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      • 우리나라의 工藝品 輸出市場 擴大를 위한 硏究 : 主要工藝品市場分析과 輸出마아케팅 戰略 Strategies for the Export Marketing of Crsft Works with Special Reference to their Design

        弘益大學校附設 産業經濟硏究院 藝術振興系 弘益大學校 1971 弘大論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        In an industrialized Society, craft works are not worthy of notice as an industry. The craft works have, however, many valuable natures which are generally considered to be contributable to economic development in developing countries. Craft works are not only hopeful as an export industry but also contributable to increase the employment of rural workers seasonally unemployed and their income. Focusing attention to these points, this study was made to find out the direction to which strategy of development of craft works, as an export industry, should follow. To accomplish these tasks, we collected and analysed the data on the regional distribution of caft works, the endowment of natural and human resources. We also considered the historical background of their development, and observed the present situation and prospects of their foreign markets. Based on the above studies, we have intended to present what are the most effective ways of development of craft works in order that they should contribute to economic developemnt in korea as regionally specialized and export industries. For this purpose, we also studied how to develop the products of craft works from economic and technical point of view and how to improve their design.

      • 日本「開放大學」에 關한 調査硏究 : The university of Tsukuba 「Open University」System

        李俊球 弘益大學校 1982 弘大論叢 Vol.14 No.1

        The founding philosophy of the University of Tsukuba is in many respects that of an 「open University」 both in national terms and in international terms. Existing Universities are often confined in Marrow specialty arers, inviting the stagnation and hardening of both research and technology and encouraging isolation from real Society, The University of Tsukuba. with this problem in mind, maintains a constant relationship with changing modern Society, and a flourishing international character, while developing more over, a new organization for he functions and administration of research and teaching on a basis of diversity and flexibility. The objectives of the University are therefor, in respect of the pure and applied sciencs, to doepen free and rigorous exchange and liaison between the organs of reseach and teaching on the one hand, and Society at home and abroad on the other hand; to pursue research and teaching while bringing internasonal Cooperation to fruition, and there by to educate able people with a creative intelligence and arich humanity;and to Contribute to the development of science and culture.

      • 경영교육과 인문·사회 과학

        신병현 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 2001 人文科學 Vol.9 No.-

        이 글에서는 인문학이 대학의 역사와 기본적인 성격에 대한 숙고를 통해서 그리고 사회적인 변화과정에 민감한 인문학으로 반성과 개혁을 통한 자기 변화를 꾀하는 일이 필요하며, 이것을 대표적으로 경영교육과의 관계 속에서 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 결국 인문학 및 사회과학 분야의 철저하고 구체적인 개방적 자기반성 노력과 동시에 대학 개혁의 주체로서 자임하고 나서서 대학제도와 대학교육을 개혁해 가는 것이 필요하다는 점을 강조할 것이다. 또한 경영교육과 공과대학이나 사회과학 여러 분야에서도 대학에서의 교육과정으로서 학문적 성격을 분명히 정립하기 위해서는 이러한 인문학적 반성을 공유하고 학제의 개편과 대학 본연의 기능을 회복하기 위한 프로젝트에 함께 해야 함을 강조하였다.

      • 大學敎養國語敎育의 改善을 위한 硏究

        林泳寬 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 1994 人文科學 Vol.2 No.-

        <Abstract> Although "College Korean" is a compulsary and core subject for the freshman in college, this course is not taught effectively. The reasons are as following: the goal of teaching this subject is not clear, the contents of text are not selected well, and the main method of teaching depends on lectures. In this Paper, we suggest several ideas to improve college Korean education. 1. The coal of college Korean course should be focussed on understanding literature as well as total linguistic abilities such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing 2. The text should consisted of important topics to obtain the foal of college Korean education. Also it must include various materials such as illustrative sentences, exercises, comments, and notes, Then it would be helpful to the students for studying by themselves. 3. Various teaching methods such as seminar, group study, and demonstration with an audio and video system should be developed instead of lecture only. 4 The size of class should be readjusted to reasonable one for the best result of teaching effect.

      • 변화하는 사회와 인문교양

        이종우 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 2001 人文科學 Vol.9 No.-

        대학에서의 교양교육의 위치는 절대적이다. 전공과목으로 개설하기 애매하니까 교양으로 돌린다던가 어떤 특정한 강사나 전공을 염두에 두고 교양강좌를 개설한다는 것은 실로 개탄스러운 일이 아닐 수 없다. 지식을 골고루 섭취하는 것이 필요하다고 해서 모든 지식이 대학의 교양으로 간주될 수는 없다. 원칙 없는 교양강좌 개설은 자해행위인 것이다. 그렇기에 더욱더 대학교양에 대한 철저한 이해가 필요하다. 교양강좌의 개설과 그 운영실태를 보면 그 대학의 충실지수를 알 수 있다. 교양의 이러한 중요성에도 불구하고 이에 대응하는 현실은 막막하기만 하다. 교양을 바라보는 잘못된 시각이나 그것의 현실적 기능에 대한 회의는 교양에 대한 왜곡된 구조를 낳는다. 정부, 학교, 교수, 학생은 겉으로는 교양의 중요성을 외치면서도 정작 움직임은 각자의 이기적 욕구에 따른다는 것을 부인할 수 없다. 이 중에서 특히 학교의 역할은 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않다. 교양에 대한 학교 차원의 철저하고도 원칙 있는 개입이 요구되는 것이다. 정부가 학부제니 신지식인이니 하니까 학교에서도 덩달아 이러한 문제에만 중점을 두고 정작 중요한 문제를 도외시하는 오류를 범하지 않았으면 한다. 역사적으로 어느 시대에서나 당대 현실이 추구하는 이상적 사회 건설을 위해서 그것을 뒷받침해 줄 수 있는 지식기반이 필요하다는 점은 두말할 여지가 없다. 그래서 전문적 지식과 전문인 양성이 중요하다. 하지만 학교는 대학의 목적은 무엇이며 교양이 전문인 양성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대한 고전적 고뇌를 게을리 하지 않으면 안 될 것이다. 더구나 우리 대학은 교명에서부터 "홍익"을 강조하고 있지 않은가. 어찌 보면 이것은 실용을 강조하는 현실과 너무나 동떨어진 비현실적인 것이기에 이 이념에 충실하다가는 빠르게 변하는 세태에 뒤쳐질 수 있다는 불안감마저 느낄지도 모른다. 그러나 역설적이지만 디지털 시대일수록 홍익인간이 필요하다. 이 점을 굳건히 인식한다면 우리학교에서 인문교양이 차지하는 비중은 굳이 언급하지 않아도 자명하다. 이에 대한 실천의지는 커리큘럼으로 증명된다. 커리큘럼은 대학의 이념과 역할의 실천적 지표를 집약하고 있기 때문이다. 대학의 역사는 커리큘럼 변화의 역사다. 이번 학술대회를 통해 인문교양 강좌가 강화되는 쪽으로 방향이 잡히기를 기대한다. 이것은 대학이 회칠한 무덤으로 남느냐 아니면 훈련된 지성의 산실로 거듭나느냐의 문제이다. 대학이여 그대는 어디로 가고 있는가.

      • 바람직한 대학 일반영어 교육 프로그램안

        박상옥 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 1997 人文科學 Vol.5 No.-

        This paper is to present some short-term and long-term proposals for the general English programs at Hong-Ik University which reflect on current theory and trends in language teaching. Korea, in particular, has recently put great emphasis on globalization in our international world. Three major traditions in the language teaching field are reviewed following the background and purpose of this study. Then guidelines from the Korean Ministry of Education and views about the general English course in the Korean colleges are historically traced. It was found that they show our English education definitely is making efforts not to lag behind the current social demands as well as developments in the language teaching theory, though not satisfactorily. Next come discussions on general English programs of 10 selected universities located around Seoul in the areas of program management office, courses offered, class size, class grouping, textbook, evaluation, teaching personnel, and native speakers. Finally, eight comprehensive proposals for the Hong-Ik genernal English program are offered based on all the preliminary studies above.

      • 비영리 마케팅으로서 대학 광고의 크리에이티브에 관한 연구 : 신문 광고를 중심으로 Especially in the fields of Newspaper advertisements

        權明光 홍익대학교 산업디자인연구소 1996 미술디자인 논문집 Vol.- No.1

        Recent developments in the Korean College education, including new education policy and the scheduled opening of the market, opend the way for introduction of market principle in college advertising. Advertising by colleges has been largely limited for announcements to recruit professors or to attract new entrants. Now, more aggressive image campaigns are executed by advertising agemcies. The raised a need to devise a mew creative strategy to maximize effect with limited time and budget. It goes on to analyse advertisements carried out by korean colleges during 1995, and categorize them by subject, period, colleges and main characterristics. Finally, the thesis seeks to explore future directioms of college advertising

      • 大學入試制度 改善方案에 關한 硏究 : 實態分析을 中心으로

        金大淵,朴範鎬,金龍來,崔康賢,權明光,徐承元,安鍾文 弘益大學校 1976 弘大論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        This study aimed at suqqesting the improvment measures and implementations through analyzing the present status of overall Ent. Ex. Systems which are applied by colleges and universities throughout the country and by taking their merits and demerits in the phases of systems, comtents and methods, and managements into account Comprehensively. The present status of Ent. Ex. Systems applied in forty colleges and universities(covering both 76 and 77 academic years) were analyzing for achieving the purpose of this study. This study has two major contents composed of the analysis of present status of Ent. Ex. Systems in our colleges and universities on one hand and the documentary analysis of Ex. Systhems and recent tendencies in such foreign countries as the United States, Great Britain, French, German, and Japan on the Ther hand. Included in the analysis of our Ent. Ex. System are: ① Subject Matters in Ent. Ex. and allotments of reauired marks ② Methods for item construction and ratio of subjective and objective types ③ Reference ratio of the achivement in the preliminary Ex. for entrance ④ Methods for interview, physical examination, and the allotments of required marks ⑤ Methods for crediting the same csorers in entrance. ⑥ Methods for meeting the shortage needs of unfulfilled departments ⑦ Methods for assessing the practical skill examination. ⑧ Analysis of correlation between preliminary Ex. scores and Ent. Ex. scores. ⑨ Selection of first-rate scholarship students and special grant. ⑩ Scholarship system in Ent. and the special grant ⑪ Special grant for sons and daughters of faculty and clerical members ⑫ Tendencies in Public Relations activity for entrance In consideration of these results of analysis and problems, the measures for improvement in ex. systems migh the able to be proposed as the followings; 1) More emphasis is needed on the ex. scores of each college or university than on than on the preliminary ex. scores for the purpose of vitalizing the uniqueness of the school. 2) Four subject matter (National language, English, Mathenatics for the common requirement and one subject for the required in each department) are proposed in Ent. Ex. 3) Consistency in referring the Prelimmary Ex. scores to the entrance is badly needed under the condition of maximum 50% of the total Ex. scores. 4) 70% of items as subjective type and 30% as objective type are proposed in the selection and construction of items and should gradually be directed foward 100% subjective type (40% essay type with 60% short-answer type for instance) for the comprehensive evaluation of applicants. 5) Allotments of marks. and rating shoud be judged by the definite criteria and the cumulative records given from high school should be referred in interview of Ent. Ex. 6) "Comparative rating method by assessed grouping" in pratical skill ex. for art area should be applied for the objectivity of evaluation 7) "Failed" in practical skill ex. for art area should be excluded in deciding the entrance 8) Fulfillment of shorfage ndes of each department should be decided by the order of ① scores in minor application and ② scores by area and college 9) First-rate scholarship students should be selected by the results of screening ex. and by the preliminary ex. scores simultaneously. 10) About 20% of the ex. scores are added to the total scores for sons and daughters of faculty and clerical members. 11) Grants for ent. scholarship are continued only under the students mean credit "B" in his academic achievement in Colleges. 12) Differentiations are Juged by ex. results of major subjects by college, area, and major in case same scorers. Although some of the important measures for improvement and solutions are proposed for the pressent Ent, Ex. System as the above, A detailed and comprehensive study in the phases of policy, system. content and metheds, and management is urgently needed in order to achieve the established educational aims and to realize the aptifudes and potentiality of applicants With these in mind, further study for seeking a proposed "model" for our own Ex. System of higher educational institutions is required for the resolution of such relevant problems as the enlargement of private institutions, preparatory education for passing the ex., school repeaters, and so forth.

      • 大學新聞의 役割에 關한 一硏究

        李俊球 弘益大學校 1975 弘大論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        College newspaper is quite naturally distinguished form general newspaper, since the goal of college newspaper is to better the reciprocal communication in the college society. College newspaper should speak for the interests or concerns common to the college compoments-professors, students and academic authorities and also its mission should be consistent with the proper functcon of college soiety. Therefore, to reasonably establish the position of college newspaper, we have to clarify the characteristics of college newspaper prior to touching the other matters. College newspaper is not only for professors, nor only for students. nor the more only for the academic authorities. As indicated in the above, college newspaper belongs to the whole people of college. Accordingly, in the light of its character, college newspaper should live together with college and find its ground in the duties college performs. In other words, the most vital function of college newspaper is no other than to strenuously back up college so that all the duties of college might be implemented more smoothly relative to education, research, student's movement and social services. It is quite true that college newspaper originally presented itself before students with an appearance of organizational paper for the academic authorities. However, it is also real that students have transformed college newspaper into the paper only for them as if they would have obtained the exclusive right to compile from the academic authorities. In a word, all the possible misfortunes have been derived from these two facts. Firstly, students have disregarded the college newspaper of academic authorities and that of student's exclusive compilation has become alien from academic authorities and professors. In this manner, college newspaper had to come in its thorny and winding road. Differently from the adverse period of general newspaper, this thorny road, however, is due to the fact that college newspaper has struggled to traverse the boundary of college society. Furthermore, the struggle has turned out to be the fallacy that college newspaper tries to be in line with social newspapers beyond college society that is a peculiar world of intellectual development. Repeatedly to say, students in part have the notion that college newspaper also should keep the attitude to report objectively and to comment critically on all the affairs occurring in the college society. But this notion has a grave defect owing to its subjective prejudice to see college newspaper identical with social newspapers College society has no need of sensational and shocking news unlike general society. The reason is that the reporting eye of social newspaer concentrates its focus on the greatest concernss of the largest multitude while that of college society sticks to the specialities which college is most concerned about and expects to occur in the unique society named college. Here we feel is worth while to review the functions of social newspaers: 1. self-conservation 2. report 3. instruction 4. recreation What relation could the above functions of social newspaper have with those of college newspaper? First, the function of self-conservation is not necessary to college newpaper, for college newspaper may well only get along with publicity regardless of merchandisability. Second, despite of the similar function of report both college and social newspapers perform, college newspaper cannot but pay attention to the concerns peculiar to college rather the greatest interests of the largest multitude. Third, as for the function of instruction, college newspaer should display it sufficiently through the editional, essay, column and the voices of readers(students). Fourth, by the recreational function college newspaper does not have to manage to attract more readers and to flatter them with a view to maintain itself. In brief, college newspaper should be strictly distinguished from the social ones by consolidating the posture of high dignity. College newspaper is not regarded only journalism as general newspaper is. College newspaper takes an important role of creating college culture by the way of coordination of journalism and academism, and at the same time, as the public utilities of college society and instrument of college education, it should be a front runner actualizing the college spirit. Nevertheless, some college newspaper shows the image of prossor's essay in general magazines and college newapaper itself seems to be essay paper. Next, strictly speaking, not a few of student's literary works on college newspaper seem to be in the same level of high school and the news also cannot surpass notice boards in campus. Beside, there's nothing worthy to be transferred into social newspaper. This is the big problem, intellectual poverty of college newspaper. In addition, our college newspaper try to expose the peculiarity of college so exceedingly that we often becoming far apart from the realization of ideal. College shall, by all means, see the whole notwithstanding its location in the specific territory, and what college shall pursue is to conquer the whole adversity and tribulation that we, all mankind encounter today and tomorrows, although college consist of a small part of people. College cannot live by itself. Open the windows of college, all the windows toward other college, general society and the world. College newspaper will perform its great task to look out of college and look into college from outside through these windows. With this role college newspaper shall strive to report emphasizing the deep and specialized, differently from social newspaper which reports the facts covering diversified and extensive fields on the viewpoint of objectivity.

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