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      • KCI등재

        The prediction of the tooth size in the mixed dentition for Korean

        Moon, Sung-Hwan,Kim, Seong-Oh,Yu, Hyung-Seong,Choi, Byung-Jai,Choi, Hyung-Jun,Lee, Jae-Ho 大韓小兒齒科學會 2006 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.33 No.2

        이번 연구의 목적은 혼합치열기 아동에서 미맹출된 견치와 소구치의 크기를 예측하는데 있어서 한국인에 맞는 방정식을 만들기 위함이다. 미맹출 치아의 크기를 예측하는 것은 혼합치열기 교정 진단과 치료계획 수립에 있어서 매우 중요하다. 미맹출된 견치와 소구치 크기를 예측하는 방법은 몇가지가 있지만 그중에서도 가장 흔하게 쓰이는 것이 모이어의 예측표와 다나카와 존스턴의 방정식이 있다. 하지만 그것들은 백인을 위해서 제작된 것이고 치아 크기는 인종에 따라서 다르다고 알려져 있다. 이번 연구에서는 치아크기를 측정하여 하악 영구 절치의 크기 합과 견치 및 소구치의 크기 합 사이의 상관관계를 구하고 회귀방정식을 이용해서 한국인에 맞는 예측표를 만들었다. 연세대학교 치과대학에 재학중인 178명의 한국 학생(남 108명, 여 70명, 평균연령 21.63)을 대상으로 실험하였다. 영구치의 근원심 폭경을 석고모형상에서 calipers를 이용해서 측정하였다. 성별간의 치아 크기는 차이가 있었다(p<0.05). Correlation coefficient는 0.57에서 0.64의 범위였고, standard errors of the estimates 는 여성에서 0.6으로써 남성보다 우수하였다. r^(2)값은 0.27에서 0.41의 범위를 나타내었다. Estimating the size of unerupted teeth is an essential aspect of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning in the mixed dentition. Several methods were introduced and used for the prediction. The most common methods among these would be Moyers probability chart and Tanaka and Johnston equations. These are currently used widely, but they were developed for Caucasians. Because there are clear racial differences in teeth size, the objectives of this study were to produce correlation coefficients between the combined mesiodistal widths of the permanent mandibular incisors and those of the canines and premolars for each quadrant, and prediction tables with regression equations, specifically for Korean. 178 young adults (70 women, 108 men, mean age 21.63 years) were selected from the College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. The mesiodistal crown diameters of the permanent teeth were measured with calipers. Significant sexual dimorphism was found in tooth sizes. The correlation coefficients between the total mesiodistal width of the mandibular permanent incisors and those of the maxillary and mandibular canines and premolars were found to be between 0.52 and 0.64. The standard error of the estimatation was better (0.60) for women and the r^(2) values ranged from 0.27 to 0.41 for both sexes, Prediction tables were prepared for Korean. This study showed larger canine and premolar diameters than Tanaka and Johnston's and Moyers' studies which might be due to the racial differences. Further investigations with a larger sample size will be needed for more representative data on the Korean population.

      • KCI등재

        칸트 도덕철학의 관점에서 본 현행 인성교육의 문제점

        문성학 새한철학회 2001 哲學論叢 Vol.23 No.1

        최근 우리 교육계의 화두는 인성교육이다. 인간을 인간답게 만드는 것이 중요하다는 것이다. 그러나 과연 인간을 인간답게 만드는 기계적인 교육방법이 있는가 하는 것이 근본적인 의문으로 떠오른다. 칸트는 인간의 인간됨을 인격성이라 불렀으며, 이 인격성의 핵심은 도덕성이며, 도덕성의 핵심은 자유라고 말했다. 자유 없는 인격 없다. 그럼에도 불구하고 최근 우리 사회에서 광범위하게 실시되고 있는 '점수 따기 봉사활동'은 도덕성의 핵심인 자유를 부정하는 바탕 위에서 실시되고 있다는 근본적인 문제점을 갖고 있다. 이런 점에서 본다면 인간의 인격성과 도덕성의 핵심인 자유를 파괴하는 방식으로 인간을 인간답게 만들려는 봉사활동은 자기모순적 교육활동이라 하겠다. 또한 인성교육론자들은 인간다운 인간을 육성하기 위해서는 주당 1~2 시간씩 실시되는 정규 도덕교과를 통한 교육으로는 불가능하기 때문에, 전교과를 통해 인성교육이 실시되어야 한다고 주장하다. 이는 언뜻 듣기에 그럴듯한 말이지만, 이 주장 역시 인간을 길들여야 할 대상으로 간주하며 자유의 주체로 보지 않는다는 근본적인 문제점을 갖고 있다. 칸트는 인간이 인간답게 되는 것은 길들여짐에 의해서라기보다 근본적으로 사고의 혁명을 통한 자유의 각성에 의해서라고 생각한다. Recent slogan of educational field in our society is In-sung education, which should be taken to mean not 'character education' but 'humanity education' or 'personhood education'. Of course it is very important educational task to make a socialized person out of a biological man. However, it is highly questionable to find any mechanical process which enables us to make a person out of a man. There can be no such mechanical process. In the center of humanity there is morality and in the center of morality there is freedom of will. Therefore we can say that without freedom there can be no humanity. To speak otherwise, the essence of humanity is freedom. It is the essential teachings of Kantian moral philosophy. If we enquire into current educational movement named In-sung education from a viewpoint of Kantian moral philosophy, we can find some fatal defaults. The first of which is it's disregard of the freedom of moral agency. In-sung education do not prompt the freedom of moral agency rather demolish it. Second fatal default of In-sung education is that it lays too much emphasis on living etiquette. Not to mention, to make a courteous person of a pupil is not to be neglected. But it may not be the core part of moral education. In-sung education focused living etiquette unavoidably leads to taming education based on behaviorism. By the way, behaviorism, its representatives are J. B. Waston and B.F. Skinner, denies the free will of man. But if man can not show voluntary moral act, it will be an empty rhetoric to speak that man is the lord of all creation.

      • 한우의 반추위내에서 요소 및 암모니아처리 볏짚과 황산병용처리 볏짚의 In situ 유기물 분해율

        문승식,정현승,박성진,유성오 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1997 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.10 No.-

        본 시험은 볏짚의 수분함량을 30%로 조절하여 농업용 요소 6%를 수용액상태로 처리한 요소처리 볏짚과 암모니아가스 3%를 처리한 암모니아처리 볏짚을 밀봉상태로 45일간 보관한후 개봉하여 이들 처리볏짚의 1/2에 해당하는 양에 농황산 2.2%를 처리하여 요소-황산병용처리 및 암모니아-황산병용처리 볏짚을 제조하여 화학적 조성을 분석하고, 한우의 의해 in situ 유기물 분해율을 측정하였으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 볏짚의 유기물 소실율은 암모니아-황산병용처리>암모니아처리>요소-황산병용처리>요소처리 볏짚순으로 높았다. 2. 유기물의 잠재적 소화율은 타처리에 비하여 암모니아처리 볏짚에서 높은 경향을 나타내었다. 3. 볏짚의 유기물분해율(P)은 암모니아-황산병용처리>암모니아처리>요소-황산병용처리>요소처리 볏짚순으로 높았다. 4. 사료섭취량에 따른 한우의 반추위내 통과율이 시간당 6%일 때 72시간 발효시 예상유기물 분해율(ED)은 요소처리, 암모니아처리, 요소-황산병용처리 및 암모니아-황산병용처리 볏짚이 각각 18.97, 21.63, 24.66 및 29.09%이였다. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of two phase treatments of urea-sulfuric acid and ammonia-sulfuric acid combination on in situ organic matter degradability of rice straw as ruminant feedstuff. Rice straw were treated with 6% urea (W/DM) or 3% ammonia (W/DM) for at least 45 days and further with sulfuric acid for overnight to complete the combination treatments. The treated rice straws were then sun-dried, and the chemical composition of the treated rice straws were analyzed. Also, Four Korean native bulls (550±30.5kg) were used to determine the in situ organic matter degradability in rumen. The treatments included urea-treated, ammonia-treated, urea·H_2SO_4 combination-treated and ammonia·H_2SO_4 combination-treated rice straws. In situ disappearance of organic matter (OM) in the rumen was significantly (P<0.05) higher in ammonia·H_2SO_4 combination-treated rice straw than those of other treatments. Potential digestibility of OM were slightly higher in ammonia-treated rice straw than those of other treatments. Organic matter degradabilities (P) in the rumen was high in ammonia·H_2SO_4 combination-treated with following by ammonia-treated, urea·H_2SO_4 combination-treated and urea-treated rice straw. When passage rate of 6% in rumen of korean native bulls was applied, effective degradabilities (ED) of OM of urea-treated, ammonia-treated, urea·H_2SO_4 combination-treated and ammonia·H_2SO_4 combination-treated rice straw were 18.97, 21.63, 24.66 and 29.09% after incubation for 72 hrs time, respectively.

      • 위 MALT 림프종에서 다발성 림프절 전이로 오인된 동시성 림프절 결핵 1예

        김성은,김규종,김도현,송준영,문대성,장리라,유찬희,문원,박무인,박선자,김영옥 고신대학교의과대학 2008 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.23 No.2

        28세 남자가 내시경적 점막절제술을 통해 저등급 위MALT 림프종으로 진단되었다. 병기설정을 위해 18F-FDG PET 검사를 시행하였고 우측 쇄골상부, 우측상/하부 기관주위, AP window 부위에 강한 섭취가 관찰되어 전이성 림프절로 판단하였다. 그러나, 우측 쇄골상부 림프절에서 시행한 절제생검에서 만성육아종성염증소견이 관찰되었고 조직의 결핵 중합효소연쇄반응에서도 양성 반응을 보였다. 2개월간 항결핵제의 사용 후 시행한 추적 컴퓨터단층촬영 검사에서 림프절 크기의 감소를 보여 최종적으로 위 MALT 림프종에서 광범위 림프절 전이로 오인된 동시성 림프절 결핵으로 진단되었다. A 28-year-old man was diagnosed as gastric MALT lymphoma in diagnostic EMR (endoscopic mucosal resection). He subsequently underwent an 18F-FDG PET. 18F-FDG PET showed intense multifocal uptake in right supraclavicular, right upper and lower paratracheal, and AP window areas that was considered radiologically to represent widespread metastatic lymphadenopathy. Excisional biopsy of a supraclavicular lymph node, however, revealed chronic granulomatous lymphadenitis with a positive reaction of Tb-nested PCR. After antituberculosis treatment for 2 months, a follow-up CT scan showed complete resolution of the lesions. Intense 18F-FDG uptake could be due to an infectious process such as synchronous tuberculous lymphadenitis. Therefore, this could mimic a malignant condition such as lymphoma with extensive lymph node metastasis due to a false-positive finding, which may lead to a misdiagnosis.

      • KCI등재

        중증 외상환자에서 염기 결핍수치의 유용성

        문준동,김수진,문철규,최성혁,전정민,이성우,홍윤식 대한응급의학회 2001 대한응급의학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        Background: This study's objective was to determine the prognostic value of the base deficit measured in the emergency department(ED) and to determine whether base deficit can provide information not provided by advanced injury scoring system. Methods: This study was a retrospective analysis of data collected for two years. Thirty-two severe trauma patients who were admitted to the Emergency Department of Korea University Hospital were included in this study. The patients were divided into two groups: the normal base deficit group(-3 mmol/L to 3 mmol/L) and the elevated base deficit group(>3 mmol/L). The base-deficit value, age, sex, head injury, organ failure rate, and survival were considered, and the also Revised Trauma Score(RTS), Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation(APACHE II), and Injury Severity Score(ISS) were measured. Result: The elevated base-deficit group showed a lower survival rate and a higher organ failure rate compared to the normal base deficit group. Logistic Regression showed a strong association between base deficit and mortality rate. Among the previous injury scoring Systems(RTS, APACHE II, ISS), base deficit had the strongest correlation with RTS. By using base deficit value and the RTS together, we obtained a higher positive predictive value than that obtained by using base deficit or RTS alone. Conclusion: The admission value of the base deficit in the ED is a useful tool in predicting the outcome in severe trauma patients, and it can be an adjunct to previous injury scoring systems. As an advanced injury scoring System is developed in the future, the base deficit may have some significant role.

      • KCI등재

        노인외상환자의 예후 인자

        문철규,전정민,최성혁,문준동,이성우,홍윤식 大韓應急醫學會 1999 대한응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Background: It has been documented that certain prognostic factors may affect the outcomes of the old aged victims by trauma. Considering that trauma is the sixth most common cause of death in people over the age of 65 years and there is a rapid growth of elderly population, it is paramount to understand the prognostic factors when dealing with geriatric trauma patients. Hypothesis and Goals: It can be hypothesized that the prognostic factors should be determined independently between populations being consisted of different races, countries, socio-economic states, cultures, or so on. Thus, the study was designed to evaluate the factors affecting the outcomes of elderly Korean trauma patients. Methods: One hundred forty six patients aged over 65 years were retrospectively reviewed, who visited the Emergency Center of Korea University from January, 1997 to June, 1998. Of 146 patients, 7 were excluded due to discharge against advice or transfer to the other hospitals. Parameters analyzed were age, sex, mechanism of injuries, body region injured, Injury Severity Score (ISS), previous medical illness, hospital morbidity, duration of hospital stay, and cost. Each patient was classified into improved or not-improved group depending on the outcomes, and young-old or old-old group depending on the age. The factors affecting the hospital stay in improved patients were analyzed in the parameters of previous medical illness, hospital morbidity, multiple injuries, ISS, and age. All statistical tests were conducted with two-tailed levels of 0.05. Results: Of 139 patients, the mean age was 74±7.1 years, mean ISS 9.3±7.26, mean hospital stay 27±27.1 days. Most commonly injured body region was the extremities due to fall from a level surface. Rate of previous illness showed 0.94 medical diseases per person and were aggravated after trauma in 39 patients (60.9%). Hospital morbidity rate was 0.46 incidents per person. There were no differences in age and duration of hospital stay between the improved and the not-improved group. Substantial differences were noted in affected body region, incidence of previous illness, and hospital morbidity between the groups (p=NS). Not-improved group had higher ISS(p<0.05). ISS, previous illness and hospital morbidity affected the duration of hospital stay in the improved group. Hospital stay was 40±25.1 days in patients with ISS over 6 while 6±8.6 days in those with ISS 5(p<0.05). Hospital stay in the improved was 26±26.9 days while 31±24.8 days in the improved old-old group (p=NS). Hospital stay in the young-old minor trauma (ISS5) patients with previous illness and hospital morbidity was 26±10.1 days while 4±7.3 days in those without previous illness and hospital morbidity (p<0.05). Conclusion: Previous medical illness and hospital morbidity, not age, are predictive of outcomes of geriatric trauma patients with respect to hospital stay. As most of the hospital morbidity was a trauma-induced aggravation of previous medical illness and hospital morbidity contributing poor outcomes can be potentially avoidable, routine aggressive care for the geriatric trauma patients with previous medical illnesses is needed.

      • KCI등재

        상한논에 대한 정신의학적 연구

        문상태(Sang Tae Moon),신용현(Yong Hyun Shin),구병수(Byung Su Gu) 대한한방신경정신과학회 2000 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        This study was aimed to get the course which is caused by Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Sang-Han. Therefore this study is based on 『Euhak-Ipmun. Sang-Han』(『醫學入門.傷寒』) classfied mainly by symptoms. The results were summerized as follows: 1. Neuropsychiatric symptoms in 『Euhak-Ipmun. Sang-Han』(『醫學入門. 傷寒』) are explained as Pal-Gang(八綱), which shows those are settled down to a systematic oriental medical theory. 2. Pal-Bup (八法) used in the cure of symptomatische psychose in 『Euhak-Ipmun. Sang-Han』(『醫學入門. 傷寒』), which is intended to boost the effect of cure, choosing the respondent cure method about various causes. 3. Pal-Gang(八綱) and Pal-Bup(八法) in『Euhak-Ipmun. Sang-Han』(『醫學入門·傷寒』) are improved by Lee-Chun(李 ) who added Jang-gi(張機)`s Sang Han theory and new medical thought in the ages of Geum. Won. 4. Lee-Chun(李 ) believed that Neuropsychiatric symptoms which appeared in Sang Hang is caused by the Unbalance(不平). So he wanted to reach harmony of Jeong(精), QI(氣), Shin(神), Hyul(血) after improving the status of Unbalance(『不平』) toward the status of Balance(平).

      • KCI등재

        두부외상환자에서의 예후인자

        최성혁,문준동,김수진,문철규,이성우,홍윤식 대한응급의학회 2001 대한응급의학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Background: Predicting outcome after head trauma is of great interest for clinicians, especially in the early stage. It may provide a basis for therapeutic strategies and may be helpful to select different approaches. But, reliable outcome prediction from head trauma is still unresolved. The purpose of this study is to determine which clinical parameters can be used effectively after an event of head trauma. Methods: In our study we studied head trauma patients who came to the Emergency department of Korea University Medical School Anam Hospital from the 1st of June 1998 to 31th of January 2000, looked into medical records, and studied the records in a retrospective manner. The head trauma patients were divied into two group, a) favourable outcome-related and b) unfavourable outcome-related. The two groups were then subdivided according to their sex, age, the mechanism of their injury, the time they came in, alcohol drinking, loss of consciousness, vomiting, pupil change, previous medical illness, associated injuries and were seperately compared and analyzed. And the factors affecting Glasgow Outcome Scale(GOS) were analyzed in the parameters of Injury Severity Score(ISS), Revised Trauma Score(RTS), Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS), motor score of GCS(mGCS), Marshall Computed Tomographic Classification(MCTC). Statistically, t-test and Mann-Whistney rank sum test using Jandel-sigma were used in the study and then were assessed in Chi-square analysis methods. The statistical significance was determined at a level of p less than 0.05. Results: The total of the head trauma patients, added up to 129 people, 99:males and 30:females. Among this sum, 99 patients showed a favourable outcome and 30 patients showed an unfavourable outcome at discharge. The causes of injury included: automobile accident in 42 cases; fallss in 26; assaults in 6; and accidental-slipping injury etc in 55 cases. 12 patients had bilateral unreactive pupils on admission, 2 had unilateral reactive pupils, and 113 had bilateral reactive pupils. Compared to the favourable outcome-related head trauma group, the unfavourable outcome-relared head trauma group had more history of loss of consciousness, unreactive pupils and tended to have previous medical illness. There were no difference in alcohol related, vomiting and associated injuries between two groups(favourable outcome-related head trauma group: unfavourable outcome-related head trauma group). Substantial difference were observed in GCS, mGCS, ISS, RTS, MCTC between two groups. Patients with unfavourable outcome had a significantly higher ISS, lower RTS, lower mGCS. After MCTC, patients with mass lesion had unfavourable outcome than patients with diffuse injury. Conclusion: Age, history of loss of consciousness, previous medical illness and unreactive pupil change are predictives of outcomes of head trauma patients with respect to Glasgow outcome scale. The lower GCS, lower RTS, lower mGCS, higher ISS, mass lesion based on CT scan provide poorer prognostic outcome in patients with head trauma. Use of prognostic factors thorough complete history taking and physical examination would provide useful prognostic information and facilitate improved therapeutic decision-malting in head-injuried patients.

      • p-Methoxystyrylphenylsulfone의 가수분해 반응메카니즘에 대한 반응속도론적 연구

        權奇星,高東成,朴文奎,金演斗,成洛道 충남대학교 기초과학연구소 1981 연구논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        The rate constants for the hydrolysis of p-methoxystyrylphenylsulfone were determined at wide pH ranges by means of UV spectrophotometer and the rate equations which could be applied to the experimental results were obtained. Form the facts, reaction mechanism was proposed : above pH 11.5, the rate is only dependent on the concentration of hydroxide ion and below pH 9.5, the reaction is initiated by the attack of a water molecule on the activated carbon-carbon double bond. In the range of pH from 9.5 to 11.5, these two reactions occur competitively.

      • 상부소화관출혈에 있어서 내시경적 분말약제산포의 효과

        김상균,조주영,송상훈,김진오,이준성,이문성,심찬섭 순천향의학연구소;Soonchunhyang Medical Research Institute 2000 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.6 No.1

        Background : Bleeding after endoscopic procedure of the stomach carries an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. In case of oozing hemorrhage, not in active hemorrhage, powdered sodium alginate may play a role in control of bleeding with convenience. Therefore, we evaluated the clinical effect and efficacy of sodium alginate powder in upper G-Ⅰ bleeding. Methods : Forty-five patients who had upper G-Ⅰ bleeding after endoscopic procedure were enrolled in this study. Twenty-five patients of them were managed by the application of powder preparation of Sodium alginate(ALTO). The others were observed without treatment. The next day, we performed endoscopy in all patients to ascertain the hemostasis. Results : Of 25 patients managed with Sodium alginate, only two patients(8%) had bleeding (hemostatic rate : 92%), On the other hand, of 20 patients who did not receive any treatment, 3 patient(15%) had bleeding (hemostatic rate : 85%). There was no statistical difference between the two groups(p>0.05). Using other endoscopic procedure, We successfully treated the patient who continued to bleed. Conclusion : We evaluated the effect of the spary of sodium alginate on oozing hemorrhage. Although there was no statistical significance in our study, it seems that the spray of sodium alginate may be a useful method for the prevention of bleeding after endoscopic procedure.

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