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        백석 시의 시선과 역동성

        장석원(Jang Seok-Won) 한국시학회 2009 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.26

        Paek Seok wrote many poems, using space as literary material. This paper focuses on his gaze and also on the movement of gaze to clarify dynamic characteristics of his poems. Paek Seok's gaze presupposes the set distance from objects. It is a decisive index revealing objective distance from objects. Paek Seok's gaze does not embody the realism of art painting principles which exactly represents original form of objects, quantitatively measuring objects with the law of perspective. Paek Seok's gaze is seldom fixed in his poems. It moves from here to there, from near to far and from far to near. This movement is connected to time-space and when gaze moves, the space of a poem expands or shrinks. An alteration of space runs parallel with the transition of time. Paek Seok's gaze retraces experiences and memories with the creator's eyes, wandering about space here and there. Not fixed on one place, it does not let the world vanishing into one point. In his gaze, there is a reverse of the subject who sees and the object to be seen. Paek Seok's gaze ceaselessly moves. With this moving gaze, his poems frequently cross the border of the past and the present and also expand a single closed space. Paek Seok's poetry secures its peculiar dynamics with the movement of his gaze.

      • KCI등재

        백석 시의 통사와 리듬

        장석원 ( Jang Seok-won ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2018 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.51

        Many researchers are aware of the obvious rhythm of Baek-seok’s poetry. However, few people have figured out that the operating principle of rhythm combines with meaning. Concepts of conventional rhythmic theory, such as ‘meter’, cannot be tools for understanding the complex rhythm patterns of modern poetry. Henri Meschonnic’s concept of rhythm was the trigger for a new rhythm discussion. More important than the concepts of rhythmic theory is the principle of rhythmic theory. Henri Meschonnic chose ‘syntax’ as the first principle of rhythm. The fundamental principle that researchers missed was syntax. The absolute element that casts the rhythm, operates the rhythm, and combines the rhythm with the meaning was syntax. They forgot to do so and focused on prosody, tempo, and accent, which must be organized by them. The secondary phenomena and effects of rhythm were mentioned. But the key to the process of a one-way integration of ‘rhythm-meaning’ how it combines with the meaning of poetry. This paper returns to the source of rhythm. When we mentioned a combination of ‘rhythm-meaning’ when Meschonnic stressed that rhythm is not just a form of poetry, we didn’t recognize the substance but hidden power of rhythm. Syntax is the first and final step of the rhythm analysis. The rhythm is understood only when you analyze syntax. This paper will illustrate the patterns of the rhythms of Baek-seok’s text based on the interpretation analysis. It will explore the process of organizing the rhythm, and how it combines with the rhythm, and how it organizes the topography of the entire rhythm of poetry text. They will also understand how prosody will be determined by syntax.

      • KCI등재

        『徽文』의 李泰俊

        장석원(Jang Seok-won) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2009 한국학연구 Vol.31 No.-

        휘문고보의 교지 『徽文』의 가치는 많은 학교 간행물 중에서도 독보적이다. 『휘문』은 저명한 사학의 재학생들이 제작한 교지라는 점과 방대한 양이 온전하게 보존되었다는 점을 넘어서는 중요성을 지닌다. 『휘문』에는 한국 근현대 문학의 중요 작가들의 학창 시절 글이 다양하게 게재되어 있다는 점 때문에, 문학사 자료로서의 가치가 매우 크다. 약 20여년간 발행되어 총 18호가 전해지는 양적 측면에서, 한국 현대문학의 중요 작가들인 이태준, 정지용, 오장환, 이병기, 박노갑 등의 번역물과 습작기 작품이 다수 게재되어 있다는 자료사적 가치 측면에서 『휘문』의 중요성이 부각된다. 특히 이태준의 전집이나 연구 자료에 수록되지 않았던 『휘문』 제1호에 실린 두 글을 발굴한 것은 이 연구의 성과이다. 교지 『휘문』에 가장 많은 글을 게재한 작가는 이태준이다. 본격적인 소설가로서의 길을 걷기 이전에 이태준이 남긴 글을 통해 향후 이태준의 문학적 특성의 맹아를 검출할 수 있다는 점에서 이태준의 학창 시절 글은 큰 의의를 지닌다. 텍스트로 발표가 된 글은 그것이 문학적 완성도를 논할 수 없는 습작기의 작품이라고 해도 무시할 수는 없다. 공식적인 매체에 글을 싣는다는 행위는 문학 행위라는 자의식이 없다면 이루어질 수 없었을 것이다. 글을 통해 자신을 표현한다는 점에서 학창 시절의 글에 대한 자료 정리 및 연구는 이태준 문학의 전체적인 면모를 보다 확실히 하는데 기여할 것이다. 또한 이태준이 남긴 전체 글을 자료로 확보하여 전집의 완결에 도움이 된다는 점 때문에도 『휘문』에 실린 이태준의 글이 갖는 의의는 중요하다. 학생 시절에 썼던 글을 통해 이태준이 한문에 깊은 소양을 지니고 있었음을 확인할 수 있다. 이태준이 자신의 소설이나 수필에서 보여준 상고 취미, 골동 애호 경향은 학창 시절부터 싹트고 있었다. 능수능란한 한문 표현, 당대 청년 학생들의 이념적 지향이 응축된 사고의 전개 등이 이태준의 발굴 자료에서 확인된다. Hwimoon, a school magazine of Hwimoon Gobo(Hwimoon Highschool) is unrivaled among school publications. It has an importance more than that prominent students edited, most of it is well preserved. Its value as an important document for Korean literary history is in that works of major writers of Korean modern literature are appeared in it. Also, Hwimoon is of great value because it had been published for about 20 years and 18 issues are remained, and major writers' translations and early writings of Korean modern literature such as Lee tae-joon, Jeong Ji-yong, Oh Jang-hwan, Lee Byeong-gi, Park No-g'ap are appeared in it. Specially, during this research, two writings of Lee Tae-joon, not included in his complete works or research materials are found in the first issue of Hwimoon. Lee Tae-joon published his writings in Hwimoon more than any other writers. His writings in his school days have significant meaning in that his sprout of literary characteristics could be detected from his writings before he took the course as a novelist. Though they were written in his early years and therefore it is difficult to discuss their completion as a literary work, one should not disregard writings published as a text. Publishing one's works in official media cannot be done without a writer's self-awareness that he or she is participating in literary activities. This research of arranging and studying Lee Tae-joon's works in his school days will contribute to the clarification of overall aspects of his literature because writers express themselves through writings. Also, writings of Lee Tae-joon published in Hwimoon have a great importance in that they will be of help to secure all works by Lee Tae-joon and finish his complete works. Lee Tae-joon was well-grounded in Chinese Writing. His respect for tradition and love for antiques expressed in his novels and essays had began to sprout from his school days. His outstanding expressions in Chinese Writing and the development of thought in which ideological inclination of young students of that period is condensed are confirmed in his writings unearthed during this research.

      • 동북아 피더네트워크의 Win-win전략에 관한 연구

        장우준(Woo-jun jang),전찬용(Chan-Yong jeon),김태원(Tae-Won Kim),곽규석(Kyu-Seok Kwak),남기찬(Ki-Chan Nam) 한국항해항만학회 2006 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        최근 중국은 양산항을 개장하여 선사 유치를 위한 다양한 혜택을 제공하고, 일본은 "수퍼중추항만 육성계획“을 세워 항만의 효율성을 바탕으로 비용을 낮추려는 노력을 하고 있다. 또한 선박의 대형화에 의한 중심항만(Hub Port) 위주의 기항과 북중국의 대량 물량 발생지역에 대한 직기항 경향으로 동북아 항만간의 경쟁이 더욱더 치열해 지고 있으며 동북아 역내 피더네트워크 강화의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 유럽 피더네트워크 전략 사례를 바탕으로 동북아 피더시장 현황을 파악하고 동북아 피더네트워크 구조를 분석함으로써 동북아 역내 항만 및 선사간의 과당경쟁을 지양하고 서로 Win-Win할 수 있는 터미널의 전략적 활용, 선사간 제휴 확대, 항만간 협력 강화를 위한 구체적인 전략을 제시하였다. Recently, China opened Yangshan port and provides a variety of benefits for shipping companies. Japan plans to reduce logistics costs and improve efficiency through the established "super major ports" project. According to the "hub and spokes" system, the number of direct calls toward North-Chinese ports are increasing. This changing environment has negative effects on the amount of transshipment cargos in Korean ports. In order to make a hub port of a domestic port, it is necessary to develop northeast Asian feeder networks. Therefore, this paper analyzes the structure of northeast Asian feeder networks through the case study of European feeder networks strategy. Finally, we suggests the plans to reinforce feeder networks, which are strategic terminal operation, strategic alliances between shipping companies and port co-operation, for win-win strategy in the competitive northeast Asian market.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        환경의 이념과 현대민주주의

        장원석 한국환경정책학회 2002 環境政策 Vol.10 No.4

        When the idea of environmental conservation was stressed as the spirit of the times, a heated discussion developed about the interrelation between ecology and modern democracy. Is liberal democracy suitable for managing the global crisis caused by the environmental destruction? What's the effect of environmental crisis on modern democracy? What's the true nature of green democracy? We can expect the different conclusion in accordance with the level of crisis percetion, ontological attitude about nature and human beings, and perspective on the essence of liberal democracy. Various models of modern democracy should also be taken into account. This paper will review the relationship between the idea of environmental conservation and liberal democracy, focusing on four subjects. First, are ecology and liberal democracy compatible? Second, what's the relationship between mode of democracy and the management of environmental problems? Third, what are the environmental arguments for centralized and decentralized systems? Fourth, what are the consequences of emerging supranaturalism for environmental policy?

      • KCI등재

        ETACS와 CDMA 디지털 셀룰라 시스템이 공존하는 환경에서 Interference Canceller System의 설계 및 구현

        장원호,홍주석,이윤현 한국항행학회 2002 韓國航行學會論文誌 Vol.6 No.4

        본 논문에서는 인접한 대역에 ETACS와 CDMA 방식의 디지털 셀룰라 시스템이 공존하는 중국 상해 지역의 간섭환경에서 기존의 간섭제거장비보다 이를 효과적으로 개선할 수 있는 Interference Canceller Systern(ICS)을 설계하고, 개발된 부품들을 통해 구현하였다. 구현된 ICS는 무선 채널환경의 변화에 안정적이면서 인접한 대역의 ETACS와 CDMA방식의 디지털 셀룰라 시스템 간에 약 29dB이상의 간섭 제거 성능을 보유한 시스템임을 확인하였다. In this paper, we provide the Interference Canceller Systems(ICS) in the wireless environments in the presence of co-existing ETACS and CDMA digital cellular systems to effectively cancel the interference than the established canceller systems. We proved the enhanced cancelling performances more than 29 dB cancellation characteristics between co-existing ETACS and CDMA digital cellular systems and the stabilized system characteristics in the rapidly changing wireless circumstances.

      • 옴부즈맨제도의 이론과 실제

        장원석 제주대학교 1994 논문집 Vol.39 No.1

        This paper is on the theory and practice of the institution of ombudsman with much interests in the experience of Hawaii ombudsman. This paper is comprised of 4 parts. First, I am going to build the ideal typus of the institution of ombudsman and consider the meaning and speacial characters of the institution. Secondly, the evolution and variation of the institution of ombudsman wii be reviewed. the focus is on the legislative ombudsman. after brief sketch of 3 types of the institution, that is, Swedish- Finland model, New Zealand model, and British model, I wii consider the appticability of the institution to differing legal system. Thirdly, I am going to examine the summaries of selected cases investigated by the Hawaii ombudsman office during the fiscal year 1991-1992. Lastly, I am going to consider the matter of evaluation of the institution of ombudsman. The issue can be categorired into 3 dimensions. that is, the intrinsic limits of the institution, actual performance, and the social costs of the institution. Thereafter, I am going to introduce the checklist which Hawaii ombudsman adopts to evaluate the performance of public agencies and its own complaint investigation.

      • KCI등재후보

        난소 절제 백서에서 17β-Estradiol 투여가 골조직에 미치는 영향

        장원석,김종렬,박봉수,성일용 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2002 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.24 No.4

        This study was focused on the changes of mineral density and histopathologic features of osseous tissue when ovariectomized rats were administered with 17β-Estradiol. Forty-eight rats, 11 weeks of age, were divided into four groups, which are a normal control group, an ovariectomized control group, an experimental group 1 which was given 17β-estradiol immediately after the ovariectomy and an experimental group 2 which was given 17β-Estradiol 3 weeks after the ovariectomy. They were sacrificed at different time intervals (1, 3, 4 and 8 weeks) for histopathologic observation, histo-morphometric analysis and immunohistochemistry with fibronectin and CD34 antibody. Most rats showed the increase in bone density, which was the least in the ovariectomized control group. In histopathologic features of both the mandible and the tibia, the osteoclasts in bone marrow increased in the ovariectomized control group of more than 3 weeks. In histomorphometric analysis, the osteoclasts increased in both the mandible and the tibia in length of time. In comparison of the increase of osteoclast between four groups, it decreased as following order: the ovariectomized control group, the expermiental group 2 the experimental group 1, the normal control group. Especially the experimental group 1 and experimental group 2 at 4 weeks showed remarkable changes both in the mandible and in the tibia in comparison with the ovariectomized control group. In immunohistochemical anaylsis with fibronectin, the more week-ovariectomized control groups of both the mandible and the tibia showed weaker fibronectin expression in osteoblast and bone marrow. Among the experimental group 1 and 2, 4-week group showed the strongest expression. In immunohistochemical analysis with CD34, the mandible showed generally weak expression but 8-week experimental group 1 and 2 showed relatively moderate expression in osteoblast and bone marrow. In case of the same groups of tibia, 4-week group show the strongest expression. With all these results, it is assumed that 17β-Estradiol has more effect on the development and differentiation of osteoclasts than those of osteoblasts and contributes to the initial bone formation most efficiently by inhibiting osteoclastic action and stimulating osteoblasts.

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