Internet has been criticized as a negative function. Thus, in order to protect minors from pornography through the Internet, the U. S. Congress passed the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA). Specifically, the CDA purports to protect minors from exposure to any indecent material on the Internet by instituting a substantial fine and possible incarceration when provisions of the CDA are violated. Namely, the CDA prohibits anyone from knowingly transmitting obscene or indecent material to minors, or from permitting such materials to be transmitted to minors. The CDA also prohibits anyone from knowingly sending or displaying patently offensive message through the Internet to minors. However, just after the CDA was enacted, many online publishers and civil right organizations instituted suits alleging the unconstitutionality of the CDA. The First Amendment of to the United States Constitution that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof : or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press : or the right of the people peceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Consequently, the most strongest instrument to any regulation of the Internet is the right to freedom of speech. First Amendment of the U. S. constitution. The U. S. courts also tried to define the notion of the "Obscene" or "Indecency" as a well known to us of "pornography". Therefore, this Article examines a possible limit of pornography on the Internet for the protection of minors, reviewing the CDA and the U. S. Courts' decisions. In addition, the Article also tries to make a proposal to Korea in that boundary.

      • KCI등재

        집중투표방법에 의한 이사선임의 무효 : Stancil v. Bruce Stancil Refrigeration. Inc. 81 N.C. App. 567. 344 S.E.2d 789. cert. denied. 318 N.C. 418. 349 S.E.3d 601 (1986)

        金洸祿 한국상사판례학회 2001 상사판례연구 Vol.12 No.-

        The 1998 Amendment to the Korean Commercial Code introduced a cumulative voting system at the Article of 382-2. Under a cumulative voting system shareholders are entitled to multiply the number of votes that they are entitled to cast by the number of directors for whom they are entitled to vote and cast the product for a single candidate or distribute the product among tow or more candidates. Thus, after the introduction of cumulative voting system, minority of shareholders could elect directors who they want. Consequently, the cumulative voting system enhances the minority's rights to the company. However, the 1998 Amendment to the Korean Commercial Code does not mandate the cumulative voting system, but adopted the "opt-out" method that the company can exclude the cumulative voting system by the Article of Incorporation. Besides, even though the minority of shareholders elected directors, there are many ways to exclude the directors who were elected by the minority with a policies adopted by the majority. So many arguments concerned to the effectiveness of cumulative voting system under the Korean Commercial Code have been raised. This article examines a notion of the cumulative voting, essentials, necessary conditions of withdrawal of cumulative voting rights, and so forth. The article also examines advantages and disadvantages of cumulative voting to the company. The article ultimately intends to provide the proper schemes in the Korean Commercial Code concerned to whether the cumulative voting must be mandatory in Korea. For the purpose, the article also introduces the U.S. trends of cumulative voting system.

      • 폴리아닐린/폴리이미드 혼합막의 제조와 기체분리특성

        이형록,이광석,김진환 한국공업화학회 2003 응용화학 Vol.7 No.1

        Polyaniline(PAN)/Polyimide(PI) blended membernes were prepared and the effect of mixing ration of PANI and PI on the stuctural properties and the gas transportproerties was studied. The polyamic acid(PAA) solution was prepared from 6FDAand ODA in NMP solvent. The PANI/PI blended membranes were obtained bymixing PAA solution and PANI solution. The gas permeation experiments with H_2,He, O_2,N_2,CO_2, and CH_4 were carried out by variable pressure method at 30℃ and5atm. For all gases tested, the permeability coefficient of OANI/PI blended membranes was higher relative to that of polyamiline and the separation factors for the blended were comparable to polyaniline.

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