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      • KCI등재

        일부 성인의 치과 공포감 관련 요인

        김수경 ( Soo Kyung Kim ),김미희 ( Mi Hee Kim ),최현지 ( Hyun Ji Choi ),황정근 ( Jung Geun Hwang ) 한국치위생학회(구 한국치위생교육학회) 2014 한국치위생학회지 Vol.14 No.6

        Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate the related factors to dental fear in some adults. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was filled out by 320 adults in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do from April to June, 2013. Except 14 incomplete answers, data were analyzed by SPSS 18.0 program. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics of the subjects(7 questions), dental fear related factor(18 questions), distrust for dentist(15 questions), and distrust for dental hygienist(11 questions). The instrument for dental treatment fear was Dental fear Survey(DFS) adapted from Kleinknecht and partly modified by Choi. Out of 20 questions, 18 questions were reconstructed and score by Likert 5 scale. Higher score means higher dental fear. Cronbach alpha was 0.959 in the study. The distrust for dentist and dental hygienist was adapted from Choi and reconstructed and score by Likert 5 scale. Higher score means higher distrust for dentist and dental hygienist. Cronbach alpha was 0.937 in distrust for dentist and 0.874 in distrust for dental hygienist in the study. Results: Those who experienced dental pain tended to have dental fear. The reasons for dental fear were as follows; bad breath(2.96 out of 5 points, hereafter represented as of 2.96/5), dental caries(2.88/5), missing teeth(2.87/5) and tooth pain(2.77/5). The distrust for the dentist was the main dental fear in the adults. Conclusions: The dental fear was closely related to gender, experience of dental pain, oral symptoms and distrust for the dentist. As the psychological pain in the patients was mainly influenced by the trustful atmosphere, it is necessary to make the patient easy before treatment.

      • KCI등재

        선행 제왕절개 후의 질식 분만시 성공군과 실패군의 비교연구

        최현수(Hyun Soo Choi),이상욱(Sang Wook Yi),오영승(Young Seung Oh),진규섭(Kyu seop Jin),이보연(Bo yon Lee),이선경(Seun Kyung Lee),허주엽(Chu Yeop Huh),김승보(Seung Bo Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.10

        제왕 절개의 비율은 최근 까지 지난 20년동안 증가되어 왔으며 이러한 증가는 반복 제왕 절개의 증가와 관련된 것이다. 최근 제왕 절개후 질식 분만에 관한 연구에서는 반복 제왕절개시 올 수 있는 수술 후 합병증, 산모 및 태아의 이환율의 증가 등과 비교해 이 시도가 비교적 안전한 방법으로 등을 보고 하고있는 반면 또한 제왕 절개후 질식 분만시 올 수 있는 자궁 파열과 이로 인한 태아와 산모의 위험성에 관한 보고도 있다. 이에 본원에서는 제왕 절개후 질식 분만을 원해 내원한 산모를 대상으로 성공군과 실패군 사이에 여러 요인을 비교 분석하여 성공에 관여한 인자를 예측하고자 하였다. 연구 대상은 1997년 3월부터 1999년 3월까지 선행 제왕 절개 후 질식 분만을 위해 내원한 환자중 질식 분만 시도시 위험성이 적다고 판단되는 120명의 산모를 대상으로 했으며 성공군과 실패군 사이에 산모의 나이, 제태 연령, 질식 분만한 과거력의 유무, 선행 제왕 절개의 적응증, 초음파로 예측한 태아 몸무게, 신생아 몸무게, 입원시 자궁 경부 상태, Bishop score, CPD index(Cephalopelvic disproportion Index)를 비교 분석 하였다. 120명의 산모중 87명(72.5%)이 성공 하였으며 33명(27.5%)이 실패 하였고 자궁 파열이나 열개와 같은 합병증은 발견되지 않았다. 두 대조군 사이에 산모의 나이(P=0.012), Bishop score(P=0.002), CPD index(P=0.015)에서 의미있는 차이를 보였으며 기타 요인에서는 의미있는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 결론적으로 선행 제절 이후 질식 분만 시도 시에 금기가 아닌 경우 입원시 X선 골반 계측을 통한 CPD index와 Bishop score을 통해 성공 가능성에 대한 예측에 도움을 줄 수 있으며 앞으로 이 요인들과 함께 다른 요인들과의 연관성에 대한 연구를 통해 선행 제왕 절개후 질식 분만 시도시에 올 수 있는 위험성을 줄일 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 이상과 같은 연구 결과로 또한 추후 성공의 예후 인자로 사용되어 질 수 있고, 앞으로 이 시도의 성공과 관련된 다른 인자와의 연관성을 통한 면밀한 검토가 필요할 것으로 사료된다. Objectives: Vaginal birth or trial of labor after previous cesarean section has become one of the most remarkable changes in obstetric practice. The safety and efficacy of a trial of labor and vaginal birth after previous cesarean are well documented. The purpose of this report is to predict the likelihood of vaginal birth in patients undergoing a trial of labor after previous cesarean delivery using factors known at the time of hospital admission. Method: In this retrospective study, 120 women who attempted vaginal birth at Kyung-Hee University Hospital from March 1997 to March 1999. An attempt to identify possible prognostic factors for success of such a trial was made and we evaluated the variables of significant predictive value and the patients' characteristics in the success group and failure group of women who attempted VBAC. Result: 87 cases(72.5%) in 120 cases succeeded in VBAC and 33 cases(27.5%) failed. In this comparative groups in VBAC, there was significant difference in CPD index(cephalopelvic disproportion index) and Bishop score, but no significant difference in gestational age, the estimated fetal weight by sonography and newborn birth weight. Conclusion: In this study, Bishop score and CPD index and age may be useful and valid predictor of success in VBAC and this information could be particularly valuable. The CPD index may prove most important in determining if a vaginal birth should occur after a cesarean section because it can clearly identify some patients who need a repeat cesarean section.

      • KCI등재

        자궁 적출술 방법 결정을 위한 복식과 질식 전 자궁 적출술의 비교 연구

        최현수(Hyun Soo Choi),이선경(Seun Kyung Lee),김승보(Seung Bo Kim) 대한산부인과학회 2000 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.43 No.6

        자궁 적출술은 부인과 영역에서 가장 많이 시행되는 수술의 하나로 본 연구는 복식과 질식 전 자궁 적출술을 시행받은 환자의 수술의 적응증, 특징, 환자의 예후를 비교하여 자궁 적출술의 방법의 결정에 도움을 주고자 하였다. 1994년 1월부터 1999년 1월까지 본원에서 양성 자궁질환으로 복식과 질식 전 자궁 적출술을 받은 환자 각각 200명을 대상으로 하였으며 환자의 연령, 분만력, 수술전 적응증, 적출된 자궁의 무게, 총 수술 시간, 출혈량, 합병증, 동반된 수술, 입원 기간을 비교 분석 하였다. 1. 수술전 적응증은 두 비교군 모두에서 자궁 근종이 가장 많았으며 자궁 경부 상피내암, 자궁 선증, 기타(부정 출혈, 부속기 종양)등이 있었다. 2. 환자의 연령, 분만력에는 유의한 차이가 없었으며 적출된 자궁의 무게는 복식이 질식 보다 유의한 증가를 보였고 질식에서 자궁의 무게가 280gm 이상인 경우도 18%(36/200)로 나타났다. 3. 총 수술 시간, 입원 기간, 출혈량에서 질식이 총 수술 시간과(P=0.002) 입원 기간이 짧고(P=0.000), 출혈량(P=0.000)도 의미있게 적은 것으로 나타났다. 4. 수술 후 합병증은 질식 환자의 4%, 복식 환자의 7%였고 통계적 유의성은 없었다. 5. 과거 개복 수술력은 질식에서 18%(36/200), 복식에서 28.5%(57/200)의 환자가 수술력이 있었는데, 질식 전 자궁 적출술 환자중 과거 제왕 절개를 받은 환자에서 자궁이 전 복벽에 유착되어 개복 수술로 전환한 예가 있었고 97.2%(35/36)에서 성공적으로 질식 자궁 적출술이 이루어졌다. 6. 질식 전 자궁 적출술을 시행받은 환자에서 부속기 절제술을 함께 시행한 환자와 자궁 적출술만을 시행받은 환자의 총 수술시간, 출혈량, 합병증에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 환자의 자궁의 크기나 과거 수술력, 부속기 절제의 요구가 더 이상 질식 방법의 금기가 아니며 질식 전 자궁 적출술은 수술 시간과 입원 기간, 출혈량을 줄일 수 있는 안전한 수술로 앞으로 이러한 질식 전 자궁 적출술에 많은 관심과 수련으로 부인과 수술에서 더 많이 사용 되어 져야 하겠다. Objectives : The most often perfomed major operation in gynecology is hysterectomy.Our purpose was to compare the indications, charateristics and outcomes of patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy and total vaginal hysterectomy and to help to establish guidelines to determine the route of hysterectomy.Method : The hospital charts of 400 women who underwent elective inpatient hysterectomy at Kyung-Hee University hospital from January 1994 to January 1999, were abstracted retrospectively. Data were collected regarding patients, age, parity, preoperative indications, the route of hysterectomy, uterine weight, operative and postoperative complications and the length of stay. The operative indications were benign uterine disease except from uterine prolapse. Bisection or combined morcellation were used in most cases to obtain reduction in uterine size.Result : Patients in whom the vaginal route was successful included 18% of those with uterine weights exceeding 280gm. There was statistically significant difference for uterine weight, operative time, bleeding amount, the length of stay in two camparative group. 4% of vaginal hysterectomy and 7% of total abdominal hysterectomy has documented operative complications.Conclusion : Vaginal hysterectomy is safe operation with few intraoperative and postoperative complications without notable blood loss. Vaginal hysterectomy allow one to shorten the operating time and allows early postoperative discharge of some patients from hospital. Skilled performance of vaginal hysterectomy is worth greater attention and should be used more often in gynecological study.

      • 경지정리사업 환지업무 전산화 기본골격구조

        최수명,한경수 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 1998 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        This study aimed at designing the basic framework for the full computerization of replotting process in farm land consolidation project through the integrated evaluation works between its inner and outer environments. The basic framework developed in this study is consisted of 3 main systems ; 1) main replotting process system supporting for data collection/analysis, alternative planning/design formulation and determination, 2) data/information system for communication between interested groups, 3) process control system for orderly control/management of overall process.

      • 노인의 영적 간호요구

        최미혜,김경희,김귀옥,김기숙,김수강,김정신,김춘숙,노흥진,박지연,성혜연,오명선,이선희,이원옥,이윤영,이현수,장명재,차혜경,채정선,홍상희 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 2001 중앙간호논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        This study was designed to exam the aged's needs for spiritual nursing care. The purpose was to serve as a basis for the development of spiritual nursing practice. The major findings are as follows : 1. The degree of needs for spiritual nursing care as area was that needs of love and relationship mean 22.0, needs of meaning and object mean 28.2, needs of forgiving mean 13.5. Total needs for spiritual nursing care mean 63.7, which was on the upper middle level. The needs of meaning and object was rated highest. 2. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, needs of love and relatiohship wasn't significanlty different. 3. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, needs of meaning and object was significantly different according to two factors : age(F=7.260, p=0.001), religion(F=5.275, p=0.001). Higher needs of meaning and object was possessed by the older than the younger, by the one who have religion than the other. 4. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, four factors made a significantly difference to needs of forgiving : sex(t=-2.851, p=0.006), age(F=8.201, p=0.001), religion(F=6.928, p=0.000), disease(t=2.327, p=0.024). Higher needs of forgiving was possessed by man than woman, by the older than the younger, by the one who have religion than the other, by the one who have disease than the other.

      • 플라즈마 용사법을 이용한 세라믹 코팅된 ICBT SPINDLE DISK 개발

        최순돈,민봉기,최경수 영남대학교 공업기술연구소 2001 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.29 No.1

        The plasma spray technics has known as one of the surface modification methods to improve the mechanical properties or the functional charactristics of materials. This paper has been aimed to investigate the effects of plasma sprayed conditions, such as spray distance and arc power level, of plasma sprayed Al2O3-40%TiO2 costing layer. The optimum processing for ICBT spindle disk coated plasma spray are showed at spray distance 80mm, APL 40kw.

      • Ascorbic Acid의 分光光度 定量法에 關한 硏究(第一報)

        崔閏壽,趙庚烈 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1981 연구논문집 Vol.23 No.3

        A new spectroscopic method was established for the determination of ascorbic acid with indole as a reagent. Indole was reacted with ascorbic acid to form complex compound if the presence of Cu(Ⅱ) ion. The maximum absorbance of the complex compound was at 480nm. Various conditions, (eg, PH, amounts of reagents, temperature of reactants and standing time) were investigated for the maximum colour intensity. Calibration curve for ascorbic acid was linear over a sample of each ascorbic acid in the range of 100㎍/ml. Extinction coefficient was measured, ε=12,592.

      • 광자-광자 충동에서 엑조틱 공명 입자의 생성

        최수경 慶尙大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.29 No.1

        현재의 표준 모형에서는 가능하지 않은 메존의 엑조틱 공명상태를 조사하였다. 또한 글루볼로의 가능성이 있는 두 광자의 결합에 대한 유력한 한계가 제시되고 예측치들이 정리되었다.

      • 네트워크를 이용한 매니퓨레이터의 동적 원격 제어

        崔京三,李鍾洙 弘益大學校 科學基術硏究所 1998 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.2

        In this paper, we propose a remote controller for robot manipulators using local area network(LAN) and internet. To do this, we develop a sever-client system as used in the network field. The client system is an any computer in a remote place for the user to log-in the server and manage the remote factory. The sever system is a computer which controls the manipultor and waits for an access from a client. The server system consists of several control algorithms which is needed to drive the manipulator and networking system to transfer images that show the states of work place, and to receive a job data to run the manipulator. The client system consists of a 3D(dimension) graphic user interface for the teaching and off-line tasks like simulations, and external hardware interface which makes iy easier for the user to teach it. Using this server-client system, the user who is in remote place can edit the work schedule of the manipulator, then run the machine after it is transferred and monitor the results of the task.

      • 五加皮의 效能에 대한 硏究

        최민호,이계복,조규원,박진영,김경수,송정석,한종현 한국전통의학연구소 2003 한국전통의학지 Vol.13 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to measure the changes of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and blood pressure (BP) of Cortex Acanthopanacis in rats, and to determine the effect of Cortex Acanthopanacis on phenylephrine (PE) induced contraction of isolated rat thoracic aorts. The measurement was continually monitored by laser-doppler flowmeter (Transonic Instrument, USA) and pressure transducer (Grass, USA) in anesthetized adult Sprague-Dawley rats through the data acquisition system composed of MacLab and Macintosh computer. Contractile force was measured with force displacement transducer under 1.5 g loading tension. The result of this experiment was as following; 1. Cortex Acanthopanacis did not effect the changes of rCBF and blood pressure significantly. 2. Contractions evoked by phenylephrine were decreased significantly by Cortex Acanthopanacis 3. L-NNA, ODQ, atropine and indomethacin significantly altered the relaxation of Cortex Acanthopanacis. 4. Propranolol did not change the relaxation of Cortex Acanthopanacis. These results indicate that Cortex Acanthopanacis did not change the rCBF and BP, but Cortex Acanthopanacis can relax PE induced contraction of isolated rat thoracic aorta and that this increasing contraction related to endothelium and various mechanism.

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