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      • Projections of summertime ozone concentration over East Asia under multiple IPCC SRES emission scenarios

        Lee, Jae-Bum,Cha, Jun-Seok,Hong, Sung-Chul,Choi, Jin-Young,Myoung, Ji-Su,Park, Rokjin J.,Woo, Jung-Hun,Ho, Changhoi,Han, Jin-Seok,Song, Chang-Keun Elsevier 2015 Atmospheric environment Vol.106 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We have developed the Integrated Climate and Air Quality Modeling System (ICAMS) through the one-way nesting of global–regional models to examine the changes in the surface ozone concentrations over East Asia under future climate scenarios. Model simulations have been conducted for the present period of 1996–2005 to evaluate the performance of ICAMS. The simulated surface ozone concentrations reproduced the observed monthly mean concentrations at sites in East Asia with high R<SUP>2</SUP> values (0.4–0.9), indicating a successful simulation to capture both spatial and temporal variability. We then performed several model simulations with the six IPCC SRES scenarios (A2, A1B, A1FI, A1T, B1, and B2) for the next three periods, 2016–2025 (the 2020s), 2046–2055 (the 2050s), and 2091–2100 (the 2090s). The model results show that the projected changes of the annual daily mean maximum eight-hour (DM8H) surface ozone concentrations in summertime for East Asia are in the range of 2–8 ppb, −3 to 8 ppb, and −7 to 9 ppb for the 2020s, the 2050s, and the 2090s, respectively, and are primarily determined based on the emission changes of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and NMVOC. The maximum increases in the annual DM8H surface ozone and high-ozone events occur in the 2020s for all scenarios except for A2, implying that the air quality over East Asia is likely to get worse in the near future period (the 2020s) than in the far future periods (the 2050s and the 2090s). The changes in the future environment based on IPCC SRES scenarios would also influence the change in the occurrences of high-concentrations events more greatly than that of the annual DM8H surface ozone concentrations. Sensitivity simulations show that the emissions increase is the key factor in determining future regional surface ozone concentrations in the case of a developing country, China, whereas a developed country, Japan would be influenced more greatly by effects of the regional climate change than the increase in emissions.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Change in ozone level is determined by the combination of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and NMVOC emissions. </LI> <LI> Ozone level over East Asia would get worse in the near future (the 2020s) than far future. </LI> <LI> A high-concentration event generally increases and more frequently occurs in the future. </LI> <LI> Change in ozone air quality in a developing country depends more on emissions change. </LI> <LI> Change in ozone air quality in a developed country depends more on climate change. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • 家兎에서 局所貧血이 筋肉變化에 미치는 影響에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        金昌洙,李弘鍵 고려대학교 의과대학 1982 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.19 No.1

        Early detection of muscular changes in ischemia should be the utmost important and urgent problem in management and recovery of the muscles before irreversible picture developes. In the relevant literatures, many authors have studied upon histological changes of muscles. in ischemia employing various staining methods, such as hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), van Gieson etc., and reported that the earliest possible time fot detection of morphological changer in muscles were 3 to 4 hours after ischemia took place. Other methods, such as measurement of pressure in the muscular tissue with wick catheter, never conduction time, electromyography, tissue fluid analysis, enzyme study of serum, lactic acid study, ^(99m)Tc stannous pyrophosphate, electronmicroscopic study did not provide valuable early detection of muscular changes in ischemia. The author has undertaken an experimental study upon morphological changes of the muscles, after ischsmia were produced artificially with ligation of vessels and using tourniquet, and tried to detect early changes in the ischemic muscle by histochemical staining method developed by Lie et al., hematoxylin basic fuchsinpicric acid (HBFP) staining method. Twenty rabbits, weighing 2,000-2,500gm were divided into two groups. In group 1, tourniquet was applied on the proximal thigh, and in group 2, the unilateral common iliac artery and vein were ligated. In each group, muscle biopsies were carried out of the belly of the anterior tibial muscles in 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 fours, 3 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours, respectively, while the applied tourniquet or ligation was released 6hours after application. The biopsied samples were fixed in formalin and stained with H&E and HBFP stain for microscopic evaluation of muscle changes. The results are as follows: 1. In group 1, the earliest evidence of muscular degeneration were detected by HBFP staining-method as early as 30 minutes after application of tourniquet, whereas it was required at least 3 hours to detect such change by H&E staining method. 2. In group 2, the earliest evidence of muscular degeneration were detected by HBFP staining method as early as 10 minutes after ligation of the vessels, whereas it was required atleast 2 hour to detect such change by H&E staining method. 3. In group 2, the minimal elapse of the time to detect muscular necrosis after ligation of the vessel was 2 hours by HBFP staining method whereas it took 24 hours by H&E staining method. 4. The above findings suggest that the HBFP staining is the most practical method to detect not omly early degenerative change of muscle but the evaluation of the extent of the changes due to ischemia.

      • KCI등재

        회계이익변경에 대한 단순투자자의 반응

        김지홍 ( Jee Hong Kim ),장진호 ( Jin Ho Chang ),여은정 ( Eun Jung Yeo ) 한국회계학회 2004 會計學硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 1998년 초부터 2003년 6월말까지 증권거래소의 전자공시시스템에 회계변경을 공시한 상장기업을 표본으로 하여, 단순투자자의 비율이 높은 기업에서의 회계이익변경에 대한 주가반응을 살펴보았다. 연구 결과, 단순투자자(naive investor)의 대용치로 사용된 개인소액투자자의 지분이 높은 기업에서 회계변경으로 인한 보고이익의 증가가 높을수록 양(+)의 주가반응이 존재함을 발견하였다. 이 결과는 실증회계이론에서 제시한 보고이익의 증가가 계약비용을 감소시키는 효과를 통제한 후에도 유의하였다. 반면, 전문투자자(sophisticated investor)의 대용치로 사용된 기관투자자 및 외국인투자자의 지분이 높은 기업에서는 회계변경으로 인한 이익증가에 유의적인 시장반응이 관찰되지 않았다. 본 연구의 결과는 한계투자자의 전문성에 따라 회계정보에 대한 주가반응이 상이할 수 있다는 확장된 기능적 고착가설(extended functional fixation hypothesis)을 지지하는 결과이다. This study empirically examines whether there is price reaction of the accounting changing companies which have high rate of unsophisticated investors` holdings. That is, this study will analyze whether there is different response to reported earnings changes by accounting change between unsophisticated and sophisticated investors. Most significantly, this study observes the cumulative abnormal returns on the time of disclosing to the accounting change. The final sample consists of 96 listed on the Korean Stock Exchange and disclosed by an Electronic Disclosure System over the period of 1998 to June, 2003. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, there is positive relation between price reaction of individual investors proxied by naive investors and the reported earnings by accounting changes. This means that unsophisticated investors react naively on the increase of earnings by accounting changes. Second, there is no positive relation between the price reaction of institutional or foreign investors proxied by sophisticated investors and the increasing earnings by accounting changes. This means that sophisticated investors don`t react naively in the increase of earnings by accounting changes. These results supports the extended functional fixation hypothesis that price reactions of the accounting information can be varied according to the marginal investor`s expertise.

      • KCI등재

        아세틸 콜린 유발 검사시 허혈성 심전도 변화와 흉통의 발생이 내피세포 기능장애에 미치는 영향

        최철웅(Cheol Ung Choi),나승운(Seung-Woon Rha),김선원(Sun Won Kim),나진오(Jin Oh Na),임홍의(Hong Euy Lim),김진원(Jin Won Kim),김응주(Eung Ju Kim),한성우(Seong Woo Han),박창규(Chang Gyu Park),서홍석(Hong Seog Seo),오동주(Dong Joo Oh) 대한임상노인의학회 2010 대한임상노인의학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        연구배경: 아세틸 콜린 유발 검사시 발생하는 흉통과 허혈성 심전도 변화가 아세틸 콜린에 의해 발생하는 관상동맥의 내피세포 기능에 어떤 영향을 주는지 알아보고자 했다. 방법: 흉통으로 내원하여 관상동맥 조영술과 아세틸 콜린 유발검사를 시행받은 1,085명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 아세틸 콜린 유발 검사를 하는 동안 허혈성 심전도 변화 및 흉통의 발생 유무에 따른 관상동맥 내피세포 기능의 특징을 비교하였다. 결과: 539명의 환자에서 아세틸 콜린 검사시 내피세포 기능 장애가 발생 하였다. 허혈성 심전도 변화가 있었던 그룹이 심전도 변화가 없었던 그룹보다 흉통이 더 많았고(78.1% vs. 60.8%, P=0.007), 관상동맥 조영술상 다발성 관상동맥 경련이 빈번하였고(59.4% vs. 40.6%, P=0.004), 관상동맥의 경련 정도도 더 심하였다(64.1% vs. 46.5%, P=0.006). 흉통이 있었던 그룹이 흉통이 없었던 그룹보다 허혈성 심전도 변화의 빈도가 더 높았다(14.7% vs. 7.5%, P=0.007). 또한 흉통이 있었던 그룹이 관상동맥 경련이 다발성으로 발생하는 경우가 많았고 (50.7% vs. 29.5%, P<0.001), 미만성으로 발생하는 경우가 많았고(87.1% vs. 75%, P<0.001), 관상동맥의 경련의 정도도 더 심하였다(51.6% vs. 43.5%, P=0.041). 결론: 아세틸 콜린 유발검사시 발생하는 허혈성 심전도 변화와 흉통은 관상동맥 경련의 정도와 경련이 발생하는 관상동맥 개수와 연관이 있다. Background: ECG changes and chest pain during acetylcholine (Ach) provocation tests may constitute important clinical parameters for Ach-induced endothelial dysfunction. We investigated the association between ischemic ECG changes and chest pain during the Ach-provocation test and angiographic characteristics of Ach-induced endothelial dysfunction. Methods: A total of 1,085 patients with anginal symptoms underwent diagnostic coronary angiography (CAG) and Ach-provocation tests. We compared angiographic characteristics of Ach-induced endothelial dysfunction according to the presence of ECG change and chest pain. Results: A total of 539 patients experienced Ach-induced endothelial dysfunction. Patients who experienced ECG change group suffered more frequent chest pain (78.1% vs. 60.8%, P=0.007), angiographically more frequent multiple coronary artery spasm (59.4% vs. 40.6%, P=0.004), and more severe coronary artery spasm (64.1% vs. 46.5%, P=0.006) than patients without ECG change. However, there was no difference in the length of endothelial dysfunction between the groups. The incidence of ischemic ECG changes in patients with chest pain was higher than in patients without chest pain (14.7% vs. 7.5%, P=0.007). Patients who experienced chest pain more often experienced multiple (50.7% vs. 29.5%, P<0.001), diffuse (87.1% vs. 75%, P<0.001), and severe coronary artery spasm (51.6% vs. 43.5%, P=0.041) than patients without chest pain. Conclusion: Ischemic ECG changes and chest pain during the Ach-provocation test are associated with multi-vessel involvement and severe coronary artery spasm. Chest pain is associated with the length of endothelial dysfunction, but ischemic ECG change is not.

      • Allogenic succession of Korean fir (<i>Abies koreana Wils.</i>) forests in different climate condition

        Lim, Chi Hong,An, Ji Hong,Jung, Song Hie,Lee, Chang Seok Springer Japan 2018 Ecological research Vol.33 No.2

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>This study was conducted to clarify the changes in vegetation that occurred due to changing environmental factors, especially climate, at Korean fir (<I>Abies koreana</I>) stands with different climatic conditions established on Mt. Halla, which is located on a southern island of South Korea. The difference of species composition between sites was large and depended on elevation and slope aspect at lower elevations, whereas not as much among stands or between sites at the highest elevations of each slope aspect. It was interpreted that differences and similarities among sites were dominated by the microclimate determined by the topographic conditions of each site. The result of vegetation dynamics analysis predicted that the Korean fir forests would be replaced by temperate forests such as Mongolian oak (<I>Quercus mongolica</I>) forests or shade intolerant forests composed of early successional species such as Korean cherry (<I>Prunus maximowiczii</I>) and Spreading yew (<I>Taxus cuspidata</I>) at lower elevations, while would continuously persist at the highest elevations. We interpreted the vegetation changes appeared at the lower elevations as an allogenic succession, as the recent rapid climate changes directly and indirectly dominated the change. The species distribution modeling predicted that the distributional range of Korean fir would decrease to 13.4 and 10.1% of the current distribution in 2050 and 2070, respectively. Further, the distribution modeling showed that the sites located at lower elevations would no longer be within the distributional range of Korean fir forest, and those at the highest elevations would be sparsely scattered in fragmented states.</P>

      • 만성 활동성 간염에 동반된 간소엽의 변화에 대한 조직학적 연구

        李重達,朴耀翰,李昌弘 한양대학교 의과대학 1987 한양의대 학술지 Vol.7 No.2

        The study of liver biopsy specimens taen from 67 Korean adults with B-viral chronic active hepatitis (CAH) revealed lobular inflammation which was seldom seen in European-American patients. These findings suggested that the morphologic difference may be indicative of the ultimate prognosis and pathogenesis for chronic hepatitis B in Korean. The author reviewed biopsy materials form the 67 patients with CAH and found 24 cases of labourlar inflammation of varying degree (35%). Serum aminotransferases (SGOT/SGPT) and hepatitis B viral markers (HBs Ag, Ab-HBs, Ab-HBc, Hbe Ag, Ab-Hbe) were tested at the time of liver biopsy. In view of pathogenesis of the lobular changes in CAH, correlation between histologic changes, SGOT/SGPT, and hepatitis B viral markers was discussed, and the results led to following conclusions. Lobular changes associated with CAH consisted of ballooning degeneration, acidophilic bodies, and spotty necrosis which were present mainly in the centrilobular zone around the terminal venules. No correlation was noted between the degree of lobular inflammation and piecemeal necrosis. Lobular changes in the severe degree, however, correlated to the corresponding degree of piecemeal necrosis. The severe degree of lobular inflammation corresponded with the value of serum aminotransferases. No correlation was, however, found between the mild degree of lobular changes and serum aminotransferase values. Of 20 CAH cases with lobular changes tested for hepatitis B viral markers, 18 wee positive for HBs Ag and 9 Hbe Ag. These findings were indicative of the high infectivity of the CAH with lobular changes.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of alkali-borosilicate glass additions on the microstructure and dielectric properties of Ba0.88(Nd1.40Bi0.42La0.30)Ti₄O12

        Chang-Lun Liao,Kuan-Hong Lin,Shun-Tian Lin 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2008 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.9 No.6

        The microstructures and dielectric properties of Ba0.88(Nd1.40Bi0.42La0.30)Ti4O12/ alkali-borosilicate glass composites were investigated in this study, with the volume percentage of the glass phase in the composite being either 50, 55, or 60 vol.%. Sintered density measurements indicated that the density increased with an increase in the sintering temperature for the composites with 50 and 55 vol.% glass additions, but, at a sintering temperature higher than 800 oC, the density decreased for the composite with a 60 vol.% glass addition. XRD patterns revealed that the peak of the highest intensity in the B(NBL)T crystal belongs to the (401) crystal plane, while that in the B(NBL)T/glass composites to the (320) crystal plane. Along with the change in crystalline preferred orientation, the lattice constants of the crystal also changed. SEM micrographs indicated that the B(NBL)T phase developed into columnar grains at sintering temperatures higher than 1260 oC. Moreover, when glass was added, the grain morphology changed, especially at sintering temperatures higher than 850 oC. When sintered at 950 oC for 2 hours, the composite with 55 vol.% glass yielded the highest dielectric constant (εr= 23.2), the lowest dielectric loss (tanδ = 4.1 × 10-3), and a high Q×f value (Q × f = 1,620 GHz, Q = 1/tanδ, f = 6.67 GHz). The microstructures and dielectric properties of Ba0.88(Nd1.40Bi0.42La0.30)Ti4O12/ alkali-borosilicate glass composites were investigated in this study, with the volume percentage of the glass phase in the composite being either 50, 55, or 60 vol.%. Sintered density measurements indicated that the density increased with an increase in the sintering temperature for the composites with 50 and 55 vol.% glass additions, but, at a sintering temperature higher than 800 oC, the density decreased for the composite with a 60 vol.% glass addition. XRD patterns revealed that the peak of the highest intensity in the B(NBL)T crystal belongs to the (401) crystal plane, while that in the B(NBL)T/glass composites to the (320) crystal plane. Along with the change in crystalline preferred orientation, the lattice constants of the crystal also changed. SEM micrographs indicated that the B(NBL)T phase developed into columnar grains at sintering temperatures higher than 1260 oC. Moreover, when glass was added, the grain morphology changed, especially at sintering temperatures higher than 850 oC. When sintered at 950 oC for 2 hours, the composite with 55 vol.% glass yielded the highest dielectric constant (εr= 23.2), the lowest dielectric loss (tanδ = 4.1 × 10-3), and a high Q×f value (Q × f = 1,620 GHz, Q = 1/tanδ, f = 6.67 GHz).

      • HPV에 감염된 자궁경부 상피세포의 Keratin 아형 변화에 관한 연구

        기근홍,이영미,장원재,임용,임성철,김창원,전호종 조선대학교 1994 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.19 No.2

        The human papillomavirus (HPV) are wide spread in the world, causing proliferation of epidermal and mucosal surface. Certain papillomaviral types are oncogenic in vivo and in vitro. HPV DNA has been detected in most of cervical lesions such as condyloma acuminata, dysplasias, and invasive carcinomas. The materials for this study consisted of 5 dysplasias. 5 squamous cell carcinomas, and 5 exocervix for control, that resected for definite treatment of uterine disease at Chosen University Hospital from January, 1991 to December, 1993. All cases were performed of in situ hybridization for HPV DNA type 6/11, 16, and 18. And also immununohistochemical stain for panel of monoclonal cytokeratin (CK) antibodies were done. The result obtained is as fallows : 1. HPV DNA type 6/11 are detected in all dysplasias. HPV DNA type 16 and 18 are detected in squamous cell carcinomas. 2. Stratifed squamous epithelium of exocervix are positive staining for CK 1, CK 5/6, CK 8, CK 13, CK 14, and CK 19. HPV DNA type 6/11 infected cells are positive for CK 1, CK 13, CK 14, CK 17, CK 18, and CK 19. HPV DNA type 16/18 infected cells are positive for CK 1, CK 5/6, CK 10, CK 13, CK 14, CK 17, CK 18, and CK 19. In conclusion, HPV infection of uterine cervix is associated with change of normal cytokeratin expression pattern. Dysplastic cells are changed of CK 5/6, CK 8, CK 17 and CK18. Squamous cell carcinoma cells are changed of CK 8, CK 17, and CK 18.

      • KCI등재

        보조호르몬요법을 받는 여성 유방암 환자의 모발 변화와 치료 실태에 대한 기초 연구

        이재경 ( Jae Kyung Lee ),김창현 ( Chang-hyun Kim ),홍동균 ( Dongkyun Hong ),정경은 ( Kyung Eun Jung ),서영준 ( Young-joon Seo ),김창덕 ( Chang-deok Kim ),이진선 ( Jin Sun Lee ),권인선 ( In Sun Kwon ),박상현 ( Sanghyun Park ),이영 대한피부과학회 2021 대한피부과학회지 Vol.59 No.7

        Background: Hormone therapy, which includes tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors, is the most common adjuvant therapy used for breast cancer. However, only a few studies have reported endocrine therapy induced alopecia. Objective: We investigated the effects of long-term adjuvant hormone therapy on hair in patients with breast cancer, in addition to patients’ concerns and current treatment for hair loss. Methods: Patients completed a questionnaire that included information on self-perceived hair changes after each adjuvant therapy session, distress, and current treatment for hair loss. Using a folliscope, we measured hair density and thickness in each patient and in healthy controls. Results: The study included 93 patients with breast cancer (mean age 51.9±9.8 years). The density and hair thickness were 106.36±21.85 hairs/cm2 and 0.07±0.01 mm in the patient group and 147.86±30.67 hairs/cm2 and 0.07±0.01 mm in the control group (n=98, mean age 52.10±8.40 years), respectively. The mean hair density was significantly lower in the patient group than in the control group; however, no statistically significant intergroup difference was observed in hair thickness. Among 76 patients who perceived hair changes after adjuvant therapy, 71.1% (n=54) were distressed with regard to hair changes. However, only 7.8% of the patients, including two who were treated by dermatologists, currently received treatment for hair changes. Conclusion: Dermatologists should be familiar with hair changes in patients with breast cancer and provide appropriate education to encourage patients to consult dermatologists for hair loss and thinning after breast cancer treatment. (Korean J Dermatol 2021;59(7):521∼526)

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