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        초등학교 운동부 학생과 일반 학생간의 태아기 성호르몬 노출의 추정 징후 비교

        박미림,이동규 대한운동학회 2014 아시아 운동학 학술지 Vol.16 No.3

        [PURPOSE] The purpose of this study was to examine the utility of 2D:4D(second digit to fourth digit ratio) as the subsidiary measure for expecting physical fitness when it comes to the recruiting student athletes. [METHOD] In order to achieve the goal of this study, the researcher visited 5 schools to measure 2D:4D of students. Sixty non-athletic students and 32 athletic club students were participated in this study. They were in 3rd and 4th grade from B, K, I, N and S elementary school located in Seoul D district. Software-based measurement was used to conduct this study which was strongly suggested to the highest precision estimates by Kemper & Schwerdtfeger(2009). Therefore electronic images of hands were used for analysis. Measurement were made with Adobe Photoshop with pixel accuracy. The t test was used to compare of putative marker of prenatal androgen exposure between athletic club and non-athletic students in the elementary school. [RESULT] There were significant differences between 2D:4D of athletic club students and 2D:4D of non-athletic students. First, 2D:4D of athletic club students showed the lower value than 2D:4D of non-athletic students(p<.01). Second, 2D:4D of baseball club students showed the lower value than 2D:4D of non-athletic students(p<.05). Third, 2D:4D of soccer club students showed the lower value than 2D:4D of non-athletic students(p<.05). [CONCLUSION] Based on the results of this study, 2D:4D can be considered when the schools recruit athletes. However, physical fitness is not decided by only innate factors. Thus this paper suggest that Blind faith in 2D:4D should be avoided. [목적] 본 연구는 초등학생 운동부 학생과 일반 학생간의 태아기 성호르몬 노출의 추정 지표인 ‘손가락 길이 비율(2D:4D)’을 비교하여, 학생선수 선발 시 학생의 선천적인 체력적 소질을 파악하는 보조수단으로써 2D:4D의 효용성을 검증하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. [방법] 서울시 D 교육지원청 B초등학교 3-4학년 남학생 60명과 같은 교육지원청의 3-4학년 야구부와 축구부 남학생 전체(5개교, 32명) 총 92명을 표집하였다. 학부모 및 학생 본인의 동의서를 모두 작성하여 제출한 연구 참여자들에 한하여 연구를 실시하였으며, 둘째 손가락이나 넷째손가락에 손상을 입은 경험이 있는 학생은 연구 대상에서 제외하였다. 본 연구의 손가락 길이 측정은 측정 시간은 많이 걸리나 가장 정확한 방법(Kemper & Schwerdtfeger, 2009)으로 알려져 있는 포토샵 프로그램을 활용한 간접 측정 방법을 사용하였다. 먼저, 연구 참여자의 손바닥을 스캐닝하여 양손의 이미지를 획득한 후, 획득한 이미지를 Adobe Photoshop 프로그램의 measure tool을 이용하여 0.01cm 단위까지 측정하였으며, 양손 평균값을 구하였다. 운동부 참여 여부에 따른 2D:4D값의 차이를 밝히기 위하여 독립표본 t-검증을 실시하였다. [결과] 초등학교 3-4학년 운동부 학생의 2D:4D 평균값은 일반 학생의 2D:4D 평균값에 비해 유의하게 낮았다(p<.01). 야구부 학생과 일반 학생, 축구부 학생과 일반 학생간의 비교는 유의한 차이가 나타났다(p<.05). [결론] 학교운동부에 대한 진로 선택을 앞둔 학생의 2D:4D값 측정은 학생의 선천적인 체력적 소질을 파악하는 참고자료가 될 수 있으며, 야구부보다는 축구부에서 보다 신뢰할 수 있는 결과를 보일 것이라 예상된다. 그러나 2D:4D는 학생의 선천적인 체력적 소질을 파악하는 보조 자료로만 활용해야 할 것이며, 학생의 후천적인 노력을 배제하고 2D:4D값을 맹신하는 일은 없어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        국내 체육학 분야에서의 초등 예비교사교육 연구 동향 분석

        박미림,조기희,장민우,장효영 한국초등체육학회 2015 한국초등체육학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        본 연구는 국내 체육학 분야에서 이루어진 초등 예비교사교육 연구 동향을 분석함으로써, 기존 예비교사교육 연 구에 대한 성찰을 토대로 향후 연구들이 지향해야 할 비전을 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 2005년부 터 2014년까지 최근 10년 간 국내 KCI 등재지에 출판된 학술지 논문 중에서, ‘초등’, ‘예비교사’, ‘체육’ 맥락을 공 통적으로 내포한 79편의 논문을 선정하고 이를 분석하였다. 연구 동향을 1) 학술지, 2) 연구 시기, 3) 연구 방법, 4) 연구 주제별로 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학술지별 분석 결과, 연구들이 한국초등체육학회(KSEPE)에 집중되어 실행되는 경향을 보이고 있었다. 향후 연구들에서는 ‘초등’이라는 학교급 이상의 시사점을 제시하고, 여 러 학술지에 등재되어 논의될 필요가 있다. 둘째, 연구 시기별 분석 결과, 체육학 분야에서 초등 예비교사교육 관 련 연구들이 꾸준히 이루어져 온 것으로 나타났다. 향후 이러한 추세가 지속되어야 하고, 초등교사교육에 관한 이론적 틀이 정립될 필요가 있다. 셋째, 연구 방법별 분석 결과, 질적 연구, 양적 연구, 혼합 연구의 순으로 활용 되고 있었다. 향후에는 초등 예비교사의 성장을 도모하는 연구가 이루어져야 하고, 자료 수집은 다각적 측면에서 이루어질 필요가 있다. 넷째, 연구 주제별 분석 결과, 대부분의 연구들이 교사교육과 예비교사 개인 특성에 편중 되어 있었다. 향후 연구들은 교수·학습에 관심을 기울여야 하고, 보다 통합적인 관점에서 초등 예비교사교육 연구 가 이루어질 필요가 있다. The purpose of this study is to analyze current research trends in primary pre-service PE teacher education in Korea. 79 academic papers published in KCI from 2005 to 2014 were collected by using the keywords 'primary', 'pre-service teachers', and 'physical education'. The research trends were analyzed by 1) types of journals, 2) research time, 3) research methods, and 4) research topics. The findings are as follows: First, a range of papers (about 54%) is restricted to publish in the KSEPE (The Korean Society of Elementary Physical Education). It can be argued that there were certain limitations to communicate between different journals. In this sense, further studies are required to publish in various journal beyond journals for ‘primary schools education’. Second, the pre-service teacher education continued to research in the field of primary PE. However, there is a need for building diverse theoretical frameworks for the primary teacher education. Third, most studies were conducted by order to following research methods: qualitative research, quantitative research, and mixed methods research. A variety of research methods are needed to employ in order to further professional development for primary pre-service teachers. Fourth, studies focused on teacher education and teacher personal characteristics. The next stage of studies should expand the research topics including the processes of teaching and learning, and pedagogical implications, with consideration of the integrated perspectives in primary school physical education.

      • KCI등재

        삼백초 및 홍화가 육계의 이화학적 특성에 미치는 영향

        박미림,한대용,신용승,원청길,연성찬,정태성,김종수,이후장,김용환,김은희,김곤섭 한국임상수의학회 2005 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        This experiment was conducted for the development of oriental feed additives in broiler chicks. It conducted experiment to investigate the effect of 1% dietary supplementation of oriental feed additives containing oriental herbal medicines such as Saururus Chnensis B.(S. chnensis) and Carthamus Tinctorius L.(C. tinctorius) on growth performance, and physicochemical properties in broiler chicks. The results of this study demonstrated that chicks feed 1% oriental feed additives decreased feed gain, and death rates compared with control treatment. Weight gain and meat color were higher in the 1% supplement group than control. The supplementation of 1% oriental feed additives increased unsaturated fatty acid, and reduced crude fat in the broiler chicks compared with those of control. In conclusion, this study implied that oriental feed additives containing oriental herbal medicines such as S. Chnensis and C. Tinctorius were effective in improving broiler chicks on growth performance, physical-chemical properties and is highly recommended for increasing economic returns.

      • KCI등재후보

        Recent Update in Pharmacological Agents for Optic Pathway Glioma

        박미림 대한뇌종양학회 2022 Brain Tumor Research and Treatment Vol.10 No.2

        Optic pathway gliomas (OPGs) are insidious, debilitating low-grade tumors. They can affect the optic nerve, optic chiasm, and optic tracts and can be sporadic or associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). The location of OPGs within the optic pathway typically precludes complete resection or optimal radiation dose. Treatment is unnecessary for sporadic and NF1-related OPGs that do not cause visual impairments. Chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for patients with progressive disease. How- ever, outcomes following standard treatments have been mixed, and standardized outcome measure- ments are lacking. In recent years, newer molecularly targeted therapies such as anti-vascular endo- thelial growth factor (VEGF) monoclonal antibody, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor, and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor, represent a promising treatment modality.

      • 단일 기관에서의 초극소 저출생 체중아의 치료 성적 (2003-2006)

        박미림,이병섭,김기수,피수영,김애란 대한신생아학회 2008 Neonatal medicine Vol.15 No.2

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to determine the outcomes of extremely low birth weight infants (ELBWI) who were born at the Asan Medical Center and evaluate the recent status of neonatal intensive care and associated problems. Methods : We retrospectively evaluated 120 inborn ELBWI who were admitted to the NICU of the Asan Medical Center between 2003 and 2006. The survival rate, neurodevelopmental outcomes, maternal and infant factors, and infant mordibities were evaluated and the relationships with survival and catch-up growth were investigated. Results : The survival rate of the ELBWI was 82% at a mean gestational age of 27+2 weeks, and with a mean birth weight of 801.3±129.0 g. The duration of hospitalization was 85.7±27.2 days, the duration of O2 use was 43.9±35.4 days, and the duration of ventilatory support was 20.9±20.9 days among the survivors. The incidence of respiratory distress syndrome, chronic lung disease, severe intraventricular hemorrhage, and periventricular leukomalacia were 41.8%, 61.2%, 3%, and 4%, respectively. The mean mental developmental index and psychomotor development index of Bailey Scales of Infant Development (II) at follow-up were 83.4±18.2 and 83.3±20.3, respectively. Among the infants who had >18 months of follow-up, 50.8% had catch-up growth at 12 months. Conclusion : The survival rate of ELBWI has improved; however, the morbidities remain high, thus indicating further efforts must be implemented to reduce morbidity and improve neurodevelopmental outcomes.

      • KCI등재

        Vascular Anomaly: An Updated Review

        박미림 대한소아혈액종양학회 2019 Clinical Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Vol.26 No.1

        Vascular anomalies comprise a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by abnormal growth or development of blood vessels. Diagnosis of vascular anomalies is often challenging due to the large variety of conditions, which exhibit phenotypic heterogeneity and a wide range of symptomology and severity. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for appropriate evaluation and management, often requiring multidisciplinary specialists. Recent interdisciplinary collaboration has led to collaborative studies and their outcomes are being prospectively evaluated. While there is still a role for surgical intervention in various vascular anomalies, discoveries of pharmacologic agents effective in treating vascular anomalies have broadened our medical therapeutic options. This paper focuses on vascular anomaly issues often seen by the pediatricians and reviews the clinical pearls on infantile hemangiomas, lymphatic malformations, venous malformations, and arteriovenous malformations.

      • KCI등재

        Lineage Switch at Relapse of Childhood Acute Leukemia: A Report of Four Cases

        박미림,고경남,김보은,임호준,장성수,찬정,지현숙,서종진 대한의학회 2011 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.26 No.6

        Lineage switch in acute leukemia is an uncommon event at relapse, and therefore rarely reported in the literature. Here, we have described the clinical laboratory features of four cases in which the cell lineage switched from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). One patient was initially diagnosed with B-ALL, switched to T-ALL at the first relapse, and eventually, AML at the second relapse. A lineage switch represented either relapse of the original clone with heterogeneity at the morphologic level or emergence of a new leukemic clone. Further sequential phenotypic and cytogenetic studies may yield valuable insights into the mechanisms of leukemic recurrence, with possible implications for treatment selection.

      • KCI등재

        영아혈관종의 최신지견

        박미림 대한의사협회 2016 대한의사협회지 Vol.59 No.9

        Infantile hemangioma (IH) is the most common type of benign tumor during infancy. Due to their propensity to spontaneously involute, most IHs can be left untreated. However, IHs located in particular anatomic areas and those with complications need rapid and active treatment. It is often challenging for clinicians to predict which IHs are in need of systemic treatment. Data from various studies have revealed further insights into IH. The treatment options include propranolol, steroids, interferon-α, vincristine, surgical excision, and laser therapy. More infants are now treated with propranolol than were previously treated with oral corticosteroids, and the full implications of this shift in practice are not yet clear. This paper summarizes the pathogenesis, clinical course and current recommendations for management of IHs.

      • KCI등재

        A case of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome diagnosed by identification of mutations in the 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (DHCR7) gene

        박미림,고정민,전종근,김구환,유한욱 대한소아청소년과학회 2008 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.51 No.11

        Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is a rare, autosomal recessive disease caused by an inborn error in cholesterol synthesis. Patients with this disease suffer from multiple malformations due to reduced activity of 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (DHCR7), which increases 7-dehydrocholesterol (7DHC) and 8-dehydrocholesterol (8DHC) concentrations and decreases cholesterol concentration in body fluids and tissue. The SLOS phenotypic spectrum ranges from a mild disorder with behavioral and learning problems to a lethal disease characterized by multiple malformations. Here, we describe a newborn male with ambiguous genitalia who was diagnosed to have type II SLOS during the neonatal period. A clinical examination revealed low levels of unconjugated estriol in the maternal serum, and a variety of fetal ultrasound anomalies, including prenatal growth retardation. After birth, the infant was diagnosed to have congenital heart disease (Tetralogy of Fallot with severe pulmonary artery stenosis), cleft lip and palate, micrognathia, postaxial polydactyly, ambiguous genitalia, and cataracts. Clinical investigation revealed extremely low plasma cholesterol levels and the presence of mutation (homozygote of p.Arg352Gln) in the DHCR7 gene. The patient underwent palliative heart surgery (to widen the pulmonary artery) and received intravenous lipid supplementation. Cholesterol levels increased slightly, but not to normal values. The patient died from cardiopulmonary failure and sepsis 72 days after birth. This report provides the first description of a Korean patient with SLOS confirmed by verification of DHCR7 gene mutation and illustrates the need for early recognition and appropriate diagnosis of this disease.

      • KCI등재후보

        간모세포종의 최신지견

        박미림 대한소아혈액종양학회 2015 Clinical Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Vol.22 No.1

        Hepatoblastoma, the most common primary liver tumor of early childhood, is a rare neoplasm, accounting for 0.8-2.0% of all pediatric cancers. The etiology is unknown. The most common method of testing for hepatoblastoma is alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). AFP is used as a biomarker for presence of residual liver tumor, therefore indicator of the successful treatment. Multimodal therapy is composed of chemotherapy and surgical intervention. In general, the cure of hepatoblastoma in children depends on complete resection of the primary tumor. While ≥90% of patients who undergone primary complete resection of their tumors can be cured, patients with unresectable or metastatic tumors show survival rate of ≤65%. Liver transplantation (LT) is a feasible treatment option for carefully selected patients who are free of extrahepatic disease prior to LT. The still dismal outcome of multifocal disseminated tumors warrants the investigation of new cytotoxic drug and substances against specific molecular targets.

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