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        국제 군비통제 방향 및 대응방향

        최강 한국전략문제연구소 1999 전략연구 Vol.6 No.2

        From the perspective of arms control, the 1900s looks very similar to the 1970s when major efforts were given to anns control and visible outcomes were achieved. The successful conclusion of INF, START, CFE, indefinite extension of NPT, CWC and CTBT can be considered as some positive outcomes of the post-Cold War. Furthermore, in the post-Cold War era, efforts have been directed not only toward passive nonproliferation but also to proactive counterproliferation. Along with increased international efforts in arms control the discussion of regional, multilateral security cooperation has become very active. Since the establishment of ARF in 1994, the discussion of and attention over regional security issues and cooperation at the governmental level has expanded. While the Northeast Asian states used to be rather reluctant to discuss multilateral security cooperation and dialogue, nowadays the mood for multilateral security dialogue has become more mature. The aforementioned situation has brought us many challenges in dealing with international arms control and multilateral security dialogue. Since its entry into the UN in 1991 and into the Geneva CD in 1996, South Korea is posited to pay careful attention to the international arms control activities and to take pro-active stance. To consolidate the background for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, South Korea must analyze international arms control issues and related activities. International arms control of the 1900s have the following characteristics. First, arms control has become multilateral in nature, rather than bilateral Second, the scope and target of arms control has expanded. Not only nuclear weapons but also other WMDs and conventional weapons and related technologies have become the target of arms control Third, the focus has been shifted from stopping of vertical proliferation to stopping of horizontal prolifertation. Furthermore, efforts to counterproliferation have begun to replace those of passive non-proliferation. Fourth, consequently, arms control itself has become a conflict between "the haves" and "the have-nots" --the North vs. the South. Fifth, to secure compliance and observation of various arms control agreements and regimes, verification and monitoring mechanisms have been strengthened. Sixth, impact of arms control has become wide and deep since each arms control measure will affect not only military sector but also civilian and industrial sectors as being seen in the case of CWC and Wassenarr Arrangement. Finally, regional talks on security cooperation and arms control have become quite active. For example, ARF has become a forum to discuss some arms control measures. All these trends imply that the scope of arms control regarding South Korea has expanded. Since South Korea is faced with North Korean threat, it cannot take part in all arms control measures without reservation. On the other hand, given its status in international community, South Korea cannot simply ignore and resist the trends of international arms control in the post-Cold War era. South Korea's policy of arms control must be balanced between its effect of dealing with North Korean military threat and its contribution to regional and international peace and stability. South Korea must utilize arms control as a means to institutionalize its external security environment and to increase its status and importance in regional and international community. For this purpose, it must widen its scope of arms control. Internally, policy coordination and consultation among the concerned government agencies are further enhanced due to the increased impact of arms control upon the society. In formulating and implementing arms control policies, South Korea should make a balance between universality and uniqueness of South Korea's security environment. South Korea tends to emphaisze its unique security environment as an excuse of being not so active in international arms control For this, South Korea must differentiate arms control issues by taking into accout each issue's nature and impact. Some issues must be dealt with by the two Koreas, whereas others must be transfered to international society. In other words, depending upon the nature of arms control issue, South Korea must select a venue for arms control and differentiate its approach. South Korea must formulate its arms control policy based upon its analysis of relations between international arms control and inter-Korean arms control To carry out arms control policy effectively, South Korea must secure and mobilize experts, either civilian or government, and enhance inter-agency cooperation at the governmental level.

      • KCI등재

        강박장애 환자의 한방치료 효과에 대한 후향적 연구

        최강의,이유진,김연주,유종호 대한한방신경정신과학회 2022 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        Objectives: To examine effects of traditional Korean medical treatment on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Methods: Effects of Korean medical treatment on patients with OCD who visited the neuropsychiatric clinic of Korean medicine were examined. Patients were treated with acupuncture, herbal medication, and oriental psychotherapy. Padua-ICMA, Y-BOCS, BDI-2, STAI-X1/X2, BAI were compared before and after 8 and 12 weeks of treatment to determine whether symptoms of patients were improved. Results: After 8 weeks treatment (n=19), Padua-ICMA, Y-BOCS, BDI-2, STAI-X1/X2, and BAI scores were significantly decreased. After 12 weeks treatment (n=12), Padua-ICMA, Y-BOCS, BDI-2, STAI-X1/ X2, and BAI scores were also significantly decreased. Conclusions: Traditional Korean medicine is clinically effective in treating OCD.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        골스캔을 이용한 천장관절/천골섭취비의 정량적 측정

        최강,이명철,조보연,고창순,최성재,이영열,박선양 대한핵의학회 1982 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.16 No.2

        $quot;To evaluate the diagnostic usefulness and significance of quantitative sacroiliac joint scintigraphy in the assessment of sacroiliitis, we measured Sacroiliac Joint/Sacrum Uptake Ratio(SIS Ratio) by region of interest(ROI) method using Tc-99m-methylene diphosphonate. The observed results were as follows: 1) Using ROI method, the SIS ratios for the control group of 65 persons were 1.05±0.08(left) and 1.06±0.07(right) which were narrower in range than those of slice method(mean±S.D.) 2) The effects of age, gender and laterality on SIS ratio were not significant. 3) In left side, one of 6 patients with rheumatoid arthritis had SIS ratio in excess of 2 standard deviation of normal control group, and remainder had SIS ratios within normal limit. In right side, 3 patients had SIS ratios in excess of 2 standard deviation of normal control group, and remainder, within normal limit. 4) In both sacroiliac joint, 2 of 3 patients having sacroiliitis clinically with Reiter's syndrome whose pelvis AX-ray findings showed normal had high SIS ratios (left/right;1.31/1.69, 1.90/1.80), but SIS ratio of one patient who bad no evidence of sacroiliitis clinically was within normal limit. 5) In 6 patients with ankylosing spondylitis in both sacroiliac joints, q whose pelvis A-P X-ray findings showed severe sclerotic change of sacroiliac pints had SIS ratio within normal limit or below that of normal control group, and SIS ratios of 2 patients whose pelvis A-P X-ray findings showed were increased. 6) 4 of 5 patients with low back pain of which cause could not be evaluated clinically and radiologically had SIS ratios in excess of that of normal control group. It would be concluded the quantitative sacroiliac joit scintigraphy is useful and sensitive screening method in the diagnosis as well as in the assessment clinical activity of sacroiliitis.$quot;

      • KCI등재

        고령자 고용과 임금체계

        최강,김민준 한국직업능력개발원 2011 직업능력개발연구 Vol.14 No.3

        This paper analyzes the wage structure in Korea by occupation and by industry. To identify whether the wage structure is productivity-based or seniority-based, experience-wage profiles and tenure-wage profiles are estimated. The empirical analysis finds that tenure-wage profiles are steeper than experience-wage profiles in all occupations and in all industries. The steep slope of the tenure-profiles imply either large accumulations of firm-specific human capital or the seniority-based wage structure. Especially, the slopes of tenure-profiles are very high for both specialist and unskilled workers who do not have much firm-specific human capitals. This finding shows that seniority-base wage structure are still prevalent in Korean firms. Without the productivity-based structure, however, any measure to increase the employment and/or the hiring for older workers would be ineffective. 본 연구에서는 한국의 고령자 임금 체계를 분석하기 위해 경력-임금 곡선과 근속-임금 곡선을 산업별·직종별로 추정하였다. 근속연수-임금 곡선이 가파른 이유는 기업특수적 인적자본(firm-specific human capital)의 축적이 많거나, 연공급적 성격으로 임금이 상승하는 경우이다. 실증분석에 의하면, 기업특수적 인적자본의 축적이 거의 없는 전문가와 미숙련근로자를 포함한 모든 직종에서 근속-임금 곡선이 가파르게 나타났다. 이는 아직까지 우리나라 기업들이 연공급제에 의한 임금체계가 주를 이루고 있다는 것을 보여준다. 또한, 산업별 분석에서도 기업 내부자-외부자 간 임금격차 역시 큰 편으로 나타났다. 향후 임금 유연성을 제고하기 위해서는 기업 내부의 임금체계를 능력, 직무 및 성과 중심의 임금체계로 전환하는 것이 필요하다. 임금체계 유연화가 이루어지지 않으면 임금피크제도, 정년연장, 재고용 등의 정책이 모두 효과를 보이기 힘들기 때문이다.

      • 지혜 깊어지는 건강 - 우리 아이를 위한 1분 건강 - 수능 끝! 훈남, 훈녀 예비대학생이 되려면 울긋불긋 여드름 잡아라

        최강,Choe, Gang-Ho 한국건강관리협회 2011 건강소식 Vol.35 No.11

        전 국민의 85% 정도는 한 번쯤 겪는다는 피부 불청객 '여드름'. 여드름은 주로 사춘기에 발생하여 20대 중반에 사라지지만, 2,30대에 시작해 수년간 지속되기도 한다. 특히 사춘기 여드름은 성호르몬의 영향으로 주로 피지 분비가 왕성한 이마나 볼, 등, 앞가슴에 많이 생긴다.

      • KCI등재

        Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ISP-5 균주의 배지 최적화 및 상추를 이용한 식물 생장 촉진 평가

        최강,서선일,박해성,임지환,김평일 한국식물생명공학회 2022 JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Vol.49 No.4

        Bacillus sp. is a useful strain for agriculture because it promotes plant growth and controls plant pathogens through a variety of mechanisms. In this study, we obtained a microbial preparation with a high number of viable cells by culturing newly isolated soil bacteria on an optimized medium. Subsequently, we applied this preparation to lettuce to enhance its growth and yield. First, B. amyloliquefaciens ISP-5 was isolated from soil. Next, optimization of culture medium was carried out using 5 L scale fermenters. When culturing B. amyloliquefaciens ISP-5 on this optimized medium, the number of viable cells was approximately 1000 times higher than that obtained from culturing on the commercial medium. Afterwards, the plant growth promotion properties of the ISP-5 strain were evaluated using lettuce as a test plant. Foliar spray treatment of lettuce was carried out by inoculating half the standard concentration suspension (0.5 × 107 cfu/ml). As a result, leaf width increased by 8.6% and leaf length increased by 12.9% compared to the control group. Live weight also increased by 24.2% and dry weight by 23.9%. Considering the results from field test, B. amyloliquefaciens ISP-5 showed potential as a plant growthpromoting bacteria

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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