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      • 中學校 科學科의 實驗實習敎材의 開發硏究Ⅱ

        朴泳喆,韓麟傳,李春雨,權寧駿,朴弘緖 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1982 과학교육연구 Vol.14 No.1

        In this study a few laboratory teaching materials have been developed to be available for the effective performance of experiments and practices- a heart of inquiry learning-as a continuance of 'A study on the Development of Laboratory Teaching Materials for Middle School Science Course I' The present condition of science education has been investigated by means of questionaires, interviews and literature, the results of the present condition and problems in junior high schools are as follows: 1. The hours for science classes are considerably little for the teaching contents of science textbooks. 2. The level of teaching is beyond the student's capability in terms of their experience and intellectual development. 3. Science teachers are overburdened with much tasks, and laboratories and laboratory facilities are too insufficient and furthermore teaching is mainly conducted on the lecture method as a preperation for various entrance exams. 4. Teachers' eagerness and desirable attitude for teaching are required. In this study, materials for every branch of science have been developed to be available for the effective performance of experiments and practices through inquiries. The materials developed in this study are as follows: 1. In physics, measure apparatus of extremely small masses, length, and very little time intervals are developed. 2. In chemistry, new methods for gas generating apparatus and materials. are developed. 3. In biology, the size of quadrate and the method to decide the time in facilitating for the purpose of survey of botany community are introduced. The results of the investigation of natural enemy on Hyphantria cunea, and the study on collecting, breeding of Planaria are also shown. 4. In earth science, the laboratory teaching materials are developed for observing continuous spectrum and line spectrum. Putting the above results of study together, the suggestions are made to the effect as follows: 1. The quantity of learning should be reduced and the levels lowered in the new textbooks. 2. The development and distribution of various teaching materials(film, T,P., cassettes film, supplementary, textbook, program teaching material, individual learning material) is required. 3. The experimental instruments should be timely manufactured and distributed on the basis of effective administrative support to ensure their solidity and accuracy. 4. The concrete design to eliminate the teacher's burden should be contrived and the system for senion teachers in charge of science teaching in secondary schools, should be improved. 5. Teacher's research activities should be encouraged through various research institutes(Institute of science education , graduate school of education and the other research institutes.) 6. The disposition of laboratory assistant should be considered. 7. More positive supports from other societies relevant with education are much expected to be made.

      • KCI등재

        갑천의 조류상

        이준우,이도한,백인환 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2002 농업과학연구 Vol.29 No.2

        본 연구는 갑천의 조류상에 관하여 2001년 9월부터 2002년 8월까지 1년간 매월 조사한 것으로 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 조사된 조류는 12목 31과 83종으로 15900개체이었고, 물새는 백로과, 오리과, 뜸부기과, 도요·물떼새과 등으로 38종이었으며, 산새는 딱따구리과, 할미새과, 지빠귀과, 휘파람새과, 박새과, 멧새과, 까마귀과 등 45종이었다. 2. 조류의 이동성에 따라 분석하면 텃새 29종(35%), 여름철새 29종(35%), 겨울철새 18종(22%), 그리고 나그네새 7종(8%)이었다. 3. 천연기념물인 새매, 황조롱이, 붉은배새매가 관찰되었다. 4. 주요 우점종은 외소리, 흰뺨검둥오리, 청둥오리, 왜가리, 까치, 쇠백로 등의 순으로 이 지역은 수면성오리류와 백로류의 서식에 적합한 서식지환경을 가지고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 5. 종수의 월별 변화는 2월(37종)과 12월(36종)에 높게 나타났으며 6월(27종)과 5월(28종)에 낮게 나타났다. 6. 개체수의 월별 변화는 12월과 1월에 높게 나타났으며 5월과 6월에 가장 낮게 나타났다. 7. 월별 종다양도지수(H')는 9월에 2.6207로 가장 높게 나타났으며 다음으로 6월과 8월에 각각 2.5466, 2.5078의 순으로 높게 나타났고 1월에 2.0716으로 가장 낮게 나타났다. This study was conducted to investigate the avifauna of Gap stream in Daejeon metropolitan city from September in 2001 to August in 2002. For the monthly change of bird community, survey was carried at study area per each month, the obtained results could be summarized as follows. 1. The observed birds were 12 orders 31 families 83 species and 15900 individuals, 38 species are water bird as Herons, Dabbling ducks, Diving ducks, Rails Sandpipers & Plovers and 45 species are land bird as Raptors, Woodpeckers, Wagtails, Thrushes, Warblers, Tits, Buntings, Crows. 2. These birds could be divided 29 residents, 29 summer visitors, 18 winter visitors, 7 passage migrants. 3. Among the birds, Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipiter soloensis, Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus, Kestrel Falco tinnunculus are legally protected species as natural monuments in Korea. 4. The major dominant species were Common Teal Anas crecca. Spot-billed Duck Anas poecilorhyncha, Mallard Anas platyrhynchos, Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Magpie Pica pica, Little Egret Egretta garzetta in order, Gap stream should be appropriate habitats for dabbling ducks and herons. 5. Among the total number of 83 species, the highest number of species was 37 species in February and the lowest number of species was 27 species in June. 6. Among the total number of 15900 individuals, the highest number of individuals was 2899 individuals in December and the lowest number of individuals was 385 individuals in May. 7. Among the monthly species diversity index, the highest number of species diversity index was 2.6207 in September and the lowest number of specie diversity index was 2.0716 in January.

      • KCI등재

        스키 리조트 이용자의 여가갈등에 관한 연구

        한우진(Woo Jin Han),이장희(Jang Hee Lee),여인성(In Sung Yeo) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2005 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.29 No.-

        Although various studies concerning leisure conflict have been conducted in the U.S, there is little research in this area for Korean. There are many both unasked and unanswered questions in the experience of leisure conflict between or among various leisure activity group. Therefore, an attempt to understand the experience of leisure conflict in ski resort between skier and snowboarder may provide new insights into the nature of leisure conflict of Korean. The purpose of this study was to examine differences of leisure conflict by demographic variables and investigated effect of user’s characteristics in leisure conflict between skier and snowboarder.For this study, 482 participants were selected from 2 ski resorts located in Kangwon Province for one month from January 15th to February 15, 2005, using the convenience sampling method. For the data analysis SPSS 12.0 for Windows version was utilized. The hypothesis tests were conducted with independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Multiple Linear Regression to solve problems of the study. On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows; 1. There are differences in leisure conflict between or among skier and snowboarder’ demographic characteristics(gender and age group) 2. Leisure conflicts of skier are effected by user’s background in both in-group and out-group. 3. Leisure conflicts of snowboarder are effected by user’s background in both in-group and out-group.

      • 냉적응 생쥐의대식세포 활성화에 미치는 PKC 억제제와 Ca^(2+) Antagonist의 영향

        정노팔,박한우,최인호,오영근,신형철 大韓免疫學會 1995 大韓免疫學會誌 Vol.17 No.3

        Human thymus 조직으로부터 cDNA library를 만들었다. 무작위로 선별한 cDNA clone중에서 468개 염기로 된 cDNA clone (PTH209)을 검색한 결과 124개의 아미노산을 code하는 EAP(Epstein-Barr asseciated protein) 유전자임을 확인하였다. Thymus의 EAP와 Epstein-Barr 바이러스 positive 및 negative cell line의 RNP에서 분리한 EAP^(13)를 비교한 결과, coding region은 동일하였으나 3'UT region은 달랐다. 더구나 EBERs(Epstein-Barr encoded RNAs) 와 La 자가항원이 결합된 RNP의 EAP와 마찬가지로, thymus의 EAP는 sea urchin의 developmental stage-specific 단백질로 알려진 217^(2) 과 매우 유사한 아미노산 서열을 보였다. 이런 결과로 미루어 thymus의 EAP는 thymic development에 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 사료된다. To study the adaptation of immune systems in the animals kept in cold temperature, the recovery rate of peritoneal exudated mouse macrophage was measured in mouse bred at room temperature(RT) or at cold(S±2 C). NBT-reduction activities and phagocytic activities were measured too, to the macrophages recovered. The results are as follows; More than 40% of cells were recovered in the cold treated groups compaired to the RT bred groups. The NBT-reduction activities were totally blocked at 10mM EGTA, and were below 10% of the control in H7 100pM and TMB-8 0.1mM. The NBT-reduction activity of cold treated groups were higher than RT group at lower concentration than H7100pM and TMB-8 0.1mM . The H7 resulted no changes in phagocytic activities both cold and RT groups at 0.1-100pM. The TMB-8 resulted in significant decrease in phagocytic activities at 0.1 mM and 1mM. The conclusions are 1) the cold treated animals showed an increase in the NBT-reduction activities and in the macrophage recovery rates, 2) H7 was unable to block phagocytosis of yeasts up to 10011M concentration, 3) lectin-like yeast cell surface molecules have different signaling mechanism form IgG molecules.

      • 가막만에 출현하는 동물플랑크톤의 종조성과 계절별 출현 양상

        서호영,이인태,윤양호,최상덕,이삼노,한명일,김병섭,강윤호,이우범 한국환경생물학회 2002 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        가막만에 출현하는 동물플랑크톤을 계절별(2001년 4월, 7월, 9월, 12월)로 Norpac네트를 이용하여 수직 채집하였다. 우점적으로 출현한 분류군은 4월과 12월에 요각류, 7월에 요각류와 지각류,9월에 야광충이었다. 출현 개체수는 22~17,197indiv. m^-3으로 시·공간적으로 변동폭이 매우 컸다. 요각류의 우점종은 4월에 Euryte-mora pacifica, Acartio omorii, Cenfropages abdominalis, Colanus sinicus, 7월에 Lobidocera rofunda와 A. erythraea, 9월에 A. eryfhraea와 Paracalanus parvus s. l., 12월에 A. omorii와 E. pacifca로 주로 내만종으로 변하였다. 그러나, 9월에 외양종인 Eucalanus sp.와 Neo-calnus sp. 또한 다수 출현하였다. 이와 같은 출현 경향은 가막만이 폐쇄성 내만임에도 불구하고 동물플랑크톤의 분포 특성은 내만수 이외에 계절적으로 외만수의 영향을 강하게 받고 있음을 암시하고 있다. Zooplankton was sampled vertically with a Norpac net from Gamag Bay in April, July, September and December, 2001. Copepods were predominant in April and December, and cladocerans in July and Noctiluca scintillans in September, respectively. There are high spatio-temporal fluctuations in the abundance of zooplankton with a range of 22∼17,197 indiv./㎥. In the copepod community, neritic species, Eurytemora pacifica, Acartia omorii, Centropages abdominalis and Calanus sinicus were predominant in April; Labidocera rotunda and A. erythraea in July; A. erythraea and Paracalanus parvus s. l. in September; A. omorii and E. pacifica in December. However, oceanic species Eucalanus sp. and Neocalanus sp. were abundant in September. It indicates that although Gamag Bay is semi-closed, the distribution pattern of zooplankton is seasonally strongly affected by oceanic waters in addition to neritic ones.

      • KCI등재

        과학 영재 프로그램을 통해 본 과학 관련 태도와 과학 불안도의 관계와 변화

        양태연,박상우,박인호,한기순 한국과학교육학회 2005 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구는 과학 영재 학생의 과학 관련 태도와 과학 불안도와의 관계가 어떠한 상관을 보이고 있고, 과학 관련 태도와 과학 불안도가 과학 영재 프로그램에 참여하기 전과 참여한 후에 어떻게 변화하는지를 보았다. 이에 따라 과학 영재 교육 프로그램에 참여하고 있는 148명의 중학생들을(남학생 : 95명, 여학생 53명)대상으로 과학 관련 태도 검사와 과학 불안도 검사를 실시하였다. 연구결과, 과학 관련 태도와 과학 불안도의 관계는 사전 검사에서 뚜렷한 부적 상관을 보였으나 사후 검사에서는 부분적으로 정적 상관이 나타났고 영재 프로그램 참여 후 과학 영재들의 과학 관련 태도는 낮아졌고 과학 불안도는 증가하였다. 이 연구의 흥미로운 점은, 여러 선행 연구결과와는 달리 영재 프로그램에 참여한 후 남학생이 여학생보다 과학 관련 태도가 낮아졌고 과학 불안도가 증가하였다는 점이다. This study examined scientifically gifted students' science attitude, anxiety, and their relationship. In addition, sex differences in these variables were investigated. The main interest of the study, however, was to explore how scientifically gifted students' science attitude and anxiety have changed before and after a gifted education experience. One hundred and forty-eight middle school students (95 boys and 53 girls) who enrolled in a gifted education program participated in the present study. The results indicate an increase in science anxiety and a decrease in science attitude after the six-month gifted program experience. Negative correlations between science attitude and anxiety were found in pre-test, but some positive relationship existed in post-test. Interestingly, after the specialized gifted program, male students' science attitudes were lowered significantly. In contrast, there was no statistically significant difference in female students. Results of the study were discussed in relation to the programming issues for the scientifically gifted.


        Nelumbinis Semen Reverses a Decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$Receptor Binding Induced by Chronic Mild Stress, a Depression-like Symptom

        Jang, Choon-Gon,Kang, Moon-Kyu,Cho, Jae-Han,Lee, Sun-Bok,Kim, Hyun-Taek,Park, Soon-Kwon,Lee, Jin-Woo,Park, Seong-Kyu,Hong, Moo-Chang,Shin, Min-Kyu,Shim, In-Sup,Bae , Hyun-Su The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 2004 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.27 No.10

        Depression is associated with a dysfunctional serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) system. More recently, several lines of evidence suggest that an important factor in the development of depression may be a deficit in the function and expression of $5-HT_{1A}$ receptors. The present study assessed if Nelumbinis Semen (N. s.) had an anti-depression effect through reversing a decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding in rats with depression-like symptoms induced by chronic mild stress. Using a $5-HT_{1A}$ receptor binding assay, with a specific $5-HT_{1A}$receptor agonist, 8- OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetralin), the mechanism of the anti-depression effect of N. s. on rats was investigated, and the effects compared with two well-known antidepressants, Hyperium Perforatum (St. Johns Wort) and fluoxetine (Prozac). Animals were divided into five groups: the normal (N) group without chronic mild stress (CMS), the control (C) group under CMS for 8 weeks, the Nelumbinis Semen (N. s.) treatment group under CMS for 8 weeks, the Hyperium Perforatum (H. p.) treatment group under CMS for 8 weeks and finally, the fluoxetine (F) treatment group under CMS for 8 weeks. Each treatment was administered to rats during the last 4 weeks of the 8-week CMS. A sucrose intake test was performed to test the anti-depression effect of N. s. The N. s. treatment significantly reversed the decreased sucrose intake under CMS (P<0.05 compared to control group under CMS). In the CA2 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus, both N. s. and H. p. reversed the CMS-induced decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding. In the I to II regions of the frontal cortex, N. s. and H. p. also reversed the CMS-induced decrease in$5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding, and even showed a significant increase in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding compared to the F treatment group (N. s. vs. P, p<0.05, H. p. vs. P, p<0.05). However, in the hypothalamus, all treatments reversed the CMSinduced decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding. This reversal effect of N. s. on the decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding in the frontal cortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus of rat brains was very similar to that of H. p, but different from that of F. It is concluded that N. s. presents an anti-depression effect through enhancing $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding.

      • KCI등재

        순산소 순환유동층에서 로내 탈황 및 탈질법 적용에 따른 오염물질 거동특성

        최경구(Gyung-Goo Choi),나건수(Geon-Soo Na),신지훈(Ji-Hoon Shin),길상인(Sang-In Keel),이정규(Jung-Kyu Lee),허필우(Pil-Woo Heo),윤진한(Jin-Han Yun) 한국청정기술학회 2018 청정기술 Vol.24 No.3

        순산소 연소기술은 화력발전에 적용 가능한 유망한 온실가스 감축 기술로 평가되고 있다. 본 연구는 환경적 관점에서 순환유동층을 활용한 순산소 연소조건에 로 내 탈황 및 탈질법을 적용하여 NO 및 SO₂의 거동을 살펴보는 한편, SO₃, NH₃, 그리고 N2O의 발생 경향도 관측하였다. 이를 위해, 연소로 내 석회석 및 요소수를 투입하였다. 로 내 탈황법은 연소가스 내 SO₂ 농도를 ~403에서 ~41 ppm까지 저감하였다. 또한 SO₃ 형성의 주원료인 SO₂가 저감되면서 연소가스 내 SO₃ 농도도 ~3.9에서~1.4 ppm까지 감소되었다. 그러나 석회석 내 CaCO₃가 NO의 발생을 촉진하는 현상도 관측되었다. 연소가스 내 NO 농도는로 내 탈질법을 적용하여 ~26 - 34 ppm까지 저감되었다. 요소수 투입량 증가에 따라 연소가스 내 NH₃ 농도가 증가하여 최대~1.8 ppm으로 나타났으며, N₂O의 농도도 ~61에서 ~156 ppm까지 증가하였다. N₂O 발생량 증가 현상은 요소수의 열분해 과정에서 생성된 HNCO가 N₂O로 전환되어 나타난다. 본 연구의 결과를 통해 로 내 연소가스 세정법을 적용할 경우 NOx 및 SOx의 저감뿐만 아니라, 다른 오염물질의 발생에 대한 주의가 필요할 것으로 보인다. Oxy-fuel combustion is considered as a promising greenhouse gas reduction technology in power plant. In this study, the behaviors of NO and SO₂ were investigated under the condition that in-furnace deNOx and deSOx methods are applied in oxy-fuel circulating fluidized bed combustion condition. In addition, the generation trends of SO₃, NH₃ and N2O were observed. For the purpose, limestone and urea solution were directly injected into the circulating fluidized bed combustor. The in-furnace deSOx method using limestone could reduce the SO₂ concentration in exhaust gas from ~403 to ~41 ppm. At the same experimental condition, the SO₃ concentration in exhaust gas was also reduced from ~3.9 to ~1.4 ppm. This trend is mainly due to the reduction of SO₂. The SO₂ is the main source of the formation of SO₃. The negative effect of CaCO₃ in limestone, however, was also appeared that it promotes the NO generation. The NO concentration in exhaust gas reduced to ~26 - 34 ppm by appling selective non-catalytic reduction method using urea solution. The NH₃ concentration in exhaust gas was appeared up to ~1.8 ppm during injection of urea solution. At the same time, the N₂O generation also increased with increase of urea solution injection. It seems that the HNCO generated from pyrolysis of urea converted into N₂O in combustion atmosphere. From the results in this study, the generation of other pollutants should be checked as the in-furnace deNOx and deSOx methods are applied.

      • KCI등재

        The clinical and economic burden of communityonset complicated skin and skin structure infections in Korea

        Yong Kyun Cho,Heung Jeong Woo,Shin-Woo Kim,In-Gyu Bae,Young Goo Song,Hee Jin Cheong,Hyuck Lee,Sang Hoon Han,Hee Jung Choi,Chisook Moon,Seong Yeol Ryu,Jian Hur,Jacob Lee,Yu Mi Jo,Young Joo Kim 대한내과학회 2020 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.35 No.6

        Background/Aims: To investigate epidemiologic characteristics, clinical and economic burdens, and factors associated with mortality in complicated skin and skin structure infection (cSSSI) patients in Korea. Methods: A retrospective, observational, nationwide study was conducted between April to July 2012 at 14 tertiary-hospitals in Korea. Eligible patients were hospitalized adults with community acquired cSSSI, who underwent surgical intervention and completed treatment between November 2009 and October 2011. Data on demography, clinical characteristics, outcomes and medical resource utilization were collected through medical record review. Direct medical costs were calculated by multiplying quantities of resources utilized by each unit price in Korea. Results: Of 473 patients enrolled, 449 patients (except 24 patients with no record on surgical intervention) were eligible for analysis. Microbiological testing was performed on 66.1% of patients and 8.2% had multiple pathogens. Among culture confirmed pathogens (n = 297 patients, 340 episodes), 76.2% were gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus; 41.2%) and 23.8% were gram-negative. The median duration of hospital stay was 16 days. Among treated patients, 3.3% experienced recurrence and 4.2% died in-hospital. The mean direct medical costs amounted to $4,195/ person, with the greatest expenses for hospitalization and antibiotics. The in-hospital mortality and total medical costs were higher in combined antibiotics therapy than monotherapy (p < 0.05). Charlson’s comorbidity index ≥ 3, standardized early warning scoring ≥ 4, sub-fascia infections and combined initial therapy, were all found to be associated with higher mortality. Conclusions: Korean patients with community-onset cSSSI suffer from considerable clinical and economic burden. Efforts should be made to reduce this burden through appropriate initial treatment.

      • KCI등재후보

        본태성 고혈압에서의 혈중 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide 농도와 Renin - Aldosterone 계의 상관관계에 대한 연구

        신현호(Hyun Ho Shin),박원근(Won Kun Park),한인권(In Kwon Han),김은주(Eun Joo Kim),김선우(Sun Woo Kim),송정상(Jung Sang Song),배종하(Jong Hoa Bae),최영길(Young Kil Choi) 대한내과학회 1987 대한내과학회지 Vol.32 No.6

        N/A Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) has been shown to posseses a variety of important biologic activities, in- cluding natriuresis, relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, and reduction in aldosterone secretion. This raises the possibility that ANP may play a part in the regulation of volume homeostasis and may be involved in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. We investigated the relationship of ANP and reninaldosterone system in 12 normal subjects and 24 patients with essential hypertension. The results were as follows; 1) Plasma levels of ANP in patients with essential hypertension were significantly higher than in normotensive controls (131.1±21.7pg/ml VS 102.3±17.4 pg/ml). 2) There were no significant difference in plasma renin activity or aldosterone levels between normotensive and hypertensive subjects. 3) The patients with low renin essential hypertension had a tendency of increased ANP concentration, compared with high renin hypertension patients. 4) Plasma levels of ANP were positively and significantly correlated with blood pressure (Systolic r=0.38, p<0.05; diastolic r=0.49, p<0.005). These results suggests that increased secretion of ANP in essential hypertension may be a compensatory response to a diminished capacity for sodium excretion.

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