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      • 감상을 통한 유아 음악교육에 대한 이론적 고찰

        강신영 원광대학교 대학원 2008 論文集 Vol.40 No.-

        This study was written on purpose to provide a basic source meterial about a suitable appreciation for young children through a theoretical consideration about importance of music education for young children by using music apprecition. To achieve this, considers the importance of music appreciation for young children at the beginning. The second, looks types of music apperciation by dividing into two branches. A Type following the attitude of appreciaton and the other type following the method of appreciaton. The third, looks into the actual conditions of music appreciation activities for young children base on preceding researches, and indicates desirable music appreciation activities. Theses theoretical considerations will be used as a basic source meterial to develop music appreciation programs for young children afterwards.

      • 階層에 따른 家庭生活觀의 調査硏究 : 家政科敎育의 方向과 그 內容에 關한 硏究(Ⅱ)

        姜信珠,徐英淑 慶北大學校 師範大學 1979 敎育硏究誌 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to suggest the direction of home economics education and to establish the new home economics curriculum by surveying and analizing the view of family life value on the basis of sex, academic level, and ages. The results were as follows. 1. The most important aspect of family life is to bring up and educate children. 2. On clothing selection, the most important factors are individuality and practicality but only individuality is most important in case of young and high academic respondants. 3. On food selection, nutritive value is reargded as the most important factor but preference for food is equally important in case of young and high academic respondants. 4. With respect to dwelling-house, efficiency is regarded as important factor but aesthetical condition is also regarded as important factor among young respondants. 5. The greater part of male sex object to working mother by reason of difficulty in educating children. 6. Most respondants obtain information for home management from T.V., radio and newspaper and mainly spend their leisure time in watching T.V.

      • KCI등재

        BMP test를 통한 음폐수와 하수슬러지의 병합소화 특성 평가

        이수영ㆍ윤영삼ㆍ강준구ㆍ김기헌ㆍ신선경(Su young LeeㆍYoung Sam YoonㆍJun Gu KangㆍKi Heon KimㆍSun Kyoung Shin) 유기성자원학회 2016 유기물자원화 Vol.24 No.1

        혐기성 소화의 주요 조건 중 하나인 C/N비의 경우 하수슬러지는 5.40으로 낮게 나타난 반면 음폐수(Food waste leachate)는 21.84로 높게 나타났다. C/N비가 낮을 경우 혐기성소화의 저해 요인으로 작용될 수 있기 때문에 음폐수의 높은 유기물 농도 및 C/N 비를 활용하여 메탄가스 발생량 증가시킬 수 있었다. Tchobanoglous이 제안한 이론적 메탄가스 발생량 예측수식을 적용하여 메탄 및 바이오가스 발생량을 산정한 결과 하수슬러지 단일 혐기소화의 경우 305.6 mLㆍCH4/gㆍVS, 689.4 mLㆍCH4/gㆍVS의 메탄, 바이오가스가 발생하였고 음폐수 : 하수슬러지를 1:9로 혼합한 시료는 약 322 mLㆍCH4/gㆍVS, 3:7시료에서는 약 354 mLㆍCH4/gㆍVS, 5:5시료에서는 약 386 mLㆍCH4/gㆍVS의 메탄가스가 발생하는 것으로 분석되었다. BMP 실험 결과 1:9, 3:7, 5:5 비율로 병합 처리한 경우 각각 약 233, 298, 344 mLㆍCH4/gㆍVS의 메탄가스가 발생하였다. 따라서 음폐수의 혼합비율이 높아질수록 메탄가스 발생량은 증가하였고 하수슬러지와 음폐수의 혼합 비율에 따른 병합처리 시 하수슬러지 단독처리에 비해 다량의 메탄가스가 발생되었다. BMP 실험을 통해 생산된 메탄가스의 누적생산 곡선을 Modified Gompertz model과 first order kinetic model에 적용하여 추정한 결과, 메탄생성량은 Modified Gompertz model에서는 238.5, 302.3, 353.6 mL/gㆍVS 발생하였고 first order kinetic model에서는 242.8, 312.5, 365.5 mL/gㆍVS로 음폐수와의 혼합비율이 증가할수록 높게 나타났으며, 최대 메탄생성속도의 경우 3:7비율에서 48.2 mL/gVSㆍday로 최대 메탄생성 속도를 보였다. first order kinetic model의 1차 반응속도상수 k값은 1:9, 3:7, 5:5 비율에 따라 0.32, 0.22, 0.08day-1 나타났다. 1차 반응속도 상수의 경우 음폐수의 혼합비율이 낮을수록 높게 나타났다. Modified Gompertz와 first order kinetic model 모두 실험결과를 잘 모사하였으며, 실험결과와 모의결과의 적합도를 나타내는 상관계수(R2)의 경우 0.92∼0.98으로 높은 상관성을 나타내었다. We mix food waste leachate and sewage sludge by the proportion of 1:9, 3:7 and 5:5. It turns out that they produced 233, 298 and 344 CH4ㆍmL/gㆍVS of methane gas. The result suggests that as the mixing rate of food waste leachate rises, the methane gas productions increases as well. And more methane gas is made when co-digesting sewage sludge and food waste leachate based on the mixing ratio, rather than digesting only sewage sludge alone. Modified Gompertz and Exponential Model describe the BMP test results that show how methane gas are produced from organic waste. According to the test, higher the mixing rate of food waste leachate is, higher the methane gas productions is. The mixing ratio of food waste leachate that produces the largest volume of methane gas is 3:7. Modified Gompertz model and Exponential model describe the test results very well. The correlation values(R2) that show how the results of model prediction and experiment are close is 0.92 to 0.98.

      • KCI등재

        산불 豫防을 위한 放火線 및 耐火樹林帶 組成에 關한 歷史的 考察 : 朝鮮時代부터 日帝强點期를 中心으로 During the Joseon Dynasty and Japanese Colonial Period

        姜永鎬,林柱勳,辛壽哲,李明甫 한국임학회 2004 한국산림과학회지 Vol.93 No.7

        조선시대부터 일제강점기에 이르는 시기의 산불억제 및 예방시설에 관한 사료를 수집하여 임업기술 사적인 고찰을 하였다. 조선시대에는 방화선 위주로 설치하였는데 이는 주로 묘역보호를 위하여 화소(火巢)라고 하는 인종의 흙제방을 축조하거나 도성 및 종묘와 같은 특정 건물 보호를 위해 일정한 폭으로 소나무숲의 벌채가 이루어지기도 하였다. 구한말시대에 이르러서야 비로소 본격적인 산림보호를 위한 방화선이 설치되기 시사하였으며 일제강점기에 이르러서 설치비용과 관리인력을 다수 필요로는 방화선의 단점을 보완한 내화수림대 설계안이 일부 지방을 대상으로 작성하여 세시하기에 이른다. The historical reports related to the fire line and firebreaks from the period of the Joseon Dynasty to Japanese colonial period were reviewed. In the Joseon Dynasty era, a kind of ditch named Whaso was built on the boundary of the royal mausoleum, and pine trees were cut down to protect castle towns and the Chongmyo from wildfire. In the late Great Han Empire period, fire lines were installed around the water conservation forests to reduce the fire risks. During the Japanese colonial period, several detailed designs for firebreaks were drawn up and the fire-resistant species were selected by introducing of the concept on firebreaks.

      • 붕어, 미꾸리 및 피라미의 溶存酸素 要求量에 關한 硏究

        愼英茂,姜壽遠 서울대학교 1967 서울대학교 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Oxygen consumption rates, opercular ventilation rates and asphyxial levels of oxygen were determined at 17-20℃ for the crucian carp (Carassius carassius), loach(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) and pirami (Zacco platypus) to investigate the effects of a relatively high content of oxygen above the lethal point. the given species was grouped into a few individuals and tested in the respiratory chambers connected in series. The priami with a vigorous activity showed a high metabolic rate of oxygen and a steep curve, and also showed a high asphyxial level of oxygen. Whereas crucian crap with a morderate activity and weel developed gill showed a relatively low and little changing metabolic rate, and then a low asphyxial level of oxygen. the loach, which is habitually inactive and has an airbreathing organs accompanying the reduced gill, showed an exceptionaly low metabolic rate and a relatively high asphyxial level or oxygen when the aquatic respiration was permitted alone. The levels of oxygen where the opecular ventilation rate reaches maximum were given as the order of loach-pirami-crucian carp. A further reduction of oxygen below this level quickly led to depress the ventilation rate, amplitude and normal activity, and is probably unfavorable to the species concerned. From the view point of fish culture, it would appear likely that this incipient limiting level, or the critical level under condition of activity can be taken as a point where the oxygen content begins to have an important effect on the production. In this experiment, a constant flow system was developed and deviced. The principle is based on the maintaining constant gravitational difference. This system maintained the adjusted flow within the maxium error of ±3%

      • 유아 정보화 역기능 극복방안에 관한 고찰

        강신영 부산유아교육학회 2003 유아교육논총 Vol.11 No.-

        유아교육에 있어서 컴퓨터는 이미 필수적인 요소로 자리잡았으므로 도입에 대한 논쟁보다는 어떻게 하면 바르게 교육적으로 활용할것인가 하는 고민이 필요한데, 컴퓨터의 빠른 보급과 높아진 교육에의 활용도에 비해 바른 사용이나 정보화 역기능의 대처에 대한 인식은 낮은 편이다. 이러한 시점에서 정보화 역기능의 피해와 컴퓨터 안전교육의 필요성을 찾아보고, 실제로 적용할 수 있는 방향을 모색해 보았다. 특히 이 분야는 가정에서 부모와의 연계가 많이 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 문헌고찰을 통해 유아들에게 적용되는 컴퓨터 안전교육과 아울러 부모들에게 적용할 수 있는 역기능 대처방안에 대해 알아보았다. This study examines the literature on computer safety education applicable to child education. With wide spread of computer hardware, it is now indispensable to teach computer. But since the mal-function of information brings forth great social problems, most children are in face of those problems. And they are extremely exposed to bad information on account of both anonymity and openness of internet. Therefore it is necessary to teach computer safety in order to protect the children from the mal-function of information. The purpose of computer safety education is not only to teach to children how to cope with harmful information, but also to help produce wholesome information. But the problem is that we can hardly expect to produce satisfactory results by teaching computer ethics to children only. That is why this study presents computer ethics applicable to the children as well as their parents. The parents should also cultivate sound netizens by means of close connection with educational institutes with sense of ethics in mind.

      • 자발적 초점성분절성사구체경화증 Mouse 모델에서 TGF-β및 MCP-1 유전자발현에 미치는 Renin Angiotensin System 의 영향에 관한 연구

        신영태,서광선,이강욱 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1999 충남의대잡지 Vol.26 No.1

        The role of angiotensin Ⅱ in the pathogenesis of the progressive renal injury process has been studied in many human renal diseases and animal renal injury models. The inhibition of angiotensin Ⅱ also has been reported to be effective to attenuate renal injury process in many human renal diseases and animal models. The activation of TGF-β and MCP-1 gene is thought to be related with renal injury process. A mutant strain FGS/Nga/Kist mouse is reported to develop focal and segmental glomerulosis, spontaneously. In order to evaluate renal pathology, MCP-1 and TGF-β gene expressions and the effect of renin-angiotensin system inhibition, 8 FGS/Nga/Kist mice were treated by angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, enalapril (150 mg/L in drinking water) for 12 weeks. Another non-treated, agematched 8 FGS/Nga/Kist mice and 6 nomal CBA/Nga mice were also included in this study. The urinary protein excrtion, magnitude of glomerular sclerosis, and renal express of MCP-1 and TGF-β were evaluated by uristick, light microscopic examination and competitive RT-PCR, respectively. CBA/Nga mice did not show significant proteinuria. However, urinary protein scores of enalapril-treated FgS/Nga/Kist mice was significantly lower than that of non-treated FGS/Nga/Kist mice (2.0±0.3, 4.1±0.5, respectively, p <0.05). Focal and segmental glomerular scierosis index of enalapril treated FGS/Nga/Kist mice was significantly lower than that of non-treated FGS/Nga/Kist mice (120±13, 189±15, respectively, p < 0.05). The level of renal TGF-β gene expression of enalapril treated FGS/Nga/Kist was significantly higher than that of CBA/Nga mice (4.7±1.3, 1.0±0.3, respentively, p< 0.05). But, enalapril treated FGs/Nga/Kist mice showed significantly lower level of TGF-β expression than that of non-treated FGS/Nga/Kist mice(p<0.05). MCP-1 gene expression of untreated FGS/Nga/Kist mice was significantly lower than that of CBA/Nga mice. However, enalapril treated FGS/Nga/Kist mice showed markedly increased level of MCP-1 gene expression compared to the untreated FGS/Nga/Kist mice(9.8±1.8, 3.6±1.2, respectively, p<0.05). With the above result, we speculate that angiotensin converting enzyme ingibition attenuates the renal injury process in this model and the regulation pathway of MCP-1 by renin-angiotensin system may be different from other animal renal injury models.

      • 강재 슬릿형 댐퍼를 부착한 철근콘크리트조 골조의 거동

        신종익,이정한,송한범,강대언,오상훈,차승렬,이용재,김상대,이원호 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1(구조계)

        This study investigates the performance of the reinforced concrete frame with the steel plate slit damper. The test was carried out to investigate the structural behavior between the reinforced concrete bare frame and the reinforced concrete frame with the steel plate slit damper. The test results showed that the energy absorption capacity of the damped-frame was several times larger than that of the bare frame. For the damage by the input energy is concentrated on the steel plate slit damper, the ductilities of the former structure were increased and the damaged frame can be reused after exchange the steel plate slit damper.

      • 家庭機能變化에 따른 家政科敎育의 方向

        姜信珠,徐英淑 慶北大學校 師範大學 1980 敎育硏究誌 Vol.22 No.-

        In a recent study on functions of home in Korea, the junior: author (Young-Sook Suh, 1979) drew a conclusion that "changes in functions of home called for by the majority of Korean population are urgently necessary for us to carry what we call modernization into the territory of home-life;" Based on the conclusion, this study was designed (1), to introduce new objectives to home economics education in secondary schools and (2) to select contents relevant to facilitating students to achieve those objectives. Six general objectives were established for bringing, about changes in functions of home. They are as follows: 1. Use, maintain and manage family and material resources effectively. 2. Improve family planning and; child-rearing. 3. Consume material resources and time: select and purchase wisely home furnishings and equipment: 4. Build home environment for bringing up children to be whole's person. 5. Use leisure creatively. 6. Create and produce household goods. By means of specifying general objectives more concretely, twenty-two sub-objectives were obtained. Contents were determined in line with those sub-objectives. Finally, contents were able to reorganize into-six domains of home economies education; Home management, Clothing and textiles, Food and nutrition, Housing, Child care, and Family health and welfare.

      • 해운대 달맞이 언덕에 있어서 바다조망경관의 역사적 변천에 관한 연구

        강영조,신수안,조미나,이현주,박은희 동아대학교 건설기술연구소 2000 硏究報告 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the historic transition of the prospects on Haeundae dalmaji hill. Dalmaji hill is well known for a character of configuration on the ground with the scene of the sea. We will infer that how did it change the prospects of Dalmaji hill's sea through the analyzing of the preset situation and location of building on the hill. (1) We investigated the stories of the building, the history, the business condition. (2) We collect the twenty four view points which is able to have seascape on the hill, being easily approaching to the road, and condition of changing the building. (3) We clarified the transition of seascape prospect and considered the characteristics of the six types from which were divided the condition of seascape prospect.

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