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      • 독도(경상북도 울릉군)의 거미상

        김주필(Joo Pil Kim),최한석(Han Seak Choi),지승환(Seung Hwan Ji),김대희(Dae Hee Kim),변진관(Jean Koan Byun),이형민(Hyung Min Lee),조형진(Hyung Jeen Jo),이형진(Hyung Jeen Lee),이태후(Tae Hoo Lee),한정혁(Jung Huk Han),조윤규(Yoon Kyu Jo 한국거미연구소 2018 한국거미 Vol.34 No.2

        2018년 7월 27일부터 독도 지역을 한국거미연구회 회원 17명(김주필, 최한석, 김대희, 지승환, 이형민, 변진관, 조형진, 이형진, 이태후, 한정혁, 조윤규, 조원규, 이현동, 이윤정, 조용하, 윤혜원, 이용화)이 채집한 결과 7과 9속 12종이 채집되어 이에 보고 발표하는 바이다. 2018 July 27th, Koran Arachnological Study members investigated the Spiders in the whole area Dok Island (Gyeongsangbuk-do, Ulleung-gun), and reported 7 Families, 9 Genus 12 Species of spiders. The collected spiders are placed (stored) in the Joo-Pil Spider museum.

      • 울릉도(경상북도 울릉군)의 거미상

        김주필(Joo Pil Kim),최한석(Han Seak Choi),김대희(Dae Hee Kim),지승환(Seung Hwan Ji),이형민(Hyung Min Lee),변진관(Jean Koan Byun),이형진(Hyung Jeen Lee),조형진(Hyung Jeen Jo),한정혁(Jung Huk Han),이태후(Tae Hoo Lee),조윤규(Yoon Kyu Jo 한국거미연구소 2018 한국거미 Vol.34 No.2

        2018년 7월 26일부터 28일까지 울릉도 나리분지, 독도 지역을 주야로 한국거미연구회 회원 17명(김주필, 최한석, 김대희, 지승환, 이형민, 변진관, 조형진, 이형진, 이태후, 한정혁, 조윤규, 조원규, 이현동, 이윤정, 조용하, 윤혜원, 이용화)이 채집한 결과 20과 43속 60종이 채집되어 이에 보고 발표하는 바이다. From July 26 to 28 in 2018. Koran Arachnological Study members investigated the Spiders in the Ulleung Island (Gyeongsangbuk-do, Ulleung-gun), and reported 20 Families, 43 Genus 60 Species of spiders. The collected spiders are placed (stored) in the Joo-Pil Spider museum.

      • 화야산(경기도 가평군)의 거미상

        김주필(Joo Pil Kim),최한석(Han Seak Choi),이형민(Hyung Min Lee),이형진(Hyung Jeen Lee),이태후(Tae Hoo Lee),심주영(Ju Young Sim),조윤규(Yoon Kyu Jo),조원규(Won Kyu Jo),이준이(Joon Lee Lee) 한국거미연구소 2018 한국거미 Vol.34 No.2

        2018년 10월 13일부터 14일까지 경기도 가평군 소재 화야산을 주야로 한국거미연구회 회원 13명(김주필, 최한석, 이형민, 이형진, 심주영, 이태후, 조윤규, 조원규, 이준이, 이현동, 윤혜원, 이광섭, 김형주)이 채집한 결과 18과 41속 48종이 채집되어 이에 보고 발표하는 바이다. From October 13 to 14 in 2018. Koran Arachnological Study members investigated the Spiders in the whole area Gyeonggi-do Gapyeong-gun, and reported 18 Families 41 Genus 48 Species of spiders. The collected spiders are placed (stored) in the Joo-Pil Spider museum.

      • 검단산(경기도 하남시)의 거미상

        김주필(Joo Pil Kim),최한석(Han Seak Choi),이형민(Hyung Min Lee),이형진(Hyung Jeen Lee),이태후(Tae Hoo Lee),심주영(Ju Young Sim),조윤규(Yoon Kyu Jo),조원규(Won Kyu Jo),이준이(Joon Lee Lee) 한국거미연구소 2018 한국거미 Vol.34 No.2

        2018년 10월 2일부터 3일까지 경기도 하남시 소재 검단산을 주야로 한국거미연구회 회원 13명(김주필, 최한석, 이형민, 이형진, 심주영, 이태후, 조윤규, 조원규, 이준이, 이현동, 윤혜원, 이광섭, 김형주)이 채집한 결과 22과 43속 56종이 채집되어 이에 보고 발표하는 바이다. From October 2 to 3 in 2018. Koran Arachnological Study members investigated the Spiders in the whole area Gyeonggi-do Hanam-si, and reported 22 Families, 43 Genus 56 Species of spiders. The collected spiders are placed (stored) in the Joo-Pil Spider museum.

      • 머리염색이 인체에 미치는 영향

        윤형식,황성호,이현륭,김수호,박연석,권낙현,정호진,김동훈,노현주,홍성호,박병찬,이관,정해관 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2002 東國醫學 Vol.9 No.1

        일상생활에서 모발염색은 흔히 접할 수 있는 미용의 한 종류로 특히 젊은층을 중심으로 폭발적으로 유행하고 있다. 염색을 위항 사용하는 약제는 표백제와 발색제 등 각종 화학약품이 사용되고 있으나 이로 인한 건강장해에 대한 연구는 그리 많지 않다. 저자들은 염색이 인체의 모발건강에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위하여 염색과 관련된 주관적 증상과 모발의 변화에 대한 실험적 연구를 시행하였다. 동국대학교 경주 캠퍼스 재학생 80명을 대상으로 설문조사를 시행하여 염색 유 ·무 및 염색 후에 경험한 증상에 대해 설문 조사하였고, 의과대학 재학생 46명을 대상으로 피부 반응 테스트를 실시하였다. 또한 염색 전후의 모발 탄성도를 측정하였고 모발의 상태를 파악하기 위해 전자 현미경검사를 실시하였다. 설문조사 결과 염색 전에 비하여 염색 후 안구혼탁, 안구건조, 시력저하, 발진 및 접촉성 피부염, 모발손상, 모근손상 등의 증상을 더 많이 경험한다고 호소하였다(p<0.05). 모발손상과 모근손상은 헤어드라이어 사용 빈도에 따라 증가하는 것으로 조사되었다(p<0.05). 피부반응검사에서 가려움증이 가장 많은 증상이었으며 이는 여성보다는 남성에서 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 염색 전후의 모발장력은 염색 전 134.5±10.37g, 염색 128.0±30.69g, 염색 이틀 후 112.5±19.69g으로 나타났다. 염색 전후의 모발의 전자현미경 케라틴 층이 현저히 감소하고 모발이 가늘어지는 차이를 보였다. 염색은 모발손상, 모발 케라틴 손상 및 모근 손상, 발진 및 접촉성 피부반응, 안구혼탁, 안구건조, 시력 저하를 유발한다. 따라서 염색약으로 인한 손상에 대한 주의와 예방이 필요하다고 생각한다. 예방대책으로 염색 전 피부테스트를 통한 적합성 여부를 판단하는 것이 필요하며 가급적 염색을 피하는 것이 좋을 것이다. 염색약에 발암물질이 포함되어있다는 보고도 있어 염색 제조사의 철저한 실험과 염색 물질의 선별이 염색으로 인한 부작용을 최소화하는데 중요한 역할을 할 것이다. Hair coloring has became one of the most popular cosmetic activities to younger generations during last decade. However, there are few studies on the health effect of widespread use of chemical dyes. This study was conducted to study the effects of hair coloring dye on hair and other systems. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 80 persons in Kyongju campus, Dongguk University. We have done open patch skin test on 46 medical students. We also conducted scanning electron microscopy to examine the hair strength and structure before and after hair coloring process. Injury of hair and hair bulb, contact dermatitis, turbid eyes, xerophthalmia, and poor visual acuity were the main symptoms complained after hair coloring (p<0.05). Injury of hair and hair bulb were increased by frequency of hair-dryer use(p<0.05). In open patch test, pruritus was complanined by more than half of the subjects. Mean strength of hairs before and after hair coloring was as follows; 134.5 (SD 10.37)g before hair coloring, 128.0 (SD 30.69)g immediately after hair coloring, and 112.5 (SD 19.69)g after two days. The scanning electron microscopic findings of hair surface before and after hair coloring showed decreased keratin layer and thinning of the hair. Hair coloring induces injury to hair, its keratin layer, and hair bulb as well as contact dermatitis, turbid eyes, xerophthalmia, and poor visual acuity. Therefore, we think that precaution is needed in use of hair coloring dye. To prevent complications induced by hair coloring dye, it is necessary, especially to those with allergy or skin disorders, to perform skin test before action and avoid hair coloring whenever possible. Longterm health effects of hairdye should be studied and manufacturing companies should try to minimize complications induced by hair coloring dye.

      • 개발도상국가에서 공해산업도입과 관련된 환경정책에 관한 연구

        김윤신,이주형 漢陽大學校 環境科學硏究所 1989 環境科學論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        본 연구는 생산시설의 국제적 이동과 환경보호에 대한 개발도상국가의 현행정책과 이에 따른 효율성과 공평성에 대해서 논의하고 분석하였다. 분석에 의한 결과는 다음과 같다. 생산시설의 이동은 두지역간의 상호이익과 관련이 있는데, 두 지역간 상호이익이 발생하는 원인은 두 지역간의 임금차이이다. 환경보호에 대한 국가간 차별정책도 이런 이동을 일으킬 수 있으나, 그것이 상호이익의 원인으로는 간주되지 않는다. 즉 공평성과 효율성에 영향을 주는 주요인자는 임금차, 거래비용, 관세율 그리고 환경훼손이다. 개발도상국가가 생산시설을 유지함으로서 이윤을 얻게 되는 경우는 시장임금율이 사회적 기회비용보다 높고 시장교환율이 외환의 사회가치보다 낮은 경우이다. This study has investigated efficiency and equity issues associated with the current policy of LDC's regarding environmental protecion and international movement of production facilities and the results of the analysis are as follows; There is room for mutual benefits for two countries involvep in movements of facilities. The only real source of such mutual benefits is the difference in wages between the two countries. The differential treatment of environmental effects might prompt such movement, but cannot be considered as a source of mutual benefits The key variables affecting the efficiency and distributional issues are wage differentials transaction costs, the extent of environmental damages and the rate of tariff If the market wage rate is higher than the Social opportunity cost of labor and market exchange is lower than the social value of fo reign exchange, The LDC may gain benefits from intemational movement of production facilities.

      • KCI등재

        동결온도가 해동 쇠고기의 품질에 미치는 영향

        남주현,송형익,김미숙,문윤희,정인철 한국식품영양학회 1998 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.11 No.5

        동결온도가 해동우육의 품질에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 해동드립감량은 -3℃ 동결이 30일째에 3.4%, -20℃ 동결이 60일째에 1.8%로 높았으며, -3℃가 -20℃보다 드립량이 많았다. 가열감량은 water bath와 pan 가열 모두 저장초기보다 동결저장중에 현저하게 높았으나, 동결온도에 의한 차이는 없었다. 염용성 단백질의 추출성은 동결기간이 경과함에 따라 감소하였고, -20℃에서 동결한 것이 -3℃에서 동결한 것보다 추출성이 높았다. 수용성 단백질의 추출은 -3℃의 경우 동결기간에 따라 현저한 변화가 없었으나, -20℃에서 동결한 것은 동결기간에 따라 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 명도(L)는 동결초기가 높았고 적색도(a)는 동결기간에 따른 변화가 없었으며, 황색도(b)는 동결초기보다 동결중에 더 높았다. Myoglobin의 변성율은 -3℃의 경우 45일째, -20℃의 경우 15일째 각각 94.4%와 94.0%로 가장 높았다. 전단력가는 동결초기보다 저장기간이 경과함에 따라 높아졌으며, 근원섬유의 소편화도는 동결저장중 현저한 변화가 없었다. pH는 -3℃와 -20℃ 모두 30일째까지 높아지다가 그 이후 낮아지는 경향을 나타내었다. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of freezing temperature on quality of thawed beef loin. In case of thaw drip loss, the freezing of -3℃ and -20℃ were higest by 3.4% to 30 days and by 1.8% to 60 days, respectively. And the thaw drip loss of -3℃ freezing was more than -20℃ freezing. The cooking loss of water bath and pan boiling were increased significantly during freezing than the beginning of freezing, but were not different -3℃ and -20℃. The salt soluble protein extractability was decreased during freezing, the -20℃ freezing was higher than -3℃ freezing. The water soluble protein extractability of -3℃ freezing was not significant different during freezing storage, that freezed at -20℃ was increased during freezing. The "L" value of the beginning of freezing was higher than during freezing, the "a" value was not different during freezing, and the "b" value during freezing was higher than the beginning of feezing. The myoglobin denatured percentaged of the -3℃ and -20℃ freezing were highest by 94.4% to 45 days and by 94.0% to 15 days, respectively. The shear force value during freezing was higher than the beginning of freezing, the myofibrillar fragmentation index was not significant different during freezing. The pH was increased to freezing 30 days, after that was decreased.

      • 주제학습을 통한 ICT 활용 교육 모형 개발

        박선주,김정랑,김철,이윤형 光州敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2002 初等敎育硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        In coming 21st century, which is forecasted that it will be a knowledge-information oriented society, abilities of information acquirements are required. For this, the Ministry of Education has been encouraging the business of information oriented school education and promoting application of ICT more than 10% in all classes of the 7th curriculum. Moreover, after extending applied classes into 20% by 2005, the Ministry of Education will promote editing textbooks by subjects reflecting the content of ICT application. But, actually, classes applied ICT aren't fulfilled in education fields. The main reason for this is that teachers don't understand fully ICT application model. On the basis of the preceding studies, this study designed subject-settlement class model to develop students' abilities of information acquirements. The subject-settlement class model is made up of 5 steps--confirmation of studying subjects, searching information and collecting, using information, arrangement of results, communication of information, and evaluation. By experiencing search of information, arrangement of information and creation of new information, the application of this model helps the students develop abilities of information acquirements. Nowadays, development of information communication and of computer makes the world change from information oriented society into knowledge oriented society. Future society will focus on the ability of production to create knowledge information. This study is the result presented as a part of the ability of creating information. Furthermore, the development of various learning and teaching models, which are required in information oriented age, are expected.

      • 병원내 생리기능 검사실의 적정 업무환경에 관한 연구

        배형준,윤기은,김승곤,나동진,문희주,김태전,박정오 서울보건대학 1999 서울보건대학 부설 병원경영연구소 논문집 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to suggest guideline for optimal work environment of physiological laboratory in hospital. Therefore this study was carried out to analyze the actual condition of laboratory system, major equipments and persons. The period of survey was from September to November 1997 and the objects were 123 laboratory. The major results of this study were as follows. 1. The optimal areas of general ECG room, exercise ECG room and echocardiology room were all 9-18㎡, that of Holter ECG room was 3-12㎡. The optimal areas of neurosystem laboratory were all 9-12㎡, those of respiratory system laboratory were all 9-18㎡. 2. The optimal number of persons laboratory of hospital 500 beds and less were 2∼3, those of 501∼700 beds were 3∼4.701∼1.000 beds were 4∼5 and over 1.001 beds were 7∼8 persons in circulatory system laboratory. The optimal number of persons laboratory of hospital 500 beds less than were 1∼2, those of 501∼700 beds were 3∼4, 701∼1.000 beds were 6∼7 and over 1.001 beds were over 8 persons in neurosystem laboratory. The optimal number of persons laboratory of hospital 500 beds and less 1. those 501∼1.000 beds were 1∼2 and over 1.001 beds were 2∼3 persons in repiratory system laboratory. 3. The optimal number of equipments of general ECG were 2∼3 in the 500∼1.000 beds hospital. there were 3∼4 units in the 1,001 beds. The optimal number of equipment EEG were both 1∼2 in the hospital 500 beds and less and 501∼700 beds. those were 4∼5 units in hospital over 701 beds. The optimal number of equipments of spirograph were both 1∼2 in the hospital 500 and less and 501∼1.000 beds. those were 2∼3 units in the over 1.001 beds. 4. In view of speciality and legal problem of physiofunctional test. we sugget that non-licensee were so quickly change place licensee in the interests of optimal work environment. 5. We suggest that to upgrade qualitative level of domestic equipment and to the more amplify utilization with respect to domestic equipment for the purpose of reducing loss of foreign money.

      • KCI등재

        다중이용업소의 내장재 규정의 적용에 관한 연구

        이주헌,윤명오,김운형 한국화재소방학회 2001 한국화재소방학회논문지 Vol.15 No.1

        건물 내장재는 화재 발생 시 화염 확산 및 유동성 가스발생의 주원인으로 피난안전계획에 매우 중요하지만 다중이용업소의 인테리어 공사 시 화재성능에 대한 검증 없이 무분별하게 사용되고 있어 동일한 유형의 인명피해가 반복되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 국내 내장재 사용 실태조사를 통해 현행 관련규정상 문제점을 살펴보고, 이를 효과적으로 개선, 보완할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다. 연구 결과, 구조체 밀착재를 제외한 내장재는 가칭 화재안전코드규정에서 사용구제하고, 소방 · 방화완비중명제도 시행 전 허가 · 신고된 다중이용업소는 건축법시행령에 소급하여 적용 할 수 있는 근거를 마련하며 지하 소규모 업소에 대한 소방방화시설 법제화, 내부 용도 변경 시 내장재사용 도면첨부 및 무단 변경 시 관련기관에 통보조치, 이동성가구에 대한 방염 처리 의무조항 신설, 화재확산 및 연기 유독성을 기준으로 하는 재료등급 평가 및 시험방법의 개선이 필요한 것으로 사료된다. A Interior material, a main cause of fire-growth and generating toxic gas it burns, should be dealt with great care in life safety design. Nonetheless, it has been used recklessly with undue attention to its contribution to fire in particular in entertainment occupancy and causes many victims in fire, Therefore, this study attempts to examine the current use of interior material in Korea and find out what to be improved and enhanced in terms of related regulations. Based on the comparison and analysis of the Korea regulation with those of advanced nation, suggestions are made for an effective and efficient improvement and complement to the current system. What can be suggested from this study are as follows. · The use of interior material should be controlled under the unified regulation of fire-safety codes. · Code should be set up so that the current construction enforcement should be applied in retroactive to those entertainment buildings that obtained a license prior to the implementation of the system certifying that the building is fire-resistant and fire-protection. ·The legislation should be made to control the fire-protection facilities of small-sized, underground entertainments. · It should be obliged to present the blueprint displaying the use of interior material at the time of changing occupancy. Or, it should be compelled to report changes that go way without permit to the administrative office. · A compulsory provision should be set up to have a fire-resistant performance to movable furniture. · The classification index designating the fire hazard of interior material by flame spread rate and smoke toxicity and its test method should be established.

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