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      • KCI등재

        간호대학생의 COVID-19로 인한 온라인 수업 경험

        임세라,김보라,박민경,김상희 대한질적연구학회 2023 대한질적연구학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose: As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged as a global crisis in 2020, nursing students experienced an abrupt transition from offline to online classes. An in-depth understanding of the online learning experiences of nursing students can be used to reorganize nursing education during the pandemic. Therefore, this study explored the online learning experiences of nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A descriptive qualitative design was employed. This study used purposive sampling to recruit 20 nursing students from a nursing college. Data were collected between November 2021 and March 2022 using semi-structured focus groups or one-to-one in-depth interviews. The collected data were analyzed using inductive content analysis. Results: Five main categories emerged from the analysis: (a) ambivalence toward rapidly changing learning methods, (b) becoming familiar with online learning, (c) facing the limitations of online learning environment, (d) discovering the charm of online learning, and (e) making suggestions for future online learning. Conclusion: Nursing students experienced disappointments and concerns about online learning classes in rapidly changing situations but also experienced an efficient aspect. Psychological support and the latest information should be provided to nursing students who may experience psychological distress during this pandemic. Additionally, learning strategies and methods should be reorganized to reflect the characteristics of nursing courses and the preferences of nursing students.

      • KCI등재

        의료기관의 부서 내 감염관리 담당자의 업무 경험

        박유정,정재심 대한질적연구학회 2023 대한질적연구학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose: This study aimed to understand the in-depth experiences of infection control liaison staff (ICLS) in hospitals. Methods: This qualitative study applied Colaizzi’s phenomenological research method and targeted 12 healthcare workers in various occupations with experience as ICLS in the departments of a general tertiary hospital in Seoul and a general hospital in Gyeonggi-do. Data were collected through individual in-depth interviews from February 21, 2022, to April 30, 2022, and data analysis was conducted in a circular structure based on Colaizzi’s phenomenological research method. Results: A total of 32 themes and 14 theme clusters were derived from 132 meaningful statements, resulting in six categories. The six categories are “A prepared mind to infection control”, “The initial burden weighing on one’s shoulders”, “Facing difficulties due to inadequate work support”, “Overcoming with cooperation and rewarding”, “The transformed patient and work environment in my journey of personal growth”, and “Finding support measures for ICLS”. Conclusion: The results of this study are, expected to help understand the meaning and value of ICLS in medical institution departments. Based on this, it will be possible to contribute to preparing primary interventions for education and capacity development, support measures, and system improvement for infection control personnel in medical institution departments.

      • KCI등재

        가정에서 가정용 인공호흡기 적용 환자를 돌보는 가족 돌봄 제공자의 돌봄 경험: 질적연구

        김수정,김향숙,서민혜 대한질적연구학회 2022 대한질적연구학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the experiences of families caring for patients with home mechanical ventilation. The question was, “What is the caregiving experience of a family who has a member with home mechanical ventilation?”. Methods: This study was a qualitative study to explore and describe the implications of experiences of families caring through a phenomenological approach. One-on-one in-depth interviews were conducted with family caregivers who worked as full-time for caring for patients with home mechanical ventilation, and the results were analyzed using Colaizzi’s (1978) phenomenological method. Participants’ relationships to patients were 1 spouse, 1 father, and 6 mother. The ages of the participants were between 33 and 59, with an average of 45.1. Results: In this study, family members’ caregiving experience was emerged. Analysis revealed the following themes: Felt burdened but had to accept it; Seized by fear; The weight I must bear alone; Everything is difficult and unfamiliar; Still, my home; and Sorry for the other family members. It was found that caregivers had decided to discharge their loved ones from the hospital out of a sense of duty. Conclusion: The families took care of the patients with responsibility and love. The study results should help with the understanding of a family with a member with home mechanical ventilation and should be used to develop nursing, mediating, and consulting programs for these caregivers

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 COVID-19 유행시기에 시행된 온라인수업과 학습에 대한 경험

        장수정,윤소연,김지우,이민진,조혜민,최지우,이충훈 대한질적연구학회 2022 대한질적연구학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to explore university students’ experiences of participating in online classes during the COVID-19 outbreak. Methods: A survey was conducted with 169 third- and fourth-year students at five universities in W City from May 5 to 22, 2021 through an online survey platform. Qualitative data were collected from 13 third- and fourth-year students at five universities in the same area through three focus group interviews between May 22 and 25 and analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Results: The experience of online classes was rated in the following order: live lectures (92.9%) and recorded lectures (73.4%). Satisfaction with online classes was rated for recorded lectures, which were scored 3.54±1.05 (out of five), and live lectures, which were scored 3.32±1.02. Lack of interaction with faculty (37.9%) and lack of participating practicum (30.8%) were cited as dissatisfaction factors in online classes. From the qualitative data, five sub-themes were identified: “not being respected in one’s learning”, “increased burden of learning in a situation of poor communication,” “it's not that I hate online classes”, “efforts to improve the loose will and attitude toward classes”, “reduced quality of experience and uncertain future”. These sub-themes were abstracted under the theme of “everyday life of learning alone toward an uncertain future”. Conclusion: To ensure more effective online learning, it is necessary to strengthen the interaction between faculty and students, apply online teaching strategies suitable for class objectives, and support various programs to motivate students for self-directed learning.

      • KCI등재

        간호대학원생의 교육자로서의 시뮬레이션 교육과정 수강경험

        나윤희,김주현,김미경,배윤혜,구효훈,김은희,김해숙,임경춘 대한질적연구학회 2021 대한질적연구학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the education experiences of nursing graduate students in training simulation educators. Methods: Data were collected using a focus group method with a total of 13 nursing graduate students who ever participated in simulation education for nursing college students. Results: Four theme clusters and 15 sub-themes were emerged through qualitative content analysis. The core theme was “Flapping wings as a novice simulation educator”. The four theme clusters include ‘Confronting myself where expectations and worries coexist’, ‘Experience a new world untrained in the hospital’, ‘Limitation of simulation hard to reach the reality’, ‘Way to become an expert in simulation education’. Conclusion: Nursing graduate students found that the experiences of novice learners as a simulation educator was rewarding and helpful in increasing their self-confidence prior to being placed in an educational setting. Creating a simulation experience for college students could be a daunting task for educators in nursing. Therefore, continued and sustainable efforts are mandated by developing the curriculum for training simulation educators.

      • KCI등재

        감염관리간호사의 역할갈등 경험

        허연정,현혜진 대한질적연구학회 2021 대한질적연구학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand in-depth experiences of role conflict among infection control nurses’ (ICNs) in terms of the gaps between the role expectations and actual roles. Methods: This study was a qualitative study to explore and describe the implications of role conflict experiences of ICNs through a phenomenological approach. One-on-one in-depth interviews were conducted with ICNs who worked as full-time for more than three years in the infection control department, and the results were analyzed using Colaizzi’s (1978) phenomenological method. Results: Topics brought up by the participants were categorized into five themes. The themes included "lack of awareness of infection control", "psychological burden of professional competence", "infectious control not being accepted due to different management and operational goals", "unrelentingly overworked", "shadow labor without adequate compensation", and "The process of earning mutual trust". Conclusion: In order to resolve the role conflict of ICNs, it is necessary to establish a career management system for ICNs and to have an appropriate compensation system.

      • KCI등재

        만성질병 관리 프로그램 개발을 위한 탐색적 연구: 일 선원 등록자를 대상으로

        이준엽,김미지,김종훈,김주현,장미란 대한질적연구학회 2023 대한질적연구학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose: This study explored illness experiences and the demands for a health-related program tailored to individuals with chronic disease at one of the Korean Seon Centers. It also utilized this information as foundational data for developing a program tailored to their needs. Methods: The study utilized focus group interviews to collect data from members of one of the Korean Seon centers who have chronic disease, regarding their illness experiences and their expectations for disease management programs. The collected data was then analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method. Results: The analysis yielded five overarching themes and 14 subthemes. These themes included opposing responses to disease diagnosis, reflections on the causes of disease, efforts toward disease recovery, obstacles to disease recovery, and the need for a customized disease management program. Conclusion: The findings highlighted the challenges the participants faced in their disease recovery process. They expressed a strong desire for a comprehensive management program that incorporates in-depth information, experience sharing, and education. Such a program would empower individuals to take control of their physical and mental well-being.

      • KCI등재

        트라이앵글레이션 방법에 의한 간호대학생의 죽음인식에 관한 연구

        김춘미,김은만 대한질적연구학회 2021 대한질적연구학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: This study was to identify the perception of death in nursing students. Methods: This study adopted the triangulation method. The participants was third grade nursing students. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Among the participants' perception of death, the highest score was the respect for life, and the lowest was anxiety about death. The participants believed that there was a relatively happy and unfortunate death, and that well-dying was achieved through acceptance, reflection, and rigorous preparation in life. Well-dying was possible only when well-being was proceeded. Nursing students perceived death as the end stage of life that needed preparation. Conclusion: It is necessary for nursing students to have opportunities to reflect on death when they observe a patient’s death in clinical practice. Also, they need to have death-related education for them to grow as competent nurses to deal with life and death journey of their patients in future.

      • KCI등재

        질적연구에서의 윤리성에 관한 고찰

        강성례 대한질적연구학회 2021 대한질적연구학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: This study was aimed to examine the background of the emergence of qualitative research and the purpose pursued by qualitative research. Based on this, it was to derive ethical principles and considerations that the researcher should reflect and practice in the process of conducting qualitative research. Methods: A review article was constructed by collecting and analyzing extensive literature related to the research ethics topics. Results: In a human subject research, both positivistic and qualitative researchers should most sensitively consider the protection of the research subjects, especially those in vulnerable situations. Ethical principles for human subject research can be suggested as follows. The first is to respect and protect the subject's autonomy, which is linked to the principle of informed consent and subject protection. Second, the researcher should conduct research according to the best interests of the study participants. This is linked to the selection of research topics and the reciprocity of the research results. Third, it is necessary to maintain an open attitude to the study participants. To this end, it is also linked to the researcher's open and sympathetic attitude to respect the emotions and experiences of the study participants, and to treat them truthfully without hiding or deceived during the data collection process. Conclusion: The core purpose of qualitative research is to restore humanity. Qualitative research needs to go deeper into the lives of others. Researchers who are conducting qualitative research must reflect on ethics and consider ethical guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        남성 노숙 알코올중독자의 치료공동체를 통한 회복과 사회 재적응에 관한 생애사 연구

        강성례 대한질적연구학회 2022 대한질적연구학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose: This study to provide the basic data necessary for developing support policies and intervention programs through an in-depth and integrated exploration of the experiences in the of recovery and social adaptation through therapeutic community of male homeless alcohol dependents. Methods: Data were collected from two participants through an in-depth interviews and were analyzed the life history research suggested by Mandelbaum (1973). This analysis was conducted the perspectives of the life domain, turning point, and adaptation, which are three structured analysis frameworks, beyond the continuity of chronological life history. Results: The results were the dimensions of life that led to alcoholism, turning point where life changed, and adaptation to live for self-realization with new life values while maintaining sobriety. Its content includes the adaptation process. Conclusion: Follow-up studies and activities for an integrated support policy and intervention program should be conducted by reflecting on the problems and intervention strategies raised above.

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