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      • 평양 남정리 53호분 출토 토제칠기의 보존 및 제작기법 연구 : 토제칠이배, 토제칠반, 토제칠안

        황현성,임수경,김희진,이태진,고민정,윤은영 국립중앙박물관 2013 고고학지 Vol.19 No.-

        본고는 일제 강점기 조사 미등록 유물 정리사업의 일환으로 수행한 평양 남정리 53호분 출토 토제칠이배, 토제칠반, 토제칠안에 관한 연구이다. 남정리 출토 유물은 소지가 목심이 아닌 토제라는 것과 칠이배와 칠반을 얹은 칠안이 함께 출토되었다는 점에서 주목할 만하다. 토제칠이배 및 칠반 그리고 칠안의 보존처리를 통해 이들의 형태와 문양 등에 대해 알 수 있었다. 또한 칠기에 사용된 붉은색 안료의 성분을 분석하여 안료의 주성분이 진사(HgS)였음을 확인하였다. 이번 연구에서 기존에 잘 알려지지 않았던 한반도 내 위치한 낙랑의 토제칠기에 관해 살펴볼 수 있었으며 이러한 제작방법이 한나라 고유의 문화인지 아니면 재지세력이 한나라의 영향을 받아 현지화한 문화의 산물인지에 대해 생각해 볼 수 있는 기회라 생각된다. This research paper examines the lacquered pottery cup, plate and table unearthed from Tomb No. 53 at Namjeong-ri in Pyongyang, which were under conservation treatment as a part of the Project of Unregistered Artefacts Uncovered in the Japanese Colonial Era. It is very rare to have a lacquered pottery cup and plate, lying on a lacquered pottery table, as a set of grave goods. In particular, they are not wooden but pottery items. Through conservation treatment for lacquered pottery cup, plate and table, it was possible to find out their shapes and decoration patterns. The resulting analysis of the red pigment used indicates that cinnabar (HgS) is the main element. This research is significant because it examines lacquered pottery wares produced in Lelang, which has rarely been conducted. Further research will need to prove whether their production techniques were in the unique Chinese Han style or were produced by indigenous craftsmen who adopted the Chinese Han technique.

      • KCI등재후보

        梅泉 黃玹 詩에 나타난 實行性

        黃秀貞 한국고시가문학회 2004 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.13

        This study examined the representation of practical ideas in the poetry written by Maecheon Hwang Hyeon. First, he revealed his loneliness in his poetry. He thought that the impoverishment of rural areas was caused by corruption by public officers and a contradictory policy. Therefore, he wrote real and critical poetry, speaking of the predicament and resentment of farmers. Secondly, he criticised the dependency on foreign forces. Maechon specifically described a society that was changing through his poems, and used irony to warn of the unknown dangers we faced. Finally, he represented sublime justice in his poetry. He identified the time he wrote sharply through looking at himself and his surroundings. His <Jeol-myeong-si>, which expressed the practical mind of the intellectual, was well matched with his way of living, sacrificing himself to preserve his integrity. Based on the above study, it was found that his speech and actions were consistent throughout his poetry, in which his life, thoughts and literary mind were brought together.

      • KCI등재

        치과용 디지털 색상 분석용 기기의 정확성과 재현 능력에 대한 평가

        정중재,박수정,조현구,황윤찬,오원만,황인남 大韓齒科保存學會 2008 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.33 No.4

        본 연구에서는 치과용 디지털 색상 분석기기 중 하나인 ShadeScan (CYNOVAD, Montreal, Canada)의 색상 분석의 정확성과 재현 능력을 평가하였다. 균일한 치아 배열을 가진 20대 성인 남자 8명과 여자 8명의 상악 인상을 고무인 상제 (Exaflex, GC, Japan)를 이용하여 채득하고, 인상에 A2 색상의 임시 크라운 제작용 자가중합형 레진을 주입하여 치아 모델을 완성하고, ShadeScan을 이용해 각 치아의 영상을 얻어 컴퓨터의 ShadeScan 프로그램으로 분석하였다. 그리고 측정 결과의 재현 능력를 평가하기 위해 2개의 치아 모델을 임의로 선택하여 각 치아마다 10회의 색상 측정을 시행하여 분석 결과를 비교하였다. 또한 분석된 영상의 동일 shade 간의 색차를 확인하기 위해 광중합 복합레진인 Gradia Direct (GC, Tokyo, Japan)와 shade guide의 CIE L^(*)a^(*)b^(*) 값을 백색과 흑색 배경판 상에서 spectrophotometer (Spectrolino, GretagMacbeth, USA)로 측정하고, ShadeScan에 의해 동일한 shade로 분석된 shade guide간의 색차를 계산하여 다음의 결과를 얻었다. 모든 치아에서 모델 제작 재료와 동일한 A2 색상므로 분석된 경우는 없었으며, 개개의 치아에서 전체 순면이 동일한 색상으로 분석된 예는 없었다. 또한 동일한 치아군에서 치아의 크기 , 형태 , 순면의 굴곡 등에 따라 서로 다른 색상 분포를 보였다. 재현성 평가에서 각 치아의 중앙부는 비교적 일정한 재현성출 보였으나, 절단부와 주변 부위는 재현성이 낮았으며, 동일한 shade로 분석된 shade guide 간에는 3 이상의 색차 (ΔE^(*))를 보였다. 이상의 결과는 치과용 디지털 색상 분석기기는 비록 높은 재현 능력은 가지고 있지만 정확성에 오류가 있음을 시사하며 , 따라서 이러한 기기를 이용한 색상 분석 시 좀 더 세밀한 주의와 다른 방법의 추가 사용이 필요하리라 사료된다. This study was done to evaluate the reliability of the digital color analysis system (ShadeScan, CYNOVAD, Montreal, Canada) for dentistry. Sixteen tooth models were made by injecting the A2 shade chemical cured resin for temporary crown into the impression acquired from 16 adults. Surfaces of the model teeth were polished with resin polishing cloth. The window of the ShadeScan handpiece was placed on the labial surface of tooth and tooth images were captured, and each tooth shade was analyzed with the ShadeScan software. Captured images were selected in groups, and compared one another. Two models were selected to evaluate repeatability of ShadeScan, and shade analysis was performed 10 times for each tooth. And, to ascertain the color difference of same shade code analyzed by ShadeScan, CIE L^(*)a^(*)b^(*)values of shade guide of Gradia Direct (GC, Tokyo, Japan) were measured on the white and black background using the Spectrolino (GretagMacbeth, USA), and Shade map of each shade guide was captured using the ShadeScan. There were no teeth that were analyzed as A2 shade and unique shade. And shade mapping analyses of the same tooth revealed similar shade and distribution except incisal third. Color difference (ΔE^(*)) among the Shade map which analyzed as same shade by ShadeScan were above 3. Within the limits of this study, digital color analysis instrument for dentistry has relatively high repeatability, but has controversial in accuracy.

      • 부산지역 산성강우의 특성과 주영향인자 해석에 관한 연구

        황성욱,유수영,조정구,박정호,최금찬 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 2003 硏究報告 Vol.25 No.2

        Acid rain was strongly raised in regional air pollution problems. All of researchs have been focused in plt tendency in a limited area. But, chemical composition data are important because of the control strategy are also necessary to reduce source emission from various air pollution sources. Longtime may be helpful to evaluate acid rain effect to regional area for a long time. We have accumulated acid data from Sep. 1993 to Jan. 2003. In this study, data which was given from Sept., 1993 to 2000 is measured pH and EC, analyzed cations anions by ion chromatography. All of analyzed data were calculated to fit average and standard by SAS package.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 파산절차상 관리인제도 소개

        황정수 법무부 2011 선진상사법률연구 Vol.- No.53

        In 2006, China enacted the new Enterprise Bankruptcy Law based on its past experience of handling bankruptcy cases for state-owned enterprises as well as the results of studying the laws of different countries. One of the significant aspects of the new Enterprise Bankruptcy Law was the introduction of a bankruptcy administrator policy upon which an expert in the bankruptcy field was authorized to perform bankruptcy affairs as an administrator and be supervised by the Court. The Peoples' Supreme Court was in charge of the appointment of bankruptcy administrator who was selected to be the most appropriate person to handle the bankruptcy affairs out of several candidates including the intermediary organization such as law firms, accounting firms and bankruptcy litigation offices as well as individual attorneys or CPAs who were members of such intermediary organization. After selecting the administrator, the Court prepared the roster of bankruptcy administrators and organized the Evaluation Committee of the Court to guarantee fairness in the selection process. Once a detailed selection guideline was set up, the Evaluation Committee of the Court performed assessment on the candidates in accordance with the given selection criteria and picked the ones who were then included in the roster. As soon as the bankruptcy petition is filed at the Peoples' Supreme Court, the Court appoints an administrator from the roster of the existing administrators including the intermediary organization or individual attorneys and CPAs. The Court uses three alternatives such as random, competition and recommendation methods in the selection process and chooses one out of the three options depending on the type of the specific bankruptcy case. It is an obligation of a bankruptcy administrator to perform his/her duties prescribed under the new Enterprise Bankruptcy Law independently with diligence and faithfulness. The new law authorizes the Peoples' Supreme Court to issue an opinion on the details of the nomination, exemption, compensation and permission of the administrator whereas the Creditors' Meeting and the Creditors' Committee to supervise the activities of the administrator through the application for administrator exemption, the deliberation on administrator compensation and the requestion for further explanation or documents, and grant obligations on the administrator to report or give presentation before the Peoples' Supreme Court, the Creditors' Meeting and the Creditors' Committee in an effort to exercise its rights of supervision. The administrator compensation is determined at the time the bankruptcy case is settled by the Peoples' Supreme Court and can be modified according to the real work situation. The payment of the administrator is determined by the certain ratio to the size of the bankruptcy asset used to pay back the debts. The application for a specific compensation payment filed by the administrator is approved afterwards by the Peoples' Supreme Court. The administrator's compensation decided by the Peoples' Supreme Court can be subject to review and objection by creditors through the Creditors' Meeting. The new bankruptcy administrator policy signals that the Chinese government no longer plays a leading role in a bankruptcy case and such role is handed over to the Peoples' Supreme Court. Therefore it can be said that the fate of the new Chinese bankruptcy administrator policy is left in the hands of the capability of the Peoples' Supreme Court. The new Chinese bankruptcy administrator policy suggests that an ideal model for a government policy is determined not by its own but by the nation's society and culture. 중국은 과거 국유기업 파산사건 처리경험과 각국의 입법례 조사결과를 바탕으로 2006년에 기업파산법을 제정하였는데, 기업파산법의 가장 큰 특징 중 하나는 파산업무를 전문가인 관리인으로 하여금 수행하게 하고, 법원이 관리인을 실질적으로 감독하는 관리인제도를 도입한 것이다. 인민법원은 법률사무소, 회계사무소, 파산청산사무소 등 사회중개기구와 위 사회중개기구 구성원인 개인의 신청을 받아서 파산업무 수행에 적합한 자를 선정한 후 관리인명부를 작성하는데, 공정성 보장을 위하여 평가선정위원회를 구성하고 구체적인 선정기준을 정하면 평가선정위원회가 위 선정기준에 따라 신청자들을 평가하여 관리인명부에 편입할 자를 정한다. 인민법원은 파산사건 수리결정과 동시에 위 관리인명부에 편입된 사회중개기구 또는 개인 중에서 관리인을 선임한다. 관리인 선임방식은 무작위방식, 경쟁방식, 추천방식이 있고, 구체적인 파산사건의 종류에 따라 위 방식 중 하나를 선택한다. 관리인은 기업파산법에 규정된 직무를 독립적으로 수행하고, 직무수행에 관하여 근면의무 및 충실의무를 부담한다. 인민법원은 관리인 선임 및 해임권, 관리인보수 결정권, 허가권 등으로, 채권자회의와 채권자위원회는 관리인 해임신청권, 관리인보수 심사권, 설명 또는 자료제출 요구권 등으로 관리인의 직무를 감독하고, 위 감독권 행사를 보장하기 위하여 관리인에게 인민법원, 채권자회의, 채권자위원회에 대한 보고의무, 설명의무 등을 부과하고 있다. 관리인의 보수방안은 인민법원이 파산사건을 수리할 때 확정하고 이후 직무수행의 실제 상황에 따라 변경할 수 있다. 관리인보수방안은 채무변제에 제공된 파산재산의 가액을 기준으로 그 가액의 일정한 비율을 보수로 하는 방식으로 정하여지고, 이에 따라 구체적으로 지급하는 금액은 후에 관리인의 신청에 따라 인민법원이 이를 정한다. 채권자회의는 인민 법원이 정한 관리인보수방안에 대하여 이의를 제기할 권리를 가진다. 관리인제도 도입은 중국의 파산절차 진행이 과거의 행정부 주도에서 법원 주도로 변경 되는 것을 의미하고, 향후 중국 관리인제도의 성패는 중국 인민법원의 역량에 달려 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        梅泉詩에 나타난 歷史意識

        黃秀貞 한국고시가문학회 2003 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.12

        This study dealt with the consciousness of history expressed in Maecheon Hwang Hyeon's poetry. The results were summarized as follows: First, this study focused on ten poems of Sang-won-jab-young to review an intention of tradition inheritance. The poems are classified into metaphorical ones and supplicating ones. The former ones dealt with bad situation of our country and the latter ones dealt with importance of f31k culture and praying of good harvest. Maecheon promoted inheritance of folk culture through his poems. Second, this study examined poems that looked back upon heroes. Mae-cheon sublimated the academic intention and integrity of the past heroes using poems. Finally, this study examined an intention to overcome national crises represented in his poems. He was spiritually awakened through history and was interested in and admired achievements of royal troops. That is, he learned a good lesson from the past and intended to apply it to the current situation for problem-solving. His practical consciousness about history led to poetry-writing based on clear resistance against injustice.

      • 토끼에서 Etofenprox와 Spinosad 합제의 국소자극성 시험

        황윤환,김명석,송인배,박병권,양승호,임용현,송치용,안성한,남현수,임정교,정상일,명노일,윤효인 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2008 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.15 No.1

        This study was performed to evaluation the skin and eye irritation of etofenprox 8% and spinosad 4% combination in male New Zealand White rabbits. In skin irritation test, the combination of etofenprox and spinosad did not showed any change of body weight but caused slight skin irritation with the P.I.I. (primary irritation index) value 0.25. The etofenprox and spinosad combination showed severe eye irritation 1 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h after ocular treatment, having the A.O.I. (acute ocular irritation) value of 37.3. Therefore, these result indicated that the combination of etofenprox and spinosad might be irritant formulation on eye and skin.

      • KCI등재

        치과용 심미 수복 재료들의 색상 연구를 통한 새로운 치과용 색체계의 제안

        오윤정,박수정,김동준,조현구,황윤찬,오원만,황인남 대한치과보존학회 2007 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.32 No.1

        본 연구는 새로운 치과용 색체계 개발을 목적으로 현재 치과에서 사용되고 있는 Vita shade를 사용하는 9 제조사의 12종의 광중합형 복합레진과 1종의 치과용 도재의 색상을 diffuse/8° 수광 방식을 사용하는 분광색체계 (MiniScan XE plus, Model 4000S, Hunter Lab, USA)를 이용해 D65 표준광과 10도 관찰자 시야 하에서 CIE L^(*)a^(*)b^(*) 값을 측정하고 색상 범위를 분석하였다. 분석한 정보를 color sorting system을 응용한 CNU Cons Dental Color Chart의 색상 표현 방식인 T###에 치과용 수복 재료들의 범위를 적용하여 다음의 결과를 얻었다. 측정된 L^(*)a^(*)b^(*)값의 분포를 분석해 보면 L^(*)값은 80.40과 52.70 사이에, a^(*)값은 10.60과-3.60 사이에, 그리고 b^(*)값은 28.40과 2.21 사이에 분포한다. L^(*)값의 평균값은 67.40, 중앙값은 67.30이며, a^(*)값은 2.89와 2.91, b^(*)값은 14.30 과 13.90 이다. 이러한 분석을 토대로 CNU Cons Dental Color Chart의 T###의 첫 번째 숫자에 해당하는 L^(*)값의 각 숫자간의 차이는 2.0으로, 그리고 2번째 숫자인 a^(*)값의 각 숫자간의 차이는 1, 그리고 세 번째 숫자인 b^(*)값의 각 숫자간의 차이는 2로 정하였다. T555에 해당하는 L^(*)값의 범위는 66.0이상, 68.0미만으로, a^(*)값의 범위는 3이상 4미만으로, b^(*)값의 범위는 14이상 16미만으로 결정하였다. The purpose of this study is to develope new dental color-space system. Twelve kinds of dental composites and one kind of dental porcelain were used in this study. Disk samples (15 ㎜ in diameter, 4 ㎜ in thickness) of used materials were made and sample’s CIE L^(*)a^(*)b^(*) value was measured by Spectrocolorimeter (MiniScan XE plus, Model 4000S, diffuse/8° viewing mode, 14.3 ㎜ Port diameters, Hunter Lab. USA). The range of measured color distribution was analyzed. All the data were applied in the form of T### which is expression unit in CNU Cons Dental Color Chart. The value of L^(*) lies between 80.40 and 52.70. The value of a^(*) are between 10.60 and 3.60 and b^(*) are between 28.40 and 2.21. The average value of L^(*) is 67.40, and median value is 67.30. The value of a^(*) are 2.89 and 2.91 respectively. And for the b^(*), 14.30 and 13.90 were obtained. The data were converted to T### that is the unit count system in CNU-Cons Dental Color Chart. The value of L^(*) is converted in the first digit of the numbering system. Each unit is 2.0 measured values. The second digit is the value of a^(*) and is converted new number by 1.0 measured value. For the third digit b^(*) is replaced and it is 2.0 measured unit apart. T555 was set to the value of L^(*) ranging from 66.0 to 68.0, value of a^(*) ranging from 3 to 4 and b^(*) value ranging from 14 to 16.

      • KCI등재후보

        지혈제 오염이 콤포머의 전단결합강도에 미치는 영향

        허정무,곽주석,이황,이수종,임미경 大韓齒科保存學會 2002 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.27 No.2

        One of this latest concepts in bonding are "total etch", in which both enamel and dentin are etched with an acid to remove the smear layers, and "wet dentin" in which the dentin is not dry but left moist before application of the bonding primer. Ideally, the application of a bonding agent to tooth structure should be insensitive to minor contamination from oral fluids. Clinically, contaminations such as saliva, gingival fluid, blood and handpiece lubricant are often encountered by dentists during cavity preparation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of contamination by hemostatic agents on shear bond strength of compomer restorations. One hundred and ten extracted human maxillary and mandibular molar teeth were collected. The teeth were removed soft tissue remnant and debris and stored in physiologic solution until they were used. Small flat area on dentin of the buccal surface were wet ground serially with 400, 800 and 1200 abrasive papers on automatic polishing machine. The teeth were randomly divided into 11 groups. Each group was conditioned as follows: Group 1: Dentin surface was not etched and not contaminated by hemostatic agents. Group 2: Dentin surface was not etched but was contaminated by Astringedent® (Ultradent product Inc., Utah, U.S.A.). Group 3: Dentin surface was not etched but was contaminated by Bosmin®(Jeil Pharm, Korea).). Group 4: Dentin surface was not etched but was contaminated by Epri-dent®(Epr Industries, NJ, U.S.A.). Group 5: Dentin surface was etched and not contaminated by hemostatic agents. Group 6: Dentin surface was etched had contaminated by Astringedent®. Group 7: Dentin surface was etched and contaminated by Bosmin®. Group 8: Dentin surface was etched and contaminated by Epri-dent®. Group 9: Dentin surface was contaminated by Astringedent®. The contaminated surface was rinsed by water and dried by compressed air. Group 10: Dentin surface was contaminated by Bosmin®. The contaminated surface was rinsed by water and dried by compressed air. Group 11: Dentin surface was contaminated by Epri-dent®. The contaminated surface was rinsed by water and dried by compressed air. After surface conditioning. F2000® was applicated on the conditoned dentin surface. The teeth thermocycled in distilled water at 5℃ and 55℃ for 1,000 cycles. The samples were placed on the binder with the bonded compomer-dentin interface paralled to the knife-edge shearing rod of the Universal Testing Machine(Zwick Z020, Zwick Co., Germany) running at a cross head speed of 1.0mm/min. Group 2 showed significant decrease in shear bond strength compared with group 1 and group 6 showed significant decrease in shear bond strength compared with group 5. There were no significant differences in shear bond strength between group 5 and group 9, 10 and 11.

      • KCI등재

        Cu(Mg) 박막의 Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown 특성 평가

        안정욱,황상수,박영배,주영창 대한금속재료학회 2005 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        Electrical properties and time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) characteristics of Cu (0.7 at.% Mg) alloy films are investigated to improve the reliability of Cu interconnects used in microelectronic devices. After Cu(Mg) films are annealed in vacuum at 400℃ for 30 min, resistivity decreases from 3.4 to 2.0 μΩcm and, thin and continuous MgO layers form both on Cu(Mg) film surface and on Cu(Mg)/SiO₂ interface. Metal-Oxide-Silicon (MOS) capacitors composed of Cu(Mg) film deposited on thermal oxide grown on Si wafer are subjected to bias temperature stressing at 180 through 220℃ under electric fields of 1.5 through 2.6 MV/cm. Median time to failure (MTTF) and activation energy of Cu(Mg)/SiO₂ are much larger than those of pure Cu/SiO₂. Cu drifts into dielectric are inhibited by the continuous Mg oxide formed at Cu(Mg)/SiO₂ interface which improve interfacial adhesion and finally lead to better interconnect reliabilities. (Received October 29, 2004)

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