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金哲洙 국민대학교 종합예술연구소 2002 예술논총 Vol.5 No.-
전라남도 여수시 돌산읍에서 전라남도 고흥군 포두면에 이르기까지 총 57.80km에 10개의 연육·연도교의 형식선정과 그 디자인을 계획함에 있어 서남해안의 아름다운 해안선과 조화를 이루는 창의적이고 조형적이며 친환경적인 교량을 건설함으로써 미개발로 낙후된 이 지역을 관광자원화 한다는 것이 본 계획의 목적이다. 구체적 내용으로 이들 10개의 연육·연도교의 형태들이 일관된 조형적 특성을 갖도록 하기 위해 총체적인 디자인개념을 도입하여 각기 갖고 있는 환경적 적응성과 기능적인 특징을 고려하여 조화로우면서도 다양한 교량의 형태를 창조하며, 그렇게 함으로써 지역주민의 사용상의 편의성 증대와 함께 공공시설물로서의 활용도를 높인다.
김철수,김종국,신상철,최광식,전문장,박일권,Kim, Chul-Su,Kim, Jong-Kuk,Shin, Sang-Chul,Choi, Kwang-Sik,Jeon, Mun-Jang,Park, Il-Kwon 한국응용곤충학회 2006 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.45 No.2
본 연구는 최근 대량으로 발생하여 느티나무에 큰 피해를 주고 있는 느티나무벼룩바구미 (Rhynchaenus sanguinipes)의 생활사 및 발육단계별 형태특징을 조사하고 성충의 우화소장 등의 생태적 특성을 파악하여 효율적인 방제를 위한 기초자료를 작성하기 위해 수행되었다. 또한 몇 가지 약제를 공시하여 살충효과 조사를 통해 방제를 위한 기초자료를 수립하였다. 현재까지 느티나무벼룩바구미의 국내 기주식물로서 느티나무만 기재되었으나 본 조사에서 비술나무가 추가되었다. 느티나무벼룩바구미의 유충, 용, 성충의 체장은 각각 4.53$\pm$0.30 mm, 3.30$\pm$0.42 mm, 2.96$\pm$0.12 mm이었다. 월동성충의 출현 시기는 4월 상순부터 4월 하순까지 약 1개월 내외였으며, 신성충 우화기간은 5월 상순부터 5월 하순까지였다. 외부의 기온과 비슷한 20$\pm$에서의 용 발육기간은 약 7.2일이었으며 16$\pm$에서는 10일, 24$\pm$ 5.1일, 28$\pm$ 4.0일로서 기온이 상승함에 따라 발육속도가 빠르게 나타났으며 발육한계온도는 5.8$\pm$이었다. 천적종류는 기생성천적으로서 고치벌류 4종이 조사되었고, 4월 하순부터 우화하기 시작하여 6월 초순에 종료하였다. 페니트로치온, 인독사카브, 에토펜프록스 그리고 치아클로프리드의 느티나무벼룩바구미 성충에 대한 살충활성을 조사한 결과, 모든 약제가 90% 이상의 높은 살충율을 나타내었다. This study was carried out to clarify the biologies and morphological characteristics of Rhynchaenus sanguinipes. Also some chemicals were tested to screen the effective insecticide for the control of the species. Up to date, Zelkova serrata has been hewn as host plant of Rhynchaenus sanguinipes, which shows serious damage in this country. In the present study, Ulmus pumila was first found as host plant in this study. Body lengths of larvae, pupa and adult were 4.53$\pm$0.30 mm, 3.30$\pm$0.42 mm and 2.96$\pm$0.12 mm, respectively. The overwintered adult of the species emerged on early April to late April, and adult of nekt generation emerged on early May to late May, Pupal periods were 10, 7.2, 5.1 and 4 days on 16, 20, 24 and 28$^{\circ}C$, respectively. The lower developmental threshold temperature was 5.8$^{\circ}C$. Four braconid parasitoids were found as natural enemies, which emerged mainly on late April to early June. Insecticidal activities with treatments of fenitrothion 50% EC, indoxacarb 30% WG, ethofenprox 20% EC and thiacloprid 10% SC was investigated against adult of R. sanguinpes, and they showed >90% mortality.
A Missiological Review of African Christianity since Independenceand Her Missional Tasks
김철수 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2013 선교와 신학 Vol.31 No.-
Africa’s Christianity is an immensely dynamic religiocultural phenomenon. Churches have proliferated, especially after Africa’s political independence in the 1960s. Unlike some anticipation that African Christianity would shrivel with the withdrawal of the colonial powers, churches increased in number and flourished dynamically without equal in history. However, the rapid church growth after colonialism was not a new phenomenon in the history of African churches in the twentieth century. In the early part of the twentieth century,even before Western churches set out to evangelize Africa,indigenous preachers had already been actively involved in preaching the gospel and planting churches. Thanks to early African evangelists, such as Wade Harris, the African style of Pentecostal revivals was born and began to spread across sub-Saharan Africa before independence. The flame of charismatic movements went on and kindled spiritually hungry souls, which led to the explosion of churches in Africa, especially in the 1970s and 1980s. Interestingly, such revivals took place when Africans were greatly dismayed and frustrated by homegrown political elites, who are believed to have contributed considerably to the drastic deterioration of African economies and to the exacerbation of structural corruption. This coincident church growth should not be interpreted as religious escapism; rather,most churches, regardless of their denominational affiliations,were playing socially significant roles that filled the hollows created by dysfunctional social systems and poor leadership after independence. There are a number of important features that characterized African Christianity. African Christians were able to survive and overcome harsh conditions of life during and after Western colonialism thanks to their charismatic revival movements that led them to a radical faith in the God of Jesus. Related to this was the religio-cultural factor that the African primal religion (or primal worldview) always played the role of a spiritual seedbed on which the gospel of Jesus was planted, nourished,and sprouted without resistance. While African churches typically belong to one of three types, namely, mainline churches (stemmed from Western missionaries), Pentecostal churches, and AICs (Africa Instituted/Initiated Churches), all of them share the primal religion/worldview as their spiritual bedrock. Although there were some extremely puritanical approaches to African traditions among these churches,most of them were characterized by strong pneumatology and supernatural awareness, which can be ascribed to the traditional or primal religiosity that has been the foundation of African cultural knowledge and life. This explains why charismatic Pentecostal currents have been notably detected across all three ecclesiastical types. However, there are also a number of obstacles that African churches must continuously work to overcome. The churches should more proactively take the responsibility not only to provide biblically faithful and socio-culturally relevant answers to questions posed by African traditions but also to respond to malfunctioning social milieus in light of Kingdom values and ethics. One other issue to deal with is the increasing acceptance of the prosperity gospel. This problem does not represent African Christianity, but its lurking danger should be discerned and addressed theologically. Lastly,African churches must also make all efforts to carry out their missional responsibility to witness for Jesus pacifistically among Muslim neighbors.
A Spectrophotometric Measurement of Photosynthetic Phosphorylation
김철수,정진 한국농화학회 1990 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.33 No.2
In order to overproduce L-arginine, intergeneric protoplast fusion between Brevibacterium flavum and Corynebocterium glutamicum was performed. For the protoplast fusion, various amino acid analogs, sulfa drugs and/or purine base analogs resistant mutants were isolated from B. flavum ATCC 21493 and C. glutamicum ATCC 21831. The optimum conditions for procoplast fusion of these mutants were examined. Fusani MWE 9031 was found co accumulate a large amount of 1,-arginine in the culture medium. The concentration of accumulated L-arginine reached 32.5㎎/㎖ with a medium containing 10% glucose. Also the characteristics of culture condition in fusant MWE 9031 was investigated to compare with those of parental strains.
김철수,정한식,정효민 대한설비공학회 2006 설비공학 논문집 Vol.18 No.12
Vapor compression refrigerators have much critical variables such as the controls of temperature and pressure switches, control durations and operating hours of electronic valves. This study compares and analyzes the data which is obtained from system controlling of the evaporation temperatures which are generally used in automatic pump down operating systems. Through this study, the automatic evaporation control operation system will be more ideal for the system to keep the proper temperature distribution depending on the purpose of evaporation side. The automatic pump down control operation is more appropriate for the system to aim at the effective use of evaporation side without using the temperature difference. And this test will be proved that the changes at the low pressure side didn't have significant impacts on the high pressure side.