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      • 위상 카드와 간섭계를 이용한 광학적 보안 시스템

        김종윤,김기정,박세준,김철수,배장근,김정우,김수중,Kim, Jong-Yun,Kim, Gi-Jeong,Park, Se-Jun,Kim, Cheol-Su,Bae, Jang-Geun,Kim, Jeong-U,Kim, Su-Jung 대한전자공학회 2001 電子工學會論文誌-SD (Semiconductor and devices) Vol.38 No.1

        In this paper, we propose a new optical security technique using two phase masks based on interferometer. A binary random phase image is used as a reference image and the encrypted image is generated according to the phase difference between the reference image and the original image. If there is no phase difference of a same pixel position in two phase masks, interference intensity of the pixel has minimum value and if phase difference of a same pixel position in two phase masks is $\pi$, its interference intensity has maximum value. We can decrypt the original image by putting two phase masks on each of the two optical paths of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Computer simulation and the optical experiments show a good performance of the proposed optical security system. 본 논문에서는 컴퓨터와 리소그라피를 이용하여 암호화된 두 개의 위상카드를 제작하고, 마흐-젠더 간섭계를 이용하여 암호화된 이진영상을 복호화하는 방법을 제안하였다. 이때 두 위상카드 중 하나는 기준 영상으로 사용되고 다른 하나는 암호 영상으로 사용된다. 하나의 랜덤 위상 카드를 기준 영상으로 두고 암호화하고자 하는 영상에 맞게 빛의 간섭 현상을 이용하여 암호 영상으로 사용될 위상 카드를 제작하였다. 원 영상의 복원은 경로차가 같도록 구성한 마흐-젠더 간섭계의 두 경로에 기준 영상과 암호 영상을 위치시켜 간섭시킴으로써 영상을 복원할 수 있다. 위상 카드는 광세기 검출기로 볼 수 없을 뿐만 아니라 복제할 수도 없어서 개인 정보보호 및 인증시스템에 매우 유용하게 사용될 수 있다. 간단한 영상에 대한 광실험을 통하여 제안한 시스템의 타당성을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        하악골에 발생한 골모세포종: 증례보고(3례)

        김종윤,김학진,길태준,김재영,김형준,차인호,남웅,Kim, Jong-Yun,Kim, Hak-Jin,Kil, Tae-Jun,Kim, Jae-Young,Kim, Hyung-Jun,Cha, In-Ho,Nam, Woong 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2010 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.32 No.2

        Osteoblastoma is a rare tumor of bone representing less than 1% of all tumors of the maxillofacial region. This is a neoplasm of bone characterized by a proliferation of osteoblasts forming bone trabeculae. Because the clinical feature of benign osteoblastoma is nonspecific and osteoblastoma has a pleomorphic histologic appearance, the differential diagnosis is difficult problem. We studies the case records 3 new patients with osteoblastoma. We discussed the case from clinical, radiologic, and histologic feature for differential diagnosis. Three cases from our clinic is reported and analized with previously described cases.

      • 나의 주장 - 산ㆍ학ㆍ연 교류 활성화 시급

        김종윤,Kim, Jong-Yun 한국과학기술단체총연합회 2000 과학과 기술 Vol.33 No.8

        우리나라의 2000년도 과학기술 경쟁력이 99년보다 6단계 앞선 22위로 올랐다. 우수한 연구집단 등 무한한 잠재력을 갖고 있지만 기업간 기술협력과 산ㆍ학간 기술이전이 미흡하고 과학기술 발전시스템이 취약한 실정이다. 이에 국가는 학ㆍ연프로그램에 대한 지원과 모니터링을 강화하고 정부ㆍ공공부문의 연구개발 투자를 지속적으로 확대해 나가야 하겠다. 과학기술 발전을 위해선 무엇보다 과학기술자가 우대받는 분위기 조성이 급선무이다.

      • KCI등재

        芝溶 문학에 대한 몇 가지 의문

        김종윤(Kim Jong-Yun) 한국시학회 2002 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.7

        We don’t believe that all literary works of a poet can be popular and entertained by the readers, becoming his or her masterpieces. On the contrary, only a few poems of his or hers are repeatedly read and loved by the readers in all times. As a result of this, only time-selected ones remain an eternal life as great literary works. In terms of this, all of the Jeong, Ji-Yong's poems can not be considered to be fine works, and it is indeed impossible for all his works to be his masterpieces. However the critics of his poems seem to have shown a tendency to focus on his good points and greatness in his works. This indicates the status of Jeong, Ji-Yong as an outstanding poet in the history of Korean poetry, but I believe this kind of tendency has made his true literary historical status obscure. Therefore to position him properly in our history of literature, it is also necessary to evaluate the deficiencies and even the undesirables in his poems. In other words, the limitation of a poet whoever he or she is must be discussed deeply. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the poems of Jeong, Ji-Yong in order to re-evaluate the claim that he was one of the most important poets in the history of Korean modern poetry. As seen from the result, the fact that he is a great poet in 1930's, but I put his weak points forward other than his greatness for the re-examine his true status in our history of literature. In doing so, I brought forth some questions against the existing studies of his poetry, and also tried to discuss some demerits in his poems with respect to their forms and contents. Some issues examined here are the inappropriateness of arrangement in Korean literary history, so the questions raised in this paper can be categorized in the following: firstly, a lack of historical views and understandings of the reality in his time, secondly, unsuitable poetic diction and obscure imagery, thirdly, some demerits shown in poetic technique, and lastly, his tendency towards aristocratism and high-toned mentality expressed in the poems. Though these questions may lead our study to devaluate Jeong, Ji-Yong’s poetry, repeatedly saying, I believe we should analyze both merits and demerits of his poems in order to come up with a fair evaluation of his achievements. The results of such efforts revealed that Jeong, Ji-Yong indeed had some weak points and we could conclude that he was rightfully estimated as one of the greatest poets in 1930’s with this line of investigation.

      • KCI등재

        미래 사회 역량과 독서교육의 역할

        김종윤 ( Kim Jong-yun ) 청람어문교육학회 2021 청람어문교육 Vol.- No.84

        이 연구는 미래 사회의 교육 담론의 주된 역할을 차지하는 역량 교육의 시대에 독서교육의 역할을 탐색하고 앞으로의 방향을 모색하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 미래 사회에서 요구되는 역량이 무엇이고 독서교육이 그 역량 교육에 어떻게 기여하는지 살펴보았다. 또한 독서의 본질과 특성에 대한 검토를 통해 미래 사회에서 요구되는 독자상은 어떠한지, 그리고 이를 바탕으로 독서교육의 지향점을 탐색하였다. 이를 통해 제시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 미래 사회에서 역량 교육은 당분간 지속될 것으로 보이며, 독서교육은 역량을 함양하는 데 있어 매우 중요한 역할을 차지하고 있다. 둘째, 사회와 기술의 변화로 인해 독서의 지평이 확장되고 있었다. 전통적인 독서교육은 언어 중심의 하나의 텍스트를 수동적으로 이해하는 방식이 국한된 측면이 많았다. 미래 사회에 필요한 독자는 목적 지향적으로 다양한 텍스트와 양식 및 기호를 이해, 분석, 종합, 평가, 이용할 수 있는 주체적인 독자이다. 이러한 교육을 실천하기 위한 교육과정, 교과서 및 평가의 개선 방향을 탐색하였다. The purpose of this study is to explore the roles of reading education, seeking for its future directions in the era of competency education. For this purpose, this study examined what competencies were required in the future society and how reading education contributed to that competency education. In addition, through literature review of the nature and characteristics of reading, it explored the direction of reading education based on what ideal modern reader model was required in the future society. The results were presented as follows. First, it was confirmed that competency education was expected to continue, at least, in the near future society, and reading education played a very significant role in cultivating students’ competency. Second, the conceptual scope of reading was expanding due to changes in society and technology. Traditional reading education was limited to the practice of passively understanding a single paper-based text. The readers necessary for the future society were goal-oriented, independent readers who can understand, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and use various multiple texts, modalities, and symbols on paper and digital space. Based on the findings, this study suggested future directions in the teaching of reading in terms of curriculum, textbooks and assessment.

      • KCI등재

        주류판매업소 밀도가 강제추행 발생 밀도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 무질서 행위의 조절 효과를 중심으로

        김종윤 ( Jong Yun Kim ),박정선 ( Cheong Sun Park ) 대한범죄학회 2020 한국범죄학 Vol.14 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 주류판매업소의 밀도가 강제추행 발생 밀도에 미치는 영향을 확인하고 무질서 행위(경범죄, 질서유지 신고)의 조절 효과를 검증하는 것이다. 이를 위해 강제추행 발생 밀도(종속변수), 주류판매업소 밀도(독립변수), 경범죄 신고밀도, 질서유지 신고밀도(조절변수), 인구밀도, 1인 가구 밀도, 방범용 CCTV 밀도(통제변수)를 활용하였고 변수의 공간적 상호작용을 반영하기 위하여 공간 회귀모델을 적용하여 조절 효과를 검증하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 주류판매업소 밀도는 강제추행의 발생 밀도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 경범죄신고밀도와 질서유지 신고밀도는 주류판매업소가 밀집한 지역의 강제추행 발생 밀도를 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이처럼 경범죄와 질서유지 신고가 많은 주류판매업소 밀집 지역일수록 더 많은 강제추행 발생을 보임에 따라 경범죄 단속과 질서유지를 위한 순찰 활동을 강화한다면 해당 지역의 강제추행 발생을 감소시키는 데 도움이 될 거라 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of density of liquor stores on the density of indecent assault and to verify the moderating effect of disorder behavior (misdemeanor, order maintenance reporting). For this purpose, the density of indecent assault (dependent variable), density of liquor store (independent variable), the density of misdemeanor reporting, the density of order maintenance reporting (moderator variable), the density of population, the density of single-person households, and the CCTV density for crime prevention(control variable) were utilized. in addition, moderating effect was verified by applying the spatial regression model to reflect the spatial interaction among related variables. The results of the study are as follows: First, the density of liquor stores has a positive effect on the density of the occurrence of indecent assault. Second, the density of misdemeanor reporting and the density of order maintenance reporting increased the density of indecent assault in areas where liquor stores are concentrated. As such, the more concentrated the areas of liquor stores with more reports of misdemeanor and order maintenance are the more indecent assault are occurred. Therefore, if patrol activities for the crackdown on misdemeanor and order maintenance are strengthened, it would help reduce the occurrence of indecent assaults in the area.

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