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      • 가족인형놀이가 정신지체 아동의 자발적 발화에 미치는 효과 : 사례연구 Case Study

        김윤선,김수정,이경희,한현민 대진대학교 교육대학원 교육연구소 2002 교육연구 Vol.4 No.1

        The experiment was undertaken to determine the effect of family puppet play on spontaneous utterance of a five-year-old child with mental retardation. The intervention was three major activites, that is the meeting with father, the playing with elder brother, and the eating time with mother. The intervention continued over 15 weeks, and lasted 26 sessions (20 minutes a session). The data gathered were response to imitation demand, spontaneous imitation, spontaneous utterance, and emotion expressive utterance. The results revealed that in initial sessions response to imitation demand and spontaneous imitation were dominated, but spontaneous utterance and emotion expressive utterance were rapidly increased after 10th and 12th session, respectively.

      • 펄스구동시 LD의 발진 주파수 변화의 측정

        김종구,예윤해 경희대학교 레이저공학연구소 2006 레이저공학 Vol.17 No.-

        A fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer(FPI) is used to measure the optical frequency change of laser diode during pulse operation. The relaxation oscillation in the carrier density and the temperature change in the active region by heated by the current pulse is the main driving force for the frequency chirping. The frequency chirping during pulsing period is measured and modeled by an equation to characterize the property of the phenomena and to evaluate the quality of the packaging. The two main time constants characterizing the frequency chirping of LD are found to be several tens and hundreds nanoseconds.

      • 독일의 개정 임대차법에 관한 연구 : 주택임대차에 관한 규정을 중심으로 Zum Wohnraummietrecht

        윤기택,김종현 청주대학교 학술연구소 2004 淸大學術論集 Vol.4 No.-

        Die deutsche Mietrechtsreform fu¨hrt durch die Zusammenfassung des bisher in verschiedenen Gesetzen geregelten mietrechtlichen Vorschriften im Bu¨rgerlichen Gesetzbuch (BGB) und ihre jetzt u¨bersichtliche Gliederung insbesondere im Bereich der Wohnraummiete zu einer erheblichen Vereinfachung fu¨r die Betroffenen. Daneben entha¨lt das im BGB zusammengefaβte Wohnraummietrecht aber auch wichtige inhaltliche A¨nderungen. Wa¨hrend der Mieterschutz an einigen Stellen ausgebaut wird, wird die Vertragsfreiheit gesta¨rkt. Das im deutschen BGB zusammengefaβte private Mietrecht finden sich jetzt in den §§ 535 ff. BGB. Eingeleitet werden sie durch allgemeine Vorschriften fu¨r Mietverha¨ltnisse, also Vorschriften, die unabha¨ngig von der Art der gemieteten Sache fu¨r alle Arten von Mietverha¨ltnissen gelten. Daran anschliβend gliedern sich die Vorschriften u¨ber Wohnraummiete, und schlieβlich u¨ber andere Sache (z.B. Gescha¨ftsraummiete). Das deutsche Wohnraummietrecht ist die Vorschriften u¨ber die Miete und Betriebskosten ausfu¨hrlich geregelt. Fu¨r frei finanzierte Wohnungen werden die Mieten bei Abschluβ des Mietvertrages und bei spa¨teren Mieterho¨hungen grundsa¨tzlich frei vereinbart. Falls Vermieter und Mieter Wohnungen sich aber nicht auf eine frei vereinbarte Mieterho¨hung einigen, kann der Vermieter eine gerechtfertigte Mieterho¨hung nach dem Vergleichsmietensystem durchsetzen. Betriebskosten bleiben insoweit auβer Betracht. Bei der Mieterho¨hung wegen gestiegener Vergleichsmiete darf er die Miete aber innerhalb von 3 Jahren nur maximal 20% erho¨hen. Hat der Mieter das Mieterho¨hungsverlangen erhalten, kann er das Mietverha¨ltnis schriftlich ku¨ndigen. Nach einer vorgesehenen Modernizierung dart der Vermieter die Miete auch erho¨hen. Der Mieter hat dabei ebenfalls ein spezielles Ku¨ndigungsrecht. Bei der Abrechnung der Betriebskosten bringt die Mietrechtsreform durch die neue Regelung mehr Klarheit. Nach dem deutschen Wohnraummietrecht endet ein Mietverha¨ltnis auf bestimmte Zeit mit Ablauf der vertraglich vereinbarten Mietzeit, und ein Mietverha¨ltnis auf unbestimmte Zeit durch eine wirksame Ku¨ndigung nach Abaluf der Ku¨ndigungsfrist. Hier gibt es verschiedene Ku¨nigungsarten. Das Gesetz unterscheidet zwischen ordentlicher und auβerordentlicher Ku¨ndigung (also die fristlose Ku¨ndigung). Bei der ordentlichen Ku¨ndigung kann der Vermieter nur dann ku¨ndigen, wenn er ein berechtigtes Interesse an der Beendigung des Mietverha¨ltnisses hat. Diese Ku¨ndigung des Vermieter muβ der Mieter nicht in jedem Fall hinnehmen. Vielmehr kann er unter bestimmten Umsta¨nde widersprechen und die Fortsetzung des Mietverha¨ltnisse verlangen. Auβerdem kann der Vermieter oder der Mieter das Mietverha¨ltnis fristlos ku¨ndigen, wenn sich ein Vertragspartner so schwerwiegende Vertragsverletzungen zuschulden kommen la¨sst, daβ dem underen Teil die Fortsetzung des Mietverha¨ltnisses nicht zugemutet werden kann. Zwischen deutschem und koreanischem Wohnraummietrecht bestehen die rechtsvergleichend bemerkenswerten Unterschiede im Hinblick auf das Mieterho¨hungsverlangen und das Eintrittsrechtbei Tod des Mieters. Wa¨hrend nach deutschem Wohnraummietrecht fu¨r die Mieterho¨hung sog. die ortsu¨bliche Vergleichsmiete (und auch sog. die Kappungsgrenze) in Betracht kommt, wird im koreanischen Wohnraummietrecht nur prozentuale Obergrenze beru¨cksichigt. Zudem hat im deutschen Mietrecht der Vermieter einen Anspruch auf Zustimmung zur Mieterho¨hung bis zur ortsu¨blichen Vergleichsmiete. Dagegen wird in Korea dieser einfach als Gestaltungsrecht angesehen. Fu¨hrt in Deutschlund der Mieter mit seinem Lebenspartner einen gemeinsamen Haushalt, so tritt mit dem Tod des Mieters der Lebenspartner in das Mietverha¨ltnis ein. Wenn er nicht eintreten will, so wird es mit den Erben des Mieters fortgefu¨hrt. Aber nach dem koreanischen Wohnraummietrecht treten in diesem Fall der Lebenspartner und den Erben des Mieters gemeinsam ein.

      • 경쟁불안이 수영 선수들의 경기력에 미치는 영향

        김원배,윤영길,현종호 서울대학교 체육연구소 2000 서울大學校 體育硏究所論集 Vol.21 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of performance on the competitive anxiety in competitive situation. To achieve the aim of this study, the subjects were surveyed 172 swimming athletes and all athletes who selected the represent from each province was participated in Busan's Korea National Senior Games on 2000. The CSAI-2 Inventory developed from Martens et al(1990) was used to measure the athlete's psychological anxiety level, the method of survey was visited the athletic club school accommodation before 2 days ago in main events. The results was analysed by SPSS/PC and Mean/Standard Diviation were yielded in each factor. The independant t-test was used to know the difference of cognitive anxiety and physical anxiety on sex, athletic carrear, win experience after Middle School. On the basis of the results analyzed in this study, the conclusion were drawn as follows; 1.The difference of anxiety on sex was significantly appeared. The anxiety of girl players was higher than one of boy players. 2.The difference of anxiety on athletic carrear was significantly appeared. The anxiety of less carrear players was higher than one of more carrear players. 3.The difference of anxiety on win experience didn't significantly appeared.

      • 폐결핵치료 중인 환자에서 Rifampicin에 의해 유발된 위막성 대장염 2예

        김봉진,권균홍,임창섭,김자영,홍정범,옥미선,배용목,김지연 고신대학교의과대학 2008 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.23 No.4

        Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) is a disease caused by Clostridium difficile proliferation. The causative drugs are clindamycin, third-generation cephalosporins, flouroquinolone and so on. Rifampicin has been reported as a cause of PMC in the 1980s, and the frequency of PMC is increasing because rifampicin is a first line drug for anti-tuberculosis therapy. Two patients were recently admitted to our hospital due to watery diarrhea for 1 month and they were diagnosed with PMC by sigmoidoscopy. Their onset age were 74, 72 years old and latent period of symptoms were 60, 129 days, respectively. In one case, the patient displayed coexisting hypertension and diabetes. The clinical symptoms improved after discontinuing the rifampicin and then administering oral metronidazole. We report here on two cases presumed to be rifampicin-induced PMC.

      • 섬유판에서 음향방출원의 위치표정

        박익근,김용권,윤종학,노승남,서성원 한국공작기계학회 2003 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2003 No.-

        음향방출 신호를 이용하여 목재 섬유판(fiberboards)의 위치표정의 유용성 유무를 실험적으로 검증하였다. 위치표정의 정확도를 향상하기 위해 신호처리 방법중의 하나인 웨이블릿 변환 디노이징 기법을 활용하여 저주파수인 대칭모드(굽힘파)를 활용하고, 고주파수인 비대칭 모드(팽창파)룰 제거하여 신호를 재구성함으로써 섬유판의 위치표정시 문턱값 통과방법을 사용할 때 발생하는 도달시간차를 최소화 할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 디노이징 기법을 활용한 섬유판의 위치 표정과 굽힘강도에 대한 사상총수를 기초로 하여 목재 구조물 및 문화재의 건전성을 평가 할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        환경 오염물질의 진보된 독성 평가 기법

        류재천,최윤정,김연정,김형태,방형애,송윤선 한국환경독성학회 1999 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Recently, several new methods for the detection of genetic damages in vitro and in vivo based on molecular biological techniques were introduced according to the rapid progress in toxicology combined with cellular and molecular biology. Among these methods, mouse lymphoma thymidine kanase (tk) gene forward mutation assay, single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) and transgenic animal and cell line model as a target gene of lac I (Big Blue) and lac Z (Muta Mouse) gene mutation are newly introduced based on molecular toxicological approaches. The mouse lymphoma tk^(+/-) gene assay (MOLY) using L5178Y tk+i- mouse lymphoma cell line is one of the mammalian forward mutation assays, and has many advantages and more sensitive than hprt assay. The target gene of MOLY is a heterozygous tk^(+/-) gene located in 11 chromosome, so it is able to detect the wide range of genetic changes like point mutation, deletion, rearrangement, and mitotic recombination within tk gene or deletion of entire chromosome 11. The comet assay is a rapid, simple, visual and sensitive technique for measuring and analysing DNA breakages in mammalian cells. Also, transgenic animal and cell line models, which have exogenous DNA incorporated into their genome, carry recoverable shuttle vector containing reporter genes to assess endogenous effects or alteration in specific genes related to disease process, are powerful tools to study the mechanism of mutation in vivo and in vitro, respectively. Also in vivo acridine orange supravital staining micronucleus assay by using mouse peripheral reticulocytes was introduced as an alternative of bone marrow micronucleus assay. In this respect, there was an International workshop on genotoxicity procedure (IWGTP) supported by OECD and EMS (Environmental Mutagen Society) at Washington D, C, in March 25-26, 1999. The objective of IWGTP is to harmonize the testing procedures internationally, and to extend to finalization of OECD guideline, and to the agreement of new guidelines under the International Conference of Harmonization (ICH) for these methods mentioned above. Therefore, we introduce and review the principle, detailed procedure, and application of MOLY, comet assay, transgenic mutagenesis assay and supravital staining micronucleus assay.

      • Soybean growth and yield response to elevated temperature and light intensity

        Young-Son Cho,Sok-Dong Kim,Bon-Chul Koo,Won-Ha Yang,Jin-Chul Shin,Young-Han Yun1,Joung-Gon Kim 한국작물학회 2008 한국작물학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.10

        Changing climate could be effect on the growth of soybean and seed yield, so we evaluated newly developed soy cultivars in the point of the physiological characteristics by changing temperature and light intensity in the phytotron. Two soy cultivars evaluated in three temperature levels (T1, 20/15; T2, 25/20; T3, 30/25oC at day/night) the pot experiment in phytotron between winter and spring in 2006 and spring and summer in 2007. Increased temperature from T1 to T2 and T2 to T3 enhanced crop growth parameters greatly and shortened growth duration and increased seed yield, however, grown in winter and spring enhanced too much plant height, so plant stems were very slim and weak and it resulted in the lodging problem. In this results we can estimate warming in Korean peninsular which might be increase temperature with low light intensity, so plant breeders and physiologists should be develop improved lodging resistance cultivars under low light intensity and high temperature.

      • KCI등재

        600합금의 미세조직 변화 및 SCC거동에 미치는 Ce 첨가의 영향

        권오철,이용선,임연수,정만교,김정수 대한금속재료학회 2005 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        High purity model alloys with major composition Ni-15Cr-9Fe-0.03C (600CEO) and Ni-15Cr-9Fe-0.03C-0.04Ce (600CE4) were produced. Using these model alloys the effect of alloying element Ce on the SCC behavior of Alloy 600 was evaluated in a caustic solution. To obtain carbides precipitated on grain boundaries, the thermal treatment was performed on both the solution annealed model alloys. Microstructural examinations using SEM and TEM EDX showed that the same structural carbides, Cr_(7)Cc₃, were precipitated on both the alloys and no significant difference in the amount of Cr depletion along grain boundaries was observed between the two model alloys. However, it was shown that the coverage of grain boundary carbides was higher in the Ce-bearing alloy (600CE4). The SCC susceptibility of the alloys was investigated in 40%NaOH solution at 315℃. Being evaluated in terms of the maximum crack depth, the SCC susceptibility of the alloy turned out to be reduced by the addition of Ce. The increased resistance to the SCC in the alloy 600CE4 was considered to be attributable to the increased coverage of grain boundary carbides. (Received September 30, 2004)

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        난소위체 경계성 장액성 낭선종암종

        김민정 ( Min Joung Kim ),김사진 ( Sa Jin Kim ),정문영 ( Moon Young Jeong ),김진휘 ( Jin Hwi Kim ),이연정 ( Yun Jung Lee ),김은중 ( Eun Jung Kim ),김진아 ( Jean A Kim ),서경윤 ( Kyoung Yun Seo ),박종섭 ( Jong Sup Park ),허수영 ( So 대한산부인과학회 2004 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.47 No.12

        Although parovarian cysts constitute 10-20% of all adnexal masses, malignant parovarian tumors are extremely rare. Due to the rarity of this lesion, there are controversies concerning the origin, clinical behavior, and prognosis of these tumors. Currently

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