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        노래부르기 음악프로그램이 정신질환자의 자아존중감과 대인관계에 미치는 영향

        홍상희,윤지원,이재금,김지연 병원간호사회 2006 임상간호연구 Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose: The objective of this study was to verify the effects of the Singing program for psychiatric patients on their self-esteem and interpersonal relationship, and to provide data for the nursing intervention that is necessary for making their life better. Method: The subjects were 10 in-patients with psychotic disorders at C university hospital in Seoul, from july 3 to September 18 im 2005, and the methodology was one group pre experimental- post experimantal design. The instrument for the measurement of self-esteem is Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale(1973), which was translated by Chun Byung Jae(1974) and the measurement of interpersoral relationship is Schleim & Guerney Relationship Change Scale(1971) which was translated by Mun Seok Mo(1980) and revised by Chun Seok Gyun(1994). SPSS program was used for the analysis of the collected data, which were analyzed by the paired t-test and one-way ANOVA. Result: Singing therapy had an effect on improvement of the self-esteem, and seemed to be more effective as the frequency of the program increased. Singing therapy had an effect on improvement of the interpersonal relatinship, and seemed to ne more effecive as the frequency of the program increased. Comclusion: Singing therapy is found out to be effective program affecting the improvement of both the self-esteem and interpersonal relationship of the psychiatric patients. Therefore the nurses can use the Singing therapy as the nursing intervention for imtrovement of the self-esteem and interpersonal relationship of the psychiatric patients in clinical practice.

      • 개에서 관찰된 모기질세포종의 증례보고

        조성환,손화영,김혜성,최종윤,류시윤,박배근,윤원기,홍성혁,김덕환 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2002 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.10 No.-

        Pilomatricoma was histopathologically diagnosed in a 2.5-year-old male Alaskan malamute. The patient was referred to Chungnam National University, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital with solitary, firm and well-circumscribed mass at shoulder. Grossly, the mass was dome shaped to tumor like and 10 x 8 x 5㎝ in size. Some lesions had gritty or bony consistency and was chalky when sectioned Histopathologic feature included mumerous clusters of tightly arranged, basaloid cells with evenly distributed chromatin and ghost cells were characterized by a central unstained zone. The ghost cells often become calcified and osseous metaplasia was also present.

      • 우리나라 환경영향평가제도의 문제점과 개선방향

        홍금우,정성윤 朝鮮大學校 2003 經營經濟硏究 = Management and economics research Vol.26 No.1

        This research is to point out problems and improvements about the present system of environmental impact assessment in Korea. Environmental impact assessment is an integral part of a decision-making process for a development project. But There are some problems in this system. So this paper presents a number of policy alternatives which environmental impact assessment can be improved First, an Environmental Impact assessment report should be prepared by the fair and objective person not developer. Second, Environmental Impact assessment system is not enough, so screening system and seeping system should be added to it. It need to reinvented so as to include a practical alternative investigation. Third, comprehensive environmental information system on the regional and national levels should be established ton provide necessary information prior to Environmental Impact Assessment. Fourth, Environmental Impact assessment time and participation of regional residents is not enough.

      • n개의 파장을 분리 할 수 있는 WDM 광 결합기에 관한 연구

        尹成鉉,姜羊遠,洪昌熹 東亞大學校 1989 東亞論叢 Vol.26 No.1

        The optical coupler composed of polished single mode optical fiber can divide two wavelengths. If optical fiber is polished with paraller, very long coupling length is obtainahle, so can make WDM optical Coupler that dividahle n's Wavelengths. In this paper, we propose the condition of the WDM optical coupler that can divide two wavelengths to n's Wavelengths.

      • KCI등재

        공공정보자원의 상업화 모델 개발 및 적용방안

        홍필기,윤상오,방민석 한국정보사회진흥원 2007 정보화정책 Vol.14 No.3

        본 논문의 목적은 공공정보자원의 활용도 제고 및 지식정보산업 육성을 통한 국가경쟁력 강화의 기반으로서, 공공정보자원의 상업화 모델을 개발하고 이를 적용하기 위한 주요 이슈를 점검하고 정책적 시사점을 제공하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 미국∙EU∙영국∙캐나다의 공공정보자원 활용 제고를 위한 상업화 정책과 상업화 모델로서 자금조달(Funding Model), 비용회수(Cost Recovery Model), 수익창출(Revenue Generation) 모델을 검토하였다. 이를 토대로 공공정보자원의 생명주기와 가치사슬 모델을 활용하여 ⅰ) 공공기관 직접 상업화, ⅱ) 민간계약 상업화, ⅲ) 민∙관 공동생산 상업화, ⅳ) 민간완전위탁 상업화라는 네가지 모델을 개발하고 장단점을 살펴보았다. 그리고 이러한 모델을 우리나라의 공공정보자원 상업화에 적용하기 위해서 선결되어야 할 주요 이슈로서 공공정보 상업화의 비전과 목표, 상업화의 대상 및 범위, 상업화의 주체, 공공정보 저작권, 요금부과 방식과 이윤배분∙활용 및 예산지원, 관련 법제도 정비 등을 검토하였다. This study formulates a strategy for commercial utilization of the public sector information(PSI) to promote efficient provision and effective utilization of information. Models for commercialization of the PSI are suggested in consideration of the life cycle perspectives and the commercial arrangements of the PSI. As to the life cycle perspectives, three stages of commercialization - Funding, Cost Recovery, and Revenue Generation - are proposed based on the analysis of cost structure and the economic viability of the public sector information. This paper also considers various types of commercialization scheme and suggests four types of business arrangement for commercialization of the PSI as a sustainable mechanism. Reviewing the literature on the major countries and organizations relevant to commercialization of the PSI, we examine each of four types of commercialization arrangement in the context of an information resource life cycle along a value chain of the PSI. The study also identifies key issues such as copyright and suggests relevant policies for PSI commercialization such as pricing scheme, related legal and institutional requirements. The suggestions in this study can be the foundation for further detailed researches and practical policies regarding the PSI commercialization.

      • 광대역 입력신호를 위한 선형 트랜스컨덕터와 Multiplier의 설계

        尹暢焄,吳成根,辛烘圭,金東龍 全北大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.36 No.-

        The linear transconductor and analog four-quadrant multiplier are designed. The DDA(differential difference amplifier) of new active component can be improved matching problems of external elements in op-amp application circuits. We have designed transconductor which have excellent linearity and is the most important block in DDA. And analog four-quadrant multiplier is designed using the designed transconductor and MOSIS 2㎛ design rule. We are simulated the linear transconductor and analog multiplier by SPICE program.

      • KCI등재

        0.412 MeV 감마선에 대한 원주형 NaI(Tl) 섬광체의 총 절대검출효율 계산

        홍권표,신희성,이상윤,노성기 대한방사선 방어학회 2002 방사선방어학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Total absolute detection efficiencies of a 7.62 cm(dia.) and 7.62 cm(height) cylindrical NaI(Tl) crystal have been calculated for 0.412 MeV r -rays from a source(point, circular disk, square and line type). In this calculation the linear energy-absorption coefficients based on Hubbell's data have been considered and then calculated total absolute detection efficiencies compared with those from Grosjean and Bossaert. Besides, the source axis-to-detector axis shift distance which, could give rise to about 0.05% deviation in the total absolute detection efficiencies has been calculated for a line-type source of 0.5 cm in its length when a source-to-detector distance is 5 cm. It is revealed that the total absolute detection efficiencies obtained in this study are considerably different from those of Grosjean and Bossaert. In addition it is found that the deviation induced due to an imperfect center of a line type source may be within 0.05% if the shifted discrepancy is no larger than 1.74mm.

      • 大學의 敎授方法과 認知學習戰略

        洪性奫 中央大學校 韓國敎育問題硏究所 1993 韓國敎育問題硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.8

        The purpose of this article is to inform about current trends in teaching and learning, to elaborate the context that shapes those trends, and to propose how those trends can be implemented in new settings. College instructors should focus their teaching not only on content but also on how to learn content in the contest of particular courses. Cognitive learning strategies is a plan for orchestrating cognitive resources, such as attention and long-term memory, to help achieve a learning goal. I believe that every college teacher has a professional obligation to formulate and articulate a rationale for his instructional world. To select or create strategies that will help students meet their learning goals, students must be aware of characteristics about themselves as learners, they must know about the characteristics of the tasks they are expected to perform, and they must know about different types of learning strategies. Instructors' decisions about how to teach, like students' decisions about how to learn, are the products of prior knowledge and executive control. Similarly, instructional strategies are most effective and efficient when instructors know about themselves as teachers, know about different instructional strategies. In practical implications of cognitive theories, the learner is at center stage. The instructor becomes a facilitator of learning, rather than one who delivers information. This perspective on learning contrasts sharply with models that imply that learners get the point as long as the instructor provides an appropriate stimulus. Cognitive psychology says that the learner plays a critical role in determining what he gets out of instruction. As college instructors, we are also participants in the conference(or stage), but we participate from the head of the table. To ensure a successful conference, we should encourage other participants to share the knowledge they bring with them, and we help them learn how to take as much material as possible away with them.

      • Au를 공침한 SnO₂후막센서의 가스 감응 특성

        성정훈,강대원,이윤수,임준우,홍영호,이덕동 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1998 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        High selective and sensitive thick film type methane gas sensors were fabricated and their sensing characteristics for various hydrocarbon gases were investigated. Raw material, SnO_(2)/Au, prepared by coprecipitation was even grain size. SEM, TEM, BET and XRD analyses were carried out for investigation of surface morphology and crystalline structure. The thick film devices using the above materials exhibited high sensitivity to methane gas at the operating temperature of 400°C. The sensitivity of SnO_(2)/Au+Pd thick film devices to methane gas was higher than that to the other hydrocarbon gases such as iso-butane and propane. The optimal adding amounts of Au and Pd were 1wt.% and 3wt.%, respectively. The sensitivity, S, is defined as {(R_(A)-R_(G))/R_(A)}><100, which R_(A) and R_(G) are resistance in air and that in the gas ambient, respectively.

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