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      • 衛生昆蟲에 대한 無公害農藥(昆蟲發育沮害劑)의 殺蟲機作 및 應用技術開發硏究

        金正和,李炯來,李仁煥,李容揆,崔鐘錫 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1993 農業科學硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        In recently, much pesticides were used for control of agricultural and medical insects. The result of using pesticides were social problem because of environmental pollutions with pesticides in urban and farm village. The environmental pollutions were very serious. This experiment was conducted to eluciated of reduce to environmental pollution bring about using pesticides (organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, and insect growth regulators) for control of medical insects(house fly, Musca domestica L and mosquito, culex pipiens pallens copuillett) and carried out the method of pest control. And the result are summarized as follows. The Kyongbuk house fly strain treated with pyriproxyfen on third instar larvae were very high mortality and low emergence. When use it, at the same time, we can reduce degree of environ-mental pollution and house fly populations. Using of imidan was effective in Seoul and Chungnam house fly strains. In mosquito larvae, the efficacy of icon to chungbuk strain, propoxur to Chungnam and Chungbuk strain, imidan to Kyongbuk strain, fenthion to Chungnam strain were excellent. In result of spraying imidan and icon on adult mosquitoes, the efficacy of icon was excellent than imidan. In esterase electrophoresis, third instar larvae of Chungnam house fly strain fed on artificial diet mixed with pyriproxyfen LC50 were very high activity of -Est-αl in early stage(second day after third instar larvae fed on diet), and the activity of Est-αl was very strong in late stage(se-vents day after third instar larvae fed on diet). In Kyongbuk strain, -Est-αl and Est-αl were detected in early and late stage, and activities of and -Est-αl and Est-αl were detected almost equally in late stage. It was very characteristic in this experiment. Third instar larvae fed on diet mixed with pyriproxyfen LC95 were detected -Est-αl and Est-αl almost equally. It was believed moulting control in insects. In electrophoresis with head, thorax, abdomen of house fly adult, -Est-α2 -Est-αl, Est-αl, Est-α2, Est-α3 were detected in abdomen in susceptible strain and only -Est-αl, was net detected in thorax -Est-αl, was detected in head, thorax and abdomen of Chungbuk strain and -Est-αl was detected in head, -Est-α2 in thorax of same strain. Activities of chitinase in late instar larvae of house flies fed on artificial diet mixed with pyrip-roxyfen LC50 and LC95, in pyriproxyfen LC95, analysised low and high again with the lapse of time in Kyongbuk strain. This was believed that the activity of chitinase was became high just before emergence. The result of filter paper test with mosquitoes were very high index(265) of esterase activity in Chungnam strain among all mosquito strains. In this reason, we can suppose that used pyrip-roxyfen (IGR) in Chungnam area for control pest. In this reason, it was more reasonable made use of pyriproxyfen than other pesticide in Chungnam area.

      • 이행성 협심증 환자에서 운동부하 심전도 검사

        이정우,박형서,박용규,노상필,이유선,정승현,김보영,이재환,최시완,정진옥,성인환 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        목적 : 관상동맥의 경련에 의한 이형성 협심증환자에 있어서 운동부하 심전도 검사의 결과는 매우 다양하다. 이에 저자들은 충남대학교병원 순환기내과에서 관상동맥조영술상 이형성 협심증으로 확진된 환자를 대상으로 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행하여 이에 대한 결과를 연구하였다. 방법 : 1995년 1월부터 2002년 3월까지 흉통을 주소로 충남대학교병원 순환기 내과에 입원하여 관상동맥조영술을 시행하여 관상동맥의 내경이 50% 미만의 협착이 있고, 에르고노빈(ergonovine) 유발검사도 이형성 협심증으로 진단을 받은 233명중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행 받은 183명의 환자를 연구 대상으로 하였다. 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과의 판독시 발생할 수 있는 오류를 줄이기 위해서 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행하기전 심전도상 ST분절의 상승(5예)이나 하강(8예)이 있는 경우 EH한 T파의 역위(19예)가 있는 32명의 환자를 제외한 총 151명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 운동부하는 Marquette사의 case 15 답차를 이용하였고, Bruce protocol에 따라 증상이 나타날 때까지 최대로 실시하였으며 각 stage 및 운동후의 혈압을 측정하고 12 유도 심전도를 기록하였다. 결과 : 1) 임상적 특성 - 내원시 임상 상은 안정형 협심증이 39예(25.8%), 불안정형 협심증이 103예(68.2%), 심근경색증이 9예(6.0%)이었다. 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과 양성 군과 음성군간에 있어서 당뇨병, 고혈압, 비만도, 총 혈청콜레스테롤치, 현재의 흡연 여부, 병력상 운동시 흉통의 유무, 내원시 임상적 진단, 협착의 정도, 연축의 수 등을 조사하였는 바 어떠한 인자들도 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 없었다. 2) 운동부하 심전도 검사 - 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행 받은 151명의 환자중 음성인 경우는 134예(88.8%)이었고, 양성인 경우는 17예(11.2%)이었다. 양성 소견을 보인 환자들중 ST 분절의 상승이 4예(2.6%), ST 분절의 하강이 13예(8.6%)이었다. 3) 관상동맥조영술 - 관상동맥조영술상에서 혈관 경력 위치는 우관상동맥이 70예(46.1%), 좌전하동맥이 44예(28.9%), 좌회선동맥이 17예(11.2%)의 순으로 나타났다. 운동부하 심전도 검사상 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 예중 Ⅱ, Ⅲ, aVF에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 1예는 관상 동맥조영술상 우관상동맥에서 경련이 발생하였고, V2-V4에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 2예중 관상동맥조영술상에도 좌전하행동맥에서 경련이 나타난 예는 1예이었으며 다른 1예는 좌회선동맥에서 경련이 나타났고, V5-V6에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 1예는 관상동맥조영술상에도 좌회선동맥에서 경련이 나타났다. 운동부하 심전도 검사상 V5 또는 V6에서 ST 분절의 하강이 있엇던 13예중 6예(46.1%)는 관상동맥조영술상 우관상동맥에서 경련이 발생하였고, 3예(23.1%)는 좌전하행동맥에서, 1예(7.7%)는 좌회선동맥에서, 나머지 3예(23.1%)는 2개의 혈관이나 기타 분지에서 경련이 발생하였다. 결론 : 1) 이형성 협심증 환자는 운동부하 심전도 검사에서 11.2%의 양성소견을 보였다. 이중 ST 분절의 상승은 2.6%이었고, ST 분절의 하강은 8.6%이었다. 2) 이형성 환자중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 실시하여 음성을 보이는 경우 다혈관 관상동맥질환이기 보다는 이형성 협심증일 가능성이 더 높다고 예측할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 3) 이형성 협심증 환자중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 실시하여 ST 분절의 상승을 보이는 경우 다혈관 관상동맥질환이기 보다는 이형성 협심증일 가능성이 더 높다고 예측할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 4) 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과에 대한 당뇨병, 고혈압, 비만도, 총 혈청콜레스테롤치, 현재의 흡연여부, 병력상 운동시 흉통의 유무, 내원시 임상적 진단, 협착의 정도 등 어떠한 인자들도 3그룹(ST 분절의 상승, ST 분절의 하강, 음성)간에 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 없었다. 5) ST 분절의 상승 부위와 관상동맥조영술상 관상동맥의 연축이 일어나는 혈관과의 상관관계는 매우 높았다. No reports in the literature describe the results of exercise testings in a large number of patients with pure variant angina(coronary stenosis <50%) in Korea. In this report, We present the results of treadmil exercise testing in 151 patients with variant angina. 151 patients with angiographically proven coronary artery spasm underwent a treadmil exercise test. The clinical characteristics of variant angina patients classified according to ST-segment response to exercise were analyzed. Of 151 patients underwent a treadmil exercise test, negative result was seen in 134 patients(88.8%) and positive result was in 17 patients(11.2%). Of 17 patients saw positive result, exercise-induced ST segment elevation was present in 4 patients(2.6%) and ST segment depression was seen in 13 patients(8.6%). There was not a significant relationship between the ST segment response to exercise and the clinical variables(diabetes, hypertension, obesity, total cholesterol, current smoking, effort angina, clinical diagnosis, and degree of stenosis) assessed. Of 4 patients with ST segment elevation in treadmil exercise test, 1 patient with ST segment elevation in Ⅰ,Ⅲ,aVF had spasm in right coronary artery(100%) on coronary angiography, of 2 patients in V2-V4 had spasm in left anterior descending coronary artery in 1 patient(50%) and 1 patient in V5-V6 had spasm in left circumflex artery(100%). Positive treadmil exercise test was present in 11.2% of variant angina patient. If we have negative treadmil exercise result in patients with clinical manifestation of unstable angina at admission, we may have a suspicion of variant angina rather than multi-vessel disease. If we have exercise-induced ST segment elevation in patients with clinical manifestation of unstable angina at admission, we have a suspicion of variant angina rather than multi-vessel disease. Our result suggests that the correlation between the site of the ST segment elevation and the artery involved is quite good.

      • 體育 特技者의 進路 傾向과 育成策에 관한 硏究

        李勇仁,李大珩 忠南大學校體育科學硏究所 1993 體育科學硏究誌 Vol.11 No.1

        In the research of course the dency and upbring program of athletic talents, I selected 146 Persons (17% of all) who were attending as a representitives of Chung-Nam and won the prize in individual event (Running, Swimming, Gymnastics) from the lst National Under Age Sports Contst of 10th. But actually 101 plaers were examined and the result is as follows. First of all, I search, examined and analyzed the course of talents. The result 1. They were-especially Swimming and Gymnastic players-excellent in aptitude and female was superior to male. 2. They favorably could promote themselves to high school but half of then entered university and continued their jobs. 3. In employment section, a teacher is only secure and the rate of teacher employment was about 30%. 4. Almost half of them won the prize more than tow times Swimming and Gymnastic players were superior to others. 5. Most of then were below the middle in intelligence and academic career. In the next, comparing the result to research about up buinging progran of Democracy with that of Communism. I will summarize the way of atheletics development and up bring and up program of Athetic talents in runer as follows. 1. In Democraxy put the purpise of athletic development and Upbringing program at private growth and development, but Communism aims for establishment of Socialism. labor and Self-defence political purpose. In Korea pursue both ofsides and put the weight on national prestige through athletics. 2. In the way of unearthing athletes, Communism dose that in infancy and trains them professionally at the special athlricschool and manuge scientifically. On the other hand Democracy trys to unearth them as early time but on their own opinions they choice special training conrse. They enroll normal school and train arferschool. In Korea try to find players throagh Under Age Sports Contest and we have middle, high athletic system. 3. In Democracy performs every kinds of sports contest at the view point of developing National athletic Policy, but Communism apply the norm of athletics to all people and Social athletics are favored. In Korea performs the norm of athletics to students in school and the standard is so low that assertion of extinction is comming grown. 4. In school education, Demcoracy performs for the purpose of education for the whole man. But communism makes it arule to play two more hours a week except normal athletic class. It is madatory In Korea athletic class is looked down on and students put the weight on entrance subject for university. The perception on athletics of people is not good and that brings weakness of urban student. 5. Privilege given to those who won the prize in international Contest in notable in Communism In Korea, they have privilage in annuity, compensation military service exemption, scholarship.

      • 의료방사선관리의 국제화 연구 : 핵의학분야의 의료방사선관리

        김인규,오헌진,김혁주,오현주,박기정,이광용,이병영,정승환,강영규,이현구,김귀야,한상용,김연교,양현규,이명철 식품의약품안전청 2001 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.5 No.-

        의료방사선은 인간의 질병진료와 예밤에 활용되어 각종 질병으로부터의 적절한 진단 및 의학발전에 중대한 역할을 담당하고 띤다. 또한 인공방사선원중 가장 큰 비중을 차지하고 있으며, 방사선원을 이웅한 이득과 손실을 생각쌀 때 피폭선량의 최소화 및 곡률적영향의 최소화를 위해 이득을 최대화하는 노력을 하고 있다. 진단뿐만 아니라 치료에도 사응하고 있는 인공방사선원의 적절한 관리를 위한 조사 및 연구는 국내에서는 아픽까진 실시되지 않았으며, 국외에서는 이미 활발한 조사 덴 연구가 이루어 지 고 있다. 일반적으로 의료기관의 핵의학분야에서 환자의 진단 및 치료에 사용되는 방사성의약품으로는 Tc-99in, Ga-67, 1-131, 71-201 등이 있으며 이를 이용한 방사능측정웅장비 및 치료뭉장비에는 Gamma Camera, 감마선재측기, 베타선계측기, Dose CaTibrator, PET(양전자방출전산화단층촬영장치)등이 있다. 이어 식푿의약품안전청f"서는 핵의학분야의 방사선보건학적 연구를 위해 핵의학분야의 진료와 관련된 인력, 시설, 장비, 방사성의약품의 사응, 핵의학적 진료형태 및 핵의학적 진료장치에 대한 성능관리등에 대해 조사·연구하였다. A nationwide survey was conducted in the Korea in 2001 to determine the facilities available and the level of activity at centres where radionuclide and therapy was practised in 2000. A response rate of 75% indicated that 120 centres were providing radionuclide therapy and diagnosis. About the good treatment of radionuclide using in medical, researched so many country, but not yet in. Generally nuclear medical part use Tc-99m, Ga-67, I-131, Tl-201 in diagnosis and therapy, radiation detector and equipment for therapy use Gamma Camera, beta-counter, Dose Calibrator PET(Positron Emission Tomography). 81% rate of centre has Gamma Camera and 97% rate of use Tc-99m, I-131 radionuclide. In-vitro did more than in-vivo test absolutely. So in KFDA researched in unclear medical part in Man-Power, facilities, equipment use of nuclear medicine, part of diagnosis and diagnosis equipment.

      • 오차드그래스(Dactylis glomerata L.)의 품종에 따른 종자유래의 캘러스 형성률과, 캘러스 크기 및 식물체 재분화 효율의 비교

        배은경,이인애,김기용,이병현,손대영,이효신,정민섭,조진기 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research 2002 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research Vol.2002 No.-

        Comparison results of callus formation ratio from seed explants, callus sizes, regeneration ratios from callus and regeneration efficiency [calculated by following formular; callus formation ratio(%) × regeneration ratio(%)/100]for 27 ochardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.)varieties imported and Hapsung 2 developed in Korea are as follows; 1. Among ochardgrass varieties showing more than 50% callus formation ratios, the descending order of callus formation ratio after bedding the seed explants for 4 weeks was 93>Sparta>Pizza>Condor>Lidaglo>Glorus>Hapsung2>Frode. 2. The callus sizes after bedding for 4 weeks were in the range of φ 0.43cm~4.2cm in which there was 10 times size difference between the largest one and the smallest one but most of them were between φ2.5cm~4cm. 3. The regeneration ratio from callus among varieties were in the range of 0~36% and descending order of the upper 6 varieties was Plano>Akimidori>Justus>Lidacta>Currie>Hall mark. 4. The regeneration efficiency which is calculated by the ratios of regeneration from seed explant numbers was between 0 to 17.4% among which Justus showed the highest value in the 4-week treatment. 5. The correlation between callus formation ratios and the callus sizes, callus formation ratios and regeneration efficiency, and callus sizes and regeneration efficiency were r=0.5765, r=0.6365 and r=0.6246, respectively in 4-week callus and all the correlations were significant on the 1% level. 6. In 6-week callus, the descending order callus formation ratios from seed sxplants for the best 6 varieties was Condor>Sparta>93M>Justus>Potomac>Lidaglo>Frode. 7. The callus sizes formed were between φ1.5~5.7cm in which Sparta, the largest one of φ5.7cm was five times larger than the smallest one. The callus size of the control variety. Hapsung 2 was φ3.8cm, which belonged to larger size. 8. Regeneration ratio showed a great deviation among varieties from 6-week old calli by showing from 0% to 100% in which all the calli were regenerated in Plano while no callus was regenerated in Juno, 9. The range of regeneration effciency was between 0~28% among varieties in which the values from 6-week callus treatment were larger than those from 4-week callus treatment. Especially, the value of Potomac in 6-week was 3 times larger than that in 4-week. 10. The correlation between callus formation ratios and the callus sizes, callus formation ratios and regeneration efficiency, and callus sizes and regeneration effciency were r=0.8369, r=0.6683 and r=0.5937, respectively in 6-week callus, and all the correlations were significant on the 1% level.

      • 관상동맥 질환에서 SDF-1α의 농도

        김보영,박용규,박형서,노상필,정승현,이유선,이정우,이재환,최시완,정진옥,성인환 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        Atherosclerosis is now viewed as an inflammatory disease of the vascular system. Expression of several chemokines, including monocyte chemoattractant protein(MCP)-1, MCP-4, RANTES(regulated on activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted), and interleukin-8(IL-8) are increased in human atherosclerotic plaques compared with normal vessels. They are involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and plaque rupture by activating and directing leukocytes into the atherosclerotic lesions. However, some are involved in homeostatic functions such as normal leukocyte traffic and growth regulation. SDF-la is a multi-functional cytokine that is involved in myelogenesis, hematopoiesis, angiogenesis and injured gastric mucosal regeneration in the gastric ulcer patient. SDF-la is recently shown to be highly expressed in atherosclerotic plaques and a potent platelet agonist. At least in high concentrations, SDF-la may mediate antiinflammatory and matrix stabilizing effects in unstable angina. Many studies are going on to know the function of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases. I investigated the difference of the plasma level of SDF-la between control group and coronary artery disease group. Total 75 subjects were enrolled. The diagnosis of coronary artery disease was confirmed in all patients by coronary angiography. Control subjects in this study were confirmed normal by coronary angiography. Clinical profile and risk factors were also reviewed. Control subjects in this study were 27 (M=10, F=17). Plasma for the study was collected before the angiography and centrifuged. SDF-la analysis was performed by ELISA. Plasma level of SDF-la is significantly increased in patients with stable angina(n=20) and unstable angina group(n=28) compared with healthy control group(n=27). the risk factors do not influence the plasma level of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases. In this study, plasma level of SDF-la is increased in patients with stable angina and unstable angina groups compared with healthy control group(P<0.05). the risk factors do not influence the plasma level of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases.

      • KCI등재

        단가아민 산화제 A CA 반복 유전자 다형성이 한국 알코올의존 남자환자의 행동특성과 임상양상에 미치는 영향

        이정식,양병환,이경미,김홍관,김용인,채영규,Lee, Jung-Sik,Yang, Byung-Hwan,Lee, Kyung-Mee,Kim, Hong-Kwan,Kim, Yong-In,Chai, Young-Gyu 대한생물정신의학회 2000 생물정신의학 Vol.7 No.1

        이 연구는 MAOA CA 반복 유전자다형성에 따라 알코올의존 환자에서 행동 및 성격특성 그리고 임상양상의 차이를 알아봄으로써 유전자형과 표현형과의 관계를 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 이 연구 결과 임상양상에서 S군에 비해 L군의 임상양상이 보다 부정적인 양상을 보이고 있었다. 이는 MAOA CA 반복 유전자다형성이 음주양상을 변화시키는 역할을 할 가능성을 시사하고 있다. 그렇지만 이러한 영향이 유전자의 직접적인 인과관계로 설명하기는 어렵고 간접적이고 이차적인 영향에 따른 결과로 생각해 볼 수 있겠다. 또한, 행동특성에서 L군이 S군에 비해 전체적으로 공격성이 많았고 자기주장적 태도가 강했다. 그리고 MAOA CA 반복 유전자다형성의 대립유전자 길이가 자기주장적 태도와 상관관계가 있었으며 이러한 자기주장적 태도를 MAOA CA 반복 유전자다형성의 대립유전자 길이가 부분적으로 설명하고 있었고, 자기주장적 태도가 강한 환자의 경우 길이가 긴 대립유전자를 가질 가능성이 많았다. 공격성도 그 자체가 여러 가지 측면을 가지고 있는 복합적인 행동특성이기 때문에 전체 공격성을 어느 하나의 유전자만으로 설명할 수 있을 것으로 기대하는 것은 비현실적이다. 그렇지만 이 연구에서 자기주장적 태도는 분화된 공격성의 한 측면이어서 MAOA CA 반복 유전자다형성이 일부분이지만 설명을 할 수 있다는 것을 시사하고 있어, 연구자들은 이 연구가 향후 유전자형이 공격성 같은 표현형을 설명하는 연구들에 있어 기초자료가 될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 아직까지 MAOA CA 반복 유전자다형성과 MAOA 활성도와의 관계가 명확하지 않고 대사산물과의 관계도 설명이 어려운 실정이어서 향후 이에 대한 연구들이 필요하겠다. There are several candidate genes in genetic study of alcoholism. Among them, allelic associations have been reported between MAOA CA repeat polymorphism and alcohol dependence, recently. And also, several studies have been investigated genotype-phenotype relationships between MAOA CA repeat polymorphism and clinical manifestations. The authors tried to identify differences in allelic frequency of MAOA CA repeat polymorphism between alcohol dependence and controls, and in behavioral trait and clinical characteristics according to MAOA CA repeat polymorphism. We also tried to investigate genotype-phenotype relationships between MAOA CA repeat polymorphism and behavioral trait such as aggression. We examined 49 male patients with alcohol dependence(DSM-IV) who had been admitted in Yong-In Mental Hospital from June 1st 1998 to October 31th 1998. We performed semistructured interview for demographic and clinical characteristics. Self-report questionnaire for BDHI(Buss-Durkey Hostility Inventory) was given to all subject at least 4weeks later after admission. Using polymerase chain reaction and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, MAOA CA repeat polymorphism were observed in 52 male controls and 49 male patients with alcohol dependence. We devided alcoholic patients into two groups according to allelic length of MAOA CA repeat polymorphism ; alcoholics with short alleles(${\leq}$119bp, N=20) and alcoholics with long alleles(${\geq}$123bp, N=29). T-test, ${\chi}^2$-test and Fisher exact probability test were used for statistical analysis. There were no significant differences in frequency of each allele and short and long alleles of MAOA CA repeat polymorphism between alcoholics and controls. But there were significant differences in clinical symptoms and behavioral trait between alcoholics with short and long alleles. In clinical symptoms, alcoholics with long alleles used alcohol more frequently during one month before admission, had much more maximum amount of beer drinking and reported withdrawal seizure more frequently than with short alleles. In contrary, alcoholics with short alleles expressed depressed mood and guilty feeling more frequently and wanted complete abstinence as a treatment goal more frequently than with long alleles. In behavioral trait, alcoholics with long alleles had higher total aggression score and showed much more self-assertive attitude(subscale of expression of aggression) than with short alleles. Allelic length of MAOA CA repeat polymorphism was correlated with self-assertive attitude and accounted for 9% of the variance of self-assertive attitude. And also, predictable variables of allelic length of MAOA CA repeat polymorphism were drinking frequency and self-assertive attitude. Our findings suggest that MAOA CA repeat polymorphism may provide some behavior modifying role especially in self-assertive attitude and indirect symptom modifying role in Korean male alcoholics.

      • 성인병에 대한 한방치료법(증치의학과 사상의학)에 관한 연구 : 고혈압에 대한 한방치료법(중치의학과 사상의학)에 관한 연구

        박동일,김영균,안창범,이인선,김종원,권정남,장경전,이인선,이성근,장용우,신영민 동의대학교 한의학연구소 1999 동의한의연구 Vol.3 No.-

        We had a result of the treatment as below when is devided Korean medicine Tx.. Western medical Tx., Cooperative Tx.. 1) At the improvement of BP control, an average in Korean medicine Tx. (from 170㎜Hg/100㎜Hg to 150㎜Hg/90㎜Hg), an average in Western medical Tr. (from 170㎜Hg/100㎜Hg to 130㎜Hg/80㎜Hg), an average in Cooperative Tx.(from 180㎜Hg/110㎜Hg to 130㎜Hg/90㎜Hg), generally all pars had improvements of BP control. But it is not significant of each case. 2) At the improvement of symptoms by the apologetics, Cooperative Tx. is profitable in cases of 'GanHwa',' DamEum', 'EumYangYangHer', 'EumHer'. Korean medicine Tx. is superior in case of 'GiChe'. 3) At the improvement of symptoms by a questionnaire, Korean medical Tx., Western medical Tx., Cooperative Tx. groups had improvements, but each practice group didn't have specific significance. Only it was somewhat profitable to Korean medical Tx. in the 210㎜Hg/110㎜Hg, Western medical Tx. in the 180㎜Hg/110㎜Hg, Cooperative Tx, in the 170㎜Hg/90㎜ Hg. 4) There are the apparent improvements in patients whose BP are over 200㎜Hg of Korean medical Tx. group, whose BP are over 190㎜Hg of Western medical Tx. group and whose BP are over 170㎜Mg of Cooperative Tx. group. There are the improvement of diastolic BP in 110㎜Mg(Korean medical Tx., Western medical Tx.) and 90㎜Hg(Cooperative Tx.). 5) At the improvement of Pulse pressure, generally Pulse pressure are decreased. There are similar improvements in all of Korean medical Tx., Western medical Tx., and Cooperative Tx.. 6) At the Symptomatic approvement according to ages, Korean medical Tx., Cooperative Tx. are somewhat good for his twentieth, and Western medical Tx. is somewhat good for his forties. 7) the correlation of Obesity-grade and BP, as Obesity-grade is higher as BP is higher, but there are no similarity in the improvement. 8) At the EAV improvements, as examination into correlation with the point of 1~3th, we could get results as below. There are high improvements of DRHTM, DRALM, DLLYM, DLLIM in Cooperative Tx. There are high improvements of DRPASI, DLLARI in the Korean medical Tx. group. There are high improvements of DRFADM in Western medical Tx. group.

      • 봉독약침이 류마티스 관절염 환자의 관절 통증, 종창 및 급성 염증 반응에 미치는 영향

        이상훈,이현종,백용현,김수영,박재경,홍승재,양형인,김건식,이재동,최도영,이두익,이윤호 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2003 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2003 No.-

        Objective In order to study the effects of bee venom(BV) on the pain, edema, and acute inflammatory reactant of rheumatoid arthritis(RA) patients. Methods Patients with RA who met the ACR(American College of Rheumatology) 1987 revised criteria for the diagnosis of RA were treated with the BV therapy twice a week for 3 months. Tender Joint counts, swollen joint counts, Visual analog scale(VAS), morning stiffness, ESR. C-reactive protein(CRP) were analyzed before and after BV therapy. Results The results as follows. 1. Tender joint counts in patients after BV therapy were significantly lower than those before BV therapy(9.0±7.9 vs 15± 11.4, p=0.002). 2. Swollen joint counts of the patients after BV therapy were significantly lower than those before BV therapy(50±61 vs 15±23, p=0.001). 3. VAS in patients after BV therapy was significantly lower than those before BV therapy(608± 17.6 vs 380± 159, p=0.000). 4. Duration of morning stiffness in patients after BV therapy was significantly reduced compared with that before BV therapy(119.1± 112.6 min vs 59.0±89.7 min, p=0.009). 5. ESR and CRP were not significantly changed before and after BV therapy, suggesting BV itself could make inflammatory reaction as well as therapeutic effect. Conclusions BV therapy improved tender joint counts, swollen joint counts and duration of morning stiffness in this study, and further study is needed on long-term effect of BV therapy.

      • 양궁선수의 경쟁상태불안수준에 관한 연구

        이용인,김상두 忠南大學校體育科學硏究所 1991 體育科學硏究誌 Vol.9 No.1

        This Research has aimed to build up a fundamental material to develop a breakthrough for loosing anxiety through comparing and andalyzing the competitive state anxiety, which has greatly influnced on a player's performance, by sex, by seniority, and by performance results. The test paper for this research used the test paper which has been developed by Korea Physical Science Institute. It was based upon the competitive state anxiety and composed of five inferior factors and twenty-one items. The target groups in this research are taken from 103 archery players who took park in Chunbook games of 91's. The analysis of the materials has been based upon the analysis of one-way ANOVA. The conclusions of this research can be summeraized as follows : 1) The state anxiety factors, by men players and women players, have showed a big difference in terms of three factors a physical anxiety, a conflict among members, and a shortage of confidence. The state anxiety level of men players has showed greater than that of women players. 2) Among the state anxiety, a physical anxiety factor and a shortage of confidence factor become decrease as archery players have longer career, while a burden factor resulted in other's expectation and a conflict factor among members become increase as archery player have longer career. 3) The state anxiety resulted a difference in the performance record has showed a big difference in terms of three factors (a physical anxiety, a conflict among members, abd a burden resulted in other's expectation). Aphysical anxiety has appeared higher in non-superior groups, while a conflict among group members and burden resulted in other's expectation have showed higher in superior groups.

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