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      • LabVIEW를 이용한 유도전동기의 권선고장 자동진단

        한동기(Dong-gi Han),송명현(Myung-hyun Song),박규남(Kyu-nam Park),이태훈(Tae-hun Lee) 대한전기학회 2006 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2006 No.7

        본 논문에서는 유도전동기의 고정자권선 고장진단을 목적으로 이상적인 전동기의 전류신호와 실시간으로 운전하고 있는 전동기 전류신호를 Park’s Vector에 각각 적용시켜 Park's Vector 패턴을 만들고 패턴 피크값의 기준치와 측정치의 편차를 이용하여 오차치를 벗어날 때 고장으로 진단하는 Park's Vector 패턴의 피크값을 이용한 고정자권선의 고장진단을 시도하였다. 숙달된 작업자가 Park’s Vector패턴을 보고 고장을 분석해야 했던 방법과는 달리 패턴을 비교하지 않고도 자동으로 고장을 진단하고 정보해주는 진단 방법을 제시하였다. 실제 전류분석 및 진단을 위해 상용 프로그램인 LabVIEW를 이용하였다.

      • 조선대학교 의과대학 유급제도 개선을 위한 예비조사

        박종,박상기,박상학,도남용,송창훈,이승일,임성철 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1998 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.23 No.1

        This is a pilot study to improve the flunk system, a self-reported questionnaire survey was done by 58 professors among a total of 94 professors at Chosun University Medical School in December 1997. The results were as follows : 1. In regard to the student's residence, 69% of professors answered that the current system was appropriate. For a proper method of flunking. 46.6% of the professors agreed to the introduction of retesting by the Academic Affairs Department and 44.8% of the professors agreed to the evaluation of academic achievement of each subject. 2. Sixty-seven point two percents of professors agreed to the changing of time of flunk. 43.1% felt at the end of course, 24.1% felt at midterm, and 25.9% felt that the current system. 3. In regard to flunking, 34.5% of professors thought the current system-if a student receives an F grade in to be one subject, he/she was flunked-was sufficient, but 65.6% of the professors felt needed there improvement. The method of improvement was considered was losing more than two credits-fail(32.8%), and losing more than four credits-fail(10.3%). 4. Eighty-four point five percent of the professors agreed to the necessity of flunking by grade point average(GPA) and 77.6% of the professors answered that the students who must re-register should take all designated subjects. 5. Seventy-two point four percent of the professors opposed summer or winter courses for students who flunk and 51.7% of the professors opposed the necessity of a management system for students. In conclusion, the professors in Chosun University Medical College recognized the necessity of improving the flunk system, especially, the time, method and record keeping. So a concrete follow-up study needed to improve the flunk system.

      • 상수도 배수방식의 비교방법

        박남식,홍성훈,김한수,황병은 동아대학교 건설기술연구소 2003 硏究報告 Vol.27 No.1

        In this study quantitative and systematic methods are proposed to compare alternative water supply pipe networks. The design code gives general guidelines on hydraulics and power requirements. However, the design code lacks detailed approaches. In this study aspects regarding hydraulics, water quality, and power requirements are considered. Various quantitative indices are derived.

      • KCI등재

        경부 관통상으로 인한 사지 마비 1례

        박 진,이경운,김춘호,김성중,조남수,안태훈 大韓應急醫學會 1998 대한응급의학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        A case of quadriplegia resulted from cervical penetrating wound was admitted to chosun university hospital intensive care unit, and undergone steroid therapy and antibiotics therapy. On the 6th hospital day, the septic complication was developed and it proved to be bacterial meningitis by CSF examination. Broad spectrum antibiotics was administered immediately after and the diagnosis and the patient was monitored carefully. The bacterial meningitis was improved and no other serious complication was developed. The patient was discharged with permanent neurologic deficit, quadriplegia.

      • 해안대수층 지하수흐름의 특성 : 실내 실험연구 LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS

        박남식,김진후,나겐드라 쿠마,홍성훈,김현도 東亞大學校建設技術硏究所 2004 硏究論文集 Vol.28 No.1

        Experiments were conducted using laboratory models to study salt water intrusion phenomena in coastal aquifers. Two models filled with sand were used. The smaller model could produce steady-state cross-sectional flow in a reasonably short time. The bigger model produced a more interesting three-dimensional flow field compare to the smaller one, but it also took much more time to reach steady states and posed difficulties in observing results. A cross-sectional model was used to investigate 'freshwater lens'phenomena. A few pumping scenarios were tested. Contamination of the well with excessive withdrawal was observed. The effectiveness of a scavenger well was studied. The bigger model was used to study the steady-state lateral intrusion problems. Various attempts were made to measure the interface position in the sand.

      • 만성중이염의 골도청력변화

        박선홍,노용훈,이도용,나한조,김용기,최봉남,도남용 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1996 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.21 No.1

        We have usually experienced bone conduction impairment in chronic otitis media, but it is unclear that raised bone conduction threshold is due to the reflection of cochlear dam- age and / or Carhart effect ( an artificial elevation of bone conduction threshold due to conductive defect ) or both. The purpose of this study is to verify the influence of the artificial elevation of the bone conduction threshold in chronic otitis media and to estimate Carhart effect. A total of 336 cases of tympanoplasty with unilateral chronic otitis media without any other causes of sensorineural hearing loss was studied. The average threshold levels of the bone conduction in diseased ears ranged from 18.5dB at 4kHz to 12.1dB at 250Hz The longer duration of the disease, the larger perforation size, the more severe damage of the middle ear structure and the presence of the cholesteatoma made bone conduction threshold increased. The postoperative thresholds of bone conduction were Improved in 36 cases (40.4%) of the 89 cases that underwent operation with type I tympanoplasty technique without electrie drilling. The degree of the maximal improvement was 14.3dB at 2000Hz and the minimum was 8.8dB at 250Hz. but these result did differ from a statistically significant degree. The result suggest that the bone conduction threshold in chronic otitis media is elevated artificially by conductive defect and improved by successful reconstructive surgery.

      • 해안 지역의 지하수 개발가능량

        박남식,홍성훈,서경수,김성윤,최뢰 東亞大學校 建設技術硏究所 2006 硏究論文集 Vol.30 No.1

        An equation is developed to estimate potential groundwater resources available for development. This equation is useful for planning generally conducted prior to detailed design. The equation is a function of major factors such as aquifer characteristics, saltwater intrusion length, coastalgroundwater discharge and location of proposed pumping wells. Therefore, the equation is quite comprehensive. The equations are derived using well-known analytical solutions. Thus, the basis is scientifically sound. Use of the equation is quite simple since it is an explicit function of variables. A logical method is proposed to assess a radius of influence of a pumping well considering aquifer characteristics and pumping rate. Applications to a hypothetical problem and comparison with results from a more rigorous numerical simulation model indicatethat results obtained from the proposed equation are conservative.

      • 圓光醫大 附屬 第2病院 神經精神科 患者에 對한 統計的 考察(Ⅱ)

        박민철,장광철,김상원,김한주,유미경,김훈,유용진,김현정,박남진,오상우,이귀행,노승호,백영석 圓光大學校 醫科大學 神經精神科學敎室 1992 圓光精神醫學 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 1986년 7월 11일부터 1991년 7월 10일까지 원광의대 부속 제2병원 신경정신과에서 의래 및 입원치료를 받았던 6,072명의 환자를 대상으로 병원 역학조사를 실시하고 그 결과를 1차조사 (박민철 등1986)와 비교했다. 1.전체 환자 중 남자가 54.4%로 여자보다 많았고, 이리와 이리 인접지역이 84.0%로 대부분의 지역을 나타났다. 의료보장상태는 보험환자가 57.1%, 의료보호환자21.8%, 일반환자 21.1%였으며 연령별로는 20대 24.6%, 30대 22.8%로 20대 30대가 절반정도를 차지했다. 2.외래환자에서는 신경중성장애가 46.0%로 가장 많고 정동장애, 경련성장애 순이며, 입원환자에서는 정신분열증이 30.5%로 가장 많고 기질성정신장애, 정동장애의 순이었다. 3.남자는 신경증성쟝애(23.4%), 정신분열증, 기질성정신장애 순이고 여자는 신경증성장애(39.9%), 정동장애, 정신분열증의 순이었다. 남자가 여자보다 많은 진단은 알코올정신장애(94.6%), 기질성정신장애, 소아정신장애 순이고, 여자가 남자보다 많은 진단은 정동장애(64.5%), 신경증성장애였다. 4.진단별 연령분포에서 신경증성장에는 30대(25.3%), 20대, 40대 순이고, 정신분열증은 20대(40.5%), 30대, 40대 순이며, 정동장애는 20대, 30대, 50대 순이나 비교적 비슷한 융이었다. 5.진단별 발병연령에서 신경증성장에는 20대, 30대가 절반이고,정신분열증은 20대(51.3%), 10대, 30대 순이며 정동장애는 20대(30.7%), 30대, 50대 순이었다. 진단별 평균 발병연령은 신경증성장애 32.7세, 정동장애 36.1세, 정신분열증 23.6세였다. 6.진단별 이병기간은 2년이상이 신경증성장에 28.3%, 정신분열증 68.5% 정동장애 43.9%인데 전체적으로 41.0%였다. 진단별 평균 이병기간은 정신분열증 73.2개월, 정동장애 45.5개월, 신경증성장애 29.5개월이었다. We examined epidemiologic study of 6,072 patients who visited Wonkwang Neuropsychiatric hospital since July 11 of 1986 until July 10 of 1991 and compared this results with previous study(Park et al 1986). The study revealed as follows:1. Of total patients males visited this hosptial more than females as 57.1%, Most of them(84.0%) resided Iri and neighbouring Iri. In the point of insurance, insured patients, medicaid patients and uninsured patients were 57.1%, 21.8% and 21.1% respectively. On the distribution of age, the twenties, the thirties were 24.6%, 22.8% respectively and twenties and thirties were about half of total patients. 2. Of outpatients neurotic disorder was the most as 46.0%, secondly mood disorder and thirdly convulsive disorder, but of inpatients schizophrenia was the most as 30.5%, secondly organic mental disorder and thirdly mood disorder. 3. Of males neurotic disorder was the most as 23.4%, secondly schizophrenia, and thirdly organic mental disorder, but of females neurotic disorder was the most as 39.9%, secondly mood disorder and thirdly schizophrenia. alcoholic mental disorder(94.6%), organic mental disorder, child mental disorder were mostly found in males,but mood disorder(64.5%) and neurotic disorder were mostly found in females. 4. On the distribution of age neurotic disorder was found the most in the thirties(25.3%), next in the twenties and in the forties, and schizophrenia was found the most in the twenties(40.5%), next in the thirties and in the forties, but mood disorder was found the most in the twenties, next in the thirties and in the forties but revealed similar rates relatively. 5. On the distribution of age of onset neurotic disorder developed nearly half during the twrnties and the thirties, schizophrenia developed mostly during the twenties (51.3%), secondly the teens and thirdly the thirties, but mood disorder developed firstly the twenties(30.7%), secondly the thirties and thirdly the fifties. on the average age of onset of illness neurotic disorder, mood disorder and schizophrenia were 32.7 years, 36.1 years and 23.6 years respectively. 6. On the duration of illness more than two years was 28.3% in neurotic disorder, 68.5% in schizophrenia and 3.9% in mood disorder and on the average duration of illness schizophrenia, mood disorder and neurotic disorder were 73.2 months, 45.5 months and 29.5 months respectively.

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