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      • 한의진단명과 진단요건의 표준화 연구 III : 3차년도 연구결과 보고

        최선미,양기상,최승훈,박경모,박종현,심범상,김성우,노석선,이인선,정진홍,이진용,김달래,임형호,김윤범,박성식,송태원,김종우,이승기,최윤정,신순식 한국한의학연구원 1997 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        The diagnostic requirements were suggested and explained regarding the systems of differentiation of symptoms and signs in the third year study of standardization and unification of the terms and conditions used for diagnosis in oriental medicine. The systems were as follows : - analyzing and differentiating of epidemic febrile disease - analyzing and differentiating in accordance with the Sasang constitution medicine based on four-type recognition - differentiation of disease according to pathological changes of Chong and Ren channels - standards for diagnosis of women's disease - standards for diagnosis of children's disease - standards for diagnosis of motor and sensor disturbance (-muscle. born, joint, etc.) - standards for diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disease - standards for diagnosis of five sense organ disease - standards for diagnosis of external disease The indivisual diagnosis pattern was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name, notion of diagnosis pattern, index of differentiation of symptoms and signs, the main point of diagnosis, analysis of diagnosis pattern, discrimination of diagnosis pattern, prognosis, a way of curing a disease, prescription, herbs in common use, disease appearing the diagnosis pattern, documents. The standards for diagnosis of each disease was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name, notion of disease, the main point of diagnosis, analyzing and differentiating of disease, analysis of disease, discrimination of disease, prognosis, a way of curing and prescription of disease, disease in western medicine appearing the disease in oriental medicine, documents.

      • 독일의 개정 임대차법에 관한 연구 : 주택임대차에 관한 규정을 중심으로 Zum Wohnraummietrecht

        윤기택,김종현 청주대학교 학술연구소 2004 淸大學術論集 Vol.4 No.-

        Die deutsche Mietrechtsreform fu¨hrt durch die Zusammenfassung des bisher in verschiedenen Gesetzen geregelten mietrechtlichen Vorschriften im Bu¨rgerlichen Gesetzbuch (BGB) und ihre jetzt u¨bersichtliche Gliederung insbesondere im Bereich der Wohnraummiete zu einer erheblichen Vereinfachung fu¨r die Betroffenen. Daneben entha¨lt das im BGB zusammengefaβte Wohnraummietrecht aber auch wichtige inhaltliche A¨nderungen. Wa¨hrend der Mieterschutz an einigen Stellen ausgebaut wird, wird die Vertragsfreiheit gesta¨rkt. Das im deutschen BGB zusammengefaβte private Mietrecht finden sich jetzt in den §§ 535 ff. BGB. Eingeleitet werden sie durch allgemeine Vorschriften fu¨r Mietverha¨ltnisse, also Vorschriften, die unabha¨ngig von der Art der gemieteten Sache fu¨r alle Arten von Mietverha¨ltnissen gelten. Daran anschliβend gliedern sich die Vorschriften u¨ber Wohnraummiete, und schlieβlich u¨ber andere Sache (z.B. Gescha¨ftsraummiete). Das deutsche Wohnraummietrecht ist die Vorschriften u¨ber die Miete und Betriebskosten ausfu¨hrlich geregelt. Fu¨r frei finanzierte Wohnungen werden die Mieten bei Abschluβ des Mietvertrages und bei spa¨teren Mieterho¨hungen grundsa¨tzlich frei vereinbart. Falls Vermieter und Mieter Wohnungen sich aber nicht auf eine frei vereinbarte Mieterho¨hung einigen, kann der Vermieter eine gerechtfertigte Mieterho¨hung nach dem Vergleichsmietensystem durchsetzen. Betriebskosten bleiben insoweit auβer Betracht. Bei der Mieterho¨hung wegen gestiegener Vergleichsmiete darf er die Miete aber innerhalb von 3 Jahren nur maximal 20% erho¨hen. Hat der Mieter das Mieterho¨hungsverlangen erhalten, kann er das Mietverha¨ltnis schriftlich ku¨ndigen. Nach einer vorgesehenen Modernizierung dart der Vermieter die Miete auch erho¨hen. Der Mieter hat dabei ebenfalls ein spezielles Ku¨ndigungsrecht. Bei der Abrechnung der Betriebskosten bringt die Mietrechtsreform durch die neue Regelung mehr Klarheit. Nach dem deutschen Wohnraummietrecht endet ein Mietverha¨ltnis auf bestimmte Zeit mit Ablauf der vertraglich vereinbarten Mietzeit, und ein Mietverha¨ltnis auf unbestimmte Zeit durch eine wirksame Ku¨ndigung nach Abaluf der Ku¨ndigungsfrist. Hier gibt es verschiedene Ku¨nigungsarten. Das Gesetz unterscheidet zwischen ordentlicher und auβerordentlicher Ku¨ndigung (also die fristlose Ku¨ndigung). Bei der ordentlichen Ku¨ndigung kann der Vermieter nur dann ku¨ndigen, wenn er ein berechtigtes Interesse an der Beendigung des Mietverha¨ltnisses hat. Diese Ku¨ndigung des Vermieter muβ der Mieter nicht in jedem Fall hinnehmen. Vielmehr kann er unter bestimmten Umsta¨nde widersprechen und die Fortsetzung des Mietverha¨ltnisse verlangen. Auβerdem kann der Vermieter oder der Mieter das Mietverha¨ltnis fristlos ku¨ndigen, wenn sich ein Vertragspartner so schwerwiegende Vertragsverletzungen zuschulden kommen la¨sst, daβ dem underen Teil die Fortsetzung des Mietverha¨ltnisses nicht zugemutet werden kann. Zwischen deutschem und koreanischem Wohnraummietrecht bestehen die rechtsvergleichend bemerkenswerten Unterschiede im Hinblick auf das Mieterho¨hungsverlangen und das Eintrittsrechtbei Tod des Mieters. Wa¨hrend nach deutschem Wohnraummietrecht fu¨r die Mieterho¨hung sog. die ortsu¨bliche Vergleichsmiete (und auch sog. die Kappungsgrenze) in Betracht kommt, wird im koreanischen Wohnraummietrecht nur prozentuale Obergrenze beru¨cksichigt. Zudem hat im deutschen Mietrecht der Vermieter einen Anspruch auf Zustimmung zur Mieterho¨hung bis zur ortsu¨blichen Vergleichsmiete. Dagegen wird in Korea dieser einfach als Gestaltungsrecht angesehen. Fu¨hrt in Deutschlund der Mieter mit seinem Lebenspartner einen gemeinsamen Haushalt, so tritt mit dem Tod des Mieters der Lebenspartner in das Mietverha¨ltnis ein. Wenn er nicht eintreten will, so wird es mit den Erben des Mieters fortgefu¨hrt. Aber nach dem koreanischen Wohnraummietrecht treten in diesem Fall der Lebenspartner und den Erben des Mieters gemeinsam ein.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 논 관개용 지하수 수질 특성

        김진호,조광래,임수정,이경자,경기천,엄미정,김희권,김찬용,이영한,이신찬,윤순강 한국환경농학회 2003 한국환경농학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        This study was carried out to evaluate the status of the groundwater quality for paddy fields irrigation in Korea. Water samples were collected at 130 sites throughout the country. Samples were collected at three seasons-April, July and October-in 2000. According to our survey, the groundwater was found to be suitable for irrigation purpose. Average EC was shown 0.286 dS/m. Nitrate-nitrogen and Cl^(-) concentration was 5.6 ㎎/L, 32.95 ㎎/L which satisfied the Korean Standards for Irrigation Water. Nitrate-nitrogen concentration in each province was shown as following orders: Jeju (11.17 ㎎/L) > Chungnam (8.16 ㎎/L) > Gyeongbuk (6.64 ㎎/L) > Gyounggi (5.91 ㎎/L) > Chungnam (4.95 ㎎/L) > Gyeongnam (3.91 mgk) > Jeonbuk (3.50 ㎎/L) > Jeonnam (3.27 ㎎/L) > Gangwon (2.91 ㎎/L). The concentration by sampling seasons were October (6.62 ㎎/L) > July (5.88 mg&) > April (4.78㎎/L). As the soil of Jeju Province is usually derived from volcanic ash soils mainly used for upland drops, it may influence the nitrate-nitrogen concentration of groundwater. The amount of rainfall also influence the water quality. But the COD_(Cr), were shown April (3.17㎎/L) > July (2.91 ㎎/L) > October (2.40 ㎎/L), it is highly related in the basal dose of organic matter fertilizers. This study demonstrated that groundwater quality was suitable for irrigation, but continuous monitoring is recommended for agricultural policy and developing OECD agricultural environment indicators.

      • 장기간 복합운동 유형에 따른 신체 구성과 중성지방의 변화

        김현,주진만,정윤기 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.20 No.1

        This study is designed to make an analysis of the differences between aerobic exercise and resistive exercise in accordance with changes in the order of combination exercise patterns by group, to make study of the connection between physiological changes and biochemical changes and to determine the most suitable form of exercise. The researcher worked with a total of 16 overweight women at departments of nursing science(eight subjects per group). They were made to go through 12 weeks' training. Making a comparative analysis of changes in their body composition and blood lipid before and after training, the researcher came to the following conclusions. The survey on changes in the prior and post body composition of the subjects in accordance with the order of exercise shows that there was a statistically significant difference(P<.05) in weight, fat mass(body fat) and theratio of waists and hips in case of the jogging group(B) after weight training, and that there was no statistically significant difference in the two groups(A, B), although there was a mean difference in FFM(fat-free mass). The survey on changes in prior and post TG(Triglyceride) in the blood according to the order of exercise indicates that there was a significant difference(P<.05)when the jogging group(B) took a rest after weight training. According to the findings, there was a statistically and positively significant difference in the physiological and biochemical changes of body composition and blood lipid before and after training in case of aerobic exercise(jogging) group after resistive exercise(weight training), which the researcher thinks serves as one of the most suitable models.

      • 殺蟲性 結晶蛋白質 特異的인 抗體의 生産

        김기윤,이정민,유형진,백길현,권무식 성균관대학교 생명과학자원연구소 1996 生命資源科學硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        Bacillus thuringiensis is a gram-positive soil bacterium characterized by its ability to produce crystalline inclusions during sporulation. These parasporal bodies consist of protoxins known as crystal proteins exhibiting highly specific insecticidal activities. The Lepidoptera-specific protoxin, Cry IAc, was purified from E.coli JM103 harboring the cry IAc gene. The gene was isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki HD-73 and subcloned into an expression vector, pKK223-3. The recombinant DNA(pOS4201) was transformed into E.coli JM103. The Cry I Ac protoxin overexpressed in the E.coli was isolated from the total proteins by differential solubility. The protoxin were trypsinized to obtain activated toxin. The proteins was resolved on SDS gel. The molecular weights of the pro-and toxin were resistered about 130,000 and 65,000 Daltons respectively. The Cry IAc toxin was used as immunogen to produce anti-Cry IAc antiserum in a rabbit. The immunogen (200㎍/ 200㎕) was mixed with an equal volume of Freund's complete adjuvant, and the mixture was hypodermically injected to the hide back (30 spots) and paws (2 spots) of the rabbit. The immunization was performed four times every two weeks. The dosage of the immunogen was decreased by half, and incomplete adjuvant was substituted for the complete one from the second immunization. The serum was prepared from the blood as described elsewhere. Immunoreactivity of the serum was examined by dot-blotting with the aid of GAR-HRP indirect immunoassay kit. It has been found that the anti-Cry I Ac antiserum recognized nano-gram quantity of antigen under these experimental conditions. The antiserum will he used for the development of immunochemical mean(s) to screen transgenic plants transformed by the insecticidal characteristics of Cry I Ac.

      • 태권도 겨루기시 심폐지구력과 혈중 크레아틴, 암모니아농도 변화

        김현,정윤기 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.1

        Subjects collected for this study were devided 2-types into 5 of A group(who won at national events more than three times within 1 year) and 5 of B group(who won at national events less than one within 1 year). For the process of the exercise, Taekwondo sparring, named to exercise load used was that resting state insisted of 3 minutes, sparring time for 3 rounds (one round taking 3 mins and resting time for 1 min among rounds), and consumed to 10 min for recovery. Statistical methods used for the data analysis were paired t-test for appearing meaningful difference between groups. And error limited for group difference decided to p<0.05. The results were as follows: 1) There were significant differences of VO₂/W(㎖/㎏/min) peak, and concentration of blood Creatinine and Ammonia between groups after Taekwondo sparring (p< .05). 2) There were no significant differences of HR(bts/min) peak between groups in resting time, after Taekwondo sparring, and after 10 minutes in recovering(p>.05). For the further study, a more variety of programs advanced for scientific training related to validity can be applied to the field from the lab has required for the basic materials of the research.

      • 운동 형태에 따른 에너지 효율과 렙틴 호르몬

        김현,정윤기 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.1

        The subjects who took part in this study were composed of medically or physically healthy 15 woman college students at the nursing department at K university, whose BMIs exceed 25, an indication of being much weighed and who wanted to take voluntary part in the study. They were divided into two group: One was made up of 7 students and the other 8 students. 1. There was no significant difference between the two groups in respiratory exchange ratio(RER), excess post exercise oxygen consumption(EPOC) and consumption of kilocalorie(kcal). But there was a significant difference within each group(p<.05). 2. There was no significant difference between the two groups and within each group in Leptin. The survey shows that the compound exercise linking non-aerobic exercise to aerobic exercise may enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of fat combustion and calorie consumption and that it may affect an average difference in the fatty substances and Leptin hormone. The researcher would like to suggest that the following studies should focus on significant differences between groups on the basis of long-term training instead of short-term training.

      • 척수장애인의 개인적 특성과 간접스포츠 개입 및 주관적 안녕감 간의 인과모형

        김기영,윤형기 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.6

        The principal purpose of this study is to analyze closely the causal effects among personal traits, involvement of indirected sports, and perceived wellbeing of spine cored injuriers participating in indirected sports. For this purpose the research was administered to 148 male and female spine cored injuriers dwelling in both Kyeonggi Province and Seoul. Data were collected through samples by means of purposive sampling method. The questionnaire for data collection of this study was based on those used in domestic previous studies of chae(1998), umberson(1989) and umberson & gove(1989), used them after examing the verification of validity and reliability through pilot test. The methods of Statistics used to analyze the collected datas were structural equation modeling analysis. The following is conlusions brought through these analyzing methods and process in this study. 1. Hypothesis Ⅰ was partialy supported by the relationship between personal traits and involvement of spine cored injuriers participating in sports. 2. Hypothesis Ⅱ was partialy supported by the relationship between personal traits and perceived well-being of spine cored injuriers participating in sports. 3. Hypothesis Ⅲ was partialy supported by the relationship between involvement of sport and perceived well-being of spine cored injuriers participation in sports. 4. Hypothesis Ⅳ was partialy supported by the relationship among personal traits, involvement of sport, and perceived well-being of spine cored injuriers participating in sports.

      • 프랑스어 및 한국어 구강모음의 비교연구 : 컴퓨터 단층 촬영 및 디지틀 음향분광기를 사용하여 by means of Computed Tomography and High-speech Analysis System

        김찬양,신효근,홍기환,김연희,김현기 全北大學校 語學硏究所 1994 어학 Vol.21 No.-

        The methods of the Computed Tomograph and the High-speed Speech analysis system were used for the comparative study of French and Korean oral vowels. Three male native speackers of French and three Korean speakers were selected for these articulatory and acoustic characteristics. The speech materials were the simple French oral vowels / i, e, ε, a, u, o, ??, a / and the Korean oral vovels / i, e, ε, a, w, u, o /, respectively. The results of these studies are as follows : (1) In the case of articulation, the aperture of Korean closed front unrounded vowels is larger than that of French vowels and the Korean back closed vowel /u/ and the half-closed vowel /o/ did not show significant differences with the corresponding French high vowel /i/. But the aperture of the Korean half-open vowel /??/ is smaller than that of French vowel and in this case, the place of articulation for Korean vowel /??/ is more advanced than that of French vowel /??/ (2) By means of spectrographic analysis of the French and Korean vowels, the first formant of the Korean high vowel /i/ is higher than that of French high vowel /i/. This means that the aperture of the Korean high vowel is larger than that of French high vowel. The second formant of French back vowels are lower than those of Korean back vowels. This result shows that the projection of French back vowels is greater than that of Korean back vowels.

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