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      • KCI등재

        논문 : 강원도 양양지역 소나무림의 지상부 바이오매스와 수관층 연료특성에 관한 연구

        김성용 ( Sung Yong Kim ),이영진 ( Young Jin Lee ),장미나 ( Mi Na Jang ),서연옥 ( Yeon Ok Seo ),구교상 ( Kyo Sang Koo ),정성철 ( Sung Cheol Jung ),김경하 ( Kyung Ha Kim ) 한국임학회 2012 한국산림과학회지 Vol.101 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 강원도 양양지역에 분포하는 소나무림을 대상으로 지상부 바이오매스와 수관층 연료특성에 대하여 분석하고자 하였다. 연구대상지는 강원도 양양군 현남면 하월천리 일대 소나무림으로 선정하였으며, 총 13본의 표본목을 벌채하여 분석하였다. 본 연구 결과에 의하면, 양양지역 소나무림의 줄기밀도(g·cm-3)는 0.347~0.409, 지상부 바이오매스 확장계수는 1.251~1.419의 범위로 나타났다. 지상부 연료량은 총 161.6 Mg·ha-1로 나타났으며, 줄기 126.4 Mg·ha-1, 가지 29.3 Mg·ha-1, 잎 5.9 Mg·ha-1로 나타났다. 수관층 연료특성 인자에 관한 연구에서는 수관화 확산 시 연소될 수 있는 연소가능 연료(잎~1 cm이하 가지)의 비율은 45.2%로 나타났고, 연료량을 수관체적으로 나눈 연소가능 연료밀도(kg·m-3)는 평균 0.178로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 소나무림의 바이오매스 및 탄소 흡수량 추정과 수관화 위험성을 연료적 관점에서 평가하는데 있어 유용한 기초자료가 될 것으로 사료된다. The objective of this study was to analyze the above-ground biomass and crown fuel characteristics of Pinus densiflora stands in Yangyang, Gangwon province. A total of thirteen representative trees were destructively sampled in Yangyang region. The results showed that the stem density (g·cm-3) was 0.347~0.409, whereas the above-ground biomass expansion factors ranged from 1.251~1.419. In terms of crown fuel biomass, the above-ground biomass was 161.6 Mg·ha-1 while the stem biomass, branch biomass and needle biomass were 126.4 Mg·ha-1, 29.3 Mg·ha-1 and 5.9 Mg·ha-1, respectively. Needles and twigs with less than 1 cm diameter accounted 45.2% of the total crown fuel load. The available crown bulk density, which was calculated by dividing the crown fuel load to the crown volume, was 0.178 kg·m-3. The results of this study on the biomass and carbon stocks estimation of the Pinus densiflora together with the crown fire hazard assessment based on crown fuel loads are very significant information for the forest managers.

      • KCI등재

        2010 해남, 평창, 원주지역 갈대 등 야초류의 이용실태와 사료가치 평가

        서성(Sung Seo),한대덕(Dae Duk Han),장선식(Sun Sik Jang),김원호(Won Ho Kim),정민웅(Min Woong Jung),최진혁(Jin Hyuck Choi),김진숙(Jin Sook Kim),김하영(Ha Young Kim),이종경(Joung Kyong Lee) 한국초지조사료학회 2012 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        본 연구는 부존 조사료자원 이용으로 수입사료를 줄이고 사료비를 절감하고자 2010년도에 전남 해남(간척지), 강원 평창(강변), 원주(섬강변), 전남 영광(와탄강변) 등 4개 지역에서 갈대와 억새 등 야초 자생지를 탐색하고, 수확·이용실태 조사와 함께 사료가치를 분석하였다. 전남 해남 해남목장 내 갈대(Phragmites communis) 위주의 야초 자생지는 300 ha로 예년에는 2회 곤포작업하여 연간 사일리지로 2,300~2,500톤(ha당 8톤)을 생산하였으나 2010년도는 1회 곤포조제로 사일리지 2,000톤(ha당 7톤)을 생산하였다. 유통가격은 롤 당 53천원으로 ㎏당 110원이었다. 곤포는 전량 자가소비하며, 외부 작업단에 롤 당 26천원의 작업비를 지불하였다. 연간 조수입은 2억 2,260만원이며, 소득은 1억원 수준(345천원/ha)이었다. 초장 150 ㎝의 갈대는 조단백질 8.4%, 상대사료가치 71.9 (건초 5등급), 건물 소화율 60.1%로 사료가치는 볏짚에 비해 약간 나은 것으로 평가되었다. 갈대 사일리지의 사료가치와 유기산 함량은 동일 지역에서 동일한 재료로 사일리지를 조제하더라도 수확시기에 따라 차이가 컸으며(CP 4.7~6.4%, RFV 62.2~78.9, 건물 소화율 41.9~53.9%), 갈대 사일리지의 품질은 수단그라스에 비해 불량하였다. 강원 평창 강변 자생갈대의 사료가치는 초장이 79, 117, 121, 142㎝로 생육이 진행됨에 따라 낮아져, 조단백질은 각각 13.9%에서 7.6%로, 상대사료가치는 90.7 (건초 3등급)에서 76.1 (건초 4등급)로, 건물 소화율은 72.9%에서 54.7%로 감소하였다. 원주 섬강 주변 야초류는 곤포수확 작업에 어려움이 있었으며, 초장 130 cm의 갈대는 조단백질 8.5%, 상대사료가치 82.3 (건초 4등급), 건물 소화율 70.2%로 사료가치는 높았으며, 220㎝의 성숙한 갈대는 조단백질 10.2%, 상대사료가치 65.1 (건초 5등급), 건물 소화율 48.9%로 볏짚 대비 조금 나은 것으로 평가되었다. 전남영광지역에서는 와탄천 주변에 자생하는 갈대를 수거 이용하고자 시도하였으나 경제성이 없어 중단하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여볼 때, 갈대, 억새 등 야초류는 현 상태에서 최대한 수거·이용하되, 사료가치를 유지하고 가축 기호성이 양호한 시기에 수확하는 것이 중요하며, 최소한 볏짚과 비슷하거나 그 이상의 사료가치를 기대하기 위해서는 7월 중순 이전(늦어도 7월까지)에 수확·이용하는 것이 권장된다. This study was carried out in 2010 to investigate the utilization and forage quality of native grasses, such as Phragmites communis which might reduce the cost of feeding domestic cattle. The regions surveyed were the Haenam ranch in Haenam, Pyeongchang, Wonju, and Yeonggwang. In Haenam, yearly silage production harvested from 300 ha was 2,000 MT (7 MT/ha). All of those round bale silages were self-consumed in that region, and marketing price was 50,000 55,000 won per roll (110 won/㎏). Phragmites communis of 150 ㎝ in length contained 8.4% crude protein (CP) with relative feed value (RFV) 71.9 and 60.1% in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), which was somewhat more favorable than forage quality of rice straw. The silage quality of Phragmites communis varied greatly by the time of harvest (CP 4.7 6.4%, RFV 62.2 78.9, and IVDMD 41.9 53.9%), even with the same district and of the same original forage materials. Generally, the quality of Phragmites communis silage of was poorer than that of sorghum * sudangrass hybrid. In Pyeongchang, forage quality of Phragmites communis was decreased from 13.9% to 7.6% in CP, 90.7 to 76.1 in RFV, and 72.9% to 54.7% in IVDMD, as plant was getting mature, from 79 ㎝ to 117 ㎝, 121 ㎝ or to 142 ㎝ in length. In Wonju, the quality values of Phragmites communis of 130 ㎝ in length were 8.5% CP, 82.3 RFV and 70.2% IVDMD, while those of matured grasses of 220 ㎝ in length were lower (10.2% CP, 65.1 RFV and 48.9% IVDMD), but this was a little more favorable than quality of rice straw. In Yeonggwang, feeding Phragmites communis was tried in a Hanwoo feed, but stopped due to low profitability. In conclusion, the overall quality of most native grasses including Phragmites communis in this survey was poor. Therefore, we recommend that Phragmites communis and native grasses should be harvested on June or July to obtain richer forage quality in forage values than rice straw.

      • KCI등재

        갈대 생육지에서 질소 시비가 사초의 생육과 수량 및 사료가치에 미치는 영향

        서성,박진길,김원호,김맹중,이상학,정종성,박형수,성하균,이종경,Seo, Sung,Park, Jin Gil,Kim, Won Ho,Kim, Meing Jooung,Lee, Sang Hak,Jung, Jong Sung,Park, Hyung Soo,Sung, Ha Guyn,Lee, Joung Kyong 한국초지조사료학회 2013 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        본 연구는 질소(N) 시비가 부존 조사료자원인 갈대(Phragmites communis)의 생육과 수량 및 사료가치에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 2012년에 충남 천안과 경기 안산지역에서 실시되었다. 천안 국립축산과학원 갈대 재배지에서는 N 무시비구, N 50 kg/ha구, N 100 kg구 등 3처리를 두고 4월 30일 시비, 6월 21일 수확하였으며, 안산 시화간척지 갈대 자생지에서는 N 무시비구, N 60 kg/ha구 등 2처리를 두고 5월 1일 시비, 8월 1일 수확하였다. 갈대의 초장과 엽색은 N 시비구에서, 그리고 N 시비수준이 높을 때 양호하였다. 건물률은 N 시비구에서 약간 낮아지는 경향으로 천안지역은 무시비구 39.8%, N 시비구 37.6%, 36.7%, 안산지역은 무시비구 39.4%, N 시비구 37.6%였다. 천안지역의 건물수량, 조단백질 수량 및 가소화 건물수량은 무시비구에서 ha당 각각 4,026 kg, 235 kg, 1,850 kg, N 50 kg 시비구는 각각 4,658 kg, 306 kg, 2,388 kg, N 100 kg 시비구는 각각 5,622 kg, 446 kg, 3,143 kg으로 유의적으로 증가하였으며 (p<0.05), 안산지역은 무시비구에서 각각 2,802 kg, 177 kg, 1,288 kg, N 60 kg 시비구는 각각 3,876 kg, 294 kg, 1,853 kg으로 유의적으로 증가하였다 (p<0.05). 천안지역의 조단백질 함량, 건물 소화율 및 상대사료가치 (RFV)는 무시비구에서 각각 5.85%, 45.96%, 64.0 (품질 5등급), N 50 kg 시비구는 각각 6.58%, 51.27%, 72.3 (5등급), N 100 kg 시비구는 각각 7.94%, 55.91%, 72.7 (5등급)로 높아졌으며, 안산지역도 무시비구에서 각각 6.30%, 45.98%, 70.2 (5등급), N 60 kg 시비구는 각각 7.59%, 47.80%, 78.3 (4등급)으로 높아지는 경향이었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때, 갈대 생육지는 시비가 가능한 조건이라면(하천변이나 강변 등 수질오염이 우려되는 지역이 아닌), ha당 N 60~100 kg을 생육기에 시용해 주는 것이 생산량과 사료가치를 크게 개선시켜줄 수 있어 바람직하였다. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilization on the forage growth, production and quality of native reed (Phragmites communis) grasses. Field experiments were conducted in Cheonan and in Ansan, 2012. Treatments were control (no N fertilization), 50 kg/ha and 100 kg/ha in Cheonan plots (fertilization on April $30^{th}$, and harvest on June $21^{st}$). Treatments in Ansan plots were control (no N fertilization) and 60 kg/ha (fertilization on May first, and harvest on August first). Forage growth and leaf colors were improved in N fertilized plots. However, the drymatter (DM) percentage was slightly decreased with N fertilization. Forage yields, in terms of DM, crude protein (CP) and digestible DM (DDM), were significantly increased with N fertilization in both sites. In Cheonan, DM, CP and DDM yields per ha were 4,026 kg, 235 kg and 1,850 kg, respectively, in the control plot, and were 4,658 kg, 306 kg and 2,388 kg, respectively, in the N 50 kg plot, and 5,622 kg, 446 kg and 3,143 kg, respectively, in the N 100 kg plot. In Ansan, DM, CP and DDM yields per ha were 2,802 kg, 177 kg and 1,288 kg, respectively, in the control plot, and were 3,876 kg, 294 kg and 1,853 kg, respectively, in the N 60 kg plot. Forage quality in terms of CP content, in vitro DM digestibility (IVDMD) and relative feed value (RFV) were also increased with N fertilization in both sites. In Cheonan, the CP content, IVDMD and RFV were 5.85%, 45.96% and 64.5 (grade 5), respectively, in the control plot, 6.58%, 51.27% and 72.3 (grade 5), respectively, in the N 50 kg plot, and 7.94%, 55.91% and 72.7 (grade 5), respectively, in the N 100 kg plot. In Ansan, the CP content, IVDMD and RFV were 6.30%, 45.98% and 70.2 (grade 5), respectively, in the control plot, and 7.59%, 47.80% and 78.3 (grade 4), respectively, in the N 60 kg plot. In conclusion, N fertilization of 60~100 kg/ha was desirable for greater forage production, with a higher quality of native Phragmites communis achievable. This should only be applied if the fertilization area is not located at a riverside/streamside or in riparian land where there is a high risk of water pollution by fertilization.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Valuation of ecosystem services in the organic carbon of the Pinus densiflora forest at Mt. Namsan, Seoul Metropolitan City

        Lee, Eung-Pill,Lee, Soo-In,Jeong, Heon-Mo,Han, Young-Sub,Lee, Seung-Yeon,Park, Jae-Hoon,Jang, Rae-Ha,Hong, Youg-Sik,Jung, Young-Ho,Kim, Eui-Joo,Lee, Sang-Hun,You, Young-Han The Ecological Society of Korea 2019 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.43 No.4

        Background: Standing biomass, litter production, rate of litter decomposition, amount of litter on forest floor, and amount of soil organic carbon distribution were investigated from March 2016 to November 2018 in order to evaluate the ecosystem value through organic carbon distribution in the Pinus densiflora forest at Namsan, Seoul Metropolitan City. Results: The amount of organic carbon in the Pinus densiflora forest was 261.09 ton C ha<sup>-1</sup> during the research period, and fixed organic carbon in plant through net photosynthesis was 3.2 ton C ha<sup>-1</sup> year<sup>-1</sup>. The organic carbon in plant was 62.77 ton C ha<sup>-1</sup> (24.04%), in litter on the forest floor was 3.65 ton C ha<sup>-1</sup> (1.40%), and in soil was 194.67 ton C ha<sup>-1</sup> (74.56%). The value of plant, litter on forest floor, and soil organic carbon distribution were each 6,277,000 won ha<sup>-1</sup>, 365, 000 won ha<sup>-1</sup>, and 19,467,000 won ha<sup>-1</sup>. The value per ton of fixed organic carbon in plant through net photosynthesis was 320,000 won ha<sup>-1</sup> year<sup>-1</sup> and the value of ecosystem services stored in carbon in the Namsan forest ecosystem was about 26.1 million won ha<sup>-1</sup> for 3 years. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the pine forests of Namsan rapidly decompose leaves due to the high atmospheric temperature and accumulate a large amount of organic carbon in the soil to provide climate control regulatory service function.

      • 농업계고교생의 자아존중감과 진로성숙도의 관계에 대한 연구

        하성무,황혜정 京機大學校 學生生活硏究所 2002 學生生活硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        The purposes of this study were to investigate the differences in self-esteem and career-maturity of agricultural highschool students and to investigate their relationship between self-esteem and career-maturity to provide the basic data for the effective career education in agricultural high school. This study was carried out using Coopersmith's Self-esteem Inventory and Crites' Career-maturity Inventory. Data collected from 133 students were analyzed by SPSS program. The statistical techniques used for the study were correlation, frequency, F-test, and Scheffe-test. Major findings of the study were as follows; 1. The self-esteem score of the agricultural highschool students was ranged from 70.49 to 75.49(rural type school 70.49, urban type school 74.20m self agricultural highschool 75.45). The total mean score was 73.26, and deviation was 9.97. Totally there was a signifigant difference in self-esteem among agricultural highschool students. Specially the relation to others of self-esteem between rural type school and self-agricultrual school showed significant difference. 2. The career-maturity score of the agricultural highschool students was ranged from 109.74 to 117.22(rural type school 109.74, urban type school 117.22, self agricultural highschool 115.75). The total mean score was 114.14, and deviation was 16.08. Totally there was a signifigant difference in career-maturity among agricultural highschool students. Specially the involvement of career-maturity between rural type school and urban type school showed significant difference. 3. Even though there was no significant difference in relationship between self-esteem and career-maturity of rural type agricultural highschool students, totally there were significant differences in relationship between self-esteem and career-maturity of agricultural highschool students. From the results of this study, the recommendation were as follows; 1. The career education programs for the agricultural highschool students should be developed in consideration of self esteem level of each student. 2. The career education programs should be planned for more advanced career maturity in consideration of each agricultural highschool. 3. For increasing the self-esteem level through the school education, the various tests should be administered to each student.

      • 다기능 5축 복합가공기 구조 최적설계 및 동강성 평가

        정용민,장성현,황현영,최영휴,하종식 한국공작기계학회 2008 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        This paper describes a structural design. optimization for light weight and minimum compliance using G.A. and a study on dynamic stiffness evaluation of a 5-axes multi-tasking machine tool. Dynamic stiffness is one of important factors regarding to machine tool accuracy. In design optimization, we optimized the thickness of structural member which minimize the compliance and weight of the machine structure under several constraints. Furthermore, dynamic stiffness, in this study, were obtained by using both FEM analysis and an experimental dynamic stiffness test, that is a random excitation test by using a hydraulic exciter. Both the theoretical and experiment analysis results showed good agreement with each other. Finally, some discussion and review from the view point absolute dynamic stiffness were made based on the analysis results.

      • 폐굴껍질 및 천연제올라이트 연속흡착탑을 이용한 피혁폐수 중의 유기물·질소제거 특성

        정유진,하상안,최성문,성낙창,임영석 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 2001 硏究報告 Vol.24 No.1

        The object of this study is to remove the nitrogen from tannery wastewater using waste oyster shells and natural zeolites. In many cases, components of industrial process wastewater are non-readily biodegradable, but can be effectively removed from wastewater by means of adsorption process. The technologies of removing nitrogen, considered as one of the most important control nutrients causing eutrophication in various water bodies, have been investigated by many researchers. Through the continuous adsorption experience, waste oyster shells have effects to control COD and pH rising. And natural zeolites are found to have the good ability to adsorb NH₄^(+) ion in the wastewater. As a result of this study, continuous adsorption column filled with oyster shells and natural zeolite, especially the ratio of 1 : 2 by volume, is found to be effective in nitrogen removal and economic aspect.

      • 중기발암성시험기법을 이용한 Carbendazim의 간발암성 검색

        성하정,이제봉,정미혜,이해근 한국환경독성학회 1998 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Carbendazim, which is widely used fungicide, was investigated for rat hepatocarcinogenesis using a medium-term carcinogenicity bioassay. All rats were initially given a single dose (200 mg/kg) of diethylnitrosamine (DEN) i. p. and then, starting 2 weeks later, carbendazim treatment group and positive control group received carbendazim (7 mg/kg/ day) and 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF, V/0, respectively, in the diet for 6 weeks. All rats were subjected to two-thirds partial hepatectomy (PH) at week 3 and sacrificed at week 8. Carcinogenic potential was scored by comparing the number and area per cm" of induced glutathione-S-transferase placental form (GST-P) positive foci in the liver. Carbendazim had no effect in the increase of body weight, hematological and biochemical values, and the number and area of GST-P positive foci. These results suggest that this bioassay using DEN-PH method can be useful for detection of hepatocarcinogenic potentials of pesticide.

      • KCI등재
      • 페트리 네트(Petri Net)를 利用한 FMS 모델 表現 方法

        하정진,황규완,김성희 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1994 硏究報告 Vol.18 No.2

        Petri Nets is one of the analytical technique for solution of FMS problems. It is a graphical and mathematical modeling and promising tool for describing and studying systems that are characterized as being concurrent, asychronous, dynamic, distributed and parrallel. The objective of this study is to described analytical techniques of FMS and presented for FMS model by using Petri Net.

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